Showing posts with label Female Role. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Female Role. Show all posts

Monday, June 24, 2024

Babs; A Bimbo's Life

Babs; A Bimbo's Life

My wife and I had taken over the business from her parents when they retired. Her Mom still looked in occasionally on how we were doing but her husband loved golf, so he was on some course playing with his clubs and his balls. Yes it has always been a joke that he did play with his balls when out golfing. He didn’t find it funny, so the little he was around us he was either watching TV or on his computer playing a game. Yes, the computer game was based on golf, obviously the man was obsessed.

Of course, he joined a country club, one of the most prestigious in the area, the fact that it took an hour to get there made no difference to him. Their golf course was one of the most highly rated courses in the state, thus the reason for joining the country club. Belonging to that country club came with a price, ten thousand dollars for a one year membership. He did try to get his wife to move closer to the country club but that idea died an instant death, his wife wanting nothing to do with that premise.

The terms of the takeover stated that on our twenty-first birthday we would take over the running of the business. We had married when we were eighteen and in our freshman year of college. Both of us quite intelligent finishing high school a year early and then graduated from college in three years. Angie my wife majored in psychology and business management mainly personnel management. I chose business management also but took courses in accounting. We knew what we would be doing when we graduated so tried to plan accordingly.

We held equal positions in the company, any major decision had to have both of our approvals. Otherwise Angie handled personnel and sales and I handled shipping and accounting. The few positions not in those departments were handled by both of us. Surprisingly we did well right from the start, the decisions we made seemed to be right for the time and circumstances, the business flourishing under our leadership. Her Mom still kept an eye on us, it turns out she was the one that had built the company up to what it was when we took over, although to hear her husband tell the story it would have went to hell without his leadership. Anybody that knew him very well considered that statement ludicrous.

Angie and I set up a time every day for us to discuss what was going on and what things we needed to do to handle the specific situation. Usually we agreed without any debate but when Angie wanted to hire her BFF as a salesperson I voiced my opinion. It is her decision, but from my exposure to Becky I could not see her as a salesperson ever. She was good looking, dressed sharply but otherwise was your typical Bimbo. I figured she had an IQ of eighty, if that high. She skipped around as she talked in any conversation, very often in a valley girl accent. Quite often she would change topics right in the middle of a conversation, no reason for doing it and definitely not anything relevant to the earlier part of the discussion.

I kept it up, my campaign to exclude her, for the next four weeks as Becky was given a job as a secretary to acquaint herself with the company and who some of the employees were. Every time I was around here, that bimbo like behavior was evident, so I made a few comments to others, most of them agreed with me, the others remaining quiet about the whole situation. Looking back that should have been my approach, but Becky was just so blatant about her behavior, convincing me that our company was not the place for her ever. Angie listened to me often spout my distaste for her decision to hire her, always playing with her phone when I was doing so. The reports back from her supervisor as a secretary were favorable, Becky doing an adequate job and performing all that was asked of her quietly and in a satisfactory manner. Next was a week of sales orientation for Becky, then after that was completed she would be unleashed as a full pledged salesperson.

Of course, I kept up my assault on Angie’s decision, for some reason Becky was like a thorn in my side, the only satisfactory solution would be to remove the thorn. Again from the sales instructor Becky received passing marks. Again a logical point for me to cease and desist my attack and see how she does out in the real world. But no I was on a mission, one way or another I was going to succeed somehow in denying her continued employment.

The day before Becky joined the sales force Angie had me summoned from a meeting I had with several financial people for a meeting with her. As soon as my meeting was over I went to see what she wanted. It was in our joint office, a work table over to the side of our desks laid out with all matter of papers and reports. She asked me to sit next to her at the head of that table. She turned on a tape recorder that was next to her, a tool we used often to record exactly what was said, eliminating any misunderstandings on what was actually said between us in subsequent meetings.

She placed a proposed agreement directly in front of us, telling me to read it aloud and then sign it. “It concerns Becky and your willful disrespect for her as an employee. It is a bet between us, concerning how she does in the next four weeks. The winner of that bet will take over the running of this company solely, the loser stepping aside to allow this.” I quickly turned to look at her, to see if she was joking. For either of us this would be a major step.

“I have a recording of most of your insults and concerns concerning Becky. As far as I know she has never done anything to you to cause this kind of attitude from you. As far as the business is concerned this kind of talk and attitude is very counterproductive to the operation of the business. Several employees have come to me to voice their opinion, filing a complaint about your behavior. Most fear if you are not stopped they may fall prey to your next attack on an employee. Those requests are written and signed by the employees in that pile, fifteen complaints so far.”

“So with the voice recordings of your objections to her hiring and the ones from other employees I have fifty-one instances of you stepping out of line with regards to an employee. I must remind you that personnel is not in your jurisdiction, and that Becky failing points a finger at me not you. Therefore the bet. Read the agreement out loud for the tape recording and then we will discuss it.”

I swallowed hard a couple of times finally finding my voice and started reading the agreement. “The following is an agreement (bet) between Angie Walker and Jean Walker, co-CEO’s of this company. The bet concerns the progress of Becky Sutherland, an employee with this company, as an outside salesperson. The duration is for four weeks, twenty-eight days to be specific. In her position as a salesperson she is to be furnished no leads that are generated within the company, only ones that she comes up with on her own. If she meets her sales goals her continued employment is to be assured. For the purpose of this bet if she exceeds that weekly goal then Jean Walker will consent to changes necessary for him to resemble a bimbo his apparent favorite type of person. Simply put a twenty percent increase above goals will result in two changes, a thirty percent increase three changes and so on. The changes will be freely accepted and arranged for by Jean Walker, himself. One instance of disregard of company policies and rules will be canceled out when a change has been submitted to.”

“If Becky Sutherland does not meet her goals, that will be noted and three recurring instances will result in her dismissal from employment. Angie Walker will lose one week’s pay for each instance of Becky not meeting her goals.”

“At the end of the four week period the winner of the bet, will become sole CEO of the company and the loser will step down from any managerial position. It will be done of their own free will with no coercion or outside influences involved.”

After reading the agreement I just sat there, kind of numb to anything going on around me. There is definitely a lot at stake here, I could see me winning easily, not that I wanted Angie out of the company, but if I lost I am sure she would be relieved to see me go. Angie never stated it out loud, but I am sure the thought was there just below the surface all along. I am sure her Mother would be glad to drive me home that day, when I had to resign. The deal with both of us as CEO’s was done to accommodate our marriage, not because her Mother had any faith in me helping Angie run her company.

I couldn’t find anything wrong with the agreement, although I did have a few questions about the changes to become a bimbo. After voicing them Angie just pointed to a picture of Becky in her employment file, my apparent ideal bimbo. “The changes necessary to make you resemble Becky as far as modern science and beauty treatments can provide. Remember you have to willingly embrace the changes as if you want them for yourself, not because you have to have them done.”

“I will take any refusal to embrace what comes about as failure to uphold your part of the agreement and will then ask for your resignation from the company. If you will not own up to an agreement you willingly sign and enter into, you have no place here. I would imagine at that time it will also cause a rift in our marriage, the later to suffer failure. I have been greatly disturbed by your behavior lately, the person I married and loved before seems to have vanished into something I do not recognize.”

“So if you agree sign on the dotted line, if you want no part of this I suggest we seek the proper attorneys and explore divorce before it gets any worse between us. I am sure we can divide things amicably between us, or at least I hope we can.”

I picked up a pen, signed and dated the agreements and passed them over to Angie, she did the same and it was done. Now we both had signed copies of this new part of our life, I got up from the chair and pulled her into a hug, then kissed her on the lips. Before she could say anything I apologized for getting carried away, with my previous track record she should not be surprised. Then as she cuddled under my arm and put her arms around my chest, she whispered that I will look cute as a Becky lookalike, you know I have never had a play toy before, a life size toy to dress and play with, I can’t wait. I gave her a look, but chose to ignore her statement. I am sure I will win hands down, maybe making the gesture to keep Angie as co-CEO to mend a damaged fence. Thinking back I had got careless and damaged a bunch of those fences, not even realizing I had done so at the time.

I followed Becky’s progress each day, in fact the first thing every morning that was the first place I headed to. Angie caught me looking at the sales figures several mornings, just smiled wanting to know if I had decided what hair color I wanted in my portrayal as a Bimbo. She was doing alright, nearing her sales goals but with only a few days left in the week I doubted she would make it. Then Friday evening the last sales had been posted and I checked on Becky’s figures. She had beat her sales goal by a thousand dollars, quite a feat for a new sales person. Then Angie told me Becky had an appointment with another prospective client Saturday morning, so that figure might get even better. I wanted to know why she was working Saturday, Angie just smiled, for a bimbo she is quite motivated, wanting to excel and show others my choice of her as an employee was not wrong. I put my head down in shame, most likely I was that employee.

I sweated all weekend, I would not find out her final sales figure until Monday morning, when she brought in her paperwork from the weekend. I knew I would experience one change already but how many more were to come? Maybe she would fail to get them as customers and I would be saved from even more embarrassment.

Well Monday morning was pure hell from the time I got up until I made it to the office. I accessed the figures for all of the salespeople and instantly the day went from bad to horrible. At the top of the list was Becky, now our top salesperson for the week. I looked at the figures and let out a moan.

Yes, a male can moan like a female when faced with very disturbing news. A sixty percent increase over her sales goals and now my week suddenly went to pot. To top it off, Angie told me Becky was already calling on prospective customers this morning, at a little after nine AM. I tried to get focused on my job, but nothing seemed to matter anymore. I was on a slippery slope and someone had turned on the water making it even harder to keep from sliding in.

I asked Angie where I needed to go to get the changes for the week. She smiled but did not tease me about it. I was handed a card, the information I needed on it. I was to see Julia, my technician to administer the changes. I made the call, getting an appointment for later today. From Angie I learned that Julia had been given a list of my favorite bimbo traits, my changes to be taken from that list. The first week nothing obvious would be done to me that would show, but in later weeks nothing was to be withheld. I did get a little work done, but it was very little. Angie was there to give me a kiss as I headed off to my appointment, her smirk quite obvious.

I was amazed at my first view of the salon. Not anything like I had imagined when making the appointment. I was quickly led by Julia back to her styling area, then seated in her chair. The chair was leaned back and my hair washed and conditioned. I had allowed my hair to get longer than usual, the length now approaching the bottom of my neck. The chair was set back up and I was handed a set of earbuds like you see on a Walkman. The cord led to a unit setting on her counter and the soft sound of music filled my ears. My hair was cut in a feminine style, causing me to panic some till she brushed it back into a unisex type of haircut. My eyebrows were thinned some but other than being less noticeable it did not change my appearance that much.

She then had me stand, as she undid my belt buckle and let my pants drop to my ankles. My boxers followed suit as she had me lean forward. I felt something pushed against my left cheek and then she used a blow dryer aimed at the same area. I wondered what she had done till she held a mirror so that I could see the tattoo like word she had applied to my ass. In a very feminine script it stated Bimbo. The word not being the worst part, the size of the letters was, the B in Bimbo almost four inches high. I was told it is permanent, I would not have to worry about it coming off in the shower or bath. She had me step out of my pants taking my boxers and throwing them in her wastebasket. I was handed a frilly pair of panties, satin no less and she helped get them up my legs and into position. I was helped back into my pants, the pants sliding over the panties a fact not easily ignored. I was short of breath, having a difficult time to keep my heart from beating so hard. It also affected junior, my jeans being quite baggy the only thing keeping his reaction to the panties from being seen.

I counted four things so far, knowing I still had two more to go. I knew my fate when I entered the salon, so I kept quiet the whole time, really not much can be said when suffering these treatments. I know I was still shocked about the tattoo, something forever identifying me as a bimbo. Maybe not seen by others but still there. I know I will forever be aware of its presence. I am already wishing I had kept quiet about Angie hiring Becky, a thought I will be pondering many times in the following weeks.

The chair leaned back once again and I received a facial, including a facial mask to improve the looks of my skin. An hour later my face was velvety smooth, and surprisingly clear and lighter in color. The facial mask will stop any further hair growth, now the only hair on my face and neck is my thinner eyebrows. She next moved my hands into two bowls of liquid, I was going to receive a manicure, the sixth item of change. It took her two hours to remove any cuticle, file my nails into neat ovals and apply four coats of polish. In those coats of polish was a base coat, two coats of a clear polish, and a clear sealer over everything else. The clear sealer will keep the polish from chipping, and keep me from removing it until my next visit to the salon. My nails looked shiny, but other than that I thought it would not be noticed that much.

I had to sign at the front for what was done to me and carry a note back to Angie letting her know exactly what changes had been performed on my body. I presume that was done to make sure Angie knew exactly what Bimbo traits had been given me, so there would be no hiding or disguising of any of the changes by me.

When I got back to the office Angie was waiting for me her hand held out in front of her waiting for the note. I handed it over, blushing bright red, knowing she would soon be aware of my tattoo. Sure enough she took my hand and led me into our private office, undid my belt and dropped my pants to the floor. Her hand caressing the panties as she slid them down my legs. Then a squeal as she bent me over the desk and examined my tramp stamp. She ran her hand over it many times, tracing the letters with a little extra emphasis when she got to the letter B of Bimbo. She finally let me up telling me that tonight there will be further exploration down there so not to plan anything different. I backed away, this is a side of Angie I had never experienced. She made sure my pants got up and buckled running her hand over my swollen penis through the material, then grabbing it and squeezing it just for fun. Yes the panties were brought up first, then slid over my penis several times, causing me to groan more than once.

Well getting anything else done today was out, for one thing my erection was tenting my pants out obscenely and would not go down. I sat at my desk trying to think pure thoughts but an hour later I was still rock hard. To be able to get to the car and eventually home I needed to do something, so I went to our private bathroom dropped my pants again for the third time today and jerked off. Of course just as I was spurting into the sink Angie walked in, swatted my hands away and milked me empty. One hand on my penis and the other hand tracing my tramp stamp with her finger. I was left to clean myself up, then made my way back to my desk. I don’t think I will be able to handle many days like this, and remain sane. As I sat there I closed my eyes, picturing my lips coated in a shiny pink lipstick, the taste of it as I ran my tongue over my lips delightful. I turned my head and the sway of my soon to be earrings brushing against my neck added to the feelings, and I shivered and let out another low moan.

My eyes shot open, wondering if that moan was heard by anybody. Yep it was, as Angie came in reached down and kissed me on the lips and then licked hers as if she tasted something. I got up and ran to the bathroom mirror to see if I was wearing lipstick, letting out a huge sigh when I noticed my lips were the same as always. I did manage to escape the office without further difficulty. Angie picked up some take out on the way home, while I was just lucky to make it home. She found me in our bedroom naked and trying to see how bad the tattoo made me look. I was almost in tears, forever marked as a bimbo all because I couldn’t keep my mouth shut and let things work themselves out.

Of course, Angie clearing her throat and smiling increased the redness in my cheeks, then scurrying for something to wear to hide the source of my embarrassment. As Angie walked up to me my lacy panties dangling from her finger, a huge smile plastered on her face. I grabbed them and pulled them up my legs as fast as I could my hard as a rock erection preventing them laying right. Angie placed her hand around my penis and led me back to the bathroom, squirting some hand lotion on her palm as she passed the vanity. A few pumps and I emptied my load into the bathroom sink. She hugged me, then dragged me by my male organ back downstairs informing me that I needed some food to keep up my strength for later tonight.

I was hand fed dinner bite by bite, then hauled up to our bed and told to stay. I stuck out my tongue in defiance but her kissing me and almost swallowing my tongue at the same time left me speechless. For the next four hours that is where I stayed, just like an obedient pet. Half way through the bedroom activities I was laid face down on the bed and my anus lubed up real good. Then I felt something large and hard pressing against my rosebud. Oh gawd was all I managed as she pushed it gently into my rear hole, then back out and then back in. I was lost in moans and tears as she fucked me with her dildo, while rubbing her hand over my tramp stamp. I guess from that moment on I was her bimbo, literally.

Sometime later I slipped off into dreamland, dreaming of being filled by my lover. By morning I was slightly recovered, getting dressed and making my way to the office. I think I managed to get my new hairstyle to look unisex, but several of the guys whistling at my appearance squashed that notion. I hurried to get to the safety of my office only to find her mother there sitting in my chair. She got up and came to me intending to do a thorough inspection of my new appearance. After fifteen minutes she smiled and took my hand and dragged me to the secretary’s desk outside our offices. She sat me down in the chair, suggesting that here would be a better use of my talents what little I had. I started to say something in return, then swallowed hard, the words never leaving my throat. She made a phone call and soon someone from personnel was there having me sign an application for a job. I looked at her Mom, the look I received had me signing it and then she left with the lady from personnel. That is where Angie found me, my head in my hands sobbing quietly in my misery.

Well Babs it seems you have finally found your rightful spot here at Walker Enterprises. Get you note pad and a pencil and come into my office. I looked at her in puzzlement, Babs where did that come from. I found a pad and a pencil and followed her into her office. She sat in her chair while I was made to stand. I tried twice to sit in the other chair in front of her desk, both times she shook her head and told me to remain standing.

Memo to all employees, as of today my husband has taken a well-deserved three week vacation from his duties. Later today a new employee Babs will handle some of those duties temporarily. Please make her feel welcome, and give her your fullest cooperation in all matters. Write that up and send it to all employees. I opened my mouth twice but again no words escaped. Go back to the salon and have them assist you in picking some work outfits appropriate for a secretary. Heels as well, as I know you would want to look your best at all times. Everything else stays the same, no makeup with your hair as it is now. If when you get back any employee that guesses who you really are you are to admit it openly and then go on about your job as my secretary as if everything else is normal. Remember Becky your idol received quite satisfactory remarks as a secretary. I hope you can do the same. This position is until the bet is concluded one way or the other. Now I want to see that memo in my inbox within ten minutes, then off to the salon for you. I typed it up on my computer then selected how it was to be distributed and hit send. I was not sure whether to break down in tears or head to the salon.

I ended up at the salon, Julia waiting for me with open arms. I got hugged her holding me for quite some time in her embrace. Then she helped me pick fifteen outfits appropriate for a young secretary. I even got a couple pair of pants to wear, although the color and style not anything that a male would ever wear. I was dressed in one of the blazers with a white blouse underneath it, then the matching pants to the blazer. I did receive a lot of underwear, no bras yet though. The assortment of panties and the slips to go with the skirts constituted much of the lingerie. Two girdles to wear with the skirts since the skirts were very tight through the ass and thighs. I returned to work, my car loaded down with clothes and three pairs of shoes. The shoes were all heels, in basic colors to go with my outfits. Luckily for me the heels were blocky, so walking in them was not that difficult, although the heel height was nearing three inches.

I made it as far as the secretary’s desk I was to work at before Angie saw me. I was dragged back to her office and kissed so hard. She apologized for her Mom getting involved in this, but considering how I looked right now, she thinks it was a wise decision. At this point I should have just gave in, let Angie win the bet and step down from any management position. Peace in the family and a viable marriage the reward for doing this. I still had this idea that I would win eventually, so the stakes stayed the same, but now I was working as a secretary. If Becky could succeed at this position I am sure that I can too. The male mind is so stubborn, even faced with unquestionable facts it persists as if everything will correct itself. Now with me dressed as a female, tattooed and a hairless face, you would think that some brain activity might kick in. I guess along with the six changes, my mind got a dose of acute Bimboitis.

I ended up being so busy as her secretary that I completely forgot about Becky. Most of my duties were fetching things for people, coffee, or a file for them to look at, or delivering a message to someone else in the company even though we have a quite good email system. I imagine they just wanted to see me dressed as a female and doing their bidding. It was Monday of the next week when I got called into Angie’s office. She told me that I am excused from work today as a secretary, since I needed to be at the salon for most of today and part of tomorrow. Still no light coming on upstairs, I guess I am getting this bimbo behavior down pat. Angie having to repeat herself several times to finally get my attention. Becky’s sales were up one hundred and thirty percent over her goal, so I had thirteen more steps to experience. I looked at her with a blank expression, so what has that got to do with me. So Angie repeated her statement again, explaining carefully that I was going to the salon and have thirteen more things done to me so that I will appear more feminine in my looks, further steps on my goal to become a bimbo like I imagined Becky to be.

That didn’t sound right somehow, I was not trying to become a bimbo like Becky, but now that I am thinking about it I am not sure exactly what my goal was. Angie had one of the male sales people drive me to the salon, then she would pick me up there tonight when she got off work. I haven’t felt comfortable driving anymore, the whole thing with a car just seems too complicated.

Once at the salon I was whisked back to a treatment room, lots of things to do on my list for the next couple of days. One of the first things was the headphones, the music played on them so soothing and relaxing. I eagerly took them from the lady swiftly slipping them over my ears and letting out a sigh. The music so relaxing, so I just let my mind wander.

I was kind of out of it for some reason, although I felt it when two cups were glued to my chest and hoses hooked up to the cups. A pump staring pulling tissue from my chest into the cups, Oh goody I am getting breasts. Quite sizable ones according to the cup size. The lady said something about D’s, whatever that means.

Next they moved between my legs, moving my feet wide apart so they could work on my little fella. I know he was excited as they fondled him, until they sprayed something on him and I lost all feeling down there. I hope he is happy wherever they have put him.

The music was so soothing, making me lose track of what is going on, but so comforting too. When the lady held up a mirror so that I could see what was done there was nothing but a slit left, just like what Angie has. It looked so neat and clean not a hair to be seen just two luscious lips surrounding an inviting slit.

When I was moved to another chair to get my hair washed and conditioned, there was nothing to get in my way for putting my thighs together, I squealed a little, that is so cool. I slipped off into dreamland several times as she was fussing with my hair, the one time I remembered a little my hair was filled with pieces of foil, wow I look like an alien this way. It seemed like she worked on my hair forever, I really didn’t care I had my music, it is so soothing. The last time my eyes opened and were able to focus on something my hair seems almost pink in color and was now almost to my waist. It seemed heavier, making me hold my head differently because of the weight.

My fingernails were next to be worked on, as half inch extensions were added to each nail. I received a pale pink polish, the color going well with my new hair color. My toenails were made to match as each toe sported the cute vibrant color. I was so excited the polish so cool, and me being able to wear it to work a real treat.

My eyebrows were eliminated, the wax strip being yanked off made me aware of this change. I batted my eyelashes at the mirror, the lack of eyebrows making my eyes look bigger. Then she added hundreds of individual eyelashes to my own, making my eyes stand out even more. I wanted to say pop, but maybe that was a bad choice of words.

My ears were pierced, the tech using a gun like thingy pointing at my ears to make the holes. She added three pair of earrings to the new holes, with me going berserk at the cute earrings that I now get to wear. The long dangle earring at the bottom of the ear lobe was fun to play with, hitting it with my finger and then watching it sway back and forth.

She used a lipstick on my lips three times, letting it sink in before applying another coat. My lips tingled at each application of the lipstick, but each time she added a coat they looked fatter and much sexier. Yeah, now when I get kissed it will be so much fun.

Right before she worked on my lips she put the calf of my leg in a form, strapping it tightly to the form. If the form was not there it would be like I was standing on my tip toes. I wiggled my toes, the pink polish looking so cute on my toes, maybe the forms will shape my calves to look sexier.

As my hair was being taken out of the curlers, the lady was talking to me, listening to what I had to say and stopping to spray something down my throat every once in a while. My voice seemed different, higher and almost squeaky. I loved it trying to drag the lady closer so I could give her a hug for making me sound so good.

Once the forms were removed from my legs, a pair of sexy high heels were slipped on my feet and buckled. The heel was almost six inches tall, with only a thin strap around my ankle holding them on my feet. I squealed when I saw how my feet looked in the heels, hoping I could get more heels like this in other colors. I looked at the tiny buckles, wondering how my new fingernails would ever get them undone. But then why would I want to take them off, looking as good as they do on my feet. I looked in the mirror my stockings shiny and silky, the heels a perfect match to the look.

Once my hairstyle was finished, the tape that had been playing the music for me to listen to was removed from the player and slid into my purse, a keepsake for me for later. I got some lipstick to match my nails and then was taken to the front for my ride.

Angie, was there and grabbed my hand leading me out to her car. She helped me get situated in the passenger seat, then drove us home. I was led into the house and to our bedroom, undressed and pushed back on the bed. She played with me for hours, manipulating my stiff nipples and putting things into my cute slit. I was kissed, groped and otherwise played with like I was a toy.

I had to call a time out, I needed to pee real bad, Angie watching me running to the bathroom, on my tip toes since I couldn’t walk with my feet flat on the floor and giggling away. I sat on the toilet, then felt a release of liquid from between my legs. I had to wipe with toilet paper twice to get it somewhat dry. Back on my toes to get back to the bed, Angie pointing to some heeled bedroom slippers for me to slip on. Once on I was led to the kitchen, still naked, my breasts bouncing wildly as I followed her. She pointed to one of our bar stools, and I tried to get my tush up on it. It took me three attempts, with me laughing and giggling at my failed attempts to do such a simple task.

She sat right next to me taking one of my hands in hers and staring me in the face. “You need to listen to me carefully. You are no longer a male, today’s treatments have left you as a bimbo, your life long wish. Most everything done to you is permanent unless I want it reversed. The music you have been listening to has helped reduce your IQ and left you with a lot of mannerisms suited for a bimbo like you. I still love you, but let’s face it your behavior recently has been counterproductive for anyone in management. I need you to sign this paper, stating that you are stepping down as a member of management. I can find a job for you, one that you can handle with your limited IQ or you can elect to be my full time wife and play toy, the choice is yours.”

I squealed, you are going to play with me more? She shook her head but pointed to the paper. I signed taking time to make little hearts on top of several of my letters. She folded up the paper and put it in her purse, then kissed me and hugged me close. I whispered in her ear, I will take the bimbo wife and play toy option thank you. As for your plan to remove me from management it did work, your mother should be happy. I do suggest to maximize profits in the next quarter you need to increase the inventory kept on hand, trends show an increase in customer’s disposable income. It might also be wise to add that extra sales person now, their salary easily offset by the increase in sales.

Now can you give me one of your charge cards, I need some new colors of lipstick ones that will match with my platinum blonde hair. Could you stop and pick up some take out for us later, you know how hopeless I am at cooking anything. Now where is Shawn, my driver, I need to get to the mall before the stores get crowded with the evening rush. Ciao Angie.

As I turned around to see if she understood me I saw her mouth open and little noises coming from within. Yep it is really fun being a bimbo, my life long desire and now full time occupation. Let me at the stores, I need clothes, cosmetics and jewelry.

I did get the clothes I wanted, and while out and about made a standing appointment at the salon, a necessity for someone like me. I definitely planned on being a high maintenance Bimbo, in fact I am looking forward to it.

Although I had chosen the Bimbo wife and play toy option, Angie soon had me back at work as her secretary. I am old news now in the company, nobody making any comments or remarks about my appearance and actions.

Incidentally, Becky and I are now good friends, often having lunch together several times a week. She is happy for me, my plan to become a Bimbo working out so well for me. Yes, Becky was in on it all along, with me supplying her a few sales leads to make sure she did well. As always where there is a will, there is a way.

© 2016 thru 2024 by Francesca

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Katy; Developing A Female Figure

Katy; Developing A Female Figure

My gorgeous wife came prancing in from a day of shopping, way too many bags in her hands. The charge cards getting hit hard again I am sure. She dropped them on the floor and made a beeline for me. I backed off a step or two, whenever she does this it is not a good sign. Probably wants me to do something for her at least that is her usual reason for buttering me up. I got pushed back into a chair and she plopped her derriere on my lap. Now I was worried, whatever she wants this is major, pulling out all the big guns to make her attack. I leaned as far back in the chair as possible, to keep some distance between us, but she just leaned closer and kissed me on the lips. It was not a casual kiss, I am sure there was smoke coming from me, I know I felt like my whole body was smoldering.

I took a big breath and decided to see if I can put an end to this before this goes on all night. “All right, spill the beans what do you want me to do that is totally against anything that I might even consider doing in this century?” I got a big smile from her, she has already got her foot in the door, now she just needs to close the deal.

“I am sure you remember Ronnie, the one with the lingerie store near the mall. Well she needs a favor from you. We have been best friends for years, now she is branching out into a new line of clothing for the male, something sexy and wicked. She has invited some of our friends to a special type of lingerie party, and of course we are invited. Just think you will be among twenty gorgeous females, all in brief and sexy lingerie.” At least, that is the version of the story I was told on this particular evening.

I do remember Ronnie, the most wicked female on this earth. If it involves sex, any type she knows about it or wrote the book about it. Ronnie and my wife are indeed friends, we have exchanged dinner invites over the years, and her presence guarantees a lively, erotic, and interesting get together. If she thinks it, it is soon verbalized, no hesitation whatsoever.

What Ronnie wanted me there for worried me, but being around Caroline’s friends was winning the debate at the moment. Without exception there was not a finer looking group of females anywhere. I was forbidden to touch, but my wife did allow me to look. Of course, she was by my side all the time to make sure it was only my eyes involved in this appreciation of her friend’s fantastic figures and unexcelled beauty.

Instead of just flat telling her no, I wavered which she took as total approval of her proposal. I was told the date and time so that I could make sure to be available. It was scheduled for later in the week, at five P.M. I thought that was a little early for a party, most of the ones Caroline has attended in the past were scheduled for seven or eight P.M. Yes, she has been to other lingerie parties, and from what I see afterwards she has had quite a bit of fun. Rowdy but sexy would be a good description of her actions after she returns from one of these parties. Ronnie had been involved in more than one of these parties, so I was wary of her being involved in this one. The things she showed me in the past that she bought guaranteed to liven many a night in our bedroom.

The subject got dropped, I did receive a romantic evening, most of my wishes seen to by my lovely wife. The next couple of days went without anything unusual happening, although the romantic evenings continued. I managed to get most of my work caught up, so that in case things turned out worse than I expected I would have a couple of days to recoup. I did consulting work for small businesses, mostly involving inventory levels and making the proper buying choices. Over the years I have managed to build up the business, now it is my only source of income. My job before starting my business finally done away with, a little over a year ago.

The day of the party, Caroline was extra attentive, making sure anything I desired was given to me. My favorite food for lunch, even a communal shower as we got ready to go to the party. Afterward I actually had to stand under some cold water to get certain things to behave themselves. I dressed in some Dockers, my preferred mode of attire, along with a nice sweater, Caroline vetoed the sweater for some reason, handing me one of my old polo shirts instead.

She drove us to Ronnie’s store, parked around back and knocked on the door. Ronnie let us in, hugging Caroline and appraising my body as she showed us in. It was one of those careful inspections of every inch of my body, even walking behind me to appraise my ass. That unnerved me even more.

We sat in her office and chit chatted some, mainly the two girls talking about who was coming to the party. Then Ronnie grabbed my hand and led me to a frame at the back of her store. It was situated at one end of her storeroom, the room now cleared of any merchandise with some chairs stacked against the far wall. She explained she wanted me to grab hold of the top of the frame while she adjusted the frame to size. She cautioned me it was still a little wobbly, so that I needed to steady it as she made the adjustments.

It was wobbly so I held on to it as she made adjustments to the legs and supports. Maybe that was what she wanted me for to help her get everything set up. I closed my eyes for a minute, her outfit that she was wearing very provocative, her breasts were almost to escape her clothing as she had her hands above her head quite often, her nipples trying to peek over the neckline of her dress.

Believe me, my eyes were riveted to their possible escape. I tried to think pure thoughts, but I could feel junior twitching a little already. Ronnie stood on a step stool, adjusting the top of the frame, her breasts now eye level or above and only inches away from my face as she leaned closer to reach part of the frame. I squinted hard, trying to keep my eyes closed, this was pure torture. The last peek showed a part of her nipple about to escape her bra, as she was stretching to reach that part of the frame. If it made it that far it would have no problem escaping the neckline of the blouse she wore.

I heard her ask Caroline for something, then her grabbing a hold of my wrists. I thought she was about to fall so I tried to remove my wrists from the bar only to find them firmly attached to said bar. Caroline was suddenly playing with my clothes as they were unbuttoned and slid down my body. The shirt could not be removed since my wrists were secured to the bar, so a pair of scissors were used and it was cut off of me. Now I knew why my sweater was vetoed earlier.

My boxers were next as I started to vocalize my opinion on them being removed. Meanwhile Ronnie had got down from the step ladder, her task accomplished. From behind my head a pair of hands shoved something in my mouth and it was promptly secured behind my head. I whimpered, screamed, anything I could do to make my distaste known of what was happening to me, but only muffled sounds escaped from my mouth. I even tried stomping my feet, similar to what a child would do when they were not getting their way. Needless to say I did not get my way, now naked, gagged and still attached to that damn frame.

Caroline moved in front of me, smiled and started to rub my erection. I instantly turned red, in front of Ronnie this is humiliating but despite the circumstances an instant turn on. Caroline was slow and methodical with her rubbing getting me so hard. This was kept up for quite some time, bringing me right to the edge and then slowly caressed until I was frustrated but not about to come. After the fifth or sixth time Caroline came around to face me and held my head in her hands. She told me to remain quiet, she had some questions to ask me requiring an answer. I nodded my head in agreement and she released the gag, but left it hanging around my neck. I sure it was on purpose, a reminder to behave or have the gag replaced.

“Now what I want is for your approval to have your body hair removed. It is to be done with a cream, and will be permanent.” I started to say something but a finger on my lips reminded me of my predicament. “I love you, always have but the hair on your body I can do without. So I am asking for you to allow me to remove all of it below your eyebrows. What we have in mind tonight will work better with you hairless, but it is and will remain your decision.”

My face scrunched up, gawd can this get any more involved. In a weak moment I nodded my head, telling her to go ahead. She insisted that I verbalize my agreement, that necessary before they would go ahead. “Yes, I want my body hair removed permanently.” I was ready to ask for something more involving my male organ, but a finger once again reminding me that question had not been asked yet.

“Now Ronnie is going to do a little presentation tonight for the other ladies. It involves you and certain pieces of female clothing. I want you to experience it, keeping an open mind. The rewards afterward should be sufficient for you, all administered by me personally. Other than what I have said it will be better if you go into this not knowing exactly what is going to happen. It will help you portray the emotions we would like to have while the presentation is going on. No need for acting, your actions will be real and honest. I need an approval of future actions or I will release you and you can go back home. I love you and want you to experience this, but only if you can trust me?”

I nodded my head again, but like last time I had to say the words to satisfy her. “Yes please use me and abuse me, for I do love you and trust you.” Then in a whisper, ”I think.” The use me and abuse me was often said to each other, something that one of us read in some book at one time or the other. My gag was replaced after a toe curling kiss, lots of tongue as she manipulated my rock hard organ to the point of no return. The gag was in place before all of the moaning and screaming occurred. That is my moaning and screaming.

Meanwhile Ronnie was spreading a cream all over my body, everywhere but on my male appendage. That was Caroline’s area of expertise. Needless to say, I lost the battle fairly quickly coming in huge spurts on the towel Caroline held around my organ. After the release I hung my head down, so ashamed of my actions, doubly so being watched by Ronnie as Caroline emptied my male appendage of its sperm.

After fifteen minutes more towels were brought in and the cream was wiped off, leaving my skin smooth and hair free. Then the two set up for the party, leaving me there naked and hair less. Back and forth setting up the goodies and extra chairs so everyone would have a front row seat. A front row seat with me as the main attraction. There wasn’t much I could do, my wrists were firmly attached to the top of the once wobbly frame, now suddenly unmoving and quite rigid.

I felt hands on me as they moved around setting up, a few gropes or squeezes to let me know they were still there and I was their pawn in the upcoming drama soon to unfold. I had no idea why I folded so quickly, none of this was what I had in mind for tonight., especially being hair free now, much less the taking of my sperm in front of Ronnie. She did watch intently as Caroline saw to my milking, a cute little smile plastered on her face.

Then the ladies started to show up. In groups of two or three, pausing as they came in and moving towards me to see the main attraction. Well that and to check out the merchandise. More gropes and rubbing as if my body could stand any more. Even a pinch delivered to my right nipple, I turned to see who did it but all I saw was a group of giggling females. I am sure I was red, bright red and any other flamboyant color as I was checked out by these ladies.

With everybody arriving, I was now surrounded by twenty females fully clothed while I was there naked as the day I was born. Not exactly what I was promised by Caroline when she told me about the party. Ronnie got their attention getting everyone to take a seat.

I meanwhile tried to think what was coming and why I had caved in so easily. I do love Caroline, the years we have spent together each one better than the last. I guess this is a natural progression that Caroline has done recently, massaging me to orgasm in front of Ronnie just the latest in a series of gradually more erotic behavior.

“Ladies tonight we have a special presentation. First we want to thank our volunteer Ken for willingly helping us out. Let’s give him a round of applause.” They all clapped, even a few standing hooting and hollering. Some volunteer, trapped and held against my will. Well up until I was forced to enjoy a moment of sheer bliss, no make that utter humiliation. Okay, both of the above.

“Now ladies this class is how to get your significant other into a corset and under your control. On hearing this I moaned, Caroline walking by and tapping my penis right on the head. That was it for him for a while, he instantly deflated trying to shrink to nothing.

All of the items we are using tonight are available in the proper size to fit any of your male partners. So let’s get started. Of course, hair removal is essential, since they likely will be encased in the corset for quite some time. The cream we offer is permanent, allowing for no hair regrowth in the coming years. It is a product of Turnabout Gurl Salon, a useful resource as you continue with your significant other’s feminization. Whether feminized or just left in a corset you will find them much more receptive to your needs, thus leading to a rewarding and satisfying relationship in the future.”

“Now Ken has already had the hair removal treatment, now permanently hair free. You will find the male whining at this treatment until he has experienced what it is like to feel every touch of her lover’s caress. I am using the feminine pronoun, since a lot of their feelings that they will experience are ones experienced by a normal female. Now the next step is to secure his organ so that he has to sit to urinate. This is done with a special garment with a pocket that holds his penis back between his legs. Thus when he needs to pee, he will have to sit as a female does. Think of all the mess that this will stop, not having to clean the toilet seat daily.”

“The garment is available with hip padding like this one that Ken has chosen for his inaugural trip into the female genital world. It has the normal female slit, of course, hair free as befits a modern woman these days. The two puffy lips invites attention and offers a gateway into something wonderful and moist. The garment is slid up her legs and then her large clit is slid into the pocket as Caroline is showing, a tight fit by the way. A cream will make this job go so much easier, also making the subject excited thus helping to ensure a smooth wrinkle free fit.

Then the garment is pulled up to the waist, smoothing out any wrinkles as you go. The tube lays between her cheeks pulling her appendage back between her legs tightly. In most cases you will find that the balls end up popped back into their original pockets as the garment is pulled into place. This makes for an even smoother flat front. You will notice that the color is matched to the skin tone, thus giving the impression that the vulva is real. You should start referring to it as a vulva, an important aspect to drive home the nature of their anatomy change.”

As all of this is happening I am frantically trying to get my hands loose. I know Caroline has explained some of this, but what Ronnie is saying is very worrying. Even though Caroline getting my penis into the sleeve almost made me come again, I still am worried about Ronnie’s words. I hang there limp, everything seems unescapable so I succumb to my fate. I am listening to Ronnie’s spiel, wondering if this is all a joke or if she is selling these items to her friends so that they can subjugate their husbands like they are doing to me. It feels real, as if they are actually doing this to me not as a simple demonstration but something that will last far longer than I have in mind.

“Next comes the actual corset. We have selected a pink color for our model, a favorite color of this particular volunteer. The corset fits from the upper thigh to just below the breasts ending in half cups to support the new breasts. This allows for use of the bathroom and the development of a natural looking pair of breasts. The corset hooks in front, once hooked it takes a special tool to undo the stainless steel busk. The one you purchase needs to be just big enough to slip over the waist with the laces undone. If it is tighter like this one was, even better. Once the busk is fastened there is no taking off of the garment unless you desire it to be removed and you possess the special tool.”

“The laces are then snugged in back, making any final adjustments to the position of the corset. Before you start tightening you need to reach into the half cup of the corset and grab hold of any extra skin on the chest and pull up. Tighten the corset some more than pull up the extraneous skin once again. This is the start of her natural looking breasts.”

“The tightening of the corset needs to be done in stages, taking up all the slack then stopping for fifteen to twenty minutes. This allows the person encased in the corset to get used to the constant restriction of the corset. Of course, towards the end it might be necessary to add a foot in the back to make sure the laces are tightened to the max. That is also the reason for the corset frame, although a door frame in the house can be utilized just as well the wrists secured over the top of the door. Just not as pleasingly aesthetic looking as the corset tightening frame. With the body stretched out the corset can be tightened tighter ensuring a more attractive female figure.”

Now we are ready for some accessories to make the person wearing the corset feel more secure and cared for. This particular strap attaches at the front of the corset and is then pulled through the legs and secured to the back bottom edge of the corset. It locks in place, making the wearer ask for permission to use the bathroom for any function. This is particularly useful in making the wearer more aware of your needs, before she can handle her own basic bodily functions. As you have watched Caroline do the activities described she is constantly rubbing the groin, the newly pushed up breasts and the padded behind. All of these areas are especially sensitive now, thus keeping the subject confused and docile.”

I listened to all of this, moaning and groaning as the corset was tightened and the strap was pulled up between my legs and locked. I could hardly breathe, what little breaths I was able to get were shallow and short. I was surprised when my wrists were released, then realized that I could barely stand much less affect anything further that might be done to me. As my weight settled down on to my legs I felt my stretched out tissue trying to find somewhere to go to. Its previous home had been taken away by the corset. I did notice my breasts seemed fuller now, bubbling out of the half cups of the corset. It seemed my bottom also swelled some, but I could not see it due to the unyielding grasp of the corset. It was now almost impossible to even turn my body to see my new hips and ass. I guess with nowhere to go my breasts and butt are the only two places available for the excess tissue.

My gag was removed, but that changed nothing other than allowing me to maybe get a little bigger breath. After some feeling was returning to my arms I ran my hands over the corset marveling at my new changed figure. No longer straight up and down I now had curves, lots of them. Although I had lots to say I didn’t feel like vocalizing anything, my new changed status made me unsure and feeling very insecure. I kept remembering what Caroline told me, but being encased in the corset and the strap covering up everything below cast some doubt on her earlier words.

So I just stood there waiting for whatever came next. Some extra sheer stockings were smoothed up my legs and attached to garters hanging down from the corset. The feelings that they caused as they were pulled up my legs nearly caused another accident. Then I realized that junior could no longer get erect, trapped in the tube and the crotch strap tightly holding down any possible erection. It was so tight down there I doubt if even a twitch could occur. Heels were slid on my feet and the ankle straps secured tightly. I heard clicks, presuming that they were now locked on my feet. Maybe a moot point since I doubt I could lean over far enough to get to the strap in the first place to see to their removal.

Another set of cuffs fastened around my thighs with a short elastic rope connecting the two. That limited my ability to take much of a step, now short steps the only movement possible. One more set of cuffs this time above my elbows with a similar cord hooking the two together this time in front of me. Now my arms were forced in front of my body, any attempt to move an arm behind my back was impossible. I could still do some things, but I had lost full movement of my arms, now only simple tasks directly in front of me were possible. I realized that I was pretty much a captive of my clothing, short steps, limited arm movements, not able to bend over and now having to ask to do normal bodily functions. Yep, whatever anybody requested of me I would have to do, or face the repercussions. I didn’t even want to think of all the things that could go wrong.

That pretty well ended the demonstration to her assembled guests, so everyone enjoyed the treats and refreshments, while I stood there unable to barely move, much less enjoy anything to eat. The corset was so tight that I doubt there was even room for a cracker in my stomach. I didn’t even want to think of drinking anything and having to ask someone to let me use the bathroom. Nope, not ready for that. I held a little hope that maybe when the party is over I will be released, but it was tempered with the thought that my wife and her best friend might have even more nefarious things in store for me.

I got checked out often, so I just made myself available to be prodded, groped and even pinched. My breasts in particular were the targets most often. Since all of these females have a set of their own, I could not fathom why they wanted to play with mine so much.

Ronnie ran up a lot of sales, boxes and boxes of garments and accessories were loaded in their cars. At least I managed to get out of helping, presumably because of how I was dressed. I could see me with a couple of boxes, naked except for the corset helping the ladies get their purchases into their cars, a small consolation of sorts.

Eventually everybody left, leaving my two mistresses and their plaything there alone. For some reason mistress just seemed appropriate as a description for them. I somehow tried to justify things as if I was their plaything, there for their amusement.

I was commanded to help them clean-up, the only help I could manage was to pick up cups and plates. Ones on the floor I had to have help with as I could not reach them. We managed to get the place somewhat like it was before the demo. After an hour of work the place looked pretty good, so Ronnie went to add up the things she sold, while Caroline was placed in charge of the plaything, me. I was seated in a chair in the corner and she promptly sat on me guaranteeing that I would not wander off. My back was ramrod straight, the corset making that the only way I could sit. With the heels and the thigh bands I doubted I could have got far or done much if I could get loose.

Several times I debated asking her if I was to be released tonight, but decided that the answer to that question was better not knowing about. We heard Ronnie squeal, I take it her sales were more than she anticipated. Ten minutes later she emerged from her office taking Caroline’s place on my lap. I was deep throated while her hands found my already sore nipples and made them even more tender and sore. Caroline watched from the side, clearing her throat when she thought I was enjoying it more than I should.

Then Ronnie got up and the two of them walked out into the store giggling and whispering back and forth. I groaned, not wanting to know what they were cooking up. They waltzed back with several outfits for me. Dresses maybe, but just not what you would wear in a public setting. I had to try them all on, the sexiest was deemed the appropriate attire for my trip home. That answered my question about if I was to be released soon. I let out a big sigh, my desperate wish not in the cards apparently. I didn’t want to think about anything further, afraid of being severally disappointed.

Caroline did eventually get me home, the dress I was put into more like a fancy nightie. Layers and layers of silky material flowing from my shoulders and ending just above my knees. My elbow cuffs were replaced after the nightie slid over my head making it impossible to remove even if I could get it up over my head.

To make matters worse Caroline parked in the driveway, not the garage making my trip from the car to the house right out where people could see me. I am sure Ms. Kravitz next door was glued to her kitchen window, watching me in the heels and nightie try and get into the house in the least amount of time possible. Once in the house, Caroline led me to the bedroom. She undressed and laid on the bed, her legs spread apart so that her sex was in plain sight. I had a pretty good idea now what she expected of me.

I moved to the bed and awkwardly managed to kneel next to her I leaned over and had to catch myself before I fell right on top of her. My hands were limited in movement but did manage to support myself a little so that I could bring her pleasure. I had the many layers of the nightie to contend with also, not making things any easier. I have seen to her orally several times, just not her usual preference most evenings.

I knew I had to excel, otherwise I might be stuck like this for all eternity. I started off slow running my tongue over her already puffy lips, darting into her slit on occasion. I could hear her moan when I did that, me in a corset and packed away must be turning her on way before she settled onto the bed. I continued this attack for quite some time, Caroline trying to move my head in closer and make me tongue her deeper. She was close, but I wanted some revenge for being locked away and so very uncomfortable. My tongue was getting sore, but I had her writhing and twisting every way she could trying to get me to finish her off. At one point her back was a foot off the bed, trying to get my tongue into her pussy.

Holding myself up trussed up the way I was is very stressful so I gave up my delay tactics, plunged my tongue deep inside her pussy, while using my one free hand to manipulate her right nipple. It worked her juices spraying me in the face as I lost my balance and fell on top of her. I was really tired, worn out, frazzled, and pooped, all of the above and more.

Then the unthinkable happened, I suddenly had to pee. I looked at Caroline she still had that glazed over expression on her face. I quickly pleaded with her, it was like I had to pee right at this moment. I presume the corset was exerting quite a bit of pressure on my kidneys. I tried to get up, finally managing to get on to my feet and heading to the bathroom. I looked back at her telling her that I had to go real bad, please hurry.

She meandered along eventually getting where she could unlock me. Then the bitch had the nerve to ask me if I really had to go that bad. I swore at her, but she just waved the key in front of me and I quickly calmed down. “Let’s see what you can promise me that will encourage me to unlock you sometime this evening.

I was already doing the two step trying desperately to keep it from starting to flow, I knew if a drop escaped it would start a flood. In my weakened state I promised her anything, just unlock me please. Her next sentence surprised me. “Repeat after me. I want you to keep me in chastity and in women’s clothes for the rest of my life that includes makeup and a feminine hairdo. I am to be only released when you want my services and then only for an hour. That will make me so happy to be able to please you for the rest of my life.”

I looked up and she had her phone out and was recording me saying those words. I was repeating her words right as she said them. I so desperately need to use the bathroom I would agree to anything at this stage. I had to bend over slightly as she unlocked the crotch strap and removed it from the corset. I forgot for a minute that I had to sit now, but quickly managed to get myself situated properly. Even though I had to go bad, it took me a few moments to relax my muscle and let the flow come out. It was messy, spraying all over me and the inside of the toilet bowl. Junior was not free, instead in the sleeve making the pee travel that extra distance coming out in a most feminine way, just not what I was used to. I was given some toilet paper and told how to wipe, my blush at having to do something so feminine really affecting me. The strap was promptly replaced and locked, now a captive to her wishes and desires again.

I then realized how vulnerable I was when I had to beg to be unlocked. She controlled all the cards then, and I was subject to every whim and desire she ever had. That night the dynamics in our house changed, I now did as I was told, no more suggesting anything in place of what she wanted. After she slipped off into dreamland I just laid there wandering about the changes and if I could live with them. I was uncomfortable, that was a given. But for some reason it was also a big turn on. Having no control of my life is welcomed in a way, too many years of having to make hard decisions to make ends meet. I had enough money stashed away, that we would not suffer a lowering of our life style. If I was mainly outfitted in a corset, think of all the money I would save in clothes. I ended up getting a headache, way too deep a thought for a weekend evening. Maybe tomorrow more will be revealed.

When my eyes opened the next morning I saw Caroline staring at me, her face only inches from mine. I started to say something, but was soon kissed in a most passionate way. After she eased off, I had no idea what I was going to say. My mind was pure goo, not a thought, or even a word housed therein. I was helped up, then into the bathroom. She bent me over and removed the strap between my legs. I breathed a sigh of relief till I felt something hard at my rear entrance. I feared the worst, but it turned out to be an enema nozzle. Before I could gather my wits she pushed it all the way in and released the valve. I was suddenly filled with a warm fragrant fluid. I do mean filled, the sensation of liquid flowing into me was soon replaced with cramps as the liquid filled every space in my colon and stomach. I tried to twist around to relieve the cramps, but the corset prevented that quite easily. I danced around again trying to escape her grip and get to the toilet. I finally was allowed to sit down and release the fluid, it seemed my whole insides was flowing out my rear end. After everything made its way out she appeared with another bag and had me bend over. I knew better than to resist, maybe this one won’t be so bad. It turned out to be just a rinse, fluid in and then a minute later allowed to escape.

I saw her approaching again with something in her hand, but just closed my eyes, if I can’t see it then it can’t be there. She held something to my sphincter and then pushed it in with one deft push. The enema had loosened up my rear entrance, so it went in easily. The size of the intruder though made quite an impression on me. Way bigger than I was comfortable with. My mouth opened wide, but nothing came out. My sphincter formed back around something smaller, I had a pretty good idea I now had a butt plug placed up my rear. After a few minutes it settled in some, I could feel it but it was not that uncomfortable. I wondered how many more little surprises would appear in the next few days, but also realized that there was nothing I could do about it.

That was all the surprises that morning, the strap between my legs was placed back on and locked again. Now the butt plug was securely in place and would stay there until my wife wanted it removed. In a way I was thankful for the enema, now I only had to beg to be able to pee when the time came. Back in the bedroom as I looked around for some clothes I saw a dress hanging over the back of the chair. I hoped it was not for me, but since Caroline seldom wore dresses the likelihood of it being for her was faint. Sure enough it was for me and after I was doused in a very heavily scented powder it was lowered over my shoulders. The dress had two thin straps over the shoulders, a very fitted bodice and then flared out to a fairly full skirt. Caroline zipped it up and then I was again fitted with my knee strap and the one at my elbows.

I realized I will not be doing much today, trussed up like this I could walk around and maybe prepare lunch but that would probably be my limit. Sure enough that is what she had me doing, practicing in the heels and then standing at the kitchen counter and making us some sandwiches. I decided to see how long my time in corsets might be for, asking the question in as friendly a manner as possible. Now is not the time to aggravate Caroline, since I have managed to keep my situation as least stable since yesterday sans the butt plug. I did not get the answer I expected.

“Well Ronnie wants me to keep you this way for at least a month, but I have a different thought. Last night was really special, I could get used to that very easily. But I want to be fair to you, so I have decided to let you choose your future. Let me warn you though I have some expectations of you and I need to see those reflected in your thoughts for me. So take a few moments and think of everything that has happened since yesterday and then let me know your ideas on what you can do to please me.”

Gee, no pressure here, I am still trussed up if what I suggest does not please her I may never get out of this corset. Or if I do get out of the corset I might be relegated to the guest room for eternity. I didn’t like my choices, but several years serving as a husband I hope I have learned something. The easy way is not always the best way.

Not much thinking was necessary. “I want to be kept in chastity, to be only allowed some pleasure when I have satisfied you appropriately. I love my corset and hope to be afforded new ones as my figure adjusts. If you feel that I would be a better person if I am feminized then so be it. I do love you and hope that you feel the same towards me.”

Now that I had said those fateful words I felt much better. I tried to not think of how what I said would impact me, but the implications were many and the impact would no doubt affect me greatly, maybe not what I was expecting and most likely for longer than I anticipated.

Apparently that was what Caroline wanted to hear, as I was hugged so hard I thought my new breasts were going to pop out of the half cups. During this time her tongue was busy, the insides of my mouth and throat thoroughly cleaned and polished. She did have her phone on and was recording my words, although the camera angle might be off some once she heard my first few words. Surprising to me I did not feel depressed, committing myself to a life in corsets and feminization. A sense of relief, maybe since the decision had been made, I was now committed to this lifestyle for the future. The corset was indeed uncomfortable, but after the night encased in it, the feeling of being gripped, shaped into something more pleasant, did have its merits. I imagine the longer that I am in it, the more comfortable it will become, the body adapting to its new limits.

Caroline made a few phone calls, I know one was to Ronnie, I could hear the squealing on the other side of the room. Then to her salon, when she mentioned Jessica that confirmed my assumption. I had a feeling that my further steps toward femininity were soon at hand. About four in the afternoon Caroline came and dragged me to the front door. I looked at her and then at my body, the corset the only piece of clothing on my body. One jerk and I had my answer, the door locking behind me as she made her way to the car with me in tow.

I was helped into her car and then driven to her salon. There I was taken to a private room in the back, and several technicians came in to see to my treatments. Lots of compliments on my female figure, during the discussion I found out that most everything Ronnie sold was from their boutique, Ronnie just getting a cut because she bought so many items from them at one time.

They decided on a feminine hairdo and semi-permanent makeup until I could learn enough to do my own. I was laid back in the chair and my hair washed and conditioned. Then it was set in curlers, the setting lotion used was long lasting. Under a dryer to cook for a while. Another tech came and worked on my nails, filing them and putting a clear coat of polish on them. Once the hair was dry I was sat in a salon chair and she worked on my makeup. It was applied with precision since it was semi-permanent. According to my tech it would eventually fade after three months, each application after that making it last even longer.

My hair style was brushed out, the image in the mirror quite feminine now. I was helped up, once my figure came into view there was no doubt, Ken had ceased to exist. I just stared at the mirror, mesmerized at my image now. I was waiting for Caroline to reappear, sitting in the salon chair looking at my image in the mirror. I noticed someone standing behind me, a quite attractive and imposing female. She came around to my side and sat in the chair next to mine.

“I am Francine and glad to finally meet you. Have you decided on a female name yet, Ken just doesn’t suit you?” I put out my hand to shake hers, but she side stepped my hand and hugged me tenderly. When she sat back down in her chair a warm smile lit up her face. “So what do I call you?”

I stammered some, the only feminine name I could think of was Kendra, and as soon as it left my mouth she vetoed that possibility. “How about Katy, you look like a Katy and it has a nice ring to it.” I nodded my head and I now had a feminine name.

“Let’s talk about your predicament, I knew about it before it happened, but I want to hear what you think about it now that you have experienced some of it?” My mouth was open, she reached over and pushed it closed and waited for a reply. I looked at her wondering about her interest in me, then happened to look at a picture on the wall behind her, the name Francine at the bottom of said picture, founder of the Turnabout Gurl Salons. I moved my butt a little trying to get more comfortable in the chair. I didn’t accomplish much.

“It all surprised me, even Caroline’s part in it was a little hard to accept. Now that I am in the corset and subject to what others want, I am not as objectionable to what happened as I was at first. I hope I can be what she wants, I do love her immensely, just not sure why I am in this position. I am not complaining much, it has been interesting so far. I can imagine a time a few weeks from now, lots of new experiences and sensations likely to occur in the meantime.

Francine smiled, then offered a possible reason for Caroline’s participation. “Like a lot of females, a married life loses some of its desire as the same things recur day after day. Now change things around, make someone dependent on you for everything and life becomes so much more interesting. Part of it is power, although females have more power than they realize, it is seldom acknowledged by the participants. To be able to control a partner, there every action having to be allowed provides a huge rush of that power.”

“Now in your marriage you have done most everything, made the decisions, earned the income for your family, provided the things that your wife desired. In her eyes you have had the power, now the dynamics have changed. To even go to the bathroom you must ask her permission, maybe even doing something humiliating to gain that approval. She now has the power, and is relishing in this new found control of you. I don’t think the love has changed in regards to you, but now she can show her love for you in other ways. By taking care of you, she is exerting her need for power and also showing her love for you.”

“Life might be a little difficult for you for a couple of months, as you learn to be cared for and she learns how to tone down her control so that both of you are happy in your roles. I am sure it will reach a happy balance, but let’s talk a little more about you. From what I have been told you have done most everything as you provided for your wife in your marriage. Now to be on the receiving end might just show you something you have been missing most of your life. I am sure the corset is pretty much occupying you thoughts, but wait till you get to wear some beautiful clothes, to get pampered several times a week and can relax as Caroline sees to your needs. If you are still unsure wait to see if all of this doesn’t push you over to the female side.”

“Even someone such as Ronnie does care for you, she was the one to come to me asking me to talk to you so that you would feel that it is all not one-sided. She and Caroline planned well, but then doubts popped up as you were so calm as they trussed you up. Yeah they used you some, but they did have good intentions as they tricked you into being their plaything. Like I said power can be so intoxicating to someone not used to wielding it.”

“What you have not discovered yet is the power a beautiful female has over her lovers, dressed to the nines you can make them melt away when they first get a glimpse of you. Even Caroline will turn to goo when you show up in a sexy dress, hair all done up with meticulous makeup and a fabulous smile on your face. Then you can have her doing things for you, out to eat, maybe a movie and then home to be ravished. Not bad for a feminized male huh? Do take the time to explore all of this, if you need to talk to someone call the salon anytime and I will get in touch with you as soon as possible. Consider what you have experienced a gift, enjoy it and much more will come along with it.”

I got hugged as she left, leaving me to my thoughts and what she had mentioned to me. As I re-hashed what she said it did make sense. I was definitely in the powerless group now, having to beg to even go to the bathroom. Then I thought of what Francine said at the end of our conversation. Maybe that would be a way to get some control of my life back. My mind kicked in, going over ideas and ways to implement those to reverse my position some.

Further planning will have to wait, Caroline is coming in the door to pick me up. Maybe a quick test to see if I do have some possibility of making some changes. I launched myself at her, covering the distance quickly even in my heels. I grabbed her head in my hands and planted a sensuous kiss on her lips making a few inroads with my tongue to soften the defenses. I pressed my body tightly against hers, grinding my groin into hers as hard as I could. I heard Caroline take in a deep breath, and switched my lip attack to her eyes. I rubbed my small breasts against hers, trying to excite her nipples in the process. Another few sharp intakes of breath was proving what Francine told me to be true.

As I was being led from the salon I saw Francine over to the side giving me a thumbs up. A bigger smile has never appeared on my face before, I can have lots of fun, and eventually bring the balance between us back to a level I can live with. Now with a female figure the possibilities are endless.

© 2016 thru 2024 by Francesca

Crystal; Dropped Into The Deep End

Crystal; Dropped Into The Deep End

I never knew my sister was so cunning, here I was at our mountain cabin, with no transportation, only a cell phone and the things she had dropped off for me. The problem was what she chose to leave me with for my stay. Not exactly what I had in mind when I had seen this adventure as a chance to get away from it all to get a better perspective on life.

I really wanted to do something special this year, the year that I graduated from college. It has been a tough year for me, a better and more truthful answer would be it has been four years of hell. I was never a gifted student, I studied hard and could recite it back to make good grades, but truly learning the material quite often escaped me.

My other weakness is my interaction with people; I am kind of shy, wanting to distance myself from any social interaction. I could interact with people in a normal way, but I usually avoided it with a passion. I hardly ever started a conversation or asked a question of someone; I might think of doing it, but when the time came, I would balk, tongue tied to the hilt. This shyness tended to make me more of a loner as time passed.

During my four years of college, I got close to maybe three people. Incidentally, all were partners in labs or class projects. Now that college is out of the way I wanted a little time to indulge myself in other interests. I know a lot of students take a sabbatical or year off from studies, especially after graduation. I needed some time to figure out if anything is to be done with my degree.

The degree is in English Literature, the only subject that I could pass without major effort and sweat. I loved to read, often getting involved in a book and reading it from cover to cover before I put it down. It didn’t make any difference who the author was, as long as the story flowed some. For some reason, I tended to like the more romantic stories, not the Harlequin type, but where the heroine finds love after a difficult struggle.

Consequently, most of my favorite authors are female, their grasp of love and its struggles much better than the typical male author. Maybe my love of the romantic things in life has influenced me to such a degree that I have withdrawn a little from it. What I read in books is not something you find in real life, so settling for what is out there becomes what life is about for me now, often a very disappointing choice.

Like most things in my life, I wasn’t sure how to go about planning my escape from life and where I could do it at. I didn’t want to stay at home, too many old friends from high school. I say friends, but they were more like people that I knew from school. Through my twenty-two years on this planet, I had no real friends, just some people that I knew better than others.

I was born Chris Edward Diamond, but eventually, everybody just called me Chrissie. I was quite tall almost five foot ten inches tall, tipping the scales at 155 lbs. My supposedly masculine features never quite materialized as they somehow never found their way to my body. Hence, I was narrow shouldered, with a smaller chest than normal.

The one fault that is often noticed is that I have a very pudgy appearance. The pleasing plump look has been with me for several years. Most of the noticeable fat at my love handles and waist. I exercised some, but none of the stubborn fat retreated, it just stared back at me from any image that I saw in a mirror.

This did not mean that I looked effeminate. I have been told that I am a handsome male, not necessarily macho or exceptional in the looks department. Still, all things considered, I was a member of the male species in good standing, just not in the top fifty percent of the group. Maybe that should be lucky to be in the group at all.

What I lacked in my chest did manage to find its way to my waist and hips, not a bubble butt, but way more than a male should be seen with. My face is rather small with prominent cheekbones and surrounded with more hair than on two normal people. The thickness is the problem, haircuts usually requiring a thinning before they even attempted to trim it.

My parents were away in Europe spending all their children’s possible inheritance after deciding that after the last kid had graduated from college, it is time to have some fun of their own. At home is my older sister, a consultant for small businesses with regards to financial and tax matters. Since starting her own business four years ago, she has done quite well. This last year she hired her first employees and just recently decided to expand again.

It really pisses me off that everything she touches seems to take off, the fact that she had a 4.0-grade point average all during college, just so unfair. She never had to study, barely cracked a book during her four years. Fortunately, for me she had not been interested in dating, keeping my parents focused on her as the sole source of grandchildren. If she had married, I would be the focus of my parent’s desire for grandchildren since I would then be the last one to get married, adding to the potential pool of grand kid producing progeny.

Sis still lived at home, a fact that escaped any reasoning that I tried to apply to the matter. Home being a spacious ranch house in Paradise Valley near Phoenix. Constance, my sister, located her business in the northern suburbs of Phoenix, fifteen minutes from our family home. Since her office is so close, she decided to keep living at home, part convenience, and part the fact that she could always squeeze a dollar till it screamed.

Since I hadn’t decided anything yet, I gave into Constance’s request to come home for a while until I decided what to do. I arrived a few days later with all my worldly belongings, determined to make the visit a brief one.

Once home Sis and I covered all the gaps in our memory resulting from my stay at college. After covering all of my college escapades, she asked me what I was thinking of doing for the near future. “I am undecided since the job market is still very soft. A few companies were beginning to recover, but the majority were still in wait and see mode.”

She suggested that I put out a few feelers while I am home to see if anything popped up.

I told her I would, asking if she had any particular businesses in mind. She handed me a list of ten companies that might be worth checking into while I am here.

“I will start tomorrow. Meanwhile, do you have any ideas for where I could stay or things to do for my time away from the grid?”

She thought for a minute, then suggested that I spend a few months at the family’s cabin in northern Arizona. The cabin is a fairly good sized house located in the Tonto National Forest. It is not on government land but on a fifty-acre parcel surrounded by the national forest. There were two parcels of privately owned land in the middle of the forest, one owned by my family, and one owned by our neighbors.

Our dads had built the houses shortly after getting married, and we had vacationed in them quite often. It was not a secret that our family’s shared a friendship that has prevailed for many years, not often talked about but never denied. I asked Sis if Becky was going up there this year, our neighbor’s daughter was still here as her parents were sharing the holiday in Europe with our parents.

She told me that she didn’t think so since she was involved in obtaining her cosmetology license. Becky had gone to San Diego for her training and is helping her Mother’s friend at her beauty salon in town for a couple of weeks after she got back. She had not yet applied for her license, wanting to make sure that she had mastered all the material.

The next morning I started on the list of companies that Sis suggested for me to turn in an application. Most of them were electronic companies since a lot of the economy in the Valley of the Sun is computer and electronic technology. At least here, I was greeted in a friendly manner where back east an application for a job was usually acknowledged by a scowl and a grunt.

A lot of the businesses were close to each other, located primarily in the eastern part of Phoenix and the in the corridor of Tempe, Mesa, and Chandler. By four, o’clock I had turned in applications at all of the companies on her list. In fact, I was offered an interview at one of the companies tomorrow at ten A.M. Since my degree was not in electronics or business, the positions that I might be qualified for were in their advertising and promotion departments. Most of these companies did a lot of their own advertising and promotion, in fact, the company that I had an interview with was looking to add to their advertising department.

I don’t think anything will come of it, but it was an interview, something I had not ever achieved back east. I made it back home about five-thirty, the evening rush hour traffic considerably more than I remembered. As I entered the house, Sis asked how I did. I told her of the encounters, and the one interview for tomorrow. She was happy for me, hoping I could find something to occupy my time and thoughts. She is well aware of my brooding nature, the longer I thought about something, the bigger the problem became.

She invited me out to dinner, a Mexican restaurant that is quite popular. Their sopaipillas, a long-time favorite of mine, were to die for. We chatted for a while as we were served, about what I wanted to do, about the chances of me getting a job, about life in general.

“I don’t know what I want to do, nothing sounds good, and everything seems out of sync.” Constance told me to see what the week brought, and if nothing materialized she would put together a plan for me, staying at the mountain cabin for as long as I desired.

The interview was alright, the company sounding me out for their proposed job. I think I answered in the appropriate manner, but you never know. I doubted I would be called back, but I had made a genuine effort. The rest of the week meandered along; Sis was out shopping for most of the week buying necessities for the cabin.

I left her to it since she likes to do these things and is much more qualified than I. Since I was home for the week I prepared our meals having them on the table when she came home.

Our parents were to be gone for the entire summer, so she arranged for me to pack all of the gear for the cabin in their car. Then she would drive me up and drop me off. She wanted me to be stuck there so that I would make do with what I had. According to her, it would teach me self-reliance, learning to be content with what I had at my disposal. From the look of what she had obtained so far, I would not lack for much. The thought that I would be left alone without transportation is actually welcome. It fitted my shy personality, alone and unable to get out and mingle with the general population.

The mountain house is not isolated that much from humanity, two or three miles from a small store and other cabins to the south. To the north was another story as it was, at least, thirty miles through the national forest to any kind of civilization. I would have my cell phone and from the past trips, I knew there was a good signal at the cabin.

The house is quite a bit more than a mountain cabin. There is a great room downstairs, along with a kitchen and laundry room. Upstairs is two baths situated between three bedrooms overlooking a balcony that curves around the cabin. Each of the bedrooms has large windows facing some of the most beautiful scenery in Arizona. In a way, I was looking forward to being up there for a while. At peace with myself and all the time in the world to rethink my life and goals.

Constance said she would be ready to drive me up there this weekend, leaving on Saturday morning we would be there around noon. I had packed everything Sis had obtained for my trip in our parents SUV, their car much larger than hers. She had packed all of my clothes in suitcases; the food was ready to put in the ice chests as we got ready to leave Saturday morning.

She knew I had a laptop so she ordered quite a few e-books for me to read when I desired something to do. The house is furnished with pots, pans, and basic kitchen necessities. There was air conditioning since the summers sometimes got a little warm. The fireplace is the source of heat for the house, with propane the source of energy used for cooking.

She had also got me a lot of old magazines to read when it got boring, in fact, there were three large boxes of them. Like I mentioned before she likes to plan and organize things, and her squeezing that dollar always gets her a lot for the money.

In the few remaining days, I did receive several thank you letters for applying for the job, but no openings were at present available. I sighed a little in disappointment, but also was glad that there was nothing to interrupt my trip. Sis took me out again to the Mexican restaurant again since the absence of good places to eat near the cabin is a well-known fact.

I savored the food trying to keep the memory of it in my mind until I was able to get back. The sopaipillas were just as good as last time, and I even got three to take home with me. A little honey squirted into the middle after you bite a corner off of the puffed up pastry tastes so good. We talked some more as we finished up eating and then she paid the bill. With my doggie bag of treats, we made our way home.

The next morning is all sunshine and noisy birds as I was reluctant to get out of bed. I grabbed the last of my things and packed the ice chests. I got them all loaded into the SUV and then we were off. I am excited as we drove along through the foothills towards Payson. It took us a couple of hours to get there, with Sis getting our breakfast at Mickey D’s in Payson.

Then out of town heading to Kohl’s Ranch, turning north to go up onto the Mogollon Rim. After we had got to the rim, it is only about twenty minutes to the cabin. When we reached the cabin, it is early afternoon, and the tall pines were casting shadows on the cabin’s front porch. She backed up to the side porch that had a door leading into the kitchen.

I turned on the electricity to the rest of the house, and we unloaded the perishables into the freezer and refrigerator. We kept power to them all through the year since it was more economical to do so.

After everything had been put in the appropriate room, Sis took the time to make a late lunch. It was just sandwiches, made with cold cuts, cheese, tomato, onion, and lettuce. She had made a small batch of potato salad, and although still slightly warm it hit the spot. Since I had got a little sweaty unloading the car, she suggested that I take a shower, now that the water heater had a chance to warm up.

I agreed and headed upstairs. Shortly after getting in the shower she came in to get my clothes to take them to the laundry room and left me a robe to wear. I didn’t think anything about that, but looking back, it was the start of my ordeal. I finished the shower and grabbed a towel to dry off. Then I reached for the robe, finding out that it was one of hers. It was very girly a light burgundy in color, adorned with way too much lace around the collar, sleeves and hem.

I went downstairs to find Sis sitting in the kitchen. As she saw me, she gave me a little whistle; I am sure to tease me. I pulled up a chair, wanting to ask her about the robe. She grabbed one of my hands, holding it securely as she started talking. I was trying to interrupt, but she placed a finger to my lips to quiet me.

“Your adventure is going to be a little different than you have visualized. I know of your experimentation with mine and Mom’s clothes. Also verified through your computer history your interest in the transgender community. Since you are going to use the time to find the true you, I suggest you start with a desired gender.”

“You have the next six months to live as a female, to experience everything as a natural female. You have no male clothes in the house. To ensure your compliance you also have no money or credit cards to obtain alternate clothing. Plenty of food and supplies are available for you, so you will not go hungry.”

She had the cable turned off, although you have a lot of music, books, and magazines to occupy your time. As she is telling me all of this, I just sat there dumbfounded. At one point, she pushed up on my jaw to get my mouth closed. Unless there is an emergency, she will not come back to pick me up till the six months is up. I was totally at a loss for words.

How can she do this to me, to live as a female for the whole time, this had to be absurd. I tried to focus as she was getting up, asking me if I have any questions. Yes, I have a question, how can you do this to me? As Sis usually does she ignored my question, telling me that she loves me, as her baby sister, suggesting that I spend my time wisely learning to be the best little sister that I can be.

She leaned over and gave me a kiss, then grabbed her purse and headed out the door. The shock is now rampant; she was leaving me like this, expecting me to handle this in a meaningful way. I was convinced that she had flipped out, too much stress in her life. I got up heading over to the door, as she is pulling out. I am alone, now what do I do. I acted just like a little sister would, bursting into tears and sobbing like a distraught child.

Surprisingly this lasted for quite some time, me sobbing on the bed obviously not in control of anything in my life. I must have dozed off for a while; I figured my mind just gave up but was aroused by my cell phone ringing. I didn’t want to answer the phone; I was in no mood to talk to anybody. As I laid there, my mind entertained the thought that Sis is calling to apologize and make amends.

I reached for the phone, said hi and waited for the response. It turned out to be Becky, our neighbor’s daughter. She detected the stress in my voice and asked what is wrong. I nearly opened my big mouth and put both feet in it, before I realized that I couldn’t tell her anything. Here I am naked, in our cabin with no male clothes and no way to get any.

I tried to change the subject, to ask what she was doing and if she is at her cabin or down in Phoenix. I was hoping with all the prayer that I could muster that she was not up here in the mountains. Well, nobody was listening to my prayers that day, she is in Flagstaff at the moment helping her mother’s friend with her shop but was coming to the cabin tonight.

Great, all I needed is her to see me this way. I would be a laughing stock for the rest of my life. I tried to convince her that I am just here at the cabin for a little while, but would be going back later today. Becky then told me that Constance had called her asking her to check in on me while she was up in the mountains.

Thanks, sis, you just took my life from bad to nonexistent. She asked what I had planned for tonight, me replying just hanging around the cabin. Making up a little white lie wouldn’t help any since Becky already knew that I am up here. I was vague, made up any excuse I could think of, but the end of the conversation is that she would be here later and would bring dinner.

Now what the heck am I going to do, I knew that I needed to put some clothes on, but from what Constance had said, there is nothing but female clothes. I hoped that what Sis had stated is a little stretch of the imagination, that she had left me a least an outfit or two that was for a male. I started opening suitcases, searching for anything that resembled clothes that a male might wear.

All I found is lingerie, dresses, skirts, and blouses. Not even a pair of women’s pants, in everything she had packed. Where she had come up with everything was beyond me, and then I remembered how she spent hours going through resale shops looking for clothes. It wasn’t bad enough that she had bought me all of these clothes that I really didn’t want, but she probably had fun doing it.

This wasn’t like when I would dress in some of her clothes, the thrill of wearing something of hers making it surreal. These female clothes are now what I would wear for the foreseeable future. I went back through the clothes in the suitcases and hung them up on hangers, putting the lingerie in drawers. Of the three bedrooms, the only room having a large enough closet is my parent’s room. After hanging up all the clothes, it turned out to be a wise decision since it filled the closet to capacity.

Doing something with my hands did relax me some, I decided to make the best of the situation laying out a sundress and lingerie to put on. For some reason, sundresses were my favorite item of female clothing and Constance had gotten me eight of them to wear. I wondered if she knew how much I liked them.

This one is a light pink print, with spaghetti straps, a full skirt, with a hem slightly above my knees. The bra is a push-up from V.S. that enhanced my slight breasts actually to give me a little cleavage. The matching panties are a bikini, and I tucked before pulling them up my thighs. I had learned the tucking technique from the internet several years ago.

I looked for shoes but sighed when I did not find one pair with less than a three-inch heel. I should correct that statement since there was one pair of boots for hiking, but I couldn’t risk the chance of wearing them and being arrested by the fashion police for violation of fashion common sense, besides they didn’t go with the sundress.

The heels I chose matched the dress to perfection, with a four-inch stiletto heel and ankle straps. I had been keeping my body free from any hair for many months, so my legs looked good in the heels.

After reaching this stage I began to worry again about Becky seeing me like this, but I realized that I had no choice. It is either like this or naked and, in the end, the clothes won. I was sure that I would regret the decision later, but there is not much choice. I found the suitcase with makeup and hair accessories, picking a few items out to finish my transformation.

Since I had quite a bit of time before Becky would arrive, I even did my nails, a nice burgundy nail polish to complement the pink dress. I brushed out my hair, putting into a high ponytail with a scrunchie. Mascara and a little lip gloss finished the effect. Not a high fashion model, but definitely a female image is staring back at me from the mirror.

I picked up a few things as I made my way through the cabin, ending up in the kitchen. I put a nice bottle of wine to chill and put the few things that we had not put up in their respective places. I meandered back to the living room wondering just how Becky would react to me. My cell phone rang again, this time, it was Sis. I was very cold to her; this is not how you treat family, but she wanted to know if I had put any clothes on yet.

I told her I was dressed, but not what I am wearing. She guessed the pink sundress, how she could do this time and time again I will never know. I didn’t verify it, but I could tell she knew that is what I had on. She asked if anybody else called, and I told Becky did. It was silence for a minute while she waited for me to say something. My silence, answering some of her questions I guess.

She just wanted to check on me, she did love me and wanted me to promise her that I would give this life as Crystal a chance. I became aware at that moment that she had found more of my files on my computer since that was what I called myself. A few tears trickled down my cheek, knowing that she did care, just had a funny way of expressing it.

It was about an hour later that a van came driving up the road to the cabin. I took a deep breath, knowing it was Becky; I certainly hoped that she would be alright with this. I decided to meet her at the door, hoping that if she is upset by this, she would just leave. I have never been good with any kind of confrontation, if something came up, I evaded the situation at all costs. We never used the doorbells at each other cabins, we just opened the door and entered.

That was what Becky did; she did stop to take in my appearance for a minute. “About time Crystal finally showed herself” is the only comment from her as she embraced me and hugged me. I felt tears rolling down my cheeks as I tried to figure out what just happened. Becky had greeted Crystal like it was the most normal thing in her life. She pushed me away a little so she could scrutinize my appearance. Then I remembered that she had called me Crystal, apparently everybody knew all my deepest secrets including Becky.

She used her finger to wipe away a couple of tears, and then pulled me to the kitchen. She had picked up Chinese from a place in Flagstaff, keeping it warm in a thermal bag. I managed to get the plates and remove the wine from the refrigerator. She washed her hands at the kitchen sink and led me to the table. We sat down, filling our plates from the take-out boxes, as I poured each of us a glass of wine.

She reached over to my face to remove another errant tear or two, and then said grace. We were quiet as we stuffed our faces, Becky was apparently hungry, and I was so nervous about being seen this way that I just wanted to do something with my hands to keep occupied.

Becky admitted being in on the plan to make me face my inner female. She had helped Constance to organize things so that I would have no option but to be the real me. Both of them are convinced that Crystal is the real me, buried in the fantasy world of a male persona, Chris. I asked Becky how the two of them could treat me this way. She giggled a little and asked what way we were treating her that is so horrible.

I tried to tell her that this was not my choice to live as a female, to be cut off from the rest of society, to be isolated just because I had tried some of my sister’s clothes at one time. She gave me a funny look, then proceeded to tell me about what they found on my computer. My quite often statements that I wanted to be a female, to live the life of a woman that permeated my writings.

I tried to tell her that it was just a story that I had been writing, that there was no truth to the remarks. She gave me the evil eye again and asked me if I was that blonde that I didn’t think that my other personal file that was on my laptop would not be discovered. I knew she was just pulling my leg now since that file was protected by three different instances of requested passwords.

I told her that I knew she was bluffing since it would take a real computer expert to break into this file. She smiled but asked me to back up my statement. In fact, she suggested that we make a little bet concerning this file. I was pretty confident since I had changed the passwords again just before sis and I had left this morning. If she couldn’t get into the file, she would assist me in getting a male outfit to make the six months a little more comfortable.

However, if she could access the file, I would be Crystal without any reservations or exceptions for the entire six months. I thought that she was grasping at straws that my change of passwords would keep her out, so I agreed to the bet. She called Constance on her cell phone and informed her of the bet; then she requested that I tell sis that I accepted the bet and had me state the consequences if I lost the bet.

With all bases covered, Becky asked me to get my computer. I returned from upstairs with the laptop and plugged it in at the kitchen table. After it had booted up, Becky found the file and right clicked on the file to open it up. The file was buried in another folder, with only a series of letters identifying the file. The first prompt came up requesting a password, Becky typed in a password, but the system rejected it. She gave me a dirty look, then thought for a minute and typed in another.

This time, she had guessed it correctly and the second prompt came up. Becky entered another password, and the system duly rejected it. Another few moments in thought and she entered another choice. This time, she had better luck, and the third prompt came up. She looked up at me, wanting to know if I wanted out of the bet, although I would have to concede a few things to be able to escape the consequences of losing the entire bet. My blond roots showed up as usual, and I told her that I would take my chances. She thought for several minutes, apparently trying to rattle me a little.

Then she typed in the word she had been thinking about; I was watching her this time, and she typed in the correct password. The file opened, and I was suddenly sick. Not only was I to be subjected to even more femininity, but this file contained all of my secret wishes and desires. I was literally doomed in many ways. The fact that she had known where the file was stored meant she had been in it before. When I changed the passwords this morning, it only slowed her down.

The file contained a diary of the last three years of what I had done concerning my Crystal persona, and all of my thoughts regarding my alter ego. When I had dressed up at college, what I had worn, what I had done as Crystal, everything about her in detail. Becky looked over at me, simply wanting to know if I was ready, to tell the truth now, or continue with this absurdity.

I gave out the biggest sigh, collapsed on Becky’s shoulder and cried. I felt trapped since now everyone knew my deepest secrets and desires. All the time that I am crying on her shoulder, she is running her fingers through my hair and making cute noises in my ear. Finally, the tears dried up with Becky dragging me to the great room.

She settled herself on the love seat, then pulled me down next to her. She cuddled me and told me that although it seems to be the end of the world to me, it is a chance to become the real me. She informed me that she was now working for her Mom’s friend performing remote beauty services in Northern Arizona. She had passed her exams and received her Master cosmetologist license. This meant that she could perform any service, plus teach students also. She loved the freedom to be able to travel through this area and perform her magic on women.

In particular, she is looking forward to one customer, a new client of the Turnabout Gurl Salon, who shows great promise, although a tomboy phase has existed in the past, she is sure she could bring out the girly gurl in this lovely female. I finally realized that Becky is talking about me, well that brought on the tears again. I wanted all of this since it was part of the real me, but too many years of suffocating Crystal by the male part of my persona made it hard to let go.

We talked for a long while cuddled in each other’s arms about everything. No decisions were made, just getting it all out there made it somehow more manageable. The male Chris tried several times to get Becky to help him out, to get him, at least, one outfit that did not have a skirt or dress as part of it. I was listening to the male part of me, a plea for some mercy, all of this just too much for Chris to handle.

Becky informed me that before the six months was up, Crystal would be the most feminine female in Arizona. I didn’t quite know what to make of that statement since Becky’s new skills were not known to me. I did know that anything she tackled as a project she completed to everyone’s satisfaction.

About three in the morning, we slipped into dreamland, still cuddled together on the love seat. Thank goodness tomorrow was Sunday because we obviously would not be able to wake at a decent hour. I managed to get up first and had to make my way to the bathroom quickly. As I walked to the bathroom, I felt the nightie swing to and fro around my legs. That made me smile, but reality surfaced again as I had to remove several pieces of clothing to be able to use the facilities.

I decided to change and headed back up to my bedroom to clean up a little and find something else to wear. Becky soon appeared, apparently having already found the bathroom. She was shedding clothes as she entered and made her way to my closet. Her eyes opened wide as she took in the wide array of clothes available to me. She giggled a little asking if she could borrow an item or two since it was apparent that Constance had outdone herself shopping for my wardrobe. I told her that she could have it all since I really didn’t want to wear girl’s clothes for six months. Becky turned towards me holding a mini skirt and a tank top that would not cover up much of my male body.

I ended up with a black mini skirt, and a red silk tank top for today’s activities whatever they may be. Becky borrowed a tan mini skirt and a yellow cotton tank top to wear. She literally dragged me outside, and we headed down one of the trails between the cabins. She had conceded to lower pumps, yeah three inches, with a more blockish heel. We meandered along the trail coming to one of the benches that our dads had built.

We sat for a while as she tried to get me with the program. She finally got a little testy, telling me that I better accept the new me or it was going to be a long and boring six months. I asked her what was I going to do for six months besides change clothes every hour or two. She giggled mentioning that Constance certainly got you enough clothes to do that without ever wearing the same outfit twice.

For one thing, Crystal has to practice her skills if she is going to be the girl that leaves the cabin after six months. I raised my eyebrows at that but conceded that I might need a little honing of my skills if I was to do anything about my alter ego. You need to walk through the woods, letting yourself go a little. You don’t have any friends, and you won’t even try to make any, but maybe six months alone will convince you that there is more to this life than just sleeping, eating, and dressing in pretty clothes.

I told her that I would go nuts, and it would all be her fault. She looked at me with a serious expression on her face, telling me that she loved me as a BFF but if necessary she would haul my ass into Flagstaff and personally embarrass me at every place of business that she could arrange. I didn’t doubt her since she was a person of her word. I immediately backed down on trying to make her feel guilty. It wasn’t going to work.

On the matter of keeping myself busy, she suggested that I take a lot of my stories and expand on them making them into e-books. You can publish them yourself from here, and she was sure there were a lot of people like me that didn’t have the opportunity or two pushy females to make them face reality. If they gained a little insight or hope from your stories, that might help them live a life that was difficult with a little hope.

We strolled back to the cabin hand in hand, then up to the balcony with the remains of last night’s wine. We sat on the wicker love seat together and watched the goings-on in the nearby forest. Two squirrels were burying nuts, but in between, they managed to entertain us for quite a while. That and maybe finish a little lovemaking of their own that had been left unattended to.

We had missed lunch but decided that it wouldn’t be wise to skip dinner too. I made my way to the refrigerator looking to see what might strike my fancy for a dinner meal. Lots of fixings for a salad were prominent and with a can of chicken breasts a decent and healthy meal. Becky watched me as I prepared the salad, cutting up the lettuce, tomato, celery, onions, and sharp cheese to make a bed for the chicken. The chunks of chicken were added then a couple of olives to spice the salad up. Some bottled ranch dressing completed the meal, and I served it to Becky at the kitchen bar. Her snide remark that greeted my sitting down at the counter was that I would make a wonderful wife for some person. In an attempt to turn it around I gave her a passionate kiss on the lips, telling her that I only have love for one.

Well, that brought us both suddenly to this place and time. The kiss was a spur of the moment thing, I didn’t plan it or meant anything by it, but it sure changed my opinion of Becky. Suddenly my BFF Becky was much more, a romantic interest, maybe even more than that. I sensed that Becky was a little stunned at the kiss also. Her only words escaping her lips was wow where did that come from.

The day suddenly changed, a kind of uncertain easiness settled over us as we tried to file the new emotions into the proper file. After dinner, we adjourned to my bedroom and spent some time pursuing the clothing choices for tomorrow. Becky was allowed to wear casual clothes instead of a uniform as she was handling her customers. So her clothing choices were more like normal female clothing.

However, for me, she wanted the most girlish clothing in the closet for my attire. She settled on a micro mini skirt, with a knitted tank top that was anything but the right size for me. It looked like it was poured on me, as it hugged my every curve. All the normal sensual female spots were covered, but boy how the covering accented these areas was almost sinful.

I didn’t argue with her about the clothing choices since I figured that as soon as she left for her appointments, I would simply change them for something more discreet and less flattering. After the try everything on to see how it looks session, we each donned a nightie and settled into the large queen sized bed. The kiss had unnerved me quite a bit, and I was good, really good with only hugging and quite a bit of cuddling until we both slipped into dreamland.

Morning, the worst time of the day, to be subjected to a termination of the night’s sleep, to be ejected into the harsh light of day as it streamed into my bedroom through the windows. I needed to use the bathroom in the worst way, but as I got up, Becky rushed the bathroom and locked the door. That meant that I had to use the bathroom a couple of doors down. I made it, but I was sure that there were little dribbles along the way.

When I sat on the toilet, the feeling of relief was so erotic. I guess that is what happens when you fail to go thru the night because that would mean that you had to leave the comforts of the bed. I wiped in the approved method and made my way back to the bedroom. There was Becky sitting at the vanity brushing her hair, making a remark about the fact that I was not as fast as I used to be.

Becky was soon on her way to her first appointment, a few miles outside of Holbrook. It was a wash and set, a manicure and a cosmetic makeover for a lady that had been confined to her house because of her health. The other two appointments were also in Holbrook, although a few miles apart. One was a permanent, and the other for adding hair extensions for an upcoming wedding.

I decided not to change clothes, since what I had on was comfortable although a little scandalous. I cleaned up the kitchen, then went through the cabin making sure all was neat and tidy. I had some fresh fruit for lunch, then decided to write a little while to occupy my time. One of my stories was quite far along; maybe I could finish it and make an e-book out of it. I wrote for several hours, getting it almost to the conclusion, then decided that I better start to fix dinner.

Becky and I had decided that she would stay with me unless her appointments took her to the other side of Flagstaff, where the distance would be too much to commute every day. I found some hamburger meat and decided to make a meatloaf, and then some baked potatoes to accompany it. I was kind of lost in my actions, wearing a cute apron to keep my outfit clean and neat. I didn’t hear Becky come in until she snuck up behind me and kissed my ear. The fact that the stereo was blasting away with the songs of Olivia Newton-John probably had something to do with the fact that I didn’t hear her come in.

I jumped when she kissed me, then she grabbed me and held me close making sure the kiss that she was now giving was done properly. Since I had a hard time getting my breath back, I think she succeeded. She helped get the food to the kitchen bar and then opened two diet drinks for us. My stool was held for me, and then she scooted her stool closer so that we were almost touching. I asked her about her day; then she proceeded to tell me all about it. She finished earlier than she expected so she made a beeline for the cabin.

We kissed several times during the meal, with Becky always the one to initiate the kiss. I melted into each kiss, the feelings I received when she kissed me making my toes curl. She helped me with the dishes, and then we adjourned to the porch with two fresh drinks. We watched the sunset together, along with the two amorous squirrels. She grabbed my hand and led me into the cabin, then up to our bedroom.

I know two days, and I am calling it our bedroom, but that is how I saw it. She had grabbed one of her cases as we headed upstairs, leading me to the vanity. I was forced to sit, and she opened the case, where everything to do with nails was spread out before me. She sat on a stool on the other side of the vanity and proceeded to work on my nails. She removed the polish that I had put on but had more in mind than just a polish change.

My cuticles needing to be trimmed a fact that I had apparently left for way too long, according to Becky. Then she added some extensions, way too long for my liking, but she assured me that I would soon get the hang of it. A vibrant deep red polish after a clear base coat was applied, and then two more coats to assure they were sufficiently red. A clear top coat, then a stint under a U.V. light to set the polish. She assured me that nail polish remover would not touch it, but since there was not any in the cabin, I would not have to worry about it.

After my nails were sufficiently dry and set, we dressed for bed, and then we set on the upstairs porch for a while to unwind. I ran my fingers over the smooth polished surface of my new nails several times, wondering how it would be to wear polish all the time. Then my mind recovered from the abyss it was in, shouting that stupid you are wearing nail polish now and for the foreseeable future. We cuddled for quite some time, no words needed, then made our way to the bed.

A quick trip to the bathroom and then I slipped under the covers next to my BFF, at least that was what I was telling myself as I got as close as I could to her warm and inviting body. The bathroom experience was not without an incident or two since my new long nails got to my body long before they should have. A small price to be beautiful I guess. We sneaked a kiss or two and then were fast asleep, locked in each other’s embrace.

Another morning, not as bad as some since I woke up next to Becky. She calls the salon every evening to find out about her appointments for the next day so she can make appropriate plans. Her first appointment is never before ten A.M., so she has time for the commute. Today she didn’t have any appointments till three P.M. The trouble with that is the appointment is in Williams Az., on the other side of Flagstaff. Then three appointments the following morning there and in Ashfork, a few miles further west.

With Becky not coming home tonight, she decided that I needed more girly time. She goes out to her van and retrieves another one of her cases that she works from. She sets it up in the bedroom, then has me strip and lay on the bed. I am told to close my eyes and keep them closed as she works her magic. She uses several creams on my chest over the next hour, massaging them in, them after ten to twenty minutes she removes them with a damp rag.

I am now presuming that I am hairless on my upper torso, from the feel as she moves her hands over my nipples. I never had much hair to start with, the small patch in the middle of my chest and a little leg hair all that I managed to grow in my early years. She fiddles with my nipples a little, and when I try to lift my head to see what she is doing, she lays one of the rags over my eyes to block the view. She tells me to lay perfectly still, or she will be required to restrain me that said with a definite giggle.

I feel two cold objects being placed over my nipples, and then a noise as a motor is turned on. The skin of my breast is sucked into the objects and apparently starts to fill the object as I can feel the contact of my skin to the inside of the object. Then the pump goes to a cycling stage where it runs then shuts off, then repeats the practice. Becky again tells me that I need to lay still, or she will tie me down. I don’t doubt that in the least so I try to lay still.

I figure that I will soon be the proud owner of breasts, although what size and for how long an unknown. I trust Becky, but this is more than just dressing up in clothes of the opposite sex. She leans next to my ear and whispers that I will feel a pin prick but do not move, or she will leave me tied to the bed while she is on the other side of the state. I feel a prick in each nipple; apparently, I just received a shot in each nipple.

My anxiety level goes up several notches, as she lays next to me and cuddles me, calming me down with whispers in my ear and touches to my face. It seems like hours before she is done and gets up. The pump is shut off, the noise in the room ceases. She unhooks something from the objects on my chest then removes the rag over my eyes. It takes me a minute to adjust to the light, and then a few seconds to see what is on my chest. Another few seconds to faint, the image of two very significant breasts perched on my chest inside two plastic domes to be etched in my memory forever.

I woke a little later to Becky wiping my forehead with a damp cloth, then a wonderful kiss from her as she plays with my tongue. I raise my head again to see if I had been dreaming, but the breasts are still there, encased in the plastic domes. The breast forms stay, they will eventually dissolve leaving just natural breast tissue. A sexy bra now holds the forms, a bra with breasts overfilling the cups. Becky tells me that some of the volume will go away as the swelling goes down, but the bra will still be full when all is said and done.

I guess Crystal is really going to be around for the next few months. The breasts that Becky has bestowed on me seem to be attached to my body, although I have no idea how. They are not forms that have been glued on; that would be far easier to remove, these are a part of me, they move as I breathe causing me to wonder where this is headed. I suddenly find myself a female, not a male impersonating a female, but a breast wielding member of the gentler sex.

She hands me a negligee to slip over my protuberances; now it seems almost sinful if I am not covered up at least some. An addition of a basic female part and things have changed so much in such a little time span. We adjourn to the kitchen to make a couple of sandwiches before she has to leave to make her appointments. She pays more than a little attention to my breasts, in fact, I suspect the reason I received a negligee.

After a delicious lunch, although I do not remember what exactly I ate, she gathered all her cases and headed to her van. I know it has only been a couple of days, but I am fearful that she is leaving me for a day, although I do receive extra kisses and a big hug as she gets in her van and leaves. I stand and look as the van disappears down the road, then head back inside. Now I have to find something to occupy my time, a task that I can get lost in, to keep my mind off things, especially Becky.

I decide to write for a while, hoping that I can get immersed in it enough to forget what is going on. I pick one of my stories that I had laid out the general outline of and start writing. I use a little of what is happening to me in the story, the hero (heroine) being left with only women’s clothes to wear, and no way to change the status quo for a while. I get into it and by early afternoon, I had written almost four thousand words.

I took a minute, actually several minutes and re-read the part I had written. It flows along in a pleasant manner, the heroine trying to figure a way out of her predicament, no matter what she tries she is stuck in her feminine prison. Then she comes up with the idea to try and find someone to help her out, but who will help and where is she going to find this person. At that point, I had stopped jotting down my ideas.

I decide to research my story a little and venture to the general store a few miles away and see what I can come up with. I slip on some more practical clothes, a longer skirt with a cute sleeveless tank top both in a light tan color. There is nothing but heels to wear, but I found a pair with a blockish heel that might allow me to use the pedals on the bike that we kept around the cabin for this sole purpose. There was no way that I was going to walk the two miles there and back in heels.

It took a couple of spins around the cabin to perfect my cycling, but I did manage to get the gist of things eventually. I meandered along, not needing to be in a hurry to get there, and not wanting to exert myself. A young lady does not do things that result in sweating or perspiring in any shape or form. If you have never tried riding a bike with heels on it is a real trip, if I was careful I managed to keep the flat part of the heel on the pedal thus allowing me to navigate the short distance to the store. Surprisingly I did make it there in one piece, parked the bike in front of the store, and then went inside. Luckily for me it was a women’s bike, much easier to mount and dismount from.

I was more than a little apprehensive about being out dressed as a female but hoped that my new accessories were realistic enough to sway the fence sitters. Walking up the three steps to the porch of the general store was different. I had walked these steps before on many occasions, but the movement of my breasts jiggling in their cups of my bra was more than a little disconcerting. Then to be treated to the door of the store being opened for me, another first, although I am not complaining about the simple act.

I made my way inside, looked around, familiarizing myself with what they carry and made a couple of selections. Upon reaching the counter I saw a familiar face, Mrs. Stapleton was the wife of the owner of this store and had been a fixture for many years. She greeted me asking if there was anything else I needed or couldn’t find. I did think of some ink for my printer since a trip to one of the larger towns was probably out of the question.

For special orders, they made a habit of picking them for you, charging only the cost of the item plus a small fee for transportation. I gave her the numbers of the ink cartridge, then asked if she could put it on our account. Luckily she could do that for me. There was no one else in line, so she chatted with me for several minutes. She wanted to know where I was staying and without thinking, I told her with my parents, the Hamiltons. She gave me a once over inspection and smiled.

Nothing was said further, as several other customers came into the establishment. One of the young girls was a friend of Becky’s, although I had met her before, we had very little interaction with each other since Becky only saw her a couple of times a year when she was at the cabin. Her name was Cynthia James, although Becky always called her C.J., a name that stuck, so everybody now called her C.J. She asked if the bike outside was mine, and I told her it was. She thought it might have been since it was a girl’s model, and I was the only female in the store other than Mrs. Stapleton.

Her quick glance at my heels and I knew what the next question would be about. She offered to take me back to my cabin since she had to go by it to reach hers. We could put the bike in the back of her pickup, and I could ride in style. She had heard me say that I was staying at the Hamilton place, and since most everybody knows where all the non-vacationers lived she knew where the place was. I was told that her friend Becky lived next door, and she couldn’t wait until Becky came up for the season. I told her that Becky was now a stylist and is working for a beauty salon doing beauty treatments over most of northern Arizona.

I thanked Mrs. Stapleton for her help, with her asking me to lunch sometime this week to share a little girl talk. I told her I would call, as soon as I knew my schedule. I loaded the bike into the bed of her pickup, no mere feat for someone in heels and ladies clothes. C.J. talked a mile a minute as she drove to the cabin, with me getting a word in edgewise every now and then. When we reached my cabin, I invited her in for a soda, just trying to be polite. We grabbed two drinks and went to the upstairs balcony to talk.

It was all of the standard female questions, about my family, about where I was going to school, and whether I had a boyfriend or not. I thought I had answered all of the above satisfactorily, but C.J. was more astute than her blond hair implied as she asked me if I enjoyed dressing as a female. I was stunned that I had been found out and wanted to know what had given me away more than answering her question. She told me that my looks and actions were perfectly female, but the portrait in the great room was a dead giveaway. The portrait was of my parents, with their son and daughter done only a year ago.

The reason C.J. put two and two together was that the artist was her mother, and she had made the comment while painting the portrait that the Hamilton’s had only one son and daughter, and I didn’t look anything like my sister. The resemblance between my image in the portrait and me live was too great to be ignored. C.J. took my dressing as a matter of fact thing; she soon changed the topic to what I am doing this summer. I am truthful, no need for an elaborate scheme, just the truth, learning to be a girl.

“Well for that you need a girlfriend, someone to confide in, someone to share your experiences, and someone to teach you girl talk. She just happens to know someone, and feels that we would get along together quite well.” She had dinner with her parents tonight; they were visiting, then they too were going on vacation, Hawaii their choice of destinations. C.J. told me she would see me tomorrow morning, we could talk and find something to occupy our time. I got a hug as she left, as I just stared at her retreating figure. I just made a possible friend, her acceptance of me as a female made me think what is happening here? Most of my life as a loner, ostracized from society, yet two days as a female and I have a lover and a girlfriend. Did I forget to mention that I was eighty percent female in body already, with most of the six month period left.

I made my way to the kitchen, put together a salad for dinner, then made a pitcher of tea, actually green tea, my favorite. I nibbled on the salad as I thought of the day’s activities, from Becky giving me breasts, to meeting C.J. and her discovering the truth about me. It is almost a non-event, going to the store I accepted the breasts as a part of me, never thinking about the fact that I now possessed C cup breasts. Then with C.J. talking and her discovery of the real me, so I had been found out, no big deal.

After cleaning up the dishes and putting everything away, I sat down and wrote some more. Still utilizing what actually is happening to me in the story. I stayed at it through the night, for some reason I didn’t want to go to bed alone, finishing the story as the sun came over the horizon. I decided I needed a bath, so I dragged myself to the bathroom and concocted a bath loaded with bubbles and sweet-smelling salts. I lowered my body into the bubbles and breathed in the scent. It is true heaven on earth. I relaxed and swished the water around some, enjoying the warm water on my breasts. The semi rigid forms had totally dissolved, now just natural breast tissue remaining. My nipples got rather pointy and swollen, I thought about playing with them but knew C.J. would soon be over, so that would have to wait. I washed myself with a perfumed soap; now I am sure I would smell like a female for quite some time. I dried myself and made for my closet to find something to wear.

To no one’s surprise, I found another sundress that called to me. A white lace design with lavender ribbon woven through parts of the lace. Very pretty and feminine, but then looking at the closet of clothes Sis had picked out, not many of them were anything but girly. A pair of four-inch heels and I am ready for whatever. Yes I did succumb to a bra and panties, but drew the line on stockings.

C.J. turned up shortly thereafter. I invited her in, and we partook of some diet drinks. She wanted to walk the trails some, so we headed for the door. She made a remark about my heels, but I explained that I had nothing but heels, so they would have to do. I got a funny look, but we set off on the trail leading to the store. We meandered along, she wanted the back story of my dressing, how I was up here alone and without any type of clothing that resembled masculine in shape or form. We sat on one the benches that my father had built along the trails, and I started from scratch and told her everything.

She listened attentively to all that I had said, not making any comment or further question. I presumed from her silence that something about my story had upset her, so I suggested that we return to the cabin. As we were walking back she asked if I would let her read one of my stories, I figured that it wouldn’t make anything worse than it was so I agreed. When we got back to the cabin, I retrieved my completed story and handed it to her. She took it and curled up in one of the wicker chairs on the balcony and started reading. I made us some lunch, just some cute little sandwiches, decorated with olives, pickles, and peppers along the side of the sandwich. A few potato chips on the other side of the sandwich, and I took them out to the balcony. I handed her the sandwich, but she declined it, just a few more pages to read, I sat there on the love seat, watching her read and trying to figure out if she liked the story or not.

She got to the last page, then laid the pages down. She stared off into the distance lost in her thoughts. She sat upright and asked if I had any more stories in progress, I retrieved my laptop and opened up where I kept my stories. She clicked on one of them, then reached for her sandwich. I handed it to her, then leaned back and ate mine. This went on for over three hours, as she read the parts of each story that I had finished, no comment said during all of this time. Finally, she seemed to be finished and came to sit next to me. She wanted to know what I am going to do with the stories. I gave her a puzzled look, I haven’t planned on doing anything with them, they are just something to pass the day with, something to keep me busy and not thinking about myself.

She told me she has a friend who does some publishing of her own fiction, and she has done some editing for her of her stories. She would like her to read the finished story, and see what she thinks. I handed her the story on a disc and told her to have at it, I couldn’t see how it would amount to anything, but she is welcome to try.

C.J. looked at me seriously and told me that I needed to finish the other stories, they are too good to be left unfinished. The look I gave her in return made her laugh. They are, you need to stay in the cabin until you finish them. Then she wanted to know if I could write new ones, did I have any ideas for more stories? She seemed very interested, but I think she is just being nice, surely nothing I could write would interest others.

It was two days later when C.J. came bouncing over to the cabin. She had another lady with her, dressed business like and with a briefcase along with her purse. I presumed a lawyer by her looks. C.J. entered the cabin asking if I was decent. I came out of the kitchen where I was making me some lunch and I immediately got hugged. I was not expecting it, I considered her a friend but we had not known each other that long. She introduced her friend and dragged me to the kitchen bar.

The lady was Veronica Stapleton and she had an offer for me. I sat there my mouth wide open in amazement as she offered to buy all of my books as they are completed. The deal gave me fifty-one percent of the sales, plus extra for personal appearances at book signings. I did have to give them an exclusive on any future writings, one that I had mixed emotions about. What if I couldn’t produce any more stories worthy of publication, I was told that was their problem, and for me to just concentrate or writing more stories.

They left about two hours later, leaving me with a signed contract and a check for fifty thousand dollars. I gave her what I had written so far on several stories for her to review and promised that I would have another completed story in a few weeks. I did not notice till later that the check was made out to Crystal. Another problem to deal with.

Becky got in late after spending three days away from me. I was woman-handled at the door, kisses, gropes and hugs given freely. I had dinner ready and she set on my lap to eat, with me giggling at her actions. We adjourned to the sofa where she told me of her customers and her missing me at night. I had mistakenly left out the contract on the coffee table and she spotted it. Zooming in on it she read it thoroughly than hauled off and hit me hard on the shoulder. Again on my lap and her nose right next to mine she demanded all the details or she was going to undress me and throw me outside for nature to deal with me.

I confessed all to her, she was ecstatic but was trying so hard to not let it show. My sister was called and they discussed me in detail along with the deal. I was never given a chance to talk to her, Sis and Becky deciding on what was to be done. Their conversation ended and Becky wanting to see the check.

In the back of my mind I had hoped that doing something with the check would allow me to escape my solitude, but Sis had already taken steps just in case and after Becky told me of their existence I realized that Sis was so much smarter than me. I let out a big sigh, then signed the back of the check after filling out a deposit slip that Becky came up with somehow. The Bank had a branch in Payson and Becky would make the deposit tomorrow morning. I was now rich and somewhat independent but lacked any means to do anything with the money.

I did get to cuddle Becky in bed all night, a most welcome action that I savored. It was several days later when Becky turned up early dressed to the nines. I was told to put on a dress that she was carrying in a garment bag over her shoulder and she would do my hair and makeup. I emerged a little later blushing red all over. The dress was brief, barley covering my panties. The neckline exposed most of my assets and hugged my body hard. My hair was pinned up with curls dangling over my ears and spilling down my back. The makeup was applied heavier than usual, leaving no doubt about the gender of the person underneath it. I was hustled out to her van and she drove off after locking the cabin up.

I tried to get the skirt to cover more of my thighs, but it was useless. It did keep me occupied doing so, not noticing till later we were already on I-40 heading west. I asked a few questions but Becky just had a smirk on her face the whole time, not bothering to answer any with a meaningful response. When we turned north at Kingman I had an idea of where we were headed. I swallowed hard, wondering if what I was thinking was Becky’s plan. Sure enough we pulled into the outskirts of Las Vegas and she stopped at the first wedding chapel on the highway.

She parked in their parking lot and turned and faced me. Since you are not screaming I presume you know what we are here for. I have always loved you from the first day we met all those years ago. Then when Crystal emerged some I was hopelessly enamored with you. Most of this scenario is my idea, to get Crystal out and in charge. Now we are going in there and getting married, then to a hotel where I can screw you all night. I have the only piece of clothing you will need tonight, a skimpy little pink nightie.

I was shocked but also so happy, I started to mention needing a marriage license and me not bringing any identification. Becky’s smirk returned as she waved a handful of papers in her hand. I decided less talk and more action was needed as I launched myself at her from the passenger seat. I grabbed a hold of her kissing and groping anything I could reach. The steering wheel was a problem, but Becky managed to get her door open and dragged me across the seat giggling away. She literally carried me inside as I was lip locked on her mouth. I heard the lady handling the marriages giggle as Becky handed her the documents and used her hands to request a marriage license. It was less than a half hour later when she married us and Becky carried me back to the van.

Once she checked us in at the hotel I was hustled upstairs and into our room. I looked around to see a heart shaped bed then nothing more as my dress was removed and the skimpy nightie was dropped over my head. I don’t remember much after that, just a lot of wonderful feelings coursing through my body for hours. It was heaven on earth, all of my years of suffering and angst now culminating in this wonderful new life for me. I was indeed dropped into the deep end, but I came out just fine.

© 2016 thru 2024 by Francesca

  Marla: Suggestive Female Thoughts Julie was ecstatic when she got home from classes. Her psychology professor had accepted her proposal...