Showing posts with label Entertainer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Entertainer. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Kitty: Gurl Of The Old West

Kitty: Gurl Of The Old West

The town was a byproduct of a Hollywood movie shoot fifteen years ago. The producers had actually built an entire western town to shoot the movie at. Why they didn’t use a sound stage in Hollywood that was already existing no one has ever been able to figure out.

Anyway about fifty of us who lived in the area saw a possibility to make some money off of it. We approached the owner of the land and bought the whole town along with about six hundred acres that surrounded it. It took us several months to repair the damage caused by Mother Nature and nobody living in the town. We hired an advertising company to formulate us an ad campaign to bring tourists to the area. Luckily we were not too far from an existing tourist attraction, so all we had to do was make the connection that while in the area they could stop and visit us too.

Justine, the gal that put all of this together including forming the original group was quite smart, planned well and was able to make some good deals as all of this started coming together.

We financed the purchase and the operating budget by taking out loans on our properties. The majority of us had paid off our mortgages earlier in life, so our properties were free and clear. Most of our properties fronted the town and acreage, so we were neighbors in a way. Some of us had jobs, but the majority of the group had investments or businesses that supplied us a monthly income. Justine, the head of our group divided us all down into groups based on our interests and experience to develop the town into our little dream, hopefully a money making dream.

There were groups to handle setting up the different stores and entertainment venues in the town. Others to do the props and costumes for the entertainers. It was decided early on that we would try and provide all we needed from within the group, keeping any outsiders to a minimum. All in all there were about three hundred of us, counting the spouses, and the older children. After checking out all the skills of the group it looked like we could handle the staffing with very little outside influence. It was a lot of work to put it all together, but our initial feelers to some travel agencies and tourist groups all came back very positive, reinforcing our original decision to buy the town.

Several general stores were spotted through the town, our plan for them to sell vintage clothing, souvenirs and snack food that could be eaten in the town while they were visiting. Two saloons that would provide entertainment similar to what was offered in the old west. Dancing girls and usually a female singer were the staples back then, so that is what we were shooting for.

The hotel that was in the middle of the town, and had been used by the production company for their actresses and actors would be our big money maker. Although the outside was used for background scenes in the movie, the inside was plush and elegant. It had forty rooms, so we hoped it would more than pay its way as an income source.

Originally we had planned on an admission charge to visit the town, but the logistics of parking, some way of collecting the fee and control access to the town all added up to be a bad idea. If we offered something in each of the businesses that would raise some revenue, probably a much better idea. The general stores had items to sell, the hotel rooms to rent and several restaurants for evening dining. The saloons had entertainment, but charging to get in seemed counterproductive. So some snack like foods, and drinks seemed a much better way to increase the revenue there. We decided on a wide array of different drinks, wine being the only alcoholic beverage and that not to be offered until after ten o’clock at night. We did not want to risk our family oriented destination advertising. Both saloons were quite large, we figured they could seat two hundred plus patrons for a show. Three or four shows a day and we might be able to take in some serious money.

One of the group handling setting up the saloons had visited Las Vegas to get some ideas of what snacks and drinks we could offer. Since during the day we wanted to attract families there would be no alcohol served at either place till late evening. The group did settle on different teas and coffees deciding on fifty different offerings. Of course soda pop was included for the younger children, just some exotic names instead of the old stand bys. All served in their original bottles chilled in galvanized tubs packed with ice.

In between the shows we planned some gunfights starting in the saloons and being carried out onto the streets. The group handing that were already practicing their craft, a few fistfights added to make it all seem a little more real.

We found an old stagecoach, rebuilt it and offered a thirty minute ride around the town and surrounding desert area. The area was quite picturesque, the production company had filmed a lot of their background scenes in the area. The stagecoach turned out to be one of the best ideas, it only needed to be surface cleaned and some upholstery to the interior seats. One of our group was into horses, found us a team of six horses and trained several of the group to handle the team. We managed to convince a couple of the travel agency people to come to the town, offered them a ride on the stagecoach and let them tour the town. We didn’t have the restaurants going yet or the entertainment in the saloons, but they loved the overall idea.

Now we come to our participation in this crazy idea. My wife in her earlier years had been an entertainer on a cruise ship, so she became our entertainment coordinator. She found several of the group to be the saloon girls, actually the daughters of some of our group. No singers though, especially someone that could belt out the songs. We even had a few singers come in that were not part of the group, to audition for the roles. A couple were okay, but nothing outstanding. It was getting down to the wire, the date we had planned to be our grand opening fast approaching.

The costume people had done fantastic, the designs were catchy and very authentic looking. For the singer they were just waiting for the person to be selected, so that the costume could be altered to fit properly. The dresses for the saloon girls and the singer were just like the old western movies, low cut, fitted bodices and huge skirts with lots of petticoats. Enough to tantalize any male without endangering our family oriented theme.

Often in the late evenings after a long day at sprucing up the town several of us would gather in one the saloons to drink a little and have a little fun. The drinks were mostly wine, since surprisingly none of the group drank hard alcohol. I had a few too many, which sometimes happened to me. We were singing along to some music from a stereo, it was featuring a few songs from the stage play Annie Get Your Gun. I was lost in the moment never hearing my fellow singers stop singing, now I was the only one singing along, belting out the words to Anything You Can Do. I did however became aware when the music stopped and I was the only one still singing. My wife approached, a huge smirk on her face and led me away, a few giggles escaping as I was taken away. I instantly regretted my actions, now that Greta is involved, I doubt I will escape unscathed.

Surprisingly she took me home, made some coffee and poured me several cups. I sobered up some as the evening wore on, then I was led to our living room where we had a state of the art sound system. She had me stand in the middle of the room and handed me the words to the same song I had sang to earlier this evening. Stepping to the stereo she queued the music to start, and looked at me expectantly. I missed the first que, so she restarted the music. I did manage to start singing at the proper time but my voice was strained and widely fluctuating. She stopped the music and came over pulling me to her and hugging the daylights out of me. That and a couple of sensual kisses and I was suddenly her little saloon gurl. She repeated the action several times, each time I melted a little more, then when she restarted the music for the third time I was lost in the role. According to her I was fine, but needed to develop a little more volume.

She went through all of the songs I would be singing, handing me the sheet music as we went along. I did not find out until later that she was recording all of my ministrations. When I sang my voice was higher, never could bring it down to my speaking voice. Apparently it will be good enough for the show, she had a couple of ideas for later, but first I had to memorize all the lyrics and practice the songs.

I never did realize up to the moment of my first costume fitting that I would be singing as a female. That is how the show was set-up, but my less than bright mind never put two and two together. I was so intent on learning the songs that I overlooked the difficult part. I was fitted for my costumes, never moving or saying a word. I was in fact staring at a spot on the wall across from where I was standing. I was one to believe that if you ignored something long enough it would go away. I did ignore all that was happening, but absolutely nothing went away, each costume fitted to my body. After the alterations were made and I tried them on again the dress was baggy in areas, then my mind managed to engage, my breasts and hips would make if fit properly once added to my body.

We were a couple of weeks from our grand opening, Greta had everybody scheduled for a full dress rehearsal of the saloon show. It was to be the same people, in both saloon shows, just different costumes and different songs. The saloon girls were different, each saloon having a full complement of girls to serve the drinks and snacks. The shows were staggered, allowing time for costume changes and a rest period in between. The shows during the day and early evening were tame, popular songs and family orientated. The late evening shows were geared to couples and a little more provocative. The costumes in particular, a lot more skin showing in my evening costumes that is for sure.

Early on we found out we didn’t really have anybody for makeup and hair styling. All of the females could do their own makeup but to do all of the saloon entertainers and workers was over their head. Greta spent a couple of days in the nearest larger town looking for a solution. At the Turnabout Gurl Salon she talked with the manager and later the CEO of the company making arrangements for someone to come to our town each day and perform the needed services. That way their stylists could each get some time to enjoy the Wild West town and also get paid for doing it. I still had to lose the male figure, since my role was as a female saloon singer.

That was arranged for at their salon, two days to get rid of any masculinity and develop my feminine image. Removal of all my body hair was first, followed by work on my fingernails. Extensions were added and way too many coats of polish added, the end result most feminine and obviously visible to everyone. Extensions were added to my shoulder length hair, now cascading nearly to my waist. Curled and piled on top of my head, ribbons to match my dresses added to make the style more eye catching. Of course pierced ears, usually large hoops in a gold finish with small diamonds adorning the bottom curve of the hoops.

Then we have the addition of breasts, sucked from my body and way too large in my opinion. I was informed the size was necessary to make my dresses look right. Yeah tell me another one. I was so wrapped up in what they were doing to junior, that I ended up with the large breasts, along with a cute slit, just like the one Greta has on her body. A wicked corset came next, forcing flab from my waist to my hips and chest. Then I found out the corset had a panel that covered the laces, keeping me from getting out of the corset. For the first two weeks I was in the corset 24/7 so that my middle section would form and retain a feminine shape. I began to look forward to my daily bath, the only time I received a few moments respite from the corset. High heels were mandatory, since they helped shape my calves, making them look sexy.

It was a whirlwind of activity those two days, I don’t remember a lot, but my image as I left at the end of the second day was not anyways masculine. When Greta greeted me as I was coming into our house she gasped and promptly led me away. I never did get dinner that night, I knew I needed to lose a few pounds, but starvation was not my preferred means of losing the poundage. Of course, the exercise I received that night would probably help with the weight loss. I am told you can burn a lot of calories moaning and groaning.

I did sleep well that night, once the sexual activities ceased since I was way past the pooped stage. Maybe not from physical activity, but from stress, stress of losing all of my masculinity, now I was as pretty as Greta, that in her own words. I do remember some of the kisses, and my lack of getting an adequate amount of air into my lungs. Most of the night I felt like I had run a marathon, and finished dead last.

What I do remember from that night was wonderful, still not sure if it is reality or just part of a dream. I did have a smile on my face the next morning until I got up and looked in the mirror. I was a mess, hair disheveled and makeup smeared all over my face and neck. I am not sure if the makeup was Greta’s or mine but I just considered the mess an occupational handicap of my apparent new career.

Today was going to be another salon day, any remaining masculinity to be done away with. I was delivered to the salon by Greta, thus having no way to escape my feminizing treatments. They indeed did away with it, when Greta picked me up, all that was left was Kitty, the new saloon singer. Unbeknownst to me they had scheduled a full dress rehearsal that Saturday night for the press and selected members of some of the travel agencies. When Greta pulled in behind the saloon I had a lot of bad feelings rise to the surface. I kept quiet, I knew this meant a lot to the others, we had all stuck our neck out hoping for it be the right move. I was helped into my late night costume, perfumed and led to the saloon stage. The rest of my body already prepared for the show at the beauty salon.

I was a bundle of nerves, dressing as a female one thing, but performing some sexy songs as one in front of a lot of people quite different. Greta approached, hugged me and made lip contact. It was such a sensuous kiss, lasting forever. I doubt I could tell you my name afterward, my mind suddenly all gooey. I was led out onto the stage and introduced as Kitty La Chatte. I had no idea where that name came from, but since everyone seemed to be aware of it I presume it was planned in advance. I stepped up to my spot on the stage as the music started. Luckily I did remember the lyrics to the songs as I went through the evening show for my audience.

Quite often when I sing I close my eyes, the words of the song just emerging from my lips. I try to feel the emotion of the song, my voice trying to express that feeling as I sing. Also a way for me to cope with being in front of a crowd. According to Greta, me feeling the emotion of the song is what makes me a perfect choice for their saloon singer.

After my last song there was quiet, then thunderous applause. Several people came on stage wanting to know a little about me and get some pictures for their articles. Greta and Justine ended up saving me by coming and talking to them. My male gender was left out of any conversations but I swear they took a thousand pictures of me. I just stood there smiling, lost in thought and unable to say anything. I had no idea any of this would happen, now wondering how it would affect me and Greta. Finally they were satisfied promising a full page article about our venue and particularly about me in the Sunday paper. Success for the venue probably, but I am not sure how this will play out for me.

I was worn out and frazzled, so I headed home. Greta and the governing committee were in a meeting discussing what had happened tonight. I removed my costume, took a shower that I almost fell asleep in, then crawled under the covers. Instantly I was asleep, not hearing anything until the alarm the next morning. I awoke to a warm body cuddling my new female form, something I could get used to. I got a sensuous kiss, and Greta left to get the paper from the front porch. I had finished using the bathroom, putting on the robe left at the end of the bed presumably for me. I heard a squeal, then Greta came running in. At the same time our doorbell started, somebody was very anxious to have it opened. Greta laid the paper down on the bed, opened to a full page picture of me in costume. I sat down hard on the edge of the bed, almost missing the edge and ending up on the floor.

Greta showed up with Justine in tow, I blushed at being seen in a nightie and a quite feminine looking robe. Justine ran to me and hugged the living daylights out of me, repeatedly kissing my face and thanking me. According to her the inquiries at our website were off the chart, people wanting to know when we going to open and if they could get tickets to the show. Justine’s husband was trying to answer as many inquiries as possible since he is the one that had set-up the website. Justine telling Greta they had an emergency meeting in a few minutes, where they were going to try and figure out how to proceed.

Greta got dressed and left me alone in the house in just my nightie. I managed to find some fruit to eat, still remembering how tight the corset was yesterday to allow me to fit in my dress. I decided on a soak in a warm bath, to let my worries melt away. I used some of her bath salts emerging smelling like a field of flowers, a very fragrant field of flowers. I most likely used way too much bath salts, but I did smell good.

I dressed in a blouse and a pair of shorts, most of my male clothes no longer fitting over the adornments on my chest and hips. Two hours later that is where Greta found me curled up on a chair on our patio. She sat next to me, with a piece of paper in front of her. I presumed what they had decided in their hastily called meeting.

Several people who penned articles about the venue said it was shame that there were not girls who would dance with the customers like in the old west, a natural fit to our little slice of the time. So they decided to offer dancing in the saloons in between the shows. A ticket could be purchased for a dance with one of the girls, good for two songs. Then a photographer would be available to take a picture of the twosome, offering prints as a reminder of the occasion. It would be mainly aimed at the guys, since dancing with a busty saloon girl would probably appeal to any red blooded male. To make sure that things were kept to dancing only, the guys doing the gun fighting would be on the dance floor as chaperons. If a wife of a guy that was dancing with a saloon girl wanted to dance he would be available for her. No tickets necessary for a dance with him.

To accommodate the dancing they were going to do less shows, the few shows that remained would last a little longer. I was happy about that, but not when I found out I would be included in the girls available for dancing. My tickets would cost more of course, since I was the star of the show.

One show in the afternoon for the families, two in the evening for couples or singles only. That was two less than originally planned, a plus for me, except for the added dancing. I was not eager to be held by some male as he led me around the dance floor. I could see the possibility for more revenue, but at my expense. I finally relented, a lot was riding on this venture, I was not going to be the reason it stuttered or failed.

So now along with everything else I was given a crash course in dancing as a female. Of course a lot of the husbands volunteered to be my dance partner, I never realized how grabby a male can be with his hands. I did make it through the dance lessons, ending up dancing with every male in the group at one time or the other.

Some were quite good dancers, I enjoyed them the most, being swirled around the dance floor in my skirts quite pleasurable. Then after a long day back to our house and seen to by Greta. By the time I got to sleep it had been a very long day. Such is the life of a saloon singer in the old west.

The first week was pure torture, all of these things to get used to, plus doing my act three to four times a day. By the second week I was getting used to things some, the heels not bothering me as much and actually able to take in some normal breaths from time to time while encased in the corset.

I was told of several people that I had to avoid, since she will not tolerate me flirting with certain males of the group. If I didn’t behave she would see that a chastity belt is purchased for me and utilized. That said with quite a bit of giggling involved.

My male life soon vanished, in costume for much of the day and doing the three shows a day. The concept was a success, we had hefty crowds most of the time, the saloon shows however the most popular. It was decided to add to the saloons space, closing nearby stores to allow for a bigger audience. Then adding back in one of the deleted shows a month later.

So now I was doing four shows a day, slightly shorter, but still over ninety minutes long. They did close the saloons on Sunday and Wednesday, although the wild west town was still open for visitors. That mainly due too preserving my voice, seven days a week very hard on the vocal chords.

The favorite shows for me were the ones geared toward the family, the kids in attendance fun to sing to, quite often they would sing along with me, if they knew the words. Several of those shows would end up near the two hour mark in length.

The last show of the night I often was super naughty. It was set up where I would sing to the males, often sitting on their lap singing to them my hands in their hair or playing with their ears. Of course, the male would blush, especially if his spouse was at the same table. If the wife or girlfriend was enjoying me toying with their spouse, I would wink at them and plant a kiss on the males cheek, the lipstick mark quite visible due to my red lipstick. Of course, a picture at that time snapped to preserve the moment. You would not believe the amount of photos we sold taken that way.

My life did change, now dressed as a female all the time, even on my two days off my feminine figure requiring female fashions to be worn. I got to where I enjoyed the dancing as much as singing. Three times the price of dancing with me was raised, each time no complaints from the customers, even if they had visited us before. One thing I did not expect is the hundreds of photos of me that were sold each day, although being pestered to autograph each one was getting out of hand. Soon the photos were offered with my autograph on them already, a much more satisfactory solution for me.

Greta and I actually became closer if that is even possible. Each day I had to work I was escorted to and from the town by her, kissed sensuously and then hugged hard. When dancing she kept a close eye on me making sure my dance partners were keeping their hands where allowed.

At home I was spoiled rotten, with her catering to my every whim. I was not very demanding, to be cuddled, kissed and hugged more than enough for me. Junior was never released, Greta and I making love as two females. In a way I found that to be more enjoyable, on the bottom and being made love to. I often had several orgasms, after sex having to use a tampon or take a bath to keep the sticky liquid from running down my legs. I never got to sleep till the early morning hours, having to work until one in the morning then being seen to by Greta until several hours later.

Looking back I am amazed at how easily I fitted into the role, from my being caught singing with our friends to on stage dressed in all of my feminine finery and belting out songs to the crowd. Kitty is the saloon singer of our little town, a true Gurl Of The Old West.

© 2016 thru 2024 by Francesca

Saturday, June 8, 2024

Lainey: Crystal Palace Songbird

Lainey: Crystal Palace Songbird

There were several of us in the group, a college play that had got us together in the first place. We each played parts in the production, the two lead actresses. a male supporting actor and little old me. I was officially an assistant producer of the play, in charge of casting the roles, supervision of the script and on stage presence including costumes and makeup. The play did fairly well playing for almost three months every Friday and Saturday. The ticket sales helping to fund the drama department.

A small portion of the ticket sales was also donated to the campus child care. Started several years ago it was for young mothers who needed a place for their children while they tried to finish their degree. It was supervised by the college but the funding had to come from other sources since it was a state funded university. The professor who over saw the drama department started the child care center initially At the time she had several students wanting to complete their degree but had a young child that needed caring for. Most of the young girls were unmarried, their so called male companions skipping town after they found out the girl was pregnant. We all helped at the child care center, when studies and classes permitted. The kids were wonderful, so energetic just needing a little love and attention.

When we had a little extra cash our little group usually tried to visit a nightclub, a bar, or a concert if we found that little extra cash burning a hole in our pockets. A pleasant way to spend an evening and enjoy the friendship we developed over the time we spent doing plays and helping out at the child care center. Matt had a hot date tonight so he excused himself for the evening. Anne and Gloria had heard of a new place in town, a bar that was designed after an old time western saloon. They had a short show they put on three times an evening, usually a few of the girls doing a can-can dance and one gal lip syncing to a western song. The waitresses all done up as saloon girls, with huge bouffant slips and low cut bodices on their dresses. It sounded interesting so we decided to spend the evening there.

When we arrived we were shown to a table near the front of the saloon. A waitress took our drink orders then the first show started. It was fast paced, the girls swishing their skirts and kicking their legs high was quite entertaining. Then they spread out entering the audience area looking for volunteers to help later in the evening. They picked a couple college females who were giggling away as they were led backstage. The remaining dancers kept roaming through the tables until two of them were standing behind me. Gloria reached over and raised my hand and yelled take him. Both of my so called friends shouted their approval and soon I was being escorted to the backstage area.

The leader of the dancing girls pulled me aside as they got out of sight of the audience. She told me they wanted to dress me as a dancing girl, then have me do a number with them later in the evening. She looked at me wondering if I was alright with her plan, so I nodded my head and two of them quickly helped me to undress. I have no idea why I didn’t stop right there, having no interest in dressing as a female and being on stage as such.

I was allowed a little privacy until I had exchanged my shorts for a pair of ruffled panties. Then a pair of breast forms were glued to my chest, a corset with cups to support my new breasts was placed around my waist and cinched tightly. I guess they had picked wisely since I never did have much body hair, hardly any on my chest and only a few hairs on my legs. Some colored stockings were attached to the garter straps and my feet were nestled in a pair of four inch heels. The straps were fastened around my ankle keeping the shoes on my feet. The stockings hiding what little leg hair I had managed to grow in my nineteen years on this earth.

I was dragged over to a vanity and pushed down in the seat while a wig was secured over my head and glued around the edges to keep it from falling off. Way too much makeup was applied to my face, but the look they achieved apparently what they were looking for. I was handed the lyrics to the song they wanted me to sing, since it was all done in fun, it didn’t make any difference if my voice was feminine or not. I have no idea why I allowed them to make me look like a saloon girl. The image in the vanity mirror was definitely female, maybe a little too good looking for a female in a comedy skit. The lyrics were easy to learn, a soulful song usually sung by a torch singer. I imagine when I sang it it would get quite a few laughs.

I heard the college girls conclude their dance number, the applause quite enthusiastic for their efforts. The rest of the troupe performed another number then it was to be my time on stage. I swallowed hard, trying to get the frog in my throat to leave. One of the girls took my hand and led me to a spot on the stage. The music started and after a few garbled words I found my voice and started singing. I didn’t hear any laughter, or jeers from my friends, so I continued with the song. I closed my eyes letting my mind wander and tried to put a little soul in the song.

I had sung before in a few church services, but never before on a stage. When the music stopped I curtsied and left the stage. It was deathly quiet for a few moments, then all hell broke loose. The applause was deafening, I looked back toward the stage to see why everybody was clapping, seeing the stage empty. One of the gals came over and hugged me, asking where did I learn to sing so well. Several more of the performers came over wanting to hug me, some had tears in their eyes. I was dragged back on stage the applause once again loud and enthusiastic. Then the gal that had asked me if I would do the skit with them came up and pulled me off stage. I was taken to a little office to the right of the stage, several chairs, a desk with a monitor so that what was happening on the stage could be kept an eye on, otherwise the room was basically empty. I was shown to one of the chairs and she sat behind the desk.

“I am Cindy and that was awesome. Well you ruined that comedy skit. I am not complaining though. Are you a college student, do you have a job?”

I responded that I was a college student, no job and in my junior year. Majoring in drama, hoping to maybe get a job as an assistant director one day. She wanted to know if I was married, or had a steady girlfriend. I answered no and no but wondered why she wanted to know all of this information about me.

“Look you blew the audience away with your singing, if you will take it I have a job for you starting right now. Pay pretty good to start, with several raises once it gets around about your singing ability. I will pay for all your clothing, makeup and hair styling. All you have to do is sing several songs every evening. On Saturday twice during the day and once in the evening. Sunday we are closed. How about I start you out at five hundred a week, then make adjustments as needed to keep you happy.”

By that time my mind was mush, and I was sporting a mouth stuck in the open position. I finally nodded my assent to her proposal. Why I don’t know. The whole idea was so left field, and I had no idea of how I could even start to do what she wanted. She handed me another song to learn, wanting me to close the show tonight. She went out to take part in a couple of their skits, in between they helped serve drinks and mingled with the customers. I was able to learn the lyrics, it was a song I kind of liked and had heard before. She returned to get me, had me change my costume and refreshed my makeup. The new costume was elaborate, and oh so feminine. A plunging neckline to show off my cleavage and even more petticoats under the dresses skirt. Led back to the stage and introduced as Miss Lainey, our own Crystal Palace songbird.

I missed my first cue to the song and they had to start the music over. I manged to get it right this time closing my eyes and letting the song flow from my body. Again when I finished absolute quiet. Not a sound to be heard. I opened my eyes and saw a few people down front, with tears in their eyes. Looking farther into the audience I saw the same thing over and over. Then the applause came, everybody standing up and applauding loudly. I curtsied and left the stage. Back stage I was mobbed, my friends managing to find me and I was enveloped in a huge group hug. Cindy found our group and told them I would be working at the Crystal palace now. The girls stepped back to see if what she said was true, watching for my reaction. One of the show’s regular females grabbed my hand and took me to a dressing room where she helped me to get out of the costume, remove my makeup and the breast forms. They asked to take a couple of pictures of me in male mode, I relented, but still was in a daze at all that had transpired tonight. I received hugs from all of their girls, and was dragged off by my friends. I was quiet on the trip back to our apartment, not really knowing what to say to any of them.

Once in our apartment both girls sat me down at the small table in the kitchen and stared at me. I tried to feign disinterest but soon Gloria hauled off and hit me in the arm. Ann looked me straight in the eyes and in a very firm voice said we need information now. You are not going anywhere till we get it, so you better start talking.

I told them everything that had transpired and what Cindy had offered me. They wanted more info asking questions on how I will be dressed and what clothes I would be furnished. I had no answers for them but did get Cindy’s number and gave it to Anne. She was always the logical one, watching what we did and making suggestions that were more mainstream and logical for anything we had thought of doing. She told me she will call Cindy in the morning and find out the details. I was already yawning, so the girls manged to get me to my bed and as soon as my head hit the pillow I was out of it.

© 2016 thru 2024 by Francesca

Rose; Kick That Leg High

Rose; Kick That Leg High

Well, it all started about eight months ago, I had been working in Vegas for a little over a month, a transplant from Southern Arizona. I came up here to try and further my career as a dancer. Of course, the chances of getting a job professionally are quite low, but dreams and ideals spur you on to keep trying. It makes it twice as hard when you are a male dancer. The majority of the dancers working in Vegas are female, buxom semi-naked females.

I auditioned at seven different casinos, each audition went well, but they had nothing to offer me. They would keep my audition tape and let me know if anything changed, the same spiel delivered at each audition. I knew then I would probably never hear from them. The shows I auditioned for had only one or two male dancers, so that made it even more unlikely I would ever be called.

In the meantime I was able to find a job at a dance studio, teaching young girls the basics. It allowed me to find an apartment and settle in for the long campaign to find something better. The apartment was basic, one bedroom, a living room with kitchen and a bathroom with shower only. The dance studio was within walking distance of the apartment, otherwise I probably would not be able to work. I had a car, but it has seen its better days a few years ago, each trip into Vegas for an audition was done on a hope and a prayer.

I watched the newspapers every day looking for any opportunities to get my foot in the door. There was a local magazine for the entertainment industry that also had listings of new show castings and any open auditions. I missed very few chances to show off my abilities, but being male was more of a hindrance than I first thought. The casinos employ some male dancers but only as support dancers for the girls. Once employed with a casino there are few new male dancers added, the existing ones often used for any new shows.

Surprisingly my big break came about at my get by job as a dance instructor. One of the mothers coming to pick up her daughter was early and watched the end of my class. Her daughter was in her teens, quite talented and a good pupil.

I am a little unorthodox in my teaching methods, doing everything as a group, in a circle where each of us could see what the other was doing. We were doing a class on some numbers from a couple of the strip shows. I had all of the pupils in leotards, tights and heels. In fact, that was a requirement of the class, mastering heels of at least three inches. A lot of the young girls were so thrilled to be able to wear heels feeling that it made them so grown-up. Doing parts of the routines from the Vegas shows adding to that feeling.

To better show them the steps I was dressed in leggings, short shorts and my own four inch heels. I had done it for a class I taught in Phoenix, a part time job that I enjoyed, in fact the owner of that dance studio gave me a very nice letter of reference when I left to head to Vegas. I was sure that most anybody else looking at me would consider me a very gay guy, but I found it much easier to show the girls what I wanted if I am dressed and dancing just like them. The first class, when they got a look at me, there were giggles, then I did a routine including some high kicks, and I never received another giggle after that.

The lady after watching the end of the class, approached her daughter and had her introduce me. Her daughter looked a lot like her mother, tall and slender, a definite dancer’s physique. Ms. Crockett was personable and focused. I shook her hands, as she complimented me on my teaching methods. We talked a little about her daughter, her strengths and where she needed to improve the most.

“Would you be interested in a job dancing? If so here is my card, come to the casino at eight AM tomorrow morning and we can talk.”

She was all business, never waiting for my reply. I wanted to scream at her sure, I would love a job dancing, but never got the opportunity. She had already taken her daughter, as they slipped out of the studio. I had another class right after this one so I put the card in the pocket of my shorts and busied myself getting things ready for the next class.

It was about three hours later when I had a chance to look at the card again. She was a producer of one of the Vegas shows, the casino was new to the strip but a lot of people were talking about it already. I doubted if anything would come of the offer to dance, I had several instances in the past where people offered me a chance at something, but it turned out to be just an attempt to get a discount on their daughter’s lessons. I was sure that is the case here too. I will make the effort though, any chance though slim is worth taking.

I dressed fairly conventional, not wanting to inspire the gay thing to take hold. I did however take some leggings with me and two pair of heels. While my feet were not unusually large, I did require a ladies size ten heel, not the most standard shoe for stores to stock. I was early, getting there at a little past seven-thirty and shown to the theater. Ms. Crockett was working with some dancers on stage, so I went down to one of the first tables in front of the stage and sat and watched. The girls were tired, they probably danced last night and then had to get up extra early to work on their routine. Ms. Crockett was very good, but didn’t have much if any patience. I could see she was getting frustrated, so in an attempt to make points with her, I asked if I could work with them for a few minutes.

She turned around to stare at me, then smiled. She made her way down from the stage, showed me a video of the routine she wanted them to master and then told me I had an hour.

“Where can I change?”

“Backstage to the right, second door in.” I grabbed my backpack and went backstage. I smiled when I saw the door she had alluded to was a female dressing room. I entered and quickly changed into my leggings, shorts and heels. I went back on stage, introduced myself and asked their names.

All the time the girls were trying to stop from giggling, though I didn’t pay them any attention. I started the music and asked them to do the routine. They hesitated, wondering who this new person is ordering them around. I asked them again, for me to help them I have to see what they are capable of.

One of the girls, suggested that I show them how it is done, so they can see how it should be done properly. I waited till the music started again and went into the routine. It was a standard routine done to music of the fifties, though in this case it was a little different arrangement musically. I noticed open mouths when I glanced in their direction, but kept doing the routine. When I finished I looked in their direction.

“Now it is your turn.” They immediately started and I did the routine with them, but facing them instead of alongside. The third time we went through the routine I could see improvement.

When the hour was up Ms. Crockett came back onstage, complimented the girls on doing better then sent them off. She took my hand and led me to an office in the back of the casino’s theater. Pointed to a seat and then got behind the desk. “Could you do what you did this morning for a job six days a week?” I smiled and nodded yes. “Then you are hired, when can you start?”

I asked when she wanted me to start work, “I will give notice at the dance studio, but those classes are afternoon and evening I could probably do both until my other employer could find somebody.” That seemed fine with her.

Since the last show is at midnight the dancers are finished around two, then usually eat at the casino before going home. I had suggested to them, a few weeks earlier that we rehearse new routines in the early morning, then they would have the rest of the day off. That seemed to meet with everybody’s approval. “Is five AM too early for you, it would give them time to eat, relax some and change into their workout clothes?”

“No that would be fine with me, what do you want me to teach them? I haven’t seen the show yet, so I don’t know all the routines yet, maybe if you have videos of those that I can look at that will help a lot.”

“I have got a better idea, come to the show tonight as my guest and you can see it firsthand. The midnight show would be best, so come to the theater entrance and give them your name and you will be shown to my table. Dress is casual, heels are allowed if you want to wear them. There was a smirk as she said that, and a small giggle escaped the corners of her mouth. No rehearsal tonight I would like to talk to you in depth. That we will do after you see the show. Then tomorrow night you can start with the dancers.”

“That will be fine, I will be here later.” I left the theater and went back home. Half way there I realized I had forgot to ask what my pay would be, not too smart on my part, but any chance to get ahead I guess is worth taking. I ate some lunch, took a short nap and then headed to my dance class job. Melanie the owner was sorry to lose me, but thrilled that I had landed a better job.

“I have another dancer that needs part-time employment and she would use them to take over my classes. So just work today and then you can leave. If it changes later, please come back, I like having you work here and the students adore you.”

I made it through the classes, but didn’t announce to the class that I was leaving. I did notice that Ms. Crockett’s daughter was not there, I will most likely be teaching her too. After the classes I went back home, showered and tried to find something appropriate to wear. I did consider wearing the heels, but chickened out when I thought that it might reflect back negatively on my new boss.

I headed over to the casino, still very early for the meeting. I played some slots for a while, actually winning some money. I decided to take my winnings and see the first show, that way I would be better prepared to discuss it with Ms. Crockett. It was a fairly good show, I could see the timing was off in a couple of spots and a few of the girls were having difficulty with their execution. I made notes on who the girls were, I would work with them the most.

I was surprised when a very feminine hand grasped my shoulder, I looked up and saw a smiling Ms. Crockett. She insisted on me joining her at her table, took my hand and led me away. Her only comment when we were seated at her table was where are your heels? I tried to ignore her, hoping she would not further the questioning about my heels.

I continued to watch the show still making my notes. There were five male dancers in the show, mainly in a supporting role. One of them was very talented, but his timing was probably the worst of all the dancers. The others were just so-so. I noticed her looking at my notes, then smiling. I presume she agreed with most of my evaluations.

When the show concluded she dragged me to the five star restaurant on the top floor of the casino. I tried to beg off, but she insisted on me eating dinner with her. After being greeted, we were led to a table over in the corner, and the Maitre’D held her chair for her. It was then as I seated myself that I noticed the sign on the table that this table is reserved for Ms. Crockett. I suddenly had new respect for her, I don’t think her being a producer of the show, would guarantee her a private table at one of the most expensive restaurants in town.

She ordered for me, I was a little put out that she did, but after hearing what she ordered for me I backed down. It was their salad supreme, two kinds of lettuce, tomato, onions, celery, bell pepper, olives, cucumbers, chicken, steak, and homemade wheat rolls. When the waiter brought it to the table my mouth was open in surprise. The bowl it was in was almost a foot across, then he set down the tray of dressings, fifteen different bowls of dressings, all with organic spices evident in their individual bowls.

We ate quietly for a while, she had ordered a delightful wine that went with the salads making the dinner quite enjoyable. I could only eat part of it so he put the rest in a takeout box for me. The fanciest restaurant in town and I had a doggy bag to take home.

After the dishes were cleared away we talked about the show, the dancers and her thoughts on another show she was working on. It turned out she was a part owner in the casino, thus her reserved table and other amenities suitable for an owner.

After she had covered her wishes and desires she asked my opinion on things, she wanted the truth, not something I was sugar coating to make her feel better. So I swallowed hard and laid it out for her. I would replace at least ten of her dancers right away, then all of the male dancers. To replace the male dancers I would hire female dancers and dress them in bodysuits and tux jackets, but no pants, making a much more pleasant sight on the stage. I listed the dancers I would replace, her agreeing on all of them quickly. If some of the dancers improved enough to keep them that would be a plus, but replacing the male dancers with females should be done anyway.

I asked about the new show, when did she intend to launch it, if it was to be fairly soon, I suggested we not make any changes to this show other than the replacement of dancers but work on the new show to get in the extra work needed to make it a success. She pulled a tablet out of her purse, found a file and then played it. She had bought the show, when it was being performed in Atlantic City, they were going to switch to something else, so she bought all the rights for it, including the name.

I watched it for a while, then told her my opinion. “It is a fine show but it will take a lot of finesse to pull it off, the routines depend on accurate timing, and the skill of the dancers will have to be top notch. Of the girls you now have I would say that only three would be able to master it. I might be wrong here, but need to spend some more time with them before any hard decisions are made. There is nobody qualified to be the lead dancer in your present batch of employees, so a lot of dancers will have to be found and trained.”

“Well I think I have found my person to handle this, so whenever you are ready let’s get the ball rolling. Since you never asked about pay, I presume you are willing to work for free, I appreciate that concession, it will make keeping to my budget much easier.” She stared at me for the longest time, the expression on my face finally making her break out in laughter.

I did not know how to bring it up, so I didn’t hoping that she was just kidding. We adjourned to her office where she had me fill out an application, then the proper forms for the government. Like I said before she is all business, never missing anything and focused to the max on what she wants and how to get it.

I do hope I can satisfy her, I might have bitten off more than I can handle in this case. I imagine she is a perfectionist, the way she was working with the girls when I showed up that morning alluded to that fact. Her lack of emotional control confused the girls, as she sent mixed messages about their performance and what she wanted from then, her frustration the end result. I hope my perseverance and teaching by doing will allow the girls to improve enough to satisfy her, thus insuring my continued employment.

She asked where I lived and what kind of transportation I had available to use. I was reluctant to say much, any details likely to make me look rather pathetic.

“I have an apartment in Henderson, the only place I can afford. My car is well past its prime, I have no idea how long I can depend on it to get me where I want to go.”

“How about you staying here in the hotel, a suite and your meals furnished at the restaurant attached to the theater. It is open for lunch and dinner, you meals would be free. If you tire of it you can eat at any of the other restaurants in Vegas, but I think our quality will be sufficient for you most of the time. She pushed the contract over in my direction and I read it thoroughly. It wasn’t that I had trouble with it, it was because I couldn’t believe how favorable it was for me.

It had the clause about the room and the meals, also a weekly salary of thirteen hundred dollars, plus free medical and a small percentage of the gross of the new show. My only response. “Are you sure, this is very generous?”

“Yep I am sure. I intend to get my money’s worth from you and more, so do not worry about the rate of pay and benefits. There is one other thing I want you to include my daughter in any practice sessions when she is not being tutored. I feel she has potential, but needs the discipline more than the extra training. I will leave her in your capable hands, incidentally for what it is worth, she admires you and looks up to you for leadership and guidance.” I blushed red at that statement, seldom have I ever received a compliment that nice.

I signed the forms and she made me copies for my files. She would be with me the day after tomorrow to introduce me to the rest of the dancers, and tell them I am in charge now. Thank you for hiring me, I will try my hardest to please you. I got a hug, you have already pleased me, so just be yourself and we will get along fine.

I told her I wanted to run an ad for new dancers, an audition required before consideration. She gave me the particulars for the paper and the entertainment magazine and told me to handle it myself. I also asked if I could use the theater to dance through some of the new routines, a sort of feeling it out and also some practice doing them. She handed me a key and told me what door to enter from. She reached into her purse and retrieved a key card for my new residence. She would handle the restaurant for me, informing them of the meal arrangement. With her already having a key card for the room with her, I presume she figured I might accept her offer.

As I headed back home I pinched myself several times. It is all too good to be true, fearing any minute the dream will end, and reality will rear its ugly head. I made several decisions that night as I lay awake trying to figure out how this will play out. Other than my clothes I decided I would bring nothing from the apartment in Henderson. Maybe I can find somebody to buy what few meager possessions that I have. After I get everything to the hotel I decided to sell my car. It was on its last leg, in fact I just hoped it would make the few remaining trips to get me and my clothing up there.

The car did manage to get me to and fro as I moved my few things to the hotel. Then on the last trip, a block from the hotel the rear axle of the car broke, rendering the car unusable. Luckily I had managed to get it off the road before it coasted to a stop. I had to make three trips, by foot, to get my last few belongings to my room. Luckily I was able to arrange for a salvage yard to haul the car off, in lieu of paying them, their intention was to sell it for scrap metal.

The room she had arranged for me was super nice, a one bedroom with a nice bath, a living room and a patio that over looked the strip. It was on the third floor, paying guests preferred the floors above because of the view. She arranged for a table for me in the restaurant, in their slacker times, with anything they had in the menu for me to choose from. I rested the first day, but later that night I attended the show again, wanting to see what I had to do to get by, while I worked on the new show and replaced dancers if I could find some good enough.

My first early morning on the job, introductions were made, and I made my presence known quickly. Unbeknownst to me she introduced me to the dancers as Rose. I had no idea where she came up with that name, it was alright though, it doesn’t matter what they call me just that they learn and do as I instructed.

I showed each dancer their faults, what they were doing wrong, and how to correct it. We ran through the present show three times, they were tired, but most of the faults had been corrected. I had upgraded two more of the girls to keepers, they just needed someone to work with them. I didn’t play any favorites, the male dancers got both barrels too, one tried to make the extra effort, the others resented me and made no effort to correct their faults.

That afternoon I had my first auditions, the word of mouth already spreading through Vegas. I auditioned three females, two I hired for sure, the other a might be, but she would require more coaching than the others. By the next morning, word had spread to the present dancers their attitude much improved. The four males made no improvement, tomorrow after the show I will let them go. The two new gals could fill in, and I had two of the other girls not on the stage at the same time, so that would be the four that I needed. I had acquired the cute tuxes that the females would wear already, so I would be ready anytime. Good thing I did, three out of the four male dancers knew they were going to be let go, calling that afternoon to quit.

I made changes to the number, but I had to have at least three to match up with the female dancers. The two girls presently employed loved the idea, tried on their costumes and were ready for tonight. I talked with the one male dancer telling him what I had done, asking him if he wanted to try the costume or just quit. If he quit I would give him one week’s severance to ease the pain. He had another offer for a job and decided to take it, I shook his hands and he left. I decided to fill in for the last dancer, hopefully the salon that Ms. Crockett used would be able to make me look less masculine. A total female look was not necessary, but smooth clean legs and a slight female figure would be essential. Maybe a high ponytail and lipstick would be the only other things I needed.

Of course, Ms. Crockett heard what was going on and came to see me. I told her how I had changed that portion of the show, now using three dancers and the short cute tux costumes. She giggled, telling me to head over to the salon now, she would call them and arrange for my changes.

I needed to think things through again, I think I had everything covered but was not sure so I walked the three blocks to the salon. I might end up taking a cab back depending on how feminine I turn out.

Indeed they were waiting for me, two of their techs moved me swiftly to one of the treatment rooms. I was helped to get out of my clothes, then laid on a table. Quickly the two of them waxed me, a Brazilian no less. I regularly shaved my legs, wearing heels and shorts with hairy legs is just so gross. I several times tried to get them to change their agenda, but was repeatedly told they were just doing what Ms. Crockett wanted done. The pain I could handle, at least when they were working on my arms and legs. Around the groin that was another matter entirely. More than once I tried to bite through the towel they had given me to curb any vocalizations.

As soon as the waxing concluded, the two worked on my breasts, or lack of, gluing on some very realistic breast forms covering the seams with some putty like makeup. I thought they were too large for just a back-up dancer but then again it was apparently what Ms. Crockett desired. As I was checking out my new breast enhancements, a fake pussy was glued over my male appendage and blended in with the makeup. My male member glued up in my groin, unable to show himself any more. The lips of the vagina were very realistic looking, I am sure no one would ever realize my true sex. There again the costume not really requiring a female camel toe, but that seemed to be ignored by everybody.

The other tech was giving me nail extensions, way too long in my opinion, but again that was what they were told to apply. The red polish was a gel polish, set with UV light, I knew it would be a while before I would be able to remove it, without a lot of difficulty and lots of acetone.

Moved to a hair styling station, shampooed and conditioned then curlers and an hour under a warm dryer. I was sure they had used some setting gel, put on before the curlers were applied and right after the last one was secured to my head. I was beginning to smell a rat, but the show had to have the third dancer, I had volunteered, and it was getting late. As the curlers were removed a light coat of makeup was applied and after some teasing of the curls into an up do, the only thing missing was my top hat and tux.

Surprise, surprise in walks Ms. Crockett with my costume and hat. You have never seen a bigger smile on a female than hers at that moment. I was appraised as she carefully scanned my body, I presume to make sure that all she had asked them to do to me was accomplished. There was definitely no male left. In the costume I looked at my image, especially my legs, for they were a female’s legs, the sheer pantyhose glistening in any light. She took me back to the casino, and directly to the theater. The other dancers were getting dressed and as I appeared I was mobbed. They also had to see what all had been done to me, not content for just a look see, but wanted all the details, including a quick peek at my essentials. I got several giggles when they saw my vagina, I was told I could use the ladies lounge now, since I was no longer male down below, but a female like them.

The show did go off without a hitch, much better than any of the previous ones that I had been involved with. After the last curtain call I was asked to come to Ms. Crockett’s table, my male clothes in my room and at the salon, so I put a smile on my face and went out to see her dressed as I was. She had two guests at her table, both entertainment critics for newspapers. One for the LA Times and one for the Las Vegas Sun. This was not good, the show can use the publicity, but I preferred to be a side liner, not singled out.

I was interviewed about my job with the show, then why I had stepped in tonight to fill in for one of the dancers. The LA critic wanted to know my background in dancing, where I had trained and went to school. They asked a little about the new show, both of them familiar with it, having seen it when it opened back east. Since they were talking mainly to Ms. Crockett now I asked to be excused and went back to the dressing rooms. The girls had changed, getting ready to get some nourishment. I was manhandled and soon was accompanying them to the restaurant. They had found a dress I could borrow for tonight, happy to see me in the female roll. The girls complimented me on my appearance quite often, wanting to know if I was going to stay this way.

That is a good question, not even sure myself on the answer to that one. I had an idea that Ms. Crockett had some other plans that had not been run by me, so I remained silent on that question. We had a good time, talking way into the night. In Vegas that is not a problem, most everything open all hours of the day and night. I made it back to my room early the next day, the practice had been canceled since everyone had danced so well. Tomorrow night though it would be back in place, a lot to learn about the new show.

I had changed my mind about a couple more of the dancers, their attitude recently and performance had improved considerably. After a short nap, I went back to the theater, three more dancers came in for an audition, only one of them worth hiring. I thanked them and told them I would get back to them if anything changed. That exact same line had been delivered to me many times over the last year.

I used the quiet time to go over a couple of the routines for the new show. I had only the stage lights on, so the audience area was dark. After I finished, I gathered my things and was getting ready to leave when I heard Ms. Crockett clapping. She walked on stage with a couple of newspapers in her hands.

“How many times have you rehearsed that particular routine?”

“That is my second time, it still needs a lot of work though. What brings you here this morning?”

“Well I came by to show you the write-ups on the show and you. Quite favorable by the way, one critic calling you the next star on the strip. Everybody agreeing that this show has turned completely around since you came here.”

“It is just one person’s opinion, I prefer the public buying tickets to the show as an indicator of how well I am doing. Steady sales, but no surge at the box office yet. Anyway I am behind the scenes here, just trying to get the dancers to do their routine well. I only filled in on stage to keep the show going.”

She smiled and then left me to close up and turn off the stage lights. I made my way to my room carrying the newspapers she had brought me. I laid them on a table by the door, not really interested in what they said. I undressed, took a shower, and then slid on a large t-shirt to spend the rest of the afternoon in. My new female figure was prominent, my t-shirt showing the new breasts to their best advantage. I was trying to stay focused, but the changes made to my body made it difficult. The lack of something between my upper thighs very noticeable for me.

I ended up taking a nap, my new assets requiring some changes to my sleeping habits, primarily the large breasts that were now always in the way. Then after a late lunch I made my way back to the theater to dance through a couple of the routines for the new show. By the time I had been through them several times it was time to get dressed for the show tonight. I managed my own makeup, the other girls amazed at my ability. On the stage it went well, even better than last night.

I was shanghaied again for dinner with them, we talked and talked about everything and anything. We left in time to get back to the theater and run through several of the new routines for the new show. The girls made me dance the lead part, the least I could do in their opinion. I danced it but facing them so that I could check out their performance. I was happy, now most everyone quite capable of mastering the routines. The timing was still off a little, but that is not unusual at this stage. When I called for a halt today I was mobbed. I got hugs and cheek kisses as they gathered their things and headed home. I made the rounds to shut everything down.

As I got to the door Ms. Crockett was there waiting for me. She grabbed my hand and led me away. I was led to the restaurant, and then to her table. A few minutes later a breakfast was served to us. I really wasn’t hungry, but she stared at me until I took a few bites. It was good, probably the best breakfast I have ever had. When we had finished and the plates cleared away she grabbed one of my hands and started her conversation. For her to get someone to open the restaurant this early and cook, it must of have been important to her. I could see the sun emerging from a storm front out the window, otherwise it was quiet and peaceful, a rarity for Vegas.

“Rose, I am extremely happy with your work so far, the girls adore you and do everything they can to please you. Last night before the show while you were getting ready they approached me and asked me to get you to accept the lead role in the new show. Every girl was there, and they were adamant in their request. They would do anything for you, but feel you are the only one to headline the show. I happen to agree and so does everybody I have met and asked advice of. The L. A. critic in particular feels that with you headlining the show we will soon be the most popular show on the strip.”

“For now I want you to plan on being the headliner in the show, you can continue to look for someone else, but plan on doing it yourself until we find someone. That means you need some further feminizing, just in case. I also suggest that you start living as a female, the practice will only help you perform the part more realistically. I know I am asking a lot of you, so I’ve decided to make you a part owner in the show. I will also pay for a complete female wardrobe for you. To hopefully cinch the deal I will double your current wage. I know there will be a lot of work to get the show ready, especially if you dance the lead. Please think about it today, and let me know before the show tonight. I hope you will find a way to accept, you have done so much already, the future looks good with you starring in the show, I hate to think what it will be like if you decline.”

I stood there speechless, I did get a hug before she headed off, but that was it. Thinking about it for a minute she probably did not want to hang around and give me a chance to turn her down. Leave and make me think about it a much better idea. It was at least fifteen minutes before I regained enough awareness to slowly head back to my room. I managed to get there, but was not aware of the how and when of the trip. Entering my room, I slipped off the heels and headed for the bedroom. I slipped out of my clothes, and padded to the bathroom, getting my bath started. Lots of bath salts, a few candles lit around the tub, anything at all to help relax me and let me think straight. Well as straight as a male that works as a dance instructor and wears heels. Then we have my female figure, long nails and feminine hairstyle to add to the image. I realized that wearing the heels is what got me in this mess to start with.

The mess was not all bad, my room at the hotel, free meals and a generous salary to boot. Since I had nothing before, this was a significant upgrade. Progress meant living as a female and dancing a lead in a prominent Las Vegas Show. Some notoriety was inevitable, no matter what I did, but at what price to me. If my true sex comes out some, I am sure to be ridiculed, maybe even humiliated, depending on who outs me.

I finally decided to talk to her tonight, I had a lot of concerns both for me and her if I accepted the deal. I managed a short nap, before I went back to the theater to get ready for tonight’s show. The old adage the show must go on is so true. I saw her checking to see if I was here getting ready for the show, a smile coming to her face when she saw me applying makeup. She went out to her table, to watch the show. The gals were enthused tonight, bouncing all over the place. We only had a few moments till the first show, so I didn’t have time to ascertain what was going on.

The show went off without a hitch, everybody’s timing was perfect, even my trained eye could find no fault in their execution of the numbers. I went out to her table during the break between the first and second show, wanting to resolve this one way or the other. I realized if I turned her down, I would most likely be unemployed in a few days if not sooner. I set down at her table, my hose making a swishing noise as I slid onto the chair.

I didn’t wait for her to say the first words, I wanted all of my concerns out there before she could ruin my train of thought. “What do I do if I am found out? It will ruin me and bring disgrace to the show. I am still not sure I can pull this off, dancing the lead is a big part and will take all of my concentration to be able to do it as it should be. Are you really sure about this? No matter what you offer me in money, if I fail it will hurt you both personally and financially. Since you have been so nice to me I especially don’t want to see you hurt.”

“Instead of arguing on whether you can pull this off, let’s take a two week trial period, with you living as a female 24/7 and dancing in this show and headlining the new show for two Sunday performances. The first Sunday just for me and the second Sunday for all of my friends. I have a few friends and contacts that want to see the show, so a one night performance would be ideal. That way we can see if you like it, and if you are capable of doing it. If all goes well you take my deal and get on with life. If you falter we will seek some other solution.”

“Meanwhile I will work on covering your tracks up, making Rose real and with a history. As far as the girls go, we will let a rumor leak out that you have always been female, just acted butch and masculine for a previous lover. None of the girls have seen you naked in male mode so I doubt there will be any hesitation in accepting that premise. The techs at the salon are the only ones to know your true sex, a little well spent money will handle that. As part of my investments here in Vegas I also own a portion of the salon so keeping your secret will not be a problem.

I want you to go ahead and finish the transformation to female, as far as possible, dressing as a female from now on. That will only make this so much easier to adjust to.”

I sighed and accepted her proposition. I still had lots of concerns, but a trial period would maybe be the best way to see if I can handle the switch and being the star of the show. I spent all my free time dancing the lead role, making sure I was performing it to the best of my ability. I was in the theater during the afternoon, right up until time to get ready for the first show.

Then there was the salon changes she scheduled for me. Several days were set aside for me to be transformed using the latest and most advanced methods to make sure my looks were one hundred percent female. Some fat was moved around on my body to a more feminine location, my breast forms were replaced with tissue sucked from my body, and appropriate for a star of the show. Let’s just put it this way, after a show the first thing I put on was a bra, these puppies needed all the support I could give them, otherwise they physically hurt. My body hair was removed permanently, and my eyebrows became blank spaces on my forehead. There was no more they could do to make me more feminine, junior was glued away already, although he did receive an upgrade in his covering. Other than a doctor I doubt anyone could detect I was not a cis gender female.

Ms. Crockett did erase my past, even my school records were changed to female. Since neither of my parents were still alive, a new set of parents were issued with me as their only daughter. So now I had a new birth certificate and state ID, no driver’s license since she insisted I would never drive a car in the future. Who am I to argue with her? As it stands now I never leave the hotel, everything I need is right here at my fingertips, well there is the salon, but the hotel limo delivers me and picks me up. Other than the theater, my room is a favorite spot for me to enjoy several hours every chance I get.

The girls in an effort to make sure there was no back sliding on my part managed to get into my room and hauled off all of my male clothes. They did a thorough job, not a stitch of anything masculine remained in my room. I am sure they had help, a certain employer of mine had to furnish access to my room. I was surprised but not upset, I needed the practice of interacting as a female anyway. They even set up a blind date for me, luckily they went along with their dates to make sure the two of us behaved.

I think I handled myself admirably for a new female, I did receive a kiss on the cheek at the conclusion of the date and a request for another date later. I told him I would think about it, but right now I was so involved in the show it would have to be a no.

Time was slipping by quicker than I imagined, only a few days to the first performance of the new show. Supposedly it was to be only in front of Ms. Crockett, but I doubted she would be the only one to attend the unveiling of the new show. The girls were excited, they had worked hard to learn the routines, attending many extra rehearsals to try and get it right. I was proud of them, when we started the first dance of the new show I swelled up with pride, my girls were doing a fantastic job, so far not a missed cue or even a stumble.

The costumes were magnificent, Ms. Crockett having special costumes made just for the show. As per a normal Vegas show they were extremely brief, mine in particular. Most of my new enhanced figure was on display, a stocking or a brief piece of lingerie the only thing between my skin and the audience. As per usual the stage lights were on, but no lights in the audience area. I sensed more than just a few people in the audience, but had no way to confirm my suspicions. The show went off without a hitch, everybody performing to perfection. As the last stage light faded out and the audience lights came up I realized we had performed the show to a packed audience. The girls and I made our way backstage, the last routines rather energetic and leaving us all short of breath.

Ms. Crockett’s daughter the first to get to me, flying across the stage and landing in my embrace. She was soon joined by her Mom and several other people, the few that I recognized were the other owners of the casino. I was complimented on my work and leadership, and then they allowed me and the girls to put on some clothes so we were not as naked as when on stage. After we had changed we were led to the restaurant, where they had set up a full buffet for everyone. Usually a dancer has quite an appetite, so the buffet was indeed welcome. We relaxed, feeding our faces and unwinding a little. I was told that the press was in attendance for the show, many thousands of pictures taken, a lot of them to be in the papers the next day.

Eventually everyone wondered off, the girls wanting to catch some sleep, they had been so excited to actually dance the routines on stage that the excitement had them hyper all day. Now that was fading away, sleep for a few hours to be most welcome. Ms. Crockett had me stay for a few more minutes, wanting me to know what was coming in the next few days. I already had an idea of what she was going to say, but the degree she was considering is way beyond anything I could fathom.

Full page ads in the Las Vegas, Los Angeles and the San Francisco papers. Then smaller ads in the Phoenix, Reno, Sacramento and the Salt Lake papers. The critics from all of those papers were in attendance tonight guaranteeing a review of the show also to be in those same papers. They anticipated being sold out shortly, once word spread about the show.

This was all due to my dancing and handling of the show. To make sure I was happy, I would be offered several amenities not offered before, including a suite at the hotel on the top floor of the establishment. Once I got everyone settled into the new show, she wanted me to see a show she was thinking about buying for later in the year. This one was more elaborate, the costumes more impressive and the nudity more adventuresome.

She walked me to my room, hugged me closely and then kissed me fully on the lips. As she closed the door behind her I was lost in thought and lust. We had worked closely together, but never anything romantic between us. The girls constantly kidded me about being perfect for Ms. Crockett but I never took them seriously.

Maybe they were right. I knew she was single, her significant other dying in the Middle East many years ago. I never intruded in her personal life, I had so much to handle myself, deciding to concentrate on my own affairs. Apparently she has some other things in mind, none of what I can visualize I would object to. She is a beautiful woman, personable and fun to be around. Her daughter is a jewel, much like her Mother, sweet and caring.

As soon as I laid down on the couch I was instantly out of it, not waking till much later that day. Ms. Crockett had been to my room, leaving the papers and their reviews on my kitchen table. She also left me some breakfast, asking me to join her as soon as I was dressed and mobile. I glanced at the reviews all favorable, the ads that they had run quite surprising. The main image was me in my finery, doing one of the high leg kicks, a part of the last number in the new show. I took the time to take a bath, soaking in the scented water letting all my worries fade away. A recently acquired habit that I had enthusiastically embraced. I put on some clothes then made my to Ms. Crockett’s room. Janey, her daughter, greeted me hugging me and kissing my cheek. I was dragged to their balcony where I got the same treatment from her Mother.

Janey left to get me some lunch, since it was already nearly two in the afternoon. I was informed that the new show was sold out for over a year, every performance and even a waiting list for any cancellations. They had taken a chance and raised ticket prices, not one complaint from anybody trying to get tickets for the new show.

Then Ms. Crockett, asked to be called Heather and suddenly got very serious. All this time and I never learned her first name, she was always just Ms. Crockett. Heather took my hand and held it with both of hers, then somehow slid a ring on my finger. I looked at what she was doing, then gasped at the size of the stone in the ring. She took one of her hands and raised my chin till I was looking directly into her eyes. Please Rose marry me and make me the happiest woman on this planet. I didn’t even hesitate as I leaned in and whispered yes, then attacked her lips and mouth trying to show her how much I wanted this.

The moment went on and on, you can’t put a limit on the showing of affection between two soul mates. And to think that all started with me in heels kicking that leg high. Destiny maybe, but whatever it was it is so right. Along with starring in a sold out show, I have a wedding to look forward to. Things just can’t get any better or can they? Time will tell, so I will just keep kicking that leg high eagerly awaiting the next event in my future.

© 2016 thru 2024 by Francesca

Patty; Hold Me Tight

Patty; Hold Me Tight

The company I worked for was planning a talent show to help raise funds for a day care center for the employees. The CEO had promised to match any funds raised, dollar for dollar, so the enthusiasm to put together a good show was shared by all. Most of the people that worked for the company were middle income, so a day care facility would help the majority of the employees.

The company would staff the center at no charge, just was not in a position to build the facility and outfit it in this depressed economy. They planned to use a double wide manufactured home for the day care center, placing it on a corner of their business property. The funds we needed were not that large, we felt we could raise the needed funds easily. With the matching funds from the company all of the furnishings and playground equipment could be purchased.

Our company was a distributor of several lines of products, buying large volumes of items, then breaking them down and shipping to individual drugstores and small chains. Among the products we carried were candy, beauty products, snack food, over the counter pills of all types, even a full line of toys. Since there is over forty thousand items in our inventory it is labor intensive. We used automated pullers, picking up standard packs (modules) to assemble the orders. Some manufacturers furnished the product in these standard modules, but for the rest we had to make up the modules ourselves.

It was left to some of the executives to organize this talent show. We had people from every department in the company, I was volunteered by my boss Sandra, as the token person from Human Resources. I was her assistant in the department and handled most inter company relations with regards to personnel. A fancy way of saying if she didn’t want to do it, it became my job.

We had a good relationship between us, got along well and between us kept any personnel problems almost non-existent. There is only one other employee in Human Resources, a secretary who does data entry, and she works part-time.

There were fifteen of us in the hastily called meeting, our job to find, and pick ten to twelve acts for the talent show. We ironed out the details of the show, where we were going to put on the show and what admission price we wanted to get. Of course, a lot depended on the talent we could identify. Several of the supervisors knew of some people in their department that played instruments or could dance.

So we started compiling a list of possible talent. From several of them we heard of three females that did a very good impression of the Andrews Sisters, even appearing in a couple of clubs in nearby towns when amateur night is held. My boss plays a mean piano, I am sure I can rope her into doing an act.

When the meeting concluded we had a list of twenty possible acts. We were going to contact each of them, then hold an audition to see how good they are. I pulled the Andrews Sisters impersonators and my boss as ones that I needed to contact and tell them about the audition. The three girls doing the impersonation worked in accounting. When I got there I swallowed hard, the one gal that is the head of the group I used to date. Thankfully it ended amicably, at the time it just seemed we were not meant to be a couple.

Her name is Diana, a very good employee already singled out to promote as soon as the new fiscal year starts. I approached her desk right before lunch, asking if she had a moment to discuss the talent show. She smiled, then kidded me about getting the short straw, having to talk to her. I hugged her telling her that anytime I get the chance to spend a little quality time with her, it is well worth my time. She acted like she is gagging, we both break out in laughter at her action.

I ask her if I can buy her lunch and surprisingly she agrees. We head out of the complex to a little restaurant right down the street. We find a table and order something to eat. I get right down to business, asking her if her group will try out for the show.

She agrees, but warns me that if Janice’s husband ends up getting transferred at the end of the month they won’t be able to help. Janice’s husband works for the only other company in town, an auto parts distributor, they have been strongly hinting that they might transfer him out to one of their larger warehouses.

We talk a little about their group, she plays a video on her phone of one of their songs. They have the costumes, courtesy of Diana’s mother and the voices blend seamlessly. She asks how I am doing, at the time of our dating I was not in upper level management. I made a face when she mentioned upper level management, both of us ended up giggling at my reaction. I tell her it is alright, but there has to be something better somewhere.

The town is small, the two companies the only businesses in town. There is a bank, a Ma and Pa grocery, this diner, and an insurance agent. Everything else is in the nearby town, about forty minutes away. Since there is no other place to work, you have a choice of one or the other company to get employment at.

We finish our meals, I pay the bill and we walk back to the warehouse. I informed her when the rehearsals are and she told me they would be there. I walked back to our office and got to work on my boss. Before I can get two words out, she tells me that she wants no part of the show. I ask her where her company spirit is, she looks back at her work and ignores me.

I tried the pester to death approach, finally she smiles and tells me that if I am in the show as part of an act she will play the piano, but that is the only way. I figured she knew that I would never appear in any show so she is safe.

I try to tell her that I have no talent, but she just repeats her mantra. I let the subject drop, although I was able to get her to play one song at the auditions. Five days before the rehearsal Diana came to my office to see me. Janice’s husband got the transfer, they are leaving the first of next week so there participation in the show very doubtful. She got close to me, leaning in where she could whisper in my ear.

“Do you still do the female voices that you did when I first met you? I turned every color of red, but told her it has been ages since I have done any of them. I knew the room is getting hotter. I reached to my shirt collar to let a little of the heat out. In the interest of the show, she wanted me to come over tonight to see if my voice might blend with hers and Beth’s. In her living room, no pressure, just play some of their songs and sing along to see if this might work. I tried to refuse, but she grabbed my arm and asked if I could please make an exception and do this for her.

I was never able to refuse her before, that still holding true now. She said she would make some snacks, maybe some popcorn and if I could bring some sodas. I told her that it has been so long since I had done any of the voices I doubted I still could. She insisted that I try, you never know these days. She went back to work and I started worrying, that is a part of my life I had managed to leave several years ago and had no interest in bringing it back to the here and now.

I picked up some diet drinks on my way home from work, changed clothes then headed over to Diana’s. Beth is already there, the two of then giggling and having a good time. They pulled me onto the couch in between them and started a tape of some of the Andrew’s Sisters songs.

Some of them I had never heard before so I listened to them several times. Diana pulled me up from the couch and told me it is show time. I tried every excuse I could come up with, she isn’t having any part of it. Finally she and Beth get up and started singing the songs. I joined in and about half way through the chorus they suddenly stopped. I kept singing till I realized they had quit and looked directly at Diana.

“Yep you can still do the voices, that was awesome and to think you don’t even know all of the lyrics yet.” I quickly slumped down on the couch and put my head in my hands. I am sure there are a few tears seeping out, all of that part of my life now front and center again. Diana grabs Beth and they go to the kitchen, I hear some talking, then I hear the door and Beth has left. Diana sits beside me again and asks what is wrong, I know this is bothering you but I can’t figure out why.

Over the next hour she manages to extract my feelings about the voices. It is a gift that very few people have, but every time I have tried to use them, I have been subjected to ridicule and abuse. When I started with the company I vowed never again, the subject has come up once or twice, but luckily those people have moved away or forgot about it.

My junior and senior years at high school and my years at junior college were a living hell. Addressed as a female all of the time, constant jokes about my sexual preferences, my clothes quite often replaced in P.E. and having to attend class as a female till I could go home and change. My senior year in high school the only name used in reference to me is Patty.

In fact at my senior prom I was taken outside by a couple of the football players and stripped and forced into a dress. I never did find my male clothes, my date abandoned me, and I had to walk the four miles to my house in heels, they had placed my keys inside my car and locked it.

I get a big hug from her. “Let’s back off a little and take things real slow. Learn some of the lyrics of the songs, and in a couple of days come sing with Beth and me. If you still have doubts after that I will let it drop. In school you were still dressed as a male, here you will be in costume, I am sure we can keep your identity a secret from everyone. The act is popular, we were even thinking of signing a contract to do some appearances, when this came up with Janice’s husband. For me try it out, it is for a good cause, with you in the show your boss has to play the piano that definitely is a win-win.”

“Just one step at a time, before we go to the next one.” She leaned in and kissed me on the cheek, my willpower suddenly vanishing. I often wondered why we did break up, I know now that a strong attraction exists between me and Diana. It might not be mutual, but at least from my side the fires are burning hot, real hot. When she kissed my cheek, there were fireworks going off in my head, my stomach was doing flip flops and my mouth suddenly went as dry as the Sahara desert.

We did take it slow and easy, she had given me a lyric book for the Andrew’s Sisters songs, so for the next few days I memorized all the lyrics. Then on a Wednesday she invited me over to sing with them. Walking up to her door, I was as nervous as a cat in a doghouse. I received a hug as I entered, even Beth gave me a hug. Diana had a tape of all their songs, just music, no words. We began singing with the tape, and within a song or two I got into the spirit of it. All of their songs are upbeat, fun songs and soon we had completed the tape.

Unbeknownst to me Diana had made a recording of the evenings efforts. We set on the couch and listened to one of the songs she had recorded, it sounded pretty good. Then she played the original of the Andrews sisters, the voices and the song were almost a perfect match. Both Beth and Diana leaned in and kissed me on the cheek, welcome to the group. According to Beth the harmonies with me in the group were better than with Janice.

We talked a little more about the audition this Friday, and I reluctantly agreed to participate. Beth had to pick up her kids from the babysitter, so she left. Diana dragged me to her bedroom, opened her closet and pulled out one of their dresses. She removed my shirt and helped me slide the dress over my head. She adjusted it on me and slid up the zipper. It was a snug fit, the breasts not filled out any, but otherwise it looked good on me. She told me we would audition in our regular clothes, she had enough pictures of the group to show everyone, I was almost a perfect match to what Janice looked like in the pictures.

I would indeed be the Patty in the group, the color of my hair and my facial features most resembling her. The next day it was all I could do to keep from throwing up, my nerves getting the best of me. Finally Friday had arrived, I did lose my breakfast before I managed to calm down some. We were the last group to audition on purpose, to keep the number of people that knew of my impersonation to a minimum. Diana had made it clear to all of the committee that there is no leak of who the Patty is in the trio. If the information leaked out they would not sing in the show.

She got a couple of funny looks from some of the other committee members, but after we sang the first song, they all wholeheartedly agreed to keep my identity safe. I had stood to the side, then when the song started I walked over and joined in singing. There were many raised eyebrows by the committee, but by the time the song was over they all were clapping wildly.

Diana and Beth left, while myself and the rest of the committee members discussed the acts. We agreed on twelve acts, the trio I was now a part of getting the most votes. They wanted us to be the featured act, singing a total of five songs.

The other acts were a couple of singers, the male particularly good. A magician with his assistant done more for laughs than any actual magic. My boss playing the piano, she is really good, much more professional than any of us imagined. I am sure she was still upset at having to play, she thought her demand that I be in the show would keep her safe. So much for thinking.

Two dancers who did some modern dance routines, and three comedians, surprisingly two of them female. Two people who played instruments, one a trumpet and one a violin. The violinist particularly good playing more modern songs that were upbeat and catchy. The Drew Sisters making the twelfth act. That is the name the girls used for their act, a simple variation of the name. All in all a pretty good lineup for a talent show.

A company email is sent out to all employees letting everybody know when the show is where it is being held at, and the what admission price is. It encouraged everybody to buy tickets early to assure they get their tickets. The next day at lunch it is announced that the show is sold out. Talk about some additional pressure, me singing as a female, in costume and before a sold out audience.

We are using the high school gym for the show, since it is a multi-functional building it could seat a little over three thousand people, that’s half of the population of the town. A lot of the functions held in the town are held in the building. It had a portable stage and an excellent sound system, making it a perfect choice to house the talent show.

Diana took me to lunch the next day, wanting to talk about my transformation to the female sex. There is a salon in the neighboring town that specializes in helping males to look their feminine best, so she made me an appointment for the following day.

“Don’t you think you are pushing it a little? There is several days left before the show and I still have to work.” She thought it best that I get a little exposure in the clothes and makeup before the show since I haven’t dressed as a female before. They had already talked to my boss, gaining her permission to work as a female for the three days before the show. I groaned, this can’t get any worse, dressed for the show not bad enough, now several days at work also.

An hour later she had sweet talked me into it, promising to go with me to the salon to hold my hand. She had picked a couple of her outfits for me to wear to work, all I needed is the actual transformation to that of a female. I asked her what all is to be done to me, she just smiled. “Just enough to make you look like Patty Andrews.”

At that moment I should have pulled up a picture and examined it closely, then flatly refused the transformation. Instead I believed Diana, and meekly agreed to accompany her to the appointment the next day. My suspicions should have kicked in when she appeared at my apartment the next day with some clothes for me to wear to the salon, none of which are remotely masculine.

I had to change into the sweat suit she had brought me to wear, the bright yellow color of it making me stand out at any distance. She brushed out my shoulder length hair and placed it in a high ponytail with a yellow scrunchie to hold it. The image I saw as she dragged me to her car was not a male Pat, but the name Patty now seemed to be a more logical choice. The changes that I would experience that day would affect my life in more than a casual manner.

The Turnabout Gurl Salon is more than impressive as we entered the building. The illusion the décor created is like entering a world of extreme femininity. Everything about the salon is girly, the predominant pink color just the first thing you noticed. Along the walls are picture after picture of some of their customers, more than a few having male names. Gina is to be my technician today, she introduces herself and then takes me back to one of the more private rooms. Diana followed making sure that I didn’t run for the hills if given the opportunity.

Stripped to my birthday suit, a cream them applied to my skin everywhere but my head. Twenty minutes later I was hairless, and utterly humiliated. Diana had set through all of this, watching as one of my few masculine features is totally removed. She didn’t seem to be bothered by my now partially female looking body, but in my eyes I was less than before, now not worthy of her respect or love. I realized then I was still in love with her.

While still on the table breasts forms were laid on my chest and the proper location marked with a marker. Gina added adhesive to the breast forms and my chest and I now had the most noticeable part of a females anatomy glued to my chest. When Gina moved to my groin I started to protest. Diana held me in her arms, whispering that it is only temporary but will protect my identity. Her kiss on my cheek sealed the deal, an hour later I looked just like a female in between my legs. On her way to my cheek her lips brushed over mine, any protest that I might have had vaporized instantly.

I zoned out after that, I think Gina added hair to my own, in fact several people seemed to be playing with my hair at the same time. Three hours later I had hair to my shoulder blades, at least a foot longer than I normally had. When I brought my hand up to feel the extra mass of hair I noticed that I had long fingernails, polished in a bright red color with an unbelievable shine to them. I don’t remember them doing anything to my hands, so apparently, I was out cold at the time of the extensions being applied to my fingernails, or lost in my worry.

Yeah, right I was always awake, eyes open, but my mind was not aware of what was happening. Gina piercing my ears I was aware of, the pop of the piercing gun making an impression on my wandering mind. My eyebrows were plucked, I didn’t want to go this far, but the damage had already been done. When you have breasts and a vagina, pencil thin eyebrows are not really a concern anymore.

Gina did my makeup in the colors of the era of the Andrews Sisters, bright vibrant colors the ones used during those times. When she finished a mirror was held in front of me, the image reflected not of my old self. Then Diana held a picture up of Patty Andrews next to the mirror, the only difference my lack of a hairstyle of that era. Diana knew that she had used up all of my patience, so she told Gina we would be back in a couple of days to get the hairstyle needed to make the impersonation complete.

I was led to her car, though walking on my own, but didn’t realize where I was going or what I was doing. She took me to her home, then led me inside. I was lost in thought, not even realizing where I was. She set me on the couch, gathered me in her arms then kissed me. A flicker of what is happening went through my mind, but only for a few moments. She got me a soft drink, then just held me until I regained lucid thought. She finally got me talking some, the shock of seeing me as a female gradually softening some.

I tried to tell her repeatedly that I just couldn’t do this, my mind can’t handle it. Finally she took me to her bedroom undressed me and gave me a silky pair of pajamas to wear and pulled the covers over me. She went to the bathroom coming out later in a nightie that instantly had my interest. She got in the bed just cuddling me, with her one hand on my breast. She played with it for quite some time, the nipple getting quite hard, but never going down. Impossible for a glued on breast form, but yet it was hard and pointy.

I lost consciousness sometime in the early morning hours, Diana waking me around eight-thirty. She got me dressed, a cute silky pair of pants that flared out at the cuffs to huge proportions almost like a skirt. The blouse was of the same fabric, feeling so good as she slipped it over my bra. When I looked in the mirror, there was no sign of the male Pat.

As she was applying some makeup to my face, she told me that I was no longer male, I am a female both in body and soul. I am good at my job and belong to an up and coming singing group, now Pat is a thing of the past, I don’t want you acting like him today or tomorrow. She had applied all of my makeup except for lipstick, she paused then kissed me on the lips passionately, and then before I could recover she applied the lipstick.

The next thing I knew I was in her car and headed to work. She had to drag me out of the car, then after we had passed security she pushed me towards Personnel. When I reluctantly walked through the door, my boss took one look at me and then the next thing I remembered is being fiercely hugged. She helped me to my desk, asking if I was going to be Patty from now on. I tried to deny it, but my hesitation seemed to speak volumes for me.

It was not talked about any more that day, I performed my duties with very little problem. A couple of females saw through my disguise, but the only comment was positive, wanting to know if I was going to stay female. I again spent the night with Diane, her cuddling me all through the night. I could get used to the cuddling, a wonderful feeling to be held and knowing that you are loved and cared for.

Back at the salon bright and early the next day, today was the day, a feminine hairstyle of the era, followed by the talent show tonight. Beth and Diane had run through the five songs we were going to sing once, after hearing them they decided one practice was enough. In a way I was glad about that, the more my mind thought about the show the more scared and nervous I became.

My hair was washed and conditioned, then set in rollers followed by time under a dryer till the hair was sufficiently dry. The curlers were removed and my style was brushed out. I was watching in the mirror as she created the style, my few remaining traces of masculinity vanishing as she applied hair spray to the style. It was retro, that is for sure, my hairstyle like what my mom wore when I was younger. It did seem to fit me, now when compared to the picture I was almost identical to the real Patty Andrews.

I was pronounced ready and we headed for the school gym. As she drove to the gym my panic level progressed, I was visibly sick as she pulled into the parking lot.

She turned off the car, made me face her and laid down the law to me. You make a beautiful woman, you are extremely talented and I am head over heels in love with you. Now are you going to grow up and acknowledge these things or am I going to spank you on stage tonight for our portion of the entertainment. Believe me I will if you don’t calm down and be yourself.

She got out of the car and came around to my side and opened my door. She reached in and grabbed my hand and helped me out. She maneuvered me next to her and laid me back against the car as she passionately kissed me on the lips. My mind went blank, the next thing I remembered is being led onto the stage and the music starting for our first song. That incidentally was two hours later, I really don’t remember anything that happened during the time that I got there, the kiss and our first song.

Once the music started I joined in, the upbeat song kind of took over my body, I was moving and swaying, my skirt brushing up against my legs, the only thing I felt. Then when the song ended, the deafening applause of the audience made all the difference in the world. I was hooked, my chest swelling with pride and enthusiasm. Immediately I started in on the next song, the accompanist having to catch up, I danced around, swayed to the music, generally making a fool out of myself. It felt so good to be singing, my heart and body joining in on the celebration.

After each song the applause seemed to get louder, when Diane announced that was the end of our part of the show, all we heard was no from the audience. We walked off stage to applause, the next act did their thing. Overall the show was a success, it was well appreciated by everybody, and the MC for the evening announced each act again for the curtain call, with us last. He had thanked everybody for coming and told everyone that the event had raised almost enough for the daycare center, just five thousand dollars short.

I had mentioned to both Diane and Beth that we should do another song for an encore. Beth suggested we sing a song for every thousand dollars they contributed, we had several that we had practiced, but had not sung. When we were called out on stage, we curtsied to the audience, then Diane took the microphone and asked if they would contribute the needed funds we would sing five more songs.

We saw hands going up everywhere waving bills at the stage. The other performers went down into the audience collecting the money and we started singing. By the time we had finished the fifth song the MC had told everyone that the goal had been met, and thanks to everybody, most importantly the new Drew Sisters. The roar of the audience after that was so loud that you couldn’t say anything and be heard. We finally left the stage and back to the make shift dressing room. The MC came back asking Diane to speak to the two visitors standing at the door.

She went over to talk to them then came running back telling us to not change clothes. We were being invited out to a late dinner and a business proposal. I figured somebody wanted us to perform for another fund raising affair, so I didn’t see any harm in it. Besides I didn’t want to change clothes here, I much preferred the privacy of home.

The business proposal turned out to be an offer of a contract. The same two people that had talked to them when Janice was a part of the group were now offering much more. This time with me in the group there was no hesitation at all. We listened to their proposal, but told them we needed to discuss the deal among ourselves before getting back to them.

It had been a long day, so we decided to wait until tomorrow before discussing the contract. I went home with Diane again, but she refused to talk about the deal tonight. She made some hot chocolate and we nibbled on some fudge candy that she had made a couple of days ago. We ended up falling asleep on her sofa, cuddled up together at the end, my head snuggled under her arm.

Well you can guess what happened, we met the next day and discussed the deal, deciding to give it a try for a couple of months, then stop and re-evaluate the deal. It was a way out of the town, a way to experience a little of what was out there to enjoy in life.

I did stay working in Personnel as a female, our foray into the entertainment business was mainly on the weekends playing to small clubs and an occasional concert as a lead in group. Our popularity steadily rose, now we were getting more offers to perform, our agents now quite busy scheduling when we would perform.

I was now living as a female all the time, of course Diane made me move in with her, how can she cuddle me all the time if I live across town. When the job offer of being one of the main acts of a Las Vegas mega show was offered we talked long and hard about it. It was a full time job, appearing six nights a week and one matinee appearance every other week. The money was exceptional, they would furnish all clothing and beauty services. I was the only hold out, it seemed to be so permanent.

Before this offer I thought I still had control of my life, being able to go back to being a male any time I wanted. As Diane pointed out to me that was only in my head. My appearance was more feminine than either Beth or her, probably because I was going to the salon twice a week, and according to her enjoying it way too much.

I did convince them to a three day trial to make sure it was as advertised. When we arrived in Vegas we were shown to a beautiful suite, our home while we were performing. Then to our dressing rooms backstage where we were fitted for our costumes. I was drooling as I saw my image in the mirror as each dress was fitted to my body. Diane’s Mom was good at creating the dresses we first wore back home, but these creations would take your breath away.

Then on to the salon, the same business we used back home, but the salon was huge compared to ours. I lost track of Beth and Diane as I was pampered and fussed with for over five hours. As they were finishing working on me I realized my return to some measure of maleness was not going to happen in this lifetime if ever.

As we left the salon I felt like a princess, my looks were totally female, in fact as we were heading back to the hotel I was complimented on my beauty. A fact that Diane and Beth obviously had trouble with. Diane whispering to me that when you put a male in a dress and he gets more male attention that a genetic female does, there has to be something basically wrong here.

Our first show went off without a hitch, the audience reaction quite phenomenal. It was fun for me, the crowd quickly joining in making the experience that much better. According to Diane I was swishing all over the stage, making goo goo eyes at some of the males in the front rows. I blushed at that revelation, I was just having fun, caught up in the moment.

After the first show we were visited by the casinos manager, wanting to know if he could add a couple more shows to the weekly schedule. He had already talked to our manager, and authorized the extra pay if we agree. Diane looked at Beth first, then over at me. When she saw the expression on my face she broke out laughing. Yeah, we will do the extra shows this week, but any further shows the contract will have to be re-visited. We all got hugs as he thanked us.

We did the extra shows, our manager negotiated for almost three weeks before a contract was ironed out. It ended up being for five years, three shows during the week and one each weekend day. Two matinees every other week and of course a suite for where we would live. All of our clothes would be furnished, most of them custom made for us. Twice a week salon services from the same salon we used back home, and a makeup/hair stylist from the salon for each of our shows.

Of course we signed, Diane and Beth ecstatic at the deal. I was happy at the financial terms, but the five year part had me worried. I doubted my male self would last five years in hiding, where that would leave me, especially with Diane a great concern. It took her a couple of days to extract my concerns, but Diane managed and set me down and straightened me out.

“Stupid. I love you and that will never change. Whether it is the female part of you or the male part is of no concern to me. Now you will straighten up now, or I will solve the problem by taking a knife and castrating you. If you do not believe me, give it a try. I will not allow you to beat yourself up over this. You are Patty in more than one way, your enthusiasm on stage and your actions so like her performances of the past. Everybody loves the female Patty, myself at the top of the list. Now are we good, or do I need to take some drastic action.

I swallowed hard, then leaned in to kiss her on her lips. Well that kiss went on for quite some time, only pausing to get a fresh breath. I never thought about it anymore, my life as Patty now the path for me. Five years of shows, possibly a recording contract and Diane at my side, I am so looking forward to it.

So we are officially a hit. Diane took me aside to make sure I was okay with this, since I would be the one that might be affected the most. I got a passionate kiss, causing my heart to skip a beat. When the beating resumed as normal we cuddled each other, with me whispering if she will love me this way, pointing to my female look.

Well that was a stupid question to ask as my throat was probed immediately by her tongue and my breasts were squeezed and palpated. I guess that could be considered a yes. I am Patty in the group and like the song says Hold Me Tight, I am in heaven.

© 2016 thru 2024 by Francesca


  Taylor: A Surprising Reward I am a systems analyst for a large corporation, been one for fifteen years, anxiously looking forward to re...