Saturday, June 8, 2024

Dora; A Dress Dummy

Dora; A Dress Dummy

As I entered the house Linda was still at her sewing machine working on another dress design. I was just getting home from work, two hours later than normal. I knew better than to bother her right now, her hobby means a lot to her. Especially since she now has somebody interested in her dress designs.

So I headed to the kitchen to see what she had planned for dinner, and if it was not started or finished I would see what I could do to complete the task. I found where she had got out the ingredients for spaghetti and meatballs, and smiled. That is something I could handle, having fixed it many times before. An hour later I had it ready to serve, the table set and iced tea chilling in a pitcher. I even managed to make some garlic toast to go with the meal.

I headed to her sewing room, now to coax her out for dinner the next task. She was staring at a dress on her mannequin, her hands on her hips and a scowl on her face. I managed to sneak up on her, grabbing her in my arms and laying a passionate kiss on her lips. She returned it enthusiastically, then broke out in a fit of giggles. The giggles is because my erstwhile male organ was tenting out my jeans, pushing her skirt up against her. I blushed red, indulging in anything romance wise causes my erection to mobilize. Kissing being at the top of the list.

She grabbed my hand and led me off to the kitchen, hoping that if I got fed things will return to normal. When she saw that I had finished dinner I got another quick kiss, but it was more of a peck and then withdrawal before junior could inflate further. She served up the meal, tasting it as she was putting it on the plates.

“You will make some lucky person a wonderful wife, but you still need to learn to dress a little more provocative to snare a loving spouse.” A huge smile came to her lips and she handed me my plate. Meanwhile, I had poured the iced tea and placed a plate of the garlic toast on the table between us. We ate in silence, both of us apparently quite hungry. I imagine that Linda had skipped lunch, a habit of hers when she is focused on one of her dress designs.

During high school her mother taught her how to sew, a couple of classes in school furthering her interest. She mainly concentrated on dresses, some of her designs quite unique. I was far from an adequate judge on what she designed, but they seemed pretty and functional. Several of the more provocative ones I would love to see Linda wearing, their revealing design quite sexy. A lot of skin would show on whoever was wearing those particular dresses. Alas, she designs them but seldom wears one of her designs out and about for me to enjoy.

A few weeks ago she had sent some sketches off to one of the fashion houses, this particular one located in the U.S. They specialized in custom designs, hand made from their designers to fit the individual customer. She had gotten a letter in return, they wanted to see more sketches and maybe arrange a meeting to see the finished product. Linda was ecstatic, now feverishly trying to fine tune several of her designs, hoping one of them might be what the company would be interested in.

She hauled the dishes to the sink, then grabbed my hand and led me to her sewing room. She pointed to her dress dummy, asking me to take a look at it and see if I could fix it. The adjusting bolts not holding the measurements she had set for the dress. I pulled one of the bolts out, the threads were totally stripped on both the bolt and the hole it went into, so there was no easy way to make it function as intended. She had got in the habit of calling it her dress dummy, since it gave her more trouble than it was worth.

I gave her the bad news, she started to cry, so I held her tightly trying to comfort her. I told her I would buy her a new one, maybe one that was more practical and well made. Through the tears she muttered something about this model is perfect for what she needs, but since it is quite expensive we could not afford a new one right now. This one, a gift from her Mom, the one her Mother had used to make most of Linda’s clothes during school. I finally got her tears stopped, but now was facing her as she stared at me, a smirk coming to her lips. She ran to get her measuring tape and promptly measured me in the chest, waist and hips. I was beginning to get uneasy, this was not proceeding to an outcome I might be happy with.

A loud squeal came from her lips, then she dragged me over next to the dress dummy. My height was compared to what she had the dummy set for, apparently I was fairly close to the proper height. She dragged me over to a sofa and pushed me down, then sat right next to me.

Oh no here it comes, her idea will be explained to me, expecting me to see the benefit of me agreeing to participate, thus solving her problem.

I wish it would be that simple, but I was sure that my involvement in this will be more than just putting on a dress. I decided to keep quiet and see what she specifically had in mind for me. Maybe I have misjudged her and jumped to a hasty conclusion. Yeah sure.

She patiently explained what she had in mind, it was as I figured, she wanted me to fill in for the broken dress dummy, so she could complete her designs. Then if the company liked them and bought the designs she could purchase a new dress dummy, maybe a more expensive model. As she was explaining all of this to me she was undoing the buttons on my shirt, then moved to the zipper on my pants. I was trying to slow the express train down, but feared that it was a hopeless cause. For one thing my male thingy was getting excited, a plus for her, since when he gets involved any reluctance on my part quickly disappears.

It wasn’t but a few minutes later that I was standing there, naked except for a pair of shorts. She quickly grabbed the dress from the dress dummy and proceeded to slip it over my head. As it slid down my body the shivers I received were causing all kinds of new sensations to attack my body and my mind. Besides the huge amount of goose pimples, the feeling of the material on my bare skin was doing wonderful things to my body. She buttoned up the dress, the row of petite buttons running up the back of the dress. She stepped back wanting to see what I looked like, a larger than life smile coming to her face. She ran over to her sewing machine grabbing her purse, then searched inside for something. She returned a few minutes later, then applied a coat of lipstick to my lips. It caught me by surprise, I just stood there allowing her to paint my lips a bright pink. Then over to her work table grabbing her digital camera, to take pictures of her creation on me. After finally realizing what she was doing I tried to avoid the camera. No suck luck, wearing the dress was affecting how I moved, so she had no trouble taking seemingly hundreds of picture of me in her latest design. I finally gave up just standing there staring at her.

She announced that she now had a new dress dummy, one that she would not have to worry about as she worked on her designs. From a normal male to a dress dummy in the span of an hour, who would have guessed that possible. She took one of her notepads and started writing changes on what might be needed to make her dress dummy more functional. She had the best part of a page filled, in no time. Meanwhile, I was still in the dress.

She had me try on one of her heels, squealing when it fit perfectly. A few more pictures were snapped, then she helped me out of the dress, not wasting any chance to stimulate my thingy. A sure way to make sure I will be her dress dummy in the upcoming weeks. Once out of the dress I quickly left her sewing room, the more distance between that room and me the better. I made it to the door realizing I was still wearing her heels. I kicked them off and almost ran out of the room. I heard her on the phone to someone, a squeal or two could be heard from time to time as she talked to them. I knew better than to question her about her squeals, I was relatively sure I would find out way sooner than I thought.

Sure enough a few minutes later she appeared, quickly making her way to my lap. Once perched thereon she laid her head on my chest, kissing my lips seductively and licking her lips. I forgot I still had on the pink lipstick. In a weak moment I told her to let me know what I had to do, the sooner I give in the sooner I might be allowed to return to the male persona.

I was helped up from my chair, led to the bedroom and dressed again in one of her creations. Back in the heels then led to her car and helped into the passenger seat. I let out a huge sigh, hoping the powers to be might be looking out for me. A twenty minute drive and I was helped out of the car and led into her salon. This was not looking favorable at all, maybe my guardian angels were on a vacation, but definitely AWOL never the less. Right when I needed them the most.

Once in a room at the back of the salon one of their techs came in, appraised my body, then helped me out of the dress. My shorts were removed, then deposited in a trash can, apparently I will not be wearing them on the return trip home. The tech and my wife talked for a few minutes, looking my way often. Finally a decision was made and the tech went to retrieve what she needed to make the changes. When she got back she started to explain what she was going to do to me.

Before she got into the explanation, I held up my hand. Do what you need to to make my wife happy, it is alright with me. I was shown some forms I had to sign, I promptly signed them all and gave them back to her. Mean while Linda headed in my direction and gave me one of her patented kisses, then rubbed my thingy and told me she would be back in a couple of hours to take me home. Be good, a dress dummy needs to behave to make its owner proud of it.

Just like that I was alone, the tech leading me over to a table in the room and helping me up on it. My feet were placed in stirrups extending from the end of the table, then she scooted me down some my butt now near the end of the table. A strap was placed across my waist and my hands were attached to the side of the table. I looked at her with concern, she smiled, just relax, a dress dummy has to have some curves added, and your thingy has to be controlled so he does not ruin the female figure you will soon have. It will only take an hour, then we will see about making you more pleasing to the eye.

The breasts were first, two realistic silicone breast forms were glued to my chest in the appropriate place, their weight and constant quivering affecting me greatly. She sprayed something on my groin, losing all feeling down there quickly. She worked down there for the remaining time, finally she held up something for me to see, then laid it over my groin. It was an exact duplicate to Linda’s sex, looking quite realistic. Another ten minutes and she had glued it to my groin, junior now safely hidden behind a female vagina. She assured my thingy will still work, but a few changes had to be made to be able to use it. I couldn’t see how, since he was not even visible.

Going to the bathroom, now would require me to sit. To be able to have sex a dildo or penis had to be used to stimulate my little fella to ejaculate. Once those words were digested by my feeble mind I promptly fainted.

I woke up to water being sprayed on my hair, a thorough washing and conditioning of the hair soon followed. Since I was conscious now, I was moved to a chair where she could cut my hair. Not much was being cut off, my image in the mirror already leaning toward the feminine. A lot of a spray from a bottle was added to my locks, then the hair set in curlers.

Once that was accomplished, she moved to makeup for me. She carefully applied it being extra careful where it was applied and correcting any mistakes quickly. Then my face was sprayed with a fine mist, tingling with a warm feeling being felt almost immediately. I imagine I had just received makeup that would not need to be put on daily, another sigh but too late to do anything about it now. I did remember that I had told her to do as Linda wanted, my words coming back to haunt me now.

I thought about my work, all of this most likely with me for the near future. I could not see me working my job in the female gender, my work colleagues were average, but having to work around them in dresses and heels seemed more than I could probably deal with. So with out a job in the future, that might change things around the house. I did decide to call in sick tomorrow, more thinking needed to be done concerning any continued employment especially considering my new appearance.

So now I guess I am almost ready to assume the duties of Linda’s dress dummy. I just hope that is not a permanent position. Speaking of Linda that is who walked into the front door of the salon. She looked around then spotted me, as she ran to where I was sitting. I was thoroughly appraised, then she parked her tush on my lap. I got several kisses, and a grope or two of my newly acquired female chest enhancements, then she spoke with my tech asking questions about my treatments and my new measurements. Satisfied she left me to browse their clothing store while my hair style was being finished. All of this like it was normal for me to be converted into a female and more importantly a dress dummy.

Hair style finished, with way too many curls to deal with, springing all over the place. Linda made her way to me and gathered me in a hug, then up front so that I could pay for the services after the dress that I wore to the salon was put back on me. Of course, with the enhancements it fit much better. No underwear though, her dress doing nothing to keep my new sex from feeling cold and drafty. Not only did I have to submit to the changes, I had to pay my own way.

I was puzzled though as what my appearance had to do with substituting as her dress dummy. Surely she is not considering having me dressed in her creations out and about. I was taken home, then had to don another of her dresses as she sewed up the hem. One more after that, as she took in the waistline so it fit snug against my skin. This continued the rest of the evening as I spent the time as her dress dummy. Dress after dress was altered to fit me snugly, then a thought began to take hold in my pathetic little brain. Sure enough I was told as she dressed me in one of her nighties for bed, that tomorrow we will be going to the fashion house, her dresses now ready to go and her dress dummy looking appropriate. It was hours before I managed to succumb to sleep, worried about tomorrow and my part in this grand plan of hers.

I was dragged out of bed, and pushed rudely into the bathroom. A quick use of the toilet and then shoved in the shower, a shower cap keeping my hair dry and pristine. I did notice my face in the mirror as I dried off, makeup perfect just like it was applied yesterday. It took Linda a few minutes to brush out my hair, then I was led to our bedroom. I was expecting another dress today, she instead checked my appearance, adding a little rouge to my nipples then slipped on the dress dummy cover that she had from before.

A horn was heard from out front and she went to open the door. I tried to hide in her closet, not wanting anyone to see me like this. I heard talking as I imagined her bags of dresses were being loaded into the limo. Then Linda returned to grab her dress dummy. She whispered to me to to behave, you are nothing but a dress dummy today, so smile and I will take care of everything else. I was literally dragged to our front door, then became a little more cooperative since I did not want to be caught outside like this. The driver sliding me on a dolly then wheeled me to the limo. Not a difficult feat for him since I only weighed a little over a hundred twenty pounds. I was placed in the rear seat next to all of the bags of dresses, like I was just an actual dress dummy. It took awhile to get to the fashion house, since it was on the other side of town.

When we eventually arrived several males came out to gather up the bags of dresses and one reached in and lifted me out, placing me on one of their carts. Myself and the dresses were taken to a conference room and unloaded. I decided to stay motionless, not sure how I would feel if the males discovered I was really a human. The male that lifted me off the cart, straightened my legs then stood me on a dais near the center of the room. He straightened my arms and back so I was in the proper position for a dress dummy. He then reached under my cover and pinched my butt lightly while winking at me then left. I am not sure any dress dummy could match the redness on my face and neck just then. I thought about moving but I heard more voices and decided to continue the deception. Linda and several employees came into the room, looking my way and then smiling. Linda wasted no time in slipping the first dress on me then smoothed it out and pulled up the zipper.

On and on for the next two hours as she went over what each dress was perfect for, the materials used and her construction of each dress. In between clothing changes I was left there standing naked, my breasts and female sex proudly on display. I thought I was pulling off the deception perfectly when one of the lady employees came over to me asking if I had to use the bathroom. Through the bright red blush I nodded my head and dashed to the bathroom, all of the ladies giggling at a naked female almost running to the bathroom. I almost forgot I had to sit to pee, but did manage it eventually. I reappeared after wiping myself thoroughly and was helped back up on the dais.

Then I heard them mention to Linda they wanted to get pictures of her designs on her dress dummy, ones that would be perfect for their internet catalog. So once again I modeled each of her designs as hundred of pictures were taken of me. They wanted to keep the dresses, so one of their employees hung each one on a rolling rack with the rack labeled Linda’s Couture.

In all of the fuss of trying on the many dresses the mannequin cover was lost, but the ladies assured me that the male help will be extra careful with me as they load me back into the limo for the ride home. Red again as the same male as before carefully lifted me onto his cart and I was wheeled out to the limo. He delicately lifted me up and placed me in the back seat of the limo, then gave me a peck on the cheek. Meanwhile Linda was being helped into the limo, her smirk at what was happening to me quite obvious. Once back home, help was again furnished in being placed back in the house, from the limo driver, but alas no kiss. Oh gawd, did I just think about missing a kiss from a male limo driver.

Linda attacked me as soon as the driver closed our front door, knocking me back onto the sofa. I swear the kiss lasted forever, she eventually had to come up for air, my breathing labored and erratic. She dug in her purse for something pulling out a check from the fashion house for ten thousand dollars made out to Linda’s Couture, a signing bonus for Linda to sell her dresses with them. I have already called your work on the limo ride home telling them you have quit and will not be working any more for anyone except me. I intend to get you a tattoo on you butt, saying you are Dora property of Linda’s Couture.

Now I am just about as horny as a female can be, my dildo needs using and my property needs its just reward for all it has done for me. I was dragged off, laid on the bed and in a matter of minutes was being plowed by my wife, her dildo deep inside me. After the shock wore off a little, a pleasant way to spend the evening. Junior did erupt several times, the cum dripping out of my new female sex shortly thereafter.

The next morning it was back to work, since she had three orders already. The week continued in that vain, two to three orders every day. As she completed an order I was slipped into the nest dress. An all in one girdle was padded where necessary to match the customer’s measurements. The majority of the day I was just a dress dummy, although I did get time off for going to the bathroom and eating a little lunch. It was three weeks later when I realized that wearing dresses was my new normal, so comfortable and flattering. Yes, I often peeked at my reflection in the mirror, pleased at what I saw. It wasn’t but a few weeks later that a return trip to the salon was made, more permanent enhancements added to my body and the first of my weekly maintenance appointments to keep my hair and makeup pristine.

When Linda comes up with a new dress designs, back to the company for pictures for the internet catalog and for the print brochures that are sent out regularly. I do enjoy being handled by the guys, as we arrive and after the photo shoot. A little kiss or grope making me swoon in delight. Linda accuses me of being a flirt, but I, of course, deny it vehemently.

Since there is no bolts to be stripped I am good for many years use. In using me she did get a better and more updated model and it didn’t cost her much. Yep, I am a lowly dress dummy now, my owner seeing to my care and maintenance, I couldn’t be happier.

© 2016 thru 2024 by Francesca

  Katherine; F emale Alterations I am on my way back home after a grueling thirteen-day road trip out west to handle some of my customers...