Monday, June 10, 2024

Becky: A Fancy Dress Arrangement

Becky: A Fancy Dress Arrangement

Juliette was getting peeved at me again. I seemed to be constantly nagging her about wearing some of her more feminine dresses. The fact that I had purchased most of these for her not really my only concern. Juliette was a gorgeous female, standing a little over five foot eight inches tall and with a body that most females would kill for. Well proportioned, with her breasts definitely her best feature. In those dresses she seemed like a goddess to me, a beautiful, sexy goddess.

We had earned our right to live a comfortable live, working hard in our jobs for the last few years. Being in the right place at the right time placed us in enviable careers, never needing to worry about money any more. We had banked quite a bit of our last few years income, now that money earning interest to add to our financial well being.

Even though I had bought her beautiful clothes, including quite a few name brand designer items, she dressed comfortable, most of my purchases never worn other than to try them on when I brought them home. I just couldn’t understand why she would not partake of the beautiful clothes she had in her closet. Typical of most males. I continued my onslaught, every chance bringing up the beautiful clothes that she left in her closet gathering dust.

I had tickets for the theater, a new play coming to town at the end of the week. A perfect time for her to wear one of her designer dresses. I had brought up the subject several times already this week, she listened but made other plans for what to wear.

For some reason I decided to push the issue, not a wise move on my part, since it had never worked in the past. Well Juliette suddenly sported a huge smile on her face, pushing me back on the bed as she stepped forward ready to do battle with me. Her forwardness surprised me, but what she uttered as my part of the deal was absurd. For her to wear one of the designer dresses I also had to wear one, since we are deemed equals a fitting participation on my part for her cooperation in this wish of mine.

My mouth was suddenly wide open, where did that crazy thought come from. I tried to voice my objection to her, but before I could get any words out, she told me that is the only way she would attend the play with me. I was out several hundred dollars already for the tickets, my mind more concerned about the money for the tickets than her proposal that I wear one of her dresses.

After thinking about it for a few moments I decided I would look ridiculous in a dress, once ready to go out she would change her mind and I would be spared the humiliation. So in an attempt to gain her cooperation I agreed to her plan asking her what dress she had been thinking of wearing. It was one of my favorites, a strapless body hugging dress in silk, a pale green in color and floor length.

When she had tried the dress on when I purchased it, she had complained about the tightness of the skirt, requiring her to take small steps, causing her tush to sway seductively as she meandered along. I was already dreaming of her in the dress, and what might transpire after we returned home. I failed to remember that I might also be similarly attired, a definite dash of cold water to what I was hoping might happen.

She looked through her closet for several more minutes pulling several dresses aside as possible attire for the evening. Even if she changed her mind about what dress she would wear all of them were more than adequate in my opinion. Nothing more was said, a normalcy settled back over our lives for the next few days. I did notice her looking through her closet several more times, exchanging dresses she had laid aside as the mood suited her.

The day of the play was now upon us, she was dressing to go to her beauty salon, then as she picked up her purse she grabbed my arm and led me out of the house with her. I just figured she wanted me to drive, so it was not a big deal. Her appointment was at nine this morning, plenty of time to make her gorgeous. At the front door she had me carry two garment bags out to the car, telling me that she would dress at the salon, then we could go directly to the theater.

It never occurred to me about what I would wear to the play or where I would change. Selective thinking on my part, or just a husband in over his head.

When we got to the salon she told me to come in with her, they had a nice lounge, where I could relax until she was finished. Since they served wine for those that requested it, I could read some magazines and sip wine while they were making her beautiful. Again no rational thought surfaced, since the play didn’t start until eight, that would leave eleven hours to somehow get through. I did go in with her, settling in a chair in their lounge and receiving a glass of wine to drink soon thereafter.

Unfortunately, that was the last thing I clearly remembered. I was still somewhat conscious but out of it mentally. I remembered being taken to the back and undressed, but at the time it somehow seemed prudent. Lots of things being done to me, the glass of wine always full and convenient to take a sip from. For some reason, I never looked at my body and the things that were being done to it.

I did get a few things to nibble on for lunch, my red fingernails looking so pretty as they held the crackers and fruit that I consumed. There was no more wine offered, a bottle of water offered when I requested something to drink.

Over the next few hours my haziness cleared up some, I was aware of my new feminine looks, but still had not put it all together as to what it meant for me. When one of the garment bags was hung next to where I was sitting, a sudden thought came to my befuddled mind.

Sure enough I was going to be dressed in some gorgeous lingerie including a bra, a panty, a garter belt and some sheer stockings. As the bra was fastened around my chest I became aware that it was cradling my breasts, each cup full to overflowing with soft squiggly breasts. I could feel the cup of the bra as it supported my breasts, the lace cup making my nipples hard and stiff.

My first look in a mirror showed lots of changes to my face and body. My face looked so different with highly arched eyebrows, a lack of anything suggesting that I once had a beard, and puffy lips in a cupid’s bow configuration. As the curlers were being removed from my hair, the feminine hairstyle that I had been given seemed to frame my face in gorgeous curls. Then I noticed that my hair had a two tone effect to it, the contrasting light and dark colored hair making it quite a bit more noticeable and feminine.

The garment bag was unzipped and the dress that she had first selected was taken out, I was helped into it, and the zipper pulled up. I felt the restriction around my legs, as I tried to walk around a little, the heels I had been given requiring some getting used to. I felt my butt sway back and forth, exactly like it did when Juliette had tried the dress on.

Before I could come to terms with everything she grabbed my arm and led me from the salon. A limo to take us to the play, was waiting outside, as Juliette gracefully entered the limo. I tried to imitate her movements but I am sure it was a poor imitation. Luckily for me there was no one to laugh at my attempts.

Our door was closed and the limo headed for the theater. By the time we reached the theater rational thought processes were beginning to return to my formerly befuddled mind. When the doorman opened the limo door I looked down at my body in the silky green dress and almost had a heart attack. Juliette was pushing me from behind to exit her hand on my lower back and her whispering in my ear.

Come on Becky, we are going to miss the opening if you don’t hurry. I was helped to stand by the doorman, then he did the same to Juliette. She grabbed by hand, then lead me into the theater, then up to our reserved seats. I stood there for a minute, finally realizing that I am in the middle of a lot of people, dressed to the tee. Juliette sat in her seat, then I quickly followed as the light dimmed, signaling the play was about to start.

I doubt I heard a word the actors were saying, too busy trying to handle all the feelings that were assaulting my mind. The restriction around my chest from the bra and the feel of my hard nipples as they pressed against the half cup of the bra the most prominent. Then you have the feel of the sheer stockings on my legs and the lace of my panty rubbing against my nether regions. My feet were severally arched in the high heels I was wearing, my toes feeling crammed into the toe of the heel.

I was getting a headache trying to figure out how my transformation had been done and me not realizing till later that I was dressed like Juliette in a gorgeous designer gown. The play ended with Juliette leading me back to a limo and eventually home. Once home I was helped inside, still somewhat lost and confused. She helped me to undress, then cuddled me for the rest of the evening.

The next morning the reality of the situation became apparent. Makeup smeared on my face, breasts pert and erect on my chest and junior no where to be seen. I think I felt him, but since I could not see where he might have been hid, that was a big question mark.

With the way I looked I knew going to work was a no brainer. So to the bathroom, trying to remove the makeup and checking to see if the breasts might also be able to be removed. Some of the makeup came off, but not enough to change my feminine image. The breasts showed no signs of being attached to me, they seemed to be a natural part of me, like they were really my breasts.

I did feel around for junior, but all I found was an exact copy of what my wife possessed between her legs. When I found the courage to slip a finger into my new slit, the feelings it generated sent me reeling. Shortness of breath along with a warm feeling spreading all over my body. Juliette was standing in the doorway, watching me check out my body, a huge smirk showing up on her face.

“Well we now have a way for all of those dresses to be worn and showed off. My girlfriend has volunteered to help me, so we now need tickets to every fancy dress event in town. Of course, salon appointments the day of the event, so we always look our best. We may even need a few new purchases, a female can never be seen in the same dress twice in the same year, unwritten rule number one. We can share chores and cooking around the house, making both of our lives easier to deal with.”

“What name do you prefer, I think Becky suits you, but I will go with whatever you decide on.”

From that moment on Becky was the girlfriend, attending events weekly dressed to the nines. I never did return to my former life having too much fun in the one I am living in now. Juliette and Becky are more than just girlfriends, the nightly romantic interlude looked forward to by both parties.. Of course, we bought more clothes, can’t be seen twice in the same dress.

I now have a closet full of dresses, along with Juliette’s two closets full. But where we differ the most is in our lingerie. I have four dressers full, all sexy and beautiful. But I still look for more, every time we go shopping, It is a must to have gorgeous lingerie to go with a designer dress.

Happy. Yes, maybe a better description is thrilled. That fateful day when I agreed to a fancy dress arrangement.

© 2016 thru 2024 by Francesca

  Katherine; F emale Alterations I am on my way back home after a grueling thirteen-day road trip out west to handle some of my customers...