Saturday, May 18, 2024

Prissy; The Bimbo Treatment

Prissy; The Bimbo Treatment

Once again my big mouth had put me in a very compromising position. My girlfriend and I had visited some clubs last night, and generally had a good time. At the one club there were several females that acted and talked like they were from another world. At the time I couldn’t put a name to their actions, but later the name Bimbo came to mind. I mentioned it to Stephanie, and she gave me such a look. I should have kept any further thoughts and spoken words to myself, apparently for Steph it is a delicate subject. Being a typical male I plowed on, mentioning that all together their IQ was less than fifty, wondering if someone would come and get them later, since I doubt they could find their way home by themselves.

Another intense stare from Steph, then she gets up and walks away from me, leaving me alone with my mouth open. When she returned later I did keep my mouth shut, for a while. The females in question were leaving ahead of us as we exited the club. They were having fun, kissing anybody they came into contact with, and making an ass of themselves. I avoided the kisses as we were behind them, and I made sure to stay a few feet behind Steph, just in case.

We watched as they piled into a cab, and drove off. Along with me shaking my head, the doorman at the club was doing the same, since the females in question had kissed him and groped his crotch numerous times as they got into the cab. He took out his handkerchief to wipe the lipstick off his face, and then readjust his pants to hide his very noticeable bulge.

Nothing more was said as we headed to the next club we had planned to visit. I did ask Steph if she had any girlfriends that acted that way, surely it would be an embarrassment to any female. I mentioned what they were wearing, telling her that the one female had problems keeping her breasts in her bra, adjusting it many times as we watched them and their antics.

Deadly silence, so I finally took the hint and stopped talking about them. When we reached the other club, we were shown in right up front, their little review just starting. I watched the review, lots of scantily clad females dancing around to some pop songs. More than enough to keep my interest.

Then a few tables over a female stood up and started dancing along with the gals on stage. Yep, you guessed it the females that I had called bimbos had made it to this club ahead of us and were seated just a few tables from us. Before I could mouth any words Steph placed a hand on mine and shook her head. This time I got the hint, stayed silent and tried to watch the last of the show.

For the rest of the time there, I listened to the talk between the suspected bimbos. It had a kind of a valley girl tone to it and was absolutely silly and childish. Their talk was loud enough to be heard several tables over, so any customers seated within a few tables of them were forced to listen to their antics. One of them saw a single male a few tables over and decided she wanted to be with him. She got up and proceeded to walk towards him, making him pull out his chair some and set right in his lap. The next thing I saw was her kissing him, and reaching for his crotch. He got up, left her on his chair and walked out of the club.

I wondered if the females were drunk, or is this how they acted all the time. The club decided to intervene, their bouncers escorting the females in question out of the club. They did not go quietly letting everyone know how they were being treated. When we exited the club an hour later they were still here walking back and forth outside protesting their treatment. They had drew quite a crowd, most of the spectators giggling at their actions and words.

I did notice that all of them had blonde hair, either extremely light in color or tinted a pinkish hue. One of them, the one that had trouble with her breasts earlier was shedding her blouse, determined to correct the problem. She was doing this in plain sight of quite a few other people. I managed to get us to Steph’s car as she clicked the locks on the doors so we could make our getaway. I said no more about the evening, for fear of Steph’s reaction.

The next day we had planned to spend the day shopping, since both of us had the day off. I had stayed over at her apartment, so after we ate some breakfast we headed to the mall. Steph loved to window shop, spending hours just looking at what is being offered. In one particular store the outfit on display was very similar to what one of the females wore last night. Of course, I had to bring that up, Steph dragging my body inside to look at the dress. She looked through the sizes finding what she was looking for, then held it up against me to see how it might look on me. I backed away, pushing her hand away from me as quick as I could. I saw the look she gets sometimes, then a smirk appeared on her face.

She took the dress and headed to the cashier, asking some questions then the sales associate went to get some items that Steph had apparently asked for. I tried to keep out of her way, pretending to look at some other dresses on the rack the dress came from. I should have exited the store and made my way to the safety of her car, but didn’t. Big mistake on my part.

Steph conferred with the sales associate again selecting way too may items and paid for them all. I wondered why she was buying these selected items, the dress in particular not something Steph would ever wear. We left the mall soon after, Steph asking me to drop her off at her beauty salon, then come back later to pick her up. She had never mentioned the salon appointment earlier, so I was wondering why she wanted to go there now. She took her purchases in with her, giving me a kiss on the lips as she headed inside. She suggested that I come back in an hour, then if she was not done I could wait up front till they were finished with her.

I visited a book store a few doors down from the salon, reading a few pages in a book I was interested in purchasing. I decided the book was not that good, so put it back on the shelves and headed back to the salon. I was earlier than requested, but Steph waved from a chair at the back of the salon at me. A few minutes later her stylist came and got me, telling me I could wait with her as she finished my girlfriend’s hairdo. I was shown to a seat next to her, watching the stylist finish her hairdo. I seldom went with Steph to her salon appointments, so I was fascinated at what they could accomplish. When the stylist finished with Steph she walked behind me and ran her fingers through my hair. Before I knew it she had removed the rubber band holding my hair in a ponytail and started brushing my hair. Her and Steph were talking about a new style for me, the terms they were using totally foreign to me.

Apparently the stylists last suggestion was just perfect for me, Steph telling her to go ahead and make me pretty. I stared at Steph not wanting anything to do with me being made pretty. Unfortunately, it was too late to stop the stylist as my chair was already leaned back and she was starting to shampoo my hair. I closed my eyes, hoping what I ended up with would not make me look pretty. For a male looking pretty is a death sentence, and although I was far from being considered a macho male, I still wanted to hang on to as many masculine features as possible.

The stylist put one product after another on my hair, each one left on for a few minutes before being rinsed out and another product added. She would massage each product into my scalp, then rinse it out thoroughly before doing it again. I just kept my eyes closed, what I can’t see can’t be happening. It sounded good, but in reality I doubt such an action would forestall anything.

She toweled dry my hair, then ran a comb through it to make sure all tangles were removed. I heard her start snipping at my hair, each bunch of hair held with the comb, then cut to form the style she was giving me. Not too much was being cut off, so I closed my eyes again, thinking of what Steph and I could do once we got home. In the past we always played a little sexually when she returned from a salon appointment, maybe today will be no exception.

Once the stylist finished cutting my hair, she used a curling tongs to add some curl to my hair, the result so far stylish, but not particularly masculine. Steph approached with a pair of glasses, slipping them on my face. My vision was now extremely blurry with Steph wanting me to be surprised when the stylist finished my new hairdo. It took quite a bit longer for the stylist to finish, apparently the curls were just a start. I could feel a lot of things added to my hairdo, although none recognizable. Finally time for the unveiling, as Steph unbuttoned my shirt and slipped it off my shoulder. I was helped to stand and as Steph grabbed my hand I felt someone unbuckle my belt. At the same time Steph leaned in and kissed me, the sensuous kiss causing my mind to suddenly quit functioning. I just stood there as something was lowered over my head and I then felt the zipper at the back being closed. I was still savoring the kiss, when my eyes opened, the image reflected in the mirror in front of me not of a male. My mouth fell open, and I mumbled a few words of which nobody seemed to understand. I closed my eyes and reopened them several times, the image I saw still not what I was hoping to see.

I was the spitting image of the female at the club that had problems with her erstwhile breasts. My hair a very light blonde with some pinkish tones to it. The only difference was my lack of breasts and some makeup. After Steph examined my appearance closely she made a decision. After a short conference with Steph. the stylist started on applying makeup to my face, I tried to get up out of the chair, this was not anything that I wanted or desired. My girlfriend warned me that I was to sit there, any resistance and she will drag me to the mall dressed like this. She did remind me that my male clothes are no longer and it is a long way home, her car keys in her hot little hands. She danced off, almost skipping off to search for something. Steph was gone for awhile, so the stylist had finished my makeup and was working on my nails. To my surprise I already had extensions on my nails, the peach color polish being finished up now. I have no idea when the extensions were applied to my fingers, just that they were very long and made my hands look so feminine. I wanted to get away, but was still unsure of what Steph would do. Her threats were something I definitely did not want to experience first hand.

As Steph appeared in front of me, I let out low moan, in her hands were two breast like objects most likely to be applied to my body. She sat there as the stylist finished my nails holding the breast forms in her hands and rubbing the nipples with her fingers. A huge smile plastered on her face. I could tell she was enjoying this way too much, my words last night about the bimbos apparently causing all of this to be arranged for me.

Once my nails were finished Steph moved behind me and lowered the zipper on the dress. She pushed it off my shoulders so that my chest was exposed. The stylist had come over and was applying something to the back of the breast forms. Steph did have some fun with my nipples before she plopped the breast form on my chest directly over my nipples. She held it there for a few moments then pulled on it to make sure it was firmly attached. These were not a normal sized breast form but more along the size of Dolly Partons. The stylist explained that the glue was their super strength formula setting immediately and lasting for a minimum of six months. My mouth sprang open, but nothing emerged. As the second one was pushed up against my chest I fainted.

I slowly came around, the first sight my eyes focused on was my chest, The dress had been pulled up, and the back zipper closed as it was hugging my now feminine curves very tightly. Steph pulled me to my feet, but I had trouble standing, since my feet were now in a pair of high heels. She held me up till I regained my balance then dragged me in front of a full length mirror. The bimbo of last night was staring back at me, the makeup all done in bright colors and quite noticeable. I turned to plead with Steph, but she was already on the move. She held my face tightly in her hands and kissed me with so much passion I doubt I could remember my name at the moment.

Then before I could recover I was dragged to the car and sat in the passenger seat. She had way too much fun fastening the seat belt on me, and with my now longer nails I seemed helpless to resist her efforts. Finally buckled in she came around to the driver side and proceeded to drive off. I was hoping of a destination of one of our apartments but instead she headed right to the mall. I closed my eyes and shed a tear or two. I said a silent prayer, but feared all was hopeless. I had proceeded last night in bashing bimbos, now it seems I will be paying for it in spades.

When she parked at the mall I was handed a tissue to blot my tears away. Steph informing me that I was not to worry, my makeup is semi-permanent so a few tears will not mess it up. She came around to my door, and helped me out of the car. I followed her into the mall, not really wanting to go there, but not wanting to stay in the car alone either. Right to the ladies room on the second floor of the mall. There the restrooms were private and larger then downstairs. Once in one of the restrooms she locked the door behind us, then led me over to one of the sinks. I was told to bend over and hold up the hem of the dress around my waist. She was digging in her purse as I accomplished this. I never saw what she retrieved but felt it as she pushed it into my anus. It slid in way too easily, but then stopped at the narrow portion of it. It seemed wedged in pretty good, since it did not move when I tried to stand up again. I was handed a pair of panties, stretchy and quite small. She suggested that I might want to put them on, otherwise my butt plug might want to slip out while out in the mall. I am sure you could make excuses why you are wearing one, I for one would be anxious to hear any of them.

I grabbed the panties and slipped into them, hoping they would do as she suggested and keep the intruder in my body. Then she refreshed her lipstick, looking to see if mine needed refreshing then unlocked the bathroom door and pushed me out into the mall. I stayed as close to her as possible, not wanting to be alone if anything did happen.

We passed the food court and she decided she wanted something to drink. I was handed some money and pushed in the direction of the fast food place. As I got almost to the window, my intruder came to life sending vibrations all through my body. I stopped and tried to compose myself, wavering on my heels a little as the vibrations seemed almost rhythmic. Then as I stepped up to the window the vibrations stopped and the butt plug started moving in and out in my rear passage like I was being fucked. It can’t be, it is just a butt plug, surely fucking me not part of its capabilities.

I dropped my money and was stuttering wildly, trying to handle the sensations. I heard myself moan, similar to what Steph does when she is about to have an orgasm. I muttered no several times then had to support myself on the counter as the sensations stopped. I am sure the clerk and everyone else was watching me the whole time, not often you have a female having an orgasm in line. One of the other customers picked up my money I had dropped on the floor, a smile and a giggle from her as she handed it to me. I was more than beet red, not able to look her in the face. I did mutter a thank you, but doubt she heard me. I guess the clerk felt sorry for me, after getting me my drinks she offered to carry them to my table, although I am sure I detected a giggle here and there. She delivered the drinks, whispered to Steph and then skipped back to her register.

I managed to sit down in a chair at our table, the intruder making its presence known again as I settled in the chair. I wasn’t thirsty any more but Steph insisted I drink it. The remote for my butt plug visible in the palm of her hand. I was in need of going to the bathroom before I was made to finish my drink, now the situation is much worse. Dressed as I was, going to the male restroom did not seem to be advisable so I pleaded with Steph to go with me to the women’s restroom. She eventually gave in and accompanied to the ladies restroom dragging her feet quite a bit, her eyes focused on my facial emotions.

One inside and in a stall, she made me sit to pee. Then I had to use a huge amount of toilet paper to wipe myself. Finally somewhat dry I stood up and flushed. Steph moved behind me and lowered the zipper on the dress, with me wondering why she was doing it, The dress was slid off my shoulders, then she unfastened my bra and helped me out of it. The dress was pulled back up, my breasts now just laying in the half cups of the dress. Zipped up again and she turned me back around until I was facing her. She fiddled with the neckline of the dress, removing a portion of it directly in front of my breasts. When I looked down at the front of the dress, I closed my eyes and let out a huge sigh. My huge titties were now just laying there, no way to keep them in the dress. Just like the woman last night at the club, one wrong move on my part and I will be trying to get them back into the confines of the dress.

Before we left the restroom I had to freshen my lipstick, then listen to Steph tell me how it will be for the next few days. If I tell you to do something you will do it immediately, failure for you to accomplish that task and I will keep you in Bimbo mode for an extra month. As it stands now there is a slight chance for you to regain status as my boyfriend, but I will be more than glad to put up with you as a Bimbo, if you fail to please me.

It is all up to you, maybe after a while you will see what your actions meant last night. No matter the reason for the women to act like they did last night, they deserve some respect as members of the human race. You made fun of them last night, now you are dressed like them and will be acting like them, so the shoe is now on the other foot. I hope you learn something from this, or it will be a long time before you ever put on any male clothes again.

Back to our table and I stopped quickly, since there was a man sitting at our table. Steph pushed me along, as I got closer I recognized the male, a friend of Steph’s from her work, I am not sure of his position but I think he is one of her bosses. Steph sat in her chair, but the male pushed his chair back and I was instructed to sit on his lap. I thought back to last night, the female sitting on the guy’s lap, then kissing him on the cheek. I am sure my face was bright red, just the thought of having to do it made me nervous. Sure enough I was told to give Jerry a kiss on the cheek and make it memorable. I leaned over to kiss him, but he instead met my lips part way, kissing me passionately on the mouth. I tried to pull back some, but Jerry was holding my head in his hands, keeping my lips firmly against his.

Then Steph had the gall to scold me for being a slut, the kiss was supposed to be on the cheek not on the lips. Her smirk as she berated me quite obvious. I knew better than to protest, no telling what else she might come up with for me to do.

My ordeal at the mall soon was over, I did have to kiss Jerry on the cheek again, Steph getting pictures for use later. On the way to her car she spotted a shoe store, made a left turn and soon was browsing the selections. She apparently found a pair that interested her, taking the display and asking the male clerk for it in a size nine wide. I desperately tried too remember what size she wore, fearing that the shoes were for me. I was sat in one of their chairs, while Steph held my shoulder to prevent me from getting up.

The clerk returned setting three boxes of the shoes in front of me. He took out of one of the heels, removed my present shoe, then slipped it on my feet. He held my leg as he slid the heel on my feet, that alone causing me major problems. Then my intruder decided to activate and I moaned, way too loud to be ignored. The clerk smiled and rubbed my leg some then tried on the other pair. All of the shoes he brought out to try on were heels, impressive heels the heel height almost six inches tall. One strap around my ankle was the only support other than the toe of the heel, which conveniently had cutouts for my polished nails to show. It took way too long for him to fasten the ankle straps as my foot was handled and caressed. He helped me up, so that I could try and walk in the shoe. As soon as I was on my feet the intruder decided to activate again, causing me to lose my balance and fall into his arms, moaning and twisting to try and regain my footing.

I received a kiss, the clerk thinking I was flirting with him all the time. The kiss was sensual, he even tried to insert his tongue in my mouth. Again on my feet, but red in the face and many other places I quickly tried to stabilize myself and walk a few steps. I walked back to the chair and pleaded with Steph to take me home with my eyes. I whispered a please to help matters. There were already a few tears sliding down my cheek so she told the clerk we will take all three pair. She paid and pulled me along, the shopping bag with the shoes in my manicured hands. At the car I was held tightly by her, with me leaning in and trying to get closer. Again with the seat belt fastening and finally headed to her apartment, at least, that is where I hoped we were headed.

As soon as I was in her apartment I pleaded with her to not carry this on any more. I was wrong to make fun of the females yesterday, and I have learned my lesson well. The plea was peppered with sobs and the word please muttered many times with a desperate tone to my voice. She maneuvered me to her bedroom and laid me down on the bed. She laid next to me for awhile, as my emotions slowly stabilized. She tried to get up several times but I hung on tight, not wanting to be left alone. I apparently fell asleep, when I awoke later she was at her vanity using her laptop. I laid there staring at the ceiling, hoping that she had listened to my pleas for mercy.

When she saw I was up she came over and sat next to me. She explained that my pleas for mercy were heard, but I think a few more weeks as a Bimbo might make the lesson last longer. I attempted to smile, but it quickly turned into a mournful sigh, Steph giggling at my gesture. She had sent emails to all of our friends, pictures included of me in Bimbo mode. She invited them over for drinks or a dinner, whatever fit their schedule. I groaned some but before I could finish she mentioned that my work was also anxious to see me, promising me some tasks that even a bimbo could perform. I laid back on the bed, tears coming quickly, then turning into sobs. Why I didn’t keep my mouth shut yesterday, I will never know. I presume I deserve it, I did carry it to extremes, never letting the subject drop until it was too late, even after frequent warnings from Steph.

Well I found out that our first guests were due this evening, two of her girlfriends that I knew but hadn’t interacted with much were our guests for the evening. I can imagine how I will be kidded and harassed. Surprisingly I was treated reasonable, although they did comment on my mode of dress and my appearance several times. I managed to keep my breasts in the dress, although they did move around quite a bit much to my chagrin. After they left I attempted to sway Steph to forgive me, hoping she would do so and end my continued time as a bimbo. It didn’t work, she used the remote for the butt plug often that evening every time I tried to reason with her. After a few moments of it’s use I had a hard time remembering my name much less what I was trying to say.

Steph insisted I stay with her, that way she could help me in getting dressed for work, and then in the evenings I would be available to help entertain our guests. I was scheduled to go back to work in the morning, so I had to go to bed early. According to Steph I needed my beauty rest, so at a few minute past nine o’clock I was put to bed, hair in curlers, a flimsy nightgown and panty set my only clothing. I laid there for awhile dreading the next day, not knowing what I would be required to wear and what my work colleagues had been told about me. I knew they had seen a picture of me in bimbo mode, ones that Steph had taken with her phone during our shopping trip and my conversion at the salon. No idea on what they think or will do concerning my new look.

I did eventually fell asleep, a restless and fitful kind of sleep. Steph dragged me out of bed extra early, telling me that I had so much to do before I could go into work. It briefly crossed my mind that if I drove my own car to work I could simply skip work, even if I get fired for missing work, a better outcome than if I showed up as a mindless bimbo.

Dressed in another purchase of Steph’s with no bra and my intruder positioned in my butt I made quite a sight. The bodice of the dress barely covering my nipples, nipples that Steph had added some rouge to to make them more obvious. A higher pair of heels, ones that Steph took pleasure in locking them on to my feet. The heels were six inches tall, arching my foot severally and making walking almost impossible. Chandelier earrings that were long enough to reach my chest, their swaying on my neck and chest very distracting. Two ridiculous bracelets that wrapped tightly around my wrist, but had numerous other strands that dangled down almost six inches. When I tried to do anything either the earrings or the bracelets would be in the way. Then as a final thought a set of hobbles was attached around my knees, limiting my stride drastically and making walking a laugh. The dress long enough to conceal their existence providing I took even shorter steps. I was helped out to her car, and then driven to work.

No chance to avoid the day, certainly a day that will most likely go down as one of my worst. I was let out in front of our offices, as she leaned closer to me telling me that she had set my intruder for random activation, once she is at her work she will be out of range to change the setting. I am anxious to see how you handle the day, either way I will be here at five to pick you up. She kissed me on my nose, handed me a purse and drove off, giggling all the way. I will have to hand it to her, my lack of control of my mouth, and her correction of that fault will not soon be forgotten.

I minced into the offices, then down to my cubicle. The door was locked, a note attached to the door told me to go to reception, where I will be shown what to do today. Sure enough, reception was to be my job for the day. I am sure I made quite a sight, dressed as I was and acting frazzled at random times during the day. Quite a few of my coworkers visited during the day, several of them treated to quite a show when my intruder went off. I did make it to five, skipping lunch and remaining at the reception desk, fearful of being elsewhere when my intruder decided to go off.

I was so glad to see Steph waiting for me, I almost ran to her, hugging her hard and never wanting to let go of her. She got me to her apartment eventually, meanwhile dragging the day’s activities from my foggy memory. From the huge smile on her face, she was apparently pleased at how the day turned out.

Once in her apartment I begged her to relent, I promised her anything she wanted if she will let me escape her plan to make sure I had learned my lesson about bimbos. No answer right then, but I felt at least she was thinking of easing up on me. Among my pleas for mercy there was plenty of tears mixed in, I was so anxious to see an end to this, just thinking about it causing more tears to surface.

I played with the takeout food Steph had picked up on the way home, but had very little appetite. Again put to bed early, hair in curlers and numerous different creams placed on parts of my body, face and arms the most prominent areas to receive the nourishment. Steph told me repeated use of them will keep me soft and feminine, a must for a young woman.

At least, the word bimbo was not used in connection with the use of the creams.

The next day back to work, with her informing me she was taking my pleas into consideration, her answer will be given to me this weekend. I sighed, but reluctantly got out of her car for another day of suffering at work. As I made my way to reception I mentally counted the days to the weekend, three more days of humiliation and embarrassment to suffer through.

I somehow made it to the weekend, anxious to see what she had in mind, and if my time as a bimbo might be over with. Saturday morning did not start out liked I hoped, dressed in one of my many new dresses and off to the salon. Steph told me when we entered if I went along with everything to be done to me today I would not have to work as a bimbo anymore. Nothing more but that information was enough to persuade me to go along with what she had planned for me.

Very quickly it became apparent she still had an agenda for me, as several of their techs came to work on me. My long nails were removed, then an even longer extension was glued to my own nail, making doing anything with my fingers nearly impossible. A bright pink polish was applied to each nail, several coats plus a hardener to insure they could not be damaged or cut. Removal other than at the salon was impossible, a special solvent necessary to be able to remove them, even to change the polish required the solvent.

Hair extensions were next, now my hair was down to my waist. Two techs and three hours were used to get them secured to my existing hair strands. Other than the length the weight of the hair was the biggest difference. Then set in curlers to add some curl to my locks. While my hair was in curlers under the dryer, I though of what I would have to do to take care of hair this long. A salon appointment would be necessary, I am sure, since a simple task of putting my hair in curlers took a half hour to accomplish. That was with someone that knew what they were doing.

When my hair was dry I was moved to another station, where makeup was applied to my face. The tech working on me was extra careful when applying it, finally telling me that it was a stain, semi-permanent allowing me to not worry about makeup application in the future. The end image quite feminine, almost a doll like look. Lipstick in a cupid’s bow, bright pink in color and lined with a burgundy lip liner. Individual eyelashes were also added, making my eyes breath taking.

As if that was not enough, my breast forms were removed and larger ones glued in place. These were significantly larger and less rigid, any movement of my body sent them into motion, often still moving after my body stopped. No bra to be furnished, just whatever support provided by my dress or blouse. I let out such a sigh, my life now reduced to being constantly stimulated and humiliated. At least the butt plug did not get inserted, a small consolation.

New necklaces, earrings and bracelets were slipped on me, the feelings they fed to my overworked mind kind of causing my mind to shut down. When Steph came to pick me up, I just sat there, not even realizing she was standing next to me. She did manage to get through to me as she sat next to me, making me look at her.

“You have now become a full fledged bimbo in looks and I am sure in actions once you start interacting with others. But more importantly you are now my bimbo, to be taken care of and loved. The last few days have been wonderful for me, the way you depend on me and show your love for me. When you cuddle me at night, I feel proud to be your lover, something that has not happened often in the past. Your vulnerability is now present, your macho male ego now a thing of the past. So Prissy take hold of my hand and I will take you home, to be loved and cared for forever.”

© 2016 thru 2024 by Francesca

  Katherine; F emale Alterations I am on my way back home after a grueling thirteen-day road trip out west to handle some of my customers...