Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Melody: Bikini Time

Melody: Bikini Time

There were lots of relatives I never saw or met present. I was amazed we even had this many people related to us somehow. Since Mom had the bigger family, more of them had showed up for the family reunion. Her family mostly lived in the area while Dad’s were spread out across the country. For some reason Mom’s sisters and brothers seemed to have more female children, most of them about my age.

The reunion was held at a local water park, where they had an area reserved for family reunions. The family had rented the reunion site for three days, allowing the ones that lived farther away time to travel here and not have to turn around and drive back after only one day. The local families arranged to provide a place to stay, although sleeping bags on living room rugs were the norm. They also arranged to do the cooking, a large lunch/dinner served about two in the afternoon every day. Hot dogs and hamburgers were offered all day for those wanting them.

The facility had lots of trees for shade, several fancy barbecues built out of stone, and of course a huge pool and water slide. This part of the park was separate from the public area, perfect for large family reunions. From the amount of people here for the first day we would definitely qualify as a larger reunion. The younger children were already in and out of the pool, several frustrated parents giving up on making them wait until after we had eaten.

Meanwhile I was enjoying the scenery, almost every teen female clad in a bikini, most of which covered very little. Believe me I am not complaining one bit. Several of the younger boys were horsing around, trying to untie the strings holding the bikini pieces together. Their intent was to get a glimpse of a breast or even better a pussy. The girls managed to stay in groups, helping to protect each other from losing part of their bathing suit. Then several of the older boys decided that participating might be advantageous, that breast or pussy well worth the risk of getting caught. They were more subtle, talking with the girls then as they started to walk away grabbing a string and yanking hard. In most cases, the bow holding the bikini on came loose, or the fabric ripped leaving the bikini piece unable to cover anything. Of course a loud squeal from the female alerted everyone of their deed.

I was never included in anything at school, a natural loner. I desperately wanted to be included so I watched closely, then decided to try my luck at what they were doing. The boys were somewhat successful, frequent glimpses of female anatomy were observed during the day. The girls were quick to cover up, their girlfriends helping to repair the damage when possible or provide a cover up if needed. I think the girls enjoyed the attention, since there was no effort to cover up more.

I joined a group of girls, one of which was a fellow classmate. I talked with them acting interested in what they said, even making a comment or two that showed I agreed with what they were saying. I probably waited too long, my nerves frazzled, my palms sweaty and my breathing ragged. Then I caught one of the boys looking my way, his friends also riveted on my actions. He made a clucking noise, insinuating I was chicken to do what they had done. I lost any common sense I might have had and reached out and grabbed at the bow on one of the girls bikinis. It was larger than the other girl’s bows, situated right in the middle of her back, an easy target for my shaky hands. Instead of getting a hold on one of the strings, I ended up grabbing at the entire bow. I jerked hard as I felt the bow rip from the bikini. The girl screamed, surprised at my action. Several of the girls helped her to cover up, while the rest of the girls latched on to me. I started apologizing for my actions, fearing what they might do to me. I struggled a little, but the girls had a firm grip on my arms. The girls did not even try to apprehend one of the other boys when they pulled their prank, but caught me easily.

Then I saw my Mom heading my way, the look on her face not pleasant. She talked with the girl that I had attempted my prank on, then the rest of the girls. Meanwhile I was held firmly, too far away from the others to hear what was being said. I saw several of the girls use their phones to call someone, but again could not hear what was discussed. Finally the girl that was a fellow classmate, handed her phone to my Mom, the smirk on her face from ear to ear. Mom talked on the phone for several minutes, a smile coming to her face after she hung up. I was led away to the bathrooms, four girls escorting me there. Taken into the ladies bathroom and stripped of my clothes. Then handed a pair of panties, the girls waiting for me to pull them up my legs. I was more than embarrassed, my stomach rumbling, tears about to spout from my eyes. The girls made sure the panties were on me and snug, stopping often to look at their handiwork. I was handed a girl’s tee shirt, and a short skirt. I was not going to put them on, but soon I found myself wearing them anyway. Out to the mirrors and some lipstick applied to my lips, then back out to the reunion. Mom waiting for me to reappear, checking me out then dragging me back to my family. She seemed pleased, but I was kept close to her the remainder of the day. The boys pranks with the bikinis quickly stopped, my appearance enough of a deterrent to keep them from doing any more. I stayed close to anyone I could, my Mom or sister who I usually hung on to like a shadow. I definitely did not want to be alone dressed as I was. I skipped eating anything, my stomach still doing flip flops. I never did see my male clothes, my I.D., wallet and keys also disappearing. I quickly figured there was not going to be any escape from this predicament until we returned home. At least, we left nearly two hours earlier than Mom had announced when we had arrived. When we pulled up outside a beauty salon, I feared that my day was soon to get much worse.

I was dragged inside, Mom telling them I had an appointment, and going over what was to be done to me. I was taken back to a treatment room, my few clothes removed with Mom giving me a hug and telling me she would come back to pick me up at ten this evening. I got a kiss on the forehead and she was gone, my clothes that I wore here going with her. I stood there, mouth open and about to have a mental breakdown. I was already leaking tears, all of this just too much for my mind to process. I was laid back on a table, a wet washcloth placed over my eyes and the lady that was going to work on me holding my hands and trying to soothe me a little. She told me what they were going to do, nothing permanent but I will have to live with the changes for several months. My mind heard about the nothing permanent part, but the rest just went in one ear and out the other.

I did calm down a little, her voice reassuring and the washcloth over my eyes soothing. I felt her start to do things to my body, but totally zoned out. I felt a cream being spread over my body, then a little while later it was wiped off. She placed something on my chest with me feeling the weight of the objects instantly. Not knowing what she had done I had no idea of what she was trying to accomplish and truthfully I didn’t want to find out. Things done to my groin a little later, as something was glued over the area. Junior did get handled but I quickly put that fact out of my mind, not wanting to think about anything dealing with what was being done to my penis.

If it had stopped there things might have been livable with, a term my mind was trying to convince me of. My ears were pierced and makeup applied to my face after she worked on my eyebrows. The washcloth was removed when needed, then I was helped up to a sitting position, the image in the mirror in front of me was shocking. I looked like my sister only prettier. While I was trying to come to terms with my new image, the top part of a bikini was put around my chest, the strings tied off behind my back. If only I had not tried to join in with the other boys, but I did and I am now paying the price for doing so. I am now wearing what I was trying to remove earlier at the reunion. The things I was trying to get a glimpse of now residing on my chest, two sizable weights on my chest that are constantly moving around.

That wasn’t the only thing done to me, upon looking further down my body I now had a pussy, a cute slit surrounded by two puffy lips. I tried to faint, but failed, staring at my new configuration and leaking loads of tears. I blinked several times hoping that the image would not be there when my eyes focused again. No such luck.

Mom did make it back to pick me up, her smile ear to ear at the image I now presented. Out to the car, then I was informed of what will happen for the next three months.

“I think we have found the perfect way to teach you a valuable lesson of life. For the next three months you are going to be a female, one that will be wearing a bikini constantly where ever you go. For church and a fancy dinner out it will be a dress, but all the rest of the time a bikini. Your classmates will make sure you are out among your fellow students, both males and females. If you participate fully we will hold the time spent in a bikini to the three months. Failure to join in enthusiastically and the female clothes and lifestyle will prevail, even school as a female if necessary. Hopefully you will learn something from this, otherwise your life as a member of the female gender is assured. I do think the name Melody suits you, so from his day forward you are Melody, my youngest daughter. We have two days of the reunion left, so decide if you are going to join in, if not the other girls have a few ideas they want to try out on you.”

I went to my room as soon as we got home, although I had to get past a house full of relatives, all wanting to see how Melody turned out. The males laughed at my predicament, while the girls gave me hugs and compliments. My room had been changed, I was now in with my sister, not a stitch of male clothing anywhere. I did get out of the bikini, although the silky nightie did nothing to make me feel less girly. I did notice in my closet there was now quite an assortment of bikinis each hanging on a separate hanger. The only other clothing in the closet was two dresses and assorted lingerie on the shelves to the side of the closet. I did count the number of bikinis, twenty-seven in bright flowery colors and designs. The one that I pulled out to get a closer look at was quite skimpy, not much more than three pieces of fabric joined together with string and ribbons.

I laid awake for quite some time, thinking of the upcoming days, even sis coming in and undressing to put on her nightie not causing any reaction from me. She did come over to my bed, giving me a hug and a kiss on the cheek. Her only comment to me was it is so unfair, her nerdy brother turning out prettier than her. She did adjust my own nightie, a tender hug given as she helped me into bed. Then a pinch on my breast as she ran giggling to her own bed. I smiled even if the pinch had hurt something awful. I was being treated as her sister, her terrible brother no longer present.

The rest of the reunion was quite subdued, all of the young males now behaving themselves due to what had happened to me. I did get a look at lots of breasts and pussy during the remaining two days, the other girls taking me with them when they had to use the bathroom. Not something I wanted anymore since I now had the same breasts and pussy as they did. Then there is the change in going to the bathroom. Sitting instead of standing quite a learning experience for me. Each timer I went it drove home the fact that I was now a female. A female with sizable breasts and a pussy that felt so real.

The girls at the reunion made sure I was included in everything they dad, never left alone. I was even made in join in on their conversations, even if the topic was boys. They tried to make me flirt a little, one boy in particular they deemed a perfect choice for a boyfriend. I had to fix my lipstick often, constantly adjust the straps on my bikini and frequently lean over to give him a better view of my cute ass. Unfortunately, it was rather cute, rivaling any of the other girls.

When we got back home I hoped for a little less involvement with the female sex, but a day at the local pool convinced me that being around females was much preferred to being with a bunch of boys. My friend took me shopping often, the bikini still my predominant clothing but with a lacy cover up over the bikini.

I gained several more female friends, mostly girls from my class at school. That meant even more being out and about as we shopped, snacked at the local hangout and otherwise made our presence known. The girls wanting to be seen, their brief clothing choices meant to attract some male attention. Since I was with them more attention for me. The girls often had considerable more clothes that I had on, even though I was somewhat covered. Mom never relented in her punishment, all of my thirty-five bikinis being worn over time. Yes, she had purchased more bikinis for me, a huge smile on her face after shopping, as she handed me another bikini for my collection.

Then we have the first time I went to church. Although I thought wearing bikinis was bad, the bra, panties, slips, stockings, a garter belt and the dress was much worse. In the past, I had only attended Sunday school, but now that and the main church service, plus the socializing afterward was required of me. Then home and back in a bikini. I did feel more comfortable in the bikini these days, having worn one so much. I doubt I will escape wearing one in the future, the girls I am friends with donning one every chance they get. It is bikini time quite often, a fact that I enjoy immensely.

© 2016 thru 2024 by Francesca

Kelly: Now A Ms. Dawn and I had been dating for almost two years now after meeting in our senior year of college. We shared a lot of int...