Monday, July 1, 2024

Brittany; Nudged In The Right Direction

Brittany; Nudged In The Right Direction

My sister and I were a product of a dysfunctional family. Our parents had divorced five years ago, my sister living with my Mom, and I was sent off to live with my Dad. One week a year, we got to see the other parent, the stay was often stilted, neither of us knowing what to say or do with the opposite parent. Sis and I would get to see each other for a part of a day, as we exchanged parents, if we were lucky. Now, I was being sent to live with my Mom, Dad is getting remarried, and his new bride is not comfortable with a young man living in the house. In a way, it is probably for the better, the last few months Dad and I have grown apart.

With all my worldly possessions packed, I was taken to the bus station for the two day trip out west. Mom, after the divorce went to work for a lady running a dude ranch. They left out the dude part now, Circle C Guest Ranch was the name they operated under. It was a ranch where young women, could spend a few weeks away from all the city life, high school drama and their parents.

The lady died a year ago leaving the ranch to my Mom. Mom had been responsible for much of the growth in the last couple of years, for which the owner was very thankful. It had become progressively more successful over the years, attracting a wide cross section of young females to the ranch. Sis was involved too, although she never told me exactly what her duties were.

The trip was boring, I spent almost the whole time listening to my IPod and reading my books on it. Every once in a while, I would look up at the passing scenery, but most of the time, I was immersed in my reading. Even in school, that is what I mainly did, I was definitely a loner, had no friends, and really wasn’t interested in making any new ones. I was still angry at Dad for casting me off, his true feelings for me coming out in the lack of dialogue before I was sent away. Dad had dropped me and my luggage off at the station, and then went back home, no goodbye, no good luck, nothing. It was apparent there was not much love there ever.

I really didn’t know Mom, the memories of us together were old and faded, and I am sure not what it will be like now. A week’s exposure once a year, is so different than living with someone all the time. We got along alright on my week’s stay, that might be the key word here, never a relationship, just getting along until it was time for me to go back. We knew little of each other, maybe even less after a week’s stay. I never participated much on my one week stay, ended up reading like I usually do with a computer game or two to liven things up. I ate the meals, they were much better than I received at home, but that was it, back to my room and my isolation.

After a week, back on the bus and to my life with Dad. Since sis was not there I am not sure Mom knew what to do with me to get me to participate in life. The one or two times Sis and I had a chance to talk while changing buses she agreed with me Dad was a bore and not really interested in either of us. I am sure she overheard some comments about me, but never revealed what they were. She yelled at me for not opening up to Mom, surely you can see she cares a lot more than Dad ever did. She just doesn’t know how to get you to respond. So the summer trips kept happening, nothing changed until Dad had no more use for me and I was shipped off to Mother.

I was nineteen, old enough to be on my own, but no way for me to sustain that life. A year out of high school, some experience flipping burgers, but that was the total of my life experiences. I had lived at home till now, doing my chores around the house and my part time job. Not much of a life, but that’s all I had and desired.

When the bus pulled into the terminal in Payson Arizona, an old former gas station, I let out a big sigh. I was glad to see Mom and Sis standing there waiting for me. At least, they cared enough to show up. As I departed the bus, I was hugged by both, the feeling of being held and loved made me feel so good. I missed that feeling, now realizing that Dad never did love me, just someone he had to put up with. We waited for my luggage to be unloaded, and then together we got it to Mom’s pickup. The luggage was slipped into the pickup bed, and I made my way to the back seat of the four door pickup. Mom and sis in the front seat. The ride out to the ranch took over an hour, we climbed the Mogollon Rim until we reached the top, then traveled along the rim towards Heber. I was transfixed by the view. I had been here before, but the beauty and majesty of it had somehow escaped my mind in previous trips. Somehow this trip seemed to be different, not a week’s stay but now to be living here full time, possibly a home.

We pulled into the ranch. A long drive from an arched entrance at the highway, led to the ranch house itself. When we got to the ranch proper, I was surprised at what it now looked like. Lots of new buildings and a huge barn had been erected. We pulled up to the main house and I was taken inside. Since it was late in the afternoon, dinner had been cooked and was on the table. I started drooling right away, it looked so good. There was roast beef, corn on the cob, green beans, biscuits, gravy and a still steaming apple pie at the end of the table. I was shown where I should sit, grace was said, and then I dug in. Mom kept looking my way quite often and shaking her head.

“Your dad never fed you Brett?” I mumbled an answer, but her look told me that would never do. I swallowed what was in my mouth and answered properly.

“Yes, he fed me, but never anything this good.” I then filled my mouth again with the offerings on the table. I did finally reach my capacity, and had to stop shoveling it in. I looked at the table, wondering what is going to happen to all of this good food. Sis however took my hand and led me outside. She felt a diversion was needed. We walked out to the barn and as she slid the one door back, two rows of stalls appeared, most of which had a horse peering at us from it. We walked along the aisle with Sis rubbing each of their heads as we passed.

She stopped at one of them, and had me rub the horse’s head. He whinnied and I jumped back. Sis broke out in giggles, but the horse leaned closer and rubbed his head on my neck and shoulders. Sis stared wide eyed at the horse, then opened the lower door to his stall, and he ventured out, and got behind me and nudged me. I turned to look at him, his head coming close again, and I reached up and rubbed him right between the eyes. Sis handed me a sugar cube and when he leaned in again, I opened my hand, and he took it right from my hand. He was so gentle, I just felt a little wet and the cube was gone.

Sis and I walked further down the aisle between the stalls, my new friend following me, right behind us. I petted several of the horses, their curiosity to see who the new person was getting the best of them. Last time I was here, they didn’t have the horses, so this was all new to me. When we got to the end, we walked back my new buddy following right along. Sis stopped at his stall handing me another sugar cube and suggested that I put him back into his stall. I rubbed his head and then walked into the stall, he followed me and I turned around, held out my hand and he took the sugar cube into his mouth. I didn’t even feel his wet tongue this time. She closed the lower door so he was safely in his stall.

We walked back to the house, my Sis shaking her head. As we entered the living room, Mom came and hugged me, it felt so good, asking if I enjoyed the horses. Before I could say anything, Sis was already talking. “Mom you will not believe it, he fed Black Shadow from his hand, twice, then walked him back into his stall like it was just an everyday occurrence. Black Shadow followed him all through the barn nudging him and whinnying. I have never seen that horse act like that, if I had a camera, I would have taken hundreds of pictures. I bet he can ride Black Shadow with no problem, it was like the horse was under some magical spell.”

Mom smiled, maybe we found a job for Brett here at the ranch. Sis spoke up quickly. “Oh that sounds wonderful, I like the horses, but he would be much better at it than me. I still can’t believe that horse fawning over him.”

Mom did elaborate at how they came by the horses. “An animal shelter in Phoenix rescued some horses that were being mistreated. They were kept on a farm until they had been fed properly and had a chance to recover. They were having to pay to keep them on the farm, so they made some calls to see if they could find them a home. One of the people they called told them about us, so the next call was to us. Our property was fenced, so that was not a problem. Some kind of shelter would have to be provided, then the idea of offering trail rides came up. Your sister was sent to another ranch for a few days to learn the care and feeding of horses an essential if we were to take them.

“In the meantime, I had several contractors out to see about building a barn. It turns out there was one on another ranch they wanted removed. I made some calls and in ten days, we had the barn you see now. I made arrangements to have the horses transported here. Before they arrived, we got calls from two more shelters with horses that needed homes. The next week was pretty busy as four livestock transporters came and dropped off their load. As you can see, we have nineteen horses, the last was Black Shadow. He was very spooky, would not let anyone get close to him, but it seems somehow he has fallen in love with you.”

Tomorrow, we will see about teaming Brett with the horses. Show you brother to his room, I am sure he is tired from his trip, change into your bed clothes, and we will have some hot chocolate and apple pie. My face lit up, I do remember the hot chocolate from before, so good, definitely something to look forward to. We went down the hall to the last bedroom on the right, as I entered, I was shocked at the décor. It looked exactly like a girl’s room. Before I could say much, Sis told me that Mom will redecorate as soon as I know what I want. The lady that owned the ranch previously, used it for her daughter and they had not done anything to it since. In my previous trips Mom and Sis had rented a small house closer to town and that is where I stayed during my week long visit.

She showed me the bathroom and suggested a shower before we drink our hot chocolate. I grabbed my pajamas and went to take a shower. There was a tub to the side of the shower, large and inviting. I thought about it instead, but the awaiting hot chocolate was the better option. I made quick work of it, dressed in my pajamas and went out to the bedroom. There to my horror, Sis was hanging up my clothes. I looked around quickly, my trunk with my personal things seemed to be left undisturbed, I sighed in relief, I sure didn’t want to explain the contents of my trunk to her or Mom.

We left, heading to the kitchen, the ranch’s cooking help just finishing cleaning up. I found out that Betty and Sally were the cooks and lived in one of the bungalows behind the house. They cooked the meals and served them in the dining room in shifts, the older kids first then the younger kids. The dining room table would seat forty people at a time, but sometimes the ranch attendance was more than forty.

Each bungalow housed ten females at a time, a separate counselor for each bungalow. There were ten bungalows in total, although they seldom used them all. Two were for employees, the cooks in one and the housekeepers in the other. The counselors had a separate room in each bungalow for themselves. Everybody ate at the house with their group of charges. Mom, Sis and I could eat with any group anytime we felt like it.

The hot chocolate was to die for, I drank two full mugs full of the heavenly tasting delight. Of course, the apple pie had to be tasted, it was now cool enough to be enjoyed. We talked for a while, my yawning eventually sent me to bed, slipping under the covers of the canopy bed felt so good. As I slid under the satin sheets they were icing on the cake. I almost purred as the sensations attacked my body, the goose pimples raising all over my body. I was in heaven, now how do I keep this fantasy from disappearing?

I woke early, after dressing, I made sure my trunk was at the back of my closet and covered with as much stuff piled on it as I could find. Hopefully, that will keep inquisitive eyes away from it. I went to the kitchen and drooled over some sausage biscuits piled on a plate. Betty came over, ruffled my hair and told me to be quick about it. I grabbed three of them in a napkin and kissed her on the cheek and made my escape. I could hear laughing as I left. I wandered out to the barn, surprised to find Sis already up and working with the horses.

I woofed down my breakfast and joined in helping her. She showed what to do and I started on the next stall, each horse welcomed me, and I quickly cleaned their stall giving then fresh water and a grain mixture to eat. Sis had given me some sugar cubes, as I finished, I gave each horse a cube. I was down to Black Shadow’s stall so I opened the lower door and walked in. I got a nudge, then his head right next to my neck and shoulders. I patted his head and rubbed between his eyes, with him just standing there, enjoying what I was doing.

I cleaned his stall, gave him water and food then held out my hand with the sugar cube. He came up behind me and butted me sending me sprawling to the floor, landing on my butt. He stepped up closer and stood over me, putting his head right on my chest. I reached up to rub him some more, laughter coming from the stall door. Both Mom and Sis were standing there laughing at my expense.

“Well it looks like you and Black Shadow have come to an agreement. He will let you up as soon as he gets enough rubbing from you and not before.” I held out the sugar cube in my hand but he ignored it, wanting the rubbing instead, the laughter once again filling the barn. Five minutes later, he took the sugar cube and let me up, I hugged him around the neck and he whinnied for me. I guess its official we are an item now.

Sis had almost finished the stalls while I had been kidnapped. Next, she showed me how to saddle a horse. I did pretty well but I didn’t get the cinch tight enough, so when I tried to mount the horse, the saddle slipped around landing me on the ground. Another chance to get her jollies for the day. I was made to saddle each horse, and ride them to the end of the entrance road, then back. Two of those trips constituted their exercise for the day. The first few trips were definitely Kodak moments, as I jostled around in the saddle. The horses were used to new riders, so it was not a problem for them. Several times, I just about tumbled from the saddle when losing my footing in the stirrup. Sis had a ball watching me, I am sure she hadn’t had this much fun in years.

When I was done, I was seriously pooped, lunch had come and gone, with me not getting any. I just wanted to get done for the day. As I walked into the main house that night, Mom saw me and gave me a huge hug. Go take a relaxing bath, and I will bring your dinner to you. It sounded like a great idea if I could just make it to my room. Sis was following me, having a ball at how I was walking. In the saddle all day, I was extremely bow legged. I doubted I could get my knees to touch, or even come close, no matter how hard I tried.

I slipped into the tub using the scents and bath salts near the tub. They smelled so good, then I thought of how my body will smell when I got out of the tub. An oops moment for sure. I heard Mom come in and leave my dinner, telling me to finish up and come eat. I presumed she left, so I got out, patted myself dry and wrapped the towel around my body. I made my way to the vanity in the bedroom where she had set my meal, pulling the chair out to sit. As my butt hit the chair seat, Sis from behind me said ‘you smell so good’. I was so startled, I almost fell off the chair. Sis giggled but walked out of the room. Nothing was said as she exited the room, but I am sure she had plenty on her mind.

The dinner hit the spot, but the day was catching up to me fast. I yawned, trying to keep going, but by the third yawn, I surrendered and slipped into bed. I did set the alarm, I wanted to help with the horses again, the most fun thing I have done in years. As soon as the alarm sounded, I was out of bed and dressed in under five minutes. I took care of my bathroom needs and headed for the kitchen. Today, it was bacon biscuits, I gave her my pouty look and was rewarded with giggling and a brown paper bag with my loot in it. I gave her another kiss, she holding the spot I kissed with her hand to preserve it for all time.

I made my way to the barn, the door was open already but I didn’t see Sis. I started on the first stall, doing what I was taught, working my way down the aisle. Two hours later I had finished all but Black Shadow. He had been watching me from his stall, not happy that I had saved him for last. I entered his stall, he circled me, and butted me to the floor. I was laughing at his antics, as he again stood over me with his head just inches from my chest. I tried to get up several times, but he kept his head there so that I couldn’t get up. I tried the sugar cube, in fact, I offered him several since Sis had showed me yesterday where she kept them. No luck, he wanted attention and that was it.

Sis came in later, took one look in the stall, and broke out in laughter. I think he is trying to tell you something, but you just don’t seem to get it. It was at least fifteen minutes later when he let me up. I tried to give him the sugar cube, and he ignored my hand, and went for the pocket where I had the rest. That tongue of his found them all and made quick work of them, then, he nudged me again out into the aisle. He kept pushing me towards the tack room, Sis having a laughing fit at my expense.

“I think he wants to go out with his new love, so saddle him up, and we will ride the trail so you know where it is and where it goes.” Sis had already saddled her horse while Black Shadow had me down for the count. I got him ready and we set off, the trail led from the barn over a few foothills, and then followed a stream up the side of the rim, to a higher ridge off in the distance. At this point, the rim was not as tall as it was further down, but still way up there. Sis said the elevation was close to 6000 feet at this point. The ride took about an hour, the scenery was truly majestic, the views as the trail switch backed up the ridge were all picture perfect. With Sis watching closely to see how Black Shadow and I interacted, definitely expecting me to get dumped at some point. We were part way up the trail when she relaxed, it seems that the horse had found his soul mate and I was the designated one.

Sis showed me how the trail was marked, metal poles sunk into the ground, each stake within the sight of another. Even at night, the solar light in the top of the pole, would come on to show the way. The poles were not that tall, not hardly visible to the eye, it wasn’t their intention to ruin the pristine landscape and view, but to provide any riders of the trail a clear idea of where it led.

When we got to the top, we tied the horses up to a tree branch and walked a few feet up onto to a rock outcropping. The view from the top was beautiful. I bet you could see for miles to the south, that she had me turn around, and far to the north was the San Francisco Peaks in all of their majesty. The peaks still had a little snow around the top of each peak. It was so perfect up here. We set there on a couple of large rocks to view the splendor of nature. It was almost as if the rocks were put there just for us to view the spectacle. I could see a storm way off to the south, just gathering its strength for the evening hours, the thunderheads swelling as the heat from the desert mixed with the cool air from the mountains.

As we got up to leave, Sis leaned close to me and whispered you smell so good, that scent is definitely you. Of course, I blushed every shade of red possible, but nothing more was said as we made our way back down the ridge. When we got back, Sis made her way to the house to help Mom, and I took care of both of the horses. I spent extra time with Black Shadow, if I hadn’t, I don’t think I would have been allowed to return to the house.

I made it back to the house a little later, everybody busy getting things set up in the dining room. Apparently, the next set of guests were arriving tonight for a five day stay. The dining room table was totally set up and five other ladies were in attendance. Mom took a few minutes to introduce me to the counselors. They lived in the area and stayed at the ranch when we had guests. They were all Registered Nurses, two with a degree in Psychology. One in particular was interested in my story, wanting to hear all about me and my relationship with my dad. Her name was Elizabeth, very disarming in her behavior. Before I knew it, I was divulging all to her like I had known her all my life.

We all went outside as the first bus pulled up, and twenty-seven young females got off. Another bus right behind it had twenty-three more females on it. The first bus was from Phoenix, the second was from Flagstaff. Each counselor called out the names on her list so there ended being five groups of girls, a counselor with each. Two of the counselors led their girls to their bungalows to get settled in while the other three led their charges into the house for dinner. Sis and I helped with the girl’s luggage piling it on a large ATV for the trek to the bungalows. Mom had told us which luggage went where and soon we had it all sorted and on the front porch of their respective bungalow. Mom approached me asking me if I wanted the job with the horses. My enthusiastic hug gave her the answer she was looking for. A trail ride every day with a bungalows guests. Sis would accompany me on each ride to observe and help if I need the help. Otherwise, she is just another guest on the ride.

If I handled it right, it would become my permanent job if I wanted it. I was literally jumping up and down with that statement. I did calm down some and we ate with the last group of girls. I was so isolated at high school, I was floored at the fun the girls were having. They were talking with each other, with girls on the other side of the table and eating a little as they did so. I just watched, this was so new to me and I was becoming jealous. I looked at Mom several times to see if she was watching me, but the only eyes that were on me were Sis and Elizabeth. I quickly focused on what I was eating not looking up from my plate again that evening.

Sis took me aside after the dinner, telling me what I had to do in the morning to get ready for the trail ride. “Pull out twelve horses, saddle them and then when the girls come out, go over it with each girl. Most of these girls have ridden before, so it should be only a refresher. Explain the rules of the ride and help them mount up, most of the girls are too short to easily mount up themselves. Then, head out, you in the lead, watching for animals on the trail and, of course, snakes. Carry a pellet gun on you horse, so that you can encourage any critter off the trail. It doesn’t make much noise, so it is unlikely to spook the horses. I will follow behind, to keep an eye on the girls and horses. Up to where I took you and back, it should be a little over a two hour ride. The girls are never to get off their horses unless there is an emergency. Too many chances of something happening.”

“Inside the barn is a list of the horses and their gentleness. Pick from the first fifteen horses except for Black Shadow. I prefer Canyon Girl for my horse, so if you would, please honor my wish. When we get back, unsaddle the horses and have the girls wipe them down and brush them, at least the part they can reach. Any questions?”

I thought I understood her directions, so I told her no questions. I went to the barn and selected twelve saddles, made sure they were clean and laid the appropriate bit and reins with them. I selected twelve blankets and had them ready on a table by the tack room. I figured I was now ready for tomorrow, at least to the best of my ability. I wondered back to the house, the girls screaming and playing as they made their way to their bungalows for the night. I just stood there watching their antics, a tear sliding from the corner of my eye.

After they had all left, I went on to my room. As I entered the first thing I saw was my trunk at the end of my bed. I went to it and opened the unlocked lid, it was now empty. I ran to the closet to see everything hanging neatly in my closet. I slid down the door frame my feet underneath me, curled to the side. I held my head in my hands and started to sob, now everything will come out, what am I going to do? I am not sure how long I sat like that, sobbing. My mind was not functioning anymore, I couldn’t even think what to do or say to explain the clothes, to whoever unpacked them and hung them up.

Sometime later, I felt some hands on my shoulders as I was helped up and led to my bed. Right there on the pillow was my nightie from the trunk, I broke down again, but Mom held me comforting me. “I was sure you would be cried out by now, we will have to watch your water intake.” She pulled me closer, helping me to get out of my clothes, then slipped the nightie over my shoulders. As it slid down my body, I shivered a little. She pulled back my covers and helped me slide in. I was kissed on the forehead, turning out the light as she left the room.

It all caught up with me in a hurry, and I was asleep in minutes. It was a restless sleep, I tossed and turned all night long. The alarm woke me, I remembered the trail ride and got ready as fast as I could. I passed through the kitchen, bribed Betty again, and was eating my loot as I made my way to the barn.

I led each selected horse out of the stall, slid the blanket on and then the saddle. The bit was put in their mouth as the bridle was slipped over their head. I checked the tightness, and then led them further done the aisle to wait until I had the others done. I tied the reins to hooks on the wall to keep them from wandering off, then went back to get the next horse. Within forty minutes, I had all the horses ready except Black Shadow. When I went to his stall, he was pouting in the corner, I went up to him and grabbed his neck in a hug, he turned around with me still holding on. I let go to get him out of the stall, but he had other ideas. Soon, I was on the floor his head on my chest as he was licking me on the face. I presume it was his tongue, I know it was very rough and very wet.

Of course, that is where Sis found me, as she came around the corner of the stall she busted into laughter. “I can see you have the situation well in hand, so I will just get my horse and leave you two lovebirds alone. It was ten minutes before he would let me up, then, he beat me to the tack room, waiting for his saddle and bridle. I got him ready just in time as the ten squealing young females entered the barn.
I took each one and showed them their horse, helped them up into the saddle, and went over the rules of the trail ride. I made them tell me they understood, then let them leave the barn, seeing if they could indeed handle the horse. With the last one completed, I mounted Black Shadow and we headed out, I kept the pace slow while we crossed the field, riding to the side to see who might be having trouble with their horse. Everybody was doing well, so I went back to the front and led the way out onto the trail for the climb up to the ridge.

The trip was pleasant, I could hear the girls talking excitedly as we made our way. Definitely no lack of chatter on the trip. In the wider areas of the trail one the girls rode alongside me, asking how long I had been here. She was a guest last year and didn’t remember me. She made compliments about Black Shadow, no one was able to ride him last year, way too spirited and jumpy for anyone to try. Even Barb would not attempt it. Barbara is my sister, although I am sure that Ginger, the young guest did not know that.

Then, her next statement really surprised me. “If you would wear a little makeup and let your hair down out of that ponytail, you would look so pretty, a much better look for you than this tomboy look. I blushed red all over, yes even down there. I hadn’t the slightest idea what to say to her, eventually telling her that I would try it, thanking her for the compliment.

We got up to the viewpoint, then turned around and headed back down. This time several of the other girls joined my talkative guest, talking about anything and everything. They agreed that my hair in a ponytail was not flattering enough for me, and that a touch of makeup would add just the right touch to a beautiful face. I am sure Sis heard part of this, the giggling coming from the rear of the group, a sure indication of that.

I felt something different when we returned to the barn, I was included with the girls, a member of their group, not something I have ever experienced before. I helped the girls down from the horses, getting hugs from everyone. I slipped off the saddles and they started brushing and wiping their horses down. They had fun doing it, then, when they had reached all they could, they came over and started on Black Shadow, I watched the horse as ten girls started on him, his head rising as far as it could get, he was so eating this up. I went to the other horses, finishing what the girls couldn’t reach, and led them into their stalls and took off the bridles. I had a bunch of contented horses as a result of all of the attention.

The girls stayed with me until all the horses were back in their stalls, then mobbed me in a group hug, telling me how much they enjoyed the day. I was almost in tears when they left to go back to the bungalow. Even with all the attention, Black Shadow wanted my personal attention before he went into his stall, His head next to mine rubbing his neck against mine, I presumed thanking me for the ride, and all the attention from the girls. That is where Barb found me.

Barb came over and hugged me, “Maybe you will realize what you are deep down and quit putting on this phony act. Now come on it is time for lunch.” We walked back to the house, then I remembered the trunk. I am sure Mom was the one to hang the clothes, and I am positive, I will hear about it soon.

Betty and Sally had prepared a true picnic type spread. Baked beans, potato salad, cucumber and onion salad and tons of grilled hot dogs. Today, it was set-up as a buffet, the weather was perfect and at the back of the house, was a large shaded area with a bunch of picnic tables. All of this made for a welcome setting for a picnic. The girls had all went to change or clean-up a little, so myself and the adults, were alone with all that food.

I had filled my plate and then headed out to find a place to sit. The adults were grouped together up by the house. I decided that anywhere away from Mom might be a wise choice for a while. I found a seat, and made myself comfortable. Within minutes, the girls from the morning trail ride were seated by me and were chatting away.

I listened, but did not have anything to add since the topics were boys, hair, clothes and makeup. Several of the girls had brought their purses and after eating, were applying some lipstick or brushing their hair. Lorrie from this morning, came behind me and started brushing my hair after taking out my ponytail. It felt so good, as she ran the brush from my scalp to the end of the hair. She mentioned that I need a haircut, way too many split ends. Then, her friend Sophia came over with a lipstick, she raised my head so that I was looking at her and wet my lips with the lipstick. I rubbed my lips together as I have seen Mom and Barbara do many times. I thanked them for the lipstick and brushing, blushing all the way to my toes. A grown male letting some young girls fix me up like a female. When I looked around to see who had witnessed this event, both Mom and Barb had the biggest smiles on their faces.

The girl’s counselor had come to gather them up, they were going to do some exercising in their cabin to pop music. It sounded like fun for them, they were jumping up and down all excited about the activity and were running back to the bungalow. Mom was making her way to me from across the way. She stood in front of me took my hand and led me inside. I was almost to the point of throwing up, my stomach doing flip flops at what is surely to be coming. Down to my room, then, she closed the door behind us.

“You look very nice with your hair brushed and the lipstick. It really suits you. Now you and I need to do some talking. I have several questions and I want honest answers, not the crap you usually give me. You are not in trouble, in fact it is totally the opposite. I know what is in your heart, who do you think sent you an allowance every month. Jenny in the thrift store where you bought all of you things, thinks the same as I do. Now are you truly happy? If not, you need to do some soul searching and change your life.”

I only told her a half truth, I am happy, happier than I have been in my life. I cringed and for the first time since we entered my room, looked up at her. She had the biggest smile on her face and a few tears sliding down her cheek. I didn’t have the smile, but my tears were just waiting to cascade out of mine. I reached up to hug her, it just felt right to do so. As I leaned into her and held her tight, her arms coming around and pulled me as close to her as possible. That was the cue for my dam to break, and my tears came out hot and heavy. We just held each other for some time, tears dripping on each other’s shoulders. It felt so good to be hugged and loved, I could feel her love for me, the more I cried, the tighter she held me.

She told me that I was to make myself available later tonight right after dinner. Someone was coming to help the girls with their looks and I need to be there. Now go wash up and maybe take a nap, or spend some time with your lover in the barn. I had some time before dinner, so I decided on my lover. Since the clothes were out of the trunk, I thought I might dress up a little, mainly underwear and then cover it up and ride out to the lookout point. I let Sis know where I was going, a firm rule of Mothers.

I picked some of my favorite pieces, even a pair of women’s low heel sandals to wear. I slipped on a baggy shirt, a pair of jeans and I was off. If Mom decided to talk about the contents of trunk this afternoon, at least I wouldn’t be available. I saddled up Black Shadow and headed out. The horse seemed in a hurry this afternoon, not the slow pace we used for the trail ride. When we got to the lookout point, I tied his reins to a branch. I removed my shirt and pants and put them on the back of the saddle and tied them there.

I wanted the feel of nature while I was dressed, indulging in something I loved, while looking at the beauty of nature. I sat on the rock for quite some time, watching the clouds roll by and the afternoon thunderstorms build up down below in the valley. If anybody could see me, a male in lingerie, looking at the pristine view, I am sure there would be some giggles.

Unfortunately, all wonderful things have to come to an end, so I got up and made my back to the horse. I looked all around Black Shadow was gone. I saw the torn off branch on the ground, but the damn horse had run off. Here I am an hour from the ranch by foot, in female underwear and women’s shoes. Not the best for walking back home in with this terrain.

I did what I have done a lot of recently and broke down in tears. “That stupid horse, wait till I get my hands on him!” That statement was yelled to no one in particular, since there was no one to listen to me anyway. It also didn’t make me feel any better. The crying lasted for about twenty minutes, about the limit of the available moisture for that purpose. Nothing left to do, I made the first steps toward the ranch. It was hard walking over the rough ground, a task the shoes were not designed for. My feet did look cute in them if that is any consolation.

I would get about twenty feet, then cuss the horse again. At his rate, by the time I got back to the ranch, I would not have any voice left. I had made it about a mile down the trail, when I heard a motor off in the distance. Maybe someone is coming looking for me. Around the next bend, I saw Sis in the large ATV. As soon as she sees me she starts laughing. I guess I make a comical site in my undies staggering along the trail.

She pulls alongside, then passes me to turn around. She stops next to me, asking if I would like a ride. I whisper out a response, my voice not capable of much more. “Are you okay? We were puzzled at first when we saw Black Shadow and no rider. Then, I saw you pants and shirt tied to the back of the saddle and I figured out what you might be doing. Mom and I had a little talk as I was fueling up the ATV. I was going to go out and find you and Mom was going to your bedroom to throw out all your male clothes. We both have tried to get you to face up to the problem, but you insist on doing it the hard way.”

“Get off the ATV and slip on you dress, unless you want to appear in front of all the girls and Mom in your frilly underwear. Incidentally, I like that bra and panty set, but the garter belt and stockings are a bit much for an afternoon ride though. Your horse led the way up here, showing me where you were. I think he too was fed up with you putting off the inevitable. He is around the bend waiting to be sure you are alright.”

I looked at the dress she had picked out for me, the frilliest sun dress I had, all in pink and white, with little green and burgundy flowers sprinkled all over the dress. I let out a low groan and slipped it over my head. I turned my back to Sis and she zipped me up. I was quiet as we headed back, how do I face Mom like this? The ATV made good time and soon the ranch was in sight. There was quite a crowd to welcome the wayward stranger. Barb parked a little ways from Mom, and the girls all ran to me and hugged me complimenting me on the dress. They all wanted to know what happened. Barbara appeased them telling them I would explain after dinner. Their counselors hustled them all inside since dinner was already on the table.

I was standing next to the ATV with my eyes locked on my feet. Barb was still on the machine waiting for me to do something. Something pushed me from behind, I had to step forward to keep from falling. I turned around and Black Shadow was getting ready to do it again. I made another step towards Mom and he was right behind me. I paused one more time, and he pushed me hard with his head sending me right into her arms. Damn stupid horse.

I was tenderly held, I tried to withdraw several times, but she would have none of that. She eventually pushed me back to take a better look at me, ruffled up my hair and told me to take care of Black Shadow. I headed to the barn, still a little miffed at him. He walked right next to me, reaching his head over to nudge me every once in a while. By the time I got to the barn, I had forgave him, but I did threaten him, if he ever did it again. I removed his saddle, blanket and bridle putting them all up in the tack room.

I brushed him down, taking a little extra time to show him I cared for him. As I closed his stall door he had his head over the bottom part of it right next to my shoulder. I got a kiss at least that is what I thought it was, being that it was wet and either his tongue or mouth was involved. A kiss from a horse is something to experience, the wetness, the coarseness, the hardest to tolerate. Since we were lovers, I had to make allowances. I hugged him and made my way inside, time to see what my fate was going to be.

Dinner was being set on the table, I had lost my appetite today, too much going on and most of it unresolved. I guess Mom is alright with me as a female, the hugs I received in the yard indicative of some acceptance. The fact that I had hid it from her more than likely to cause some punishment. I excused myself to get ready for bed, my Mom giving me a look, but allowed me to proceed. I was fairly positive I would receive several visitors shortly, as soon as dinner was finished. I couldn’t stand to be around the other girls tonight, there frivolity and laughing making me realize how alone I was.

I laid in bed thinking of all the day’s activities. Black Shadow doing me a favor in a way. Now it is all out, just not how it was supposed to be handled. The only thing I was relatively sure of, was I was not going to be sent back to my Dad, but beyond that nothing was a given. I dozed off a time or two, both times waking suddenly from a bad dream. The last time I was startled awake from a part of the bad dream, Mom was there holding my hand. I was shaking, the dream had me back with my Father, his new wife, exposing me in public to get me to leave. The laughing from others resonating in my head.

Waking up the next morning, I was gratified that most of dreams had ceased sometime during the night. The last few hours of sleep had been dream free. I made my usual robbery from the kitchen, Betty giggling and holding her cheek where I had kissed it. She makes such good biscuits. Today I was attired in my only pair of female jeans and a large feminine blouse. The blouse was one that I had bought before I knew my sizes, it looked alright just was two sizes larger than I needed. My sneakers completed the outfit.

The horses all greeted me as I slid the door to the barn open. The whinnying was quite loud, they must want extra attention today again. I saddled up enough horses for the trail ride, then Black Shadow. I had to spend some extra time with him, he does not like to be the last one to be saddled and made ready.

Again, ten squealing females entered the barn, this time gathering around me instead of the horses. They were telling me of the fun they had last night, a lady from a salon showing them about makeup and hair styles. They wanted me there with them, but was told I was sick. The lady is coming back tonight, they will make sure I am there. I checked them out on their horse, then we headed up the trail at a leisurely pace. I had a few memorable moments as I remembered being stranded out here in my underwear, but was able to giggle a little at the thought of how I was dressed. I reached down to rub Black Shadows neck, another effort to apologize for all the names I called him yesterday.

The ride was uneventful, the girls having way too much fun, when we got back and they started brushing their horses down. I know the horses were not complaining, as they got all the attention. Lunch was another picnic, this time I was surrounded by all the girls, even the ones that I had not yet gone out on the trail with. After the place was cleaned up, I was shanghaied and hustled off to one of the bungalows. For the next few hours the girls showed me everything they learned last night, mainly on my face and hair. When I managed to escape, and entered the main house, Barbara got a look at me and hugged me tightly. She could see I was happy, the girls were including me in everything they did, just as if I was one of them. Mom joined her shortly thereafter, thrilled at my looks and the smile radiating off my face.

I managed to make it to my bedroom, the first time I had to really see what clothes I had left. I looked through each item, trying to remember what I had when I arrived. Quickly it became apparent that anything that remotely looked boyish, had been done away with. I chose an outfit for dinner tonight, then made my way to the bathroom, a sweet smelling bath calling my name. I dozed off a couple of times, the warm fragrant water too much for me.

Back to my bedroom and into my clothing for tonight. The panty and bra set was my frilliest, I felt girly tonight. Another sundress, this one more conservative, with a pair of low heels completing my outfit. I had spared my face while bathing, the girls had so much fun doing my makeup, I didn’t want them thinking I didn’t like it. I checked myself in the mirror, then headed downstairs. I helped serve the first group of diners, the conversation quite lively among the girls. I was included often, their thoughtfulness making me swell with pride. After the first group finished, I helped clean up, the cooks and housekeepers thanking me for helping out.

Betty had outdone herself, the roast, potatoes, and carrots were so good, I was torn whether to eat my fill or pay attention to my female figure. My figure won, only one helping of that delicious food, but it was so hard to push my plate away. Then, she had the nerve to put a cherry pie on the table fresh from the oven, actually three pies since the first round of diners had missed the pie. Suddenly the dining room was full, lots of eager young females forgetting their figures, the pies smelling so good.

Everybody was gathering in the lounge area, most of the girls finding a spot on the floor, leaving the chairs for the counselors and adults. Half an hour later a lady arrived to cheers from the girls. I and one of the counselors helped get her cases inside, as she started setting things up. Several times I noticed her staring at me, maybe someone else that has figured out my secret. She ran over a few basics with the girls, kind of a refresher from last night. Then she asked for a volunteer. I noticed a lot of the girls getting up off the floor, so I figured I was safe. Instead, the girls all headed my way, surrounded me and pulled me from the floor. I was led, pushed and otherwise herded to the ladies chair. I tried my best to pull back, but with six girls around me, I had very little chance of success.

The lady took my hand introducing herself as Stevie, pulled me in for a hug, whispering to me to relax, this will be fun and you will look so good afterwards. “Brittany has volunteered to help me tonight, just as you girls told me last night, she has lots of potential. We are doing evening makeup tonight, I am going to do one side of her face and she is going to do the other side. We will have that tomboy look out of her before the night is over.”

True to her word, I was shown what to do and then had to duplicate it on the other side of my face. I took my time, this was kind of fun, so I was trying to prolong the experience. When we had went through all the makeup, she showed me how to remove it properly and had me do my whole face again. I especially like the lipstick, deciding that I would always wear lipstick no matter where I went. I got applause from the girls when I finished, and was mobbed as all of them wanted a hug.

Later, as I was helping Stevie to get her cases back to her car, she pulled me aside. You have an all-day appointment at our salon tomorrow, the few remaining masculine traits that you have will be eliminated. You are definitely a female, how you act, behave, and care, a 100% female. After you leave the salon there will be no doubt. One of our courtesy vehicles will pick you up at seven A.M. so be ready. It will return you here later in the evening after your transformation. Now give me a hug and dream female tonight.

I did dream about being female, but by morning, the true reality had intruded, to bring me back to earth with a thud. I slipped on one of my sweat suits and made my way downstairs. I was early, but wanted to say hi to Black Shadow before I left. I made my usual stop at the kitchen, Betty already having my goodies ready for me. I headed out to the barn and as I entered, I heard Black Shadow whinnying at me. I made my way down the row of stalls, each of the horses greeting me. I got down to my lover and peaked around the stall door there he was waiting for me. I walked up to the door and opened it, he came up next to me and laid his head on my shoulder.

“Well you started this when you outed me to the whole world, so you will have to put up with me not being here today.” I heard a horn beep in the drive. I presume my ride is here. Black Shadow started pushing me to the door, the more I resisted, the harder he nudged. At the door to the barn, he gave me a huge nudge causing me to fall out of the barn catching myself before I face planted in the dirt. I turned to see him going back to his stall, enter and turn and drag the stall door shut. I shook my head at his actions, but another beep and I turned and headed for the car. The driver was surprised I came from the barn, she was expecting me to come from the house. She was holding the door for me, so I entered as lady like as I could and soon we were off.

I was nervous, this is something I wanted so bad, but now that the time was near, I was not sure. This is all new to me, foreign in so many ways. The girls at the ranch were raised as female, enjoying what I desired, all their life. The last two days have been wonderful, able to participate with the girls as I had always dreamed of doing. Jenny the driver was talkative, and soon I had forgotten my fears. She asked if I rode horses, so I told her about Black Shadow and his antics. The time passed quickly, my fears misplaced somewhere along the way to the salon. As we got closer, I became more nervous. I stopped and thought of my horse, Black Shadow had been instrumental in forcing me to be the female of my dreams. I needed to do this for him, my lover and only friend. Well, my best friend.

She pulled right up in front of the salon, Stevie coming from inside to get my door. I was helped out and she took my hand leading me inside. She never released it, taking me right to one of the treatment rooms at the back of the salon. No chance to have cold feet and back out, I was soon out of my sweat suit and laying on the table completely naked.

A cream to remove my body hair, applied and let set for thirty minutes. After my front was done the back was next. As the cream was removed by a towel, I noticed how alive and receptive my skin was. Any touching or air movement caused goose pimples to sprout everywhere.

Some stirrups were removed from the end of the table and my feet were inserted in them. An ankle strap was added and then the stirrups were spread wide so Stevie could gain access to my groin. I was nervous, although I hated my male organ, always have, I was not sure that living as a female was even realistically possible. I know the makeup last night had me looking like a female, but looks and being a female is miles apart. Stevie talked to me as she worked, everything she was doing is temporary, allowing me to live as a woman for a while, to see if it is what I really wanted. I sighed, laid my head back and closed my eyes.

Something I had desired for years, yet now that the time is here, I am not so sure. When she was done, I had a perfect slit with two luscious lips surrounding it. Quite a change from before, much better looking in my opinion. I should be missing my male organ, but he and I never had much interaction. Unlike other boys, I found playing with my male thingy distasteful. It did react at times, but I was so embarrassed when it did make itself known.

I looked at the changes she had created, blushed again and far redder than before. I could no longer pass myself as male, the thing that sets males apart now missing. I am sure by the time she gets done, dressing as a male will be impossible. Sure enough, she moved her focus to my chest, two quite large cups glued to my chest right above my nipples. Hoses were hooked up to the cups and a pump started pulling any extra skin into the cups, the start of my breasts. The pump worked tirelessly at creating mountains where there was only a small nubbin before. Stevie was working on other parts of my body now, but my mind was still trying to process the fact that I would soon be well endowed. If the size of the forms are any indication, my soon to be breasts will certainly be noticed by one and all.

My ears got pierced, eyebrows thinned to a fine arch high on my forehead and then she turned her attention to my nails. Toenails first, the bright pink polish hard to ignore. Then my hands were next, the cuticles removed, a base coat applied that followed by three coats of color, each coat making the color even richer and deeper. The final application of a topcoat guaranteeing a bright shiny finish and protecting the color underneath.

For the next three hours as my breasts were developing, she worked on my hair. Split ends removed, then a dye job turning my brunette locks to an ash blonde. Way too many curlers were put in, I guess my days of straight locks are soon to be over with. A stint under the hair dryer, the breast machine moved right along with me still sucking my erstwhile breasts into greater prominence. It was all new to me, but oh so wonderful. For once the girl in me would show through, in fact I doubt anything would keep her from making her debut. I was excited, happy, joyful, and any other adjective you might be able to come up with. A lifelong dream now in my sights.

Then I thought of Black Shadow, will he still like me, hell will he even recognize me as my female self. Those thoughts were stopped cold as the breast machine was turned off and the hoses were removed. I looked down at the huge objects on my chest. From my view point they looked gigantic. The technician placed my hands on them, the cups still a little stiff, but I could feel the touch of my hands on the nipple, wonderful sensations spreading all over my body. I lightly squeezed them, the tsunami of feelings almost made me black out. Oh gawd, what am I going to do now?

My hair was removed from the curlers, and my new style was lightly brushed out. Some of my curls were left dangling from my neck, as the rest was helped into a high ponytail on the top of my head. The image in the mirror was all girl, lots of bouncing curls to entice any person looking to see the female and only the female possessing this body. I received some makeup plus some lessons in applying the basics and pronounced ready to get some clothes.

A portable rack was brought in, lots of delicious clothes picked out for my coloring and body type. I was happy to see not one single pair of pants, but then thought of how I was going to be able to ride Black Shadow. I tried on most of the clothes, not wanting to remove some of them, they were so pretty and made me look stunning. At the end of the rack was one lone pair of pants, with some words embroidered on the rear pockets. As I looked at the wording I blushed, in fancy pink script was the words Black Shadow is my lover. I took them off the rack and squeezed my body into the jeans. Believe me it was a squeeze, it took me three attempts to get the front zipper pulled up. I turned this way and that to make sure I looked feminine enough. There was no male left in my image, anything masculine had been successfully erased by the salons efforts.

Jenny came into get me, the ride back to the ranch was long, dreading to be seen by those that knew me the most. What if they didn’t like my feminine appearance, would I be sent away, just when I was starting to fit in. For the last ten minutes of the trip I was holding my breath, then before passing out I had to take a big gulp of air. Finally we pulled up to the house at the ranch. There were cars around but no one to welcome me. Now I was getting worried, almost panicking. Jenny got my door and I stepped out. Before I could get my footing in the heels that I was wearing I heard a whinny and a horse racing towards me. I turned around and was face to face with Black Shadow.

I briefly wondered why he was left out, but then thought of his skill at opening his own stall. His head was right next to mine his neck laying on my shoulder. I tried to turn around to face him, but he would have none of that. We stood there for the longest time, as he rubbed his head next to me. I told him he was going to mess up my hairdo, but of course he was not listening. He finally broke off the encounter, stepped up in front of me pushing his head against my front. It took me a couple of minutes to figure out what he wanted.

I started walking that way towards his stable. As soon as we entered he walked to the tack room confirming my guess of what he wanted. I saddled him up and slipped the reins over his head. My jeans were so tight I had to use a step ladder to mount him, his head turned to make sure I was following through. He pushed open the stable door and headed for the trail. I did see Mom and Sis waving from the front porch of the house as Black Shadow headed down the trial. I had his reins in my hands but he was in charge of where we were going. He headed for the lookout at the top of the rim, just meandering along, no hurry, he was with his lover and time did not matter anymore.

When we got to the lookout he stopped and just stood there as we looked at the ever present thunderstorms developing in the valley below. I leaned down by his neck rubbing it back and forth as he tried to twist his neck to get me to rub the right spot. I finally found it, he was making noises, I am not sure what they were, but guessed he was pleased at my actions. After some time gazing at the scenery he turned and headed back down the trail. We entered the yard he went straight to the stables. He got the stable door again all by himself, then took me to the tack room. I slipped off the saddle and took it off, setting it back on the rack it came from, then his reins. I reached for his brushes and gave him a thorough brushing down. Again the noises of a contended horse. I was pushed down to his stall, then into his stall. He gave me some horse hugging then abruptly pushed me out of his stall. He closed his stall door then put his head over the half door. He leaned next to me, then gave me one of his sloppy kisses, I stomped my foot in protest, but he just pulled back and whinnied.

I was laughing as I made my way to the house, both Mom and Sis giving me huge hugs. Then they told me of Black Shadow walking the yard constantly until he saw the limo from the salon coming down the road. He ran around the yard in excitement, like he knew it was you and couldn’t wait to see you. That is why we stayed inside, sometimes lovers need a little private time to get the wet mushy romantic stuff out of the way. I told them of Black Shadow’s kiss in the stables, Mom chuckling and Sis’s Ewwwwww resonating around the kitchen.

After that discussion I was closely appraised, now that the important matters had been handled it was time to check out the new improved Brittany. I received many more hugs in the next hour, they felt so good. We had dinner but I was really not that hungry, my mind still on how I looked and being back with Black Shadow.

Lying in bed that night, I counted my blessings, my fondest dream a reality now, my life as a female now assured if that was what I wanted. Deep down I was sure, my heart feminine and with the love of my family I will be content with what life has given me. As I fell asleep I saw Black Shadow at my window keeping his eye on his lover. From the very start I was nudged in the right direction, thanks to my true love.

© 2016 thru 2024 by Francesca Walker

Carolyn: Mom’s New Daughter

Carolyn: Mom’s New Daughter

I am not really sure how I ended up this way I presume a combination of factors. I got a phone call from my parents, announcing a surprise visit from them on their way back from visiting my Mom’s sister. I had left the nest several years ago, on my own now, working for a large internet company in their purchasing department. Dad was pleased with my independence, but Mom missed having someone around at home. I was the last of her children to leave home, obviously she wanted some more time of mothering. This is the third surprise visit in the last year, Mom checking on me, if the apartment is clean and taking stock of my clothing. The last time she was here I got checked every day before I went to work on my choice of clothing. She loved to make comments on something that might be more appropriate to wear.

So now I was busy cleaning the apartment to pass Mom’s inspection, going through my closet to make sure things are clean and hung properly. Checking that there were no surprises in the refrigerator, the oven was clean and the garbage was being taken out daily, even if the bag was not full. When I was cleaning the bathroom, I caught a look at my image in the mirror. Oops this haircut is not going to work. The place I usually went to had closed so I had to scramble to find somewhere else. In fact, the lack of someplace to get my hair cut was the reason it was longer than normal and quite shabby.

The next day at work I talked to Sara, a secretary to the purchasing department for her recommendations. She said there was a new salon in town that offered fantastic haircuts for reasonable prices. She dug in her purse for a card, then handed it to me.

I looked at the card then handed it back to her. The name of the salon was Curls For Gurls, the name alone making me decide that I didn’t want to use their services. Sara poo pooed that right away, their work is excellent, the stylists top notch and after only a month in business they are booked up most days. She called their number got her stylist on the phone and made me talk to her. After a few minutes I relented and made an appointment with them for Friday, one day before Mom and Dad were supposed to appear. That turned out to be as soon as I could get an appointment, their services booked up. Sara obviously right about their new found popularity. Judy, her stylist seemed very knowledgeable, friendly and anxious to help me out. She assured me that she could do anything I wanted, quickly and without any fuss.

I lost track of the next few days, work was exceptionally busy, a new purchase to replace a supplier that had went bankrupt took all of my time and patience. Then Mom and Dad called telling me that they would be in earlier, one of their planned stops fell through, so they decided to come earlier to see me. Somehow their arrival time and my hair appointment just missed each other. The appointment is for one o’clock and they figured on being at my place around six o’clock on the same day. I didn’t want to skip the haircut, I knew Dad would say something, hair any longer than your ears is definitely unmanly to him. Mom wasn’t innocent either, I am sure she would have some input on my hair length if I didn’t get it cut, the shabbiness alone would guarantee an opinion being voiced.

I decided to leave early on Friday, hoping to get my required work done before I left. I had a few sniffles that morning and took some medication before I left for work, hoping that would take care of my symptoms. I definitely didn’t need Mom, the doctor, deciding to take care of me. All morning I had trouble staying awake, drinking a lot of coffee, to keep functioning. The medication I had taken was making me extremely drowsy. I did make it to noon, using my lunch time to drive to the salon and get checked in. I almost dozed off several times on the drive there, stoplights were particularly difficult, at the last one a car behind me honking their horn forcing me to wake up.

Maybe they could take me early and I could make it home before my parents arrived. I could already see trouble looming on the horizon, the moving up of the arrival time and now me fighting off a cold and being literally asleep standing up.

As I parked in front of the salon I was impressed with its size, nearly as large as the big box grocery stores and packed with customers and stylists. I checked in at reception and was taken back to a station at the back of the salon. The whole time I was yawning, desperately trying to stay awake, but thankful that I actually made it to the salon in one piece.

Judy asked what I had in mind, but in mid-sentence I drifted off to sleep. She did remember that I had parents

coming, so she decided to let me sleep and give me a haircut. She remembered who referred me, and called Sara the secretary for my purchasing group. Unfortunately for me, Sara was out to lunch and she ended up talking to Paula, our other secretary. They talked for a few minutes then Judy asked if she knew what style I wanted.

Paula conveyed her thoughts and they hung up, Judy started her cut, not realizing that I wanted that much done to my hair. In her earlier conversations with me I had not mentioned all of these things. I was later to find out she tried to wake me, but the medications had pretty much zonked me out. She got an assistant to help her out, and soon I was under a dryer as my new style was finishing up.

Unbeknownst to her Paula was the company prankster, telling Judy that I was a transsexual coming out to my parents tonight, wanting everything to be just perfect for my great unveiling. So I received their deluxe package, cut, highlights, wet set, adding an eyebrow waxing for free. That is when I woke up as my brows were being ripped out leaving two delicate arches over my now quite obvious feminine eyes. I managed to get my mouth open as the pain from my brows being ripped out was unexpected and intense.

I took one look in the mirror and fainted. As I came to, a wet wash cloth was being held over my eyes. I reached my hand to move it off and stared at the image in the mirror. A feminine face appeared, with tons of curlers framing it. Judy cut off the dryer, realizing that something was wrong. She asked me what was wrong, and I just pointed to my eyebrows and the curlers. She told me that she had called my secretary Paula since I was out of it and asked her what style I wanted. I let out such a big sigh, then dropped my head down. Judy was shocked reminding me that she had tried to wake me up, but knowing about my parents coming she didn’t want me to be late. It isn’t the first time Paula’s actions have had an effect on me, but this is by far the most extreme of the situations. I quickly tried to figure out what I was going to do, nothing reasonable and effective popped into my head.

I finally decided to just face the situation head on. Make it home and hope to still be able to go to work on Monday. Believe me it was a serious concern, Dad first and then Mom to deal with. While Judy was taking out the curlers I explained about Paula, her past escapades and how I was often the victim of these pranks. She asked if this was going to bother my parents during their visit, I answered truthfully that I was not sure. Then she asked about work on Monday, I was then told that their new long lasting setting lotion was used, I could expect curls for at least ten weeks, unless I had them all cut off. I immediately thought of my boss Brenda, would she laugh and accept the explanation or see what reason she could find to let me go that wouldn’t backfire on the company.

Judy said she would talk to Brenda and explain things, as for Paula she has an appointment tomorrow with another stylist and she would see to it that she is handled in an appropriate way for her prank. She did offer to talk to my parents and explain that my curly style was not my choosing, if I thought it would do any good. I accepted her help with my boss, but told her I would deal with my parents on my own. I just hoped that I could indeed handle my parents, especially Mom.

When Judy finished there was no doubt of my gender, from my neck up I was female, a quite attractive one at that. Considering there was no makeup, quite a feat for her hairdressing skills. The cut and curls had totally transformed my previously masculine face to that of a beautiful female. When I checked out Judy refused to take any money, but I tipped her anyway, it was such an awesome hairstyle. The drowsiness had disappeared, the shock of seeing me turned into a gorgeous female will tend to do that. The drive to my apartment was stressful, not knowing what awaited me there. I parked in the carport assigned to my apartment, noticing that my parent’s car was not there yet.

The next hour was pure torture. I heard another car pull up next to mine, the time of my imminent demise was here. I swallowed hard several times to keep the bile in my throat from making an appearance. The doorbell rang and I stepped to the door and opened it. It took Mom maybe two seconds to recognize me, by the third second she was embracing me. Dad was trying to see past her, when she turned and told him to get the bags from the car. Typical Mom, although Dad thought he ran the house and the relationship, everybody else knew otherwise. I was pushed to the bedroom as she closed the door behind her.

Sitting on the edge of the bed, she took her time to appraise my looks, running her fingers through my hair several times. I started to try and explain what happened, but she didn’t want to hear it. I was asked if I had any dresses or female undergarments, when I told her no, she left me on the bed and hastily exited the bedroom. I heard her talking to Dad, then some noises as she apparently found her suitcase and was looking for something. Dad was told to take a walk, giving her about an hour to get ready. I heard Dad remark about where I was at, but she just told him to get going. Typical pushy Mother of mine in her actions.

My door opened again as she came back in carrying some clothes with her. I was told to strip, when I hesitated she started to help me, causing me to speed up. Gawd, I am twenty-four years old, I can undress myself. As the last clothes hit the floor, I was appraised like never before. Pushed to the shower, as she hunted for my razor and shaving cream. She pointed to my legs and chest, told to get rid of the hair on both. Then she had the nerve to sit and make sure I complied. I was threatened with bodily harm if I got my hair wet, so I had to be careful since I had no shower cap.

I carefully shaved the required areas, then rinsed everything off. As I stepped out I was handed a towel and told to blot my skin, not rub. I apparently did not do it right, my towel was grabbed and she finished my body. Meanwhile I was blushing red, a grown man, well that was in doubt now, being dried by his Mother. Back out to the bedroom, I was handed some panties to put on, they went on way too easy and felt way too good on my body. A bra was fastened around my chest, and she reached her hands inside the cups to grab some of the flesh on my chest and pull up. As I looked down I noticed that somehow, I now had acquired some small breasts. A dress was slipped over my head, carefully so as to not muss my hair, and the zipper pulled up. She fussed with the dress some, it was maybe a tad large, but would prove adequate according to Mom. A sweater was added, not buttoned just left open.

She slipped out of her heels and had me try them on. They were tight, but manageable. She then took some baby oil that she had brought in and rubbed my legs from my thigh to my toes. The heels put back on and she turned her attention to my face. A lipstick came out of her purse and my lips received several coats. Then some mascara and I was pronounced done, at least for now. My mind was still back at the feeling of the panties as they slid up my legs. She went back to her suitcase to retrieve another pair of heels and promptly slipped them on her feet.

I was told to walk around the bedroom while she took care of Dad, then we are going out to eat. That last statement sent waves of terror through my body. Coming back from the salon was bad enough, with a girly face and head, but now the rest of the body matched. The naked legs coming out from below the hem of the dress and the heels that forced a different type of walk were hard to come to terms with, I can imagine what others might think when they got a look at me.

But first my Dad had to be faced. It was about ten minutes later when Mom came to get me, grabbed my hand and led me towards the bedroom door. I tried to hold back, but a swat on my butt, much harder than I expected got me moving toward the living room. I was made to stand in front of my Father, my eyes locked to a spot on the floor directly in front of me. There was silence, much more that I had anticipated. I was sure the yelling would start immediately, but miraculously it never came.

I felt a hand under my chin, as my face was raised so that I had to look at my father. He let go of my chin and walked around me, taking in the changes that were now quite obvious. He reached down and took my hand. I jerked it back from the utter surprise of him doing it. He reached for it again, this time catching it and holding it securely in his larger hand. I don’t remember his hands being that big, but looking now at my hand almost totally engulfed by his larger hand it was very obvious. He led me to a chair by the sofa, sat down in it and pulled me down on his lap. He encircled my waist with his arms and pulled me tight against him. I gave in and laid my head on his shoulder. It felt so good.

Fifteen minutes later we were still in that position, I was almost asleep. It felt so comforting to be held in his arms, a feeling that I have never experienced before today. I had lost track of my Mother, she was quiet, obviously watching what was happening. She cleared her throat, telling us we had to get going to be able to eat. I was helped up, then with my hand in his was led out to the car. I was nervous and scared, but somehow it felt okay since he was holding my hand.

The ride to the restaurant was in silence, their choice of a restaurant to eat at surprised me. It was very upscale, a line in the lobby as we signed in. Mom had made reservations so as soon as our table was prepared we were seated. Our drink order was taken and the waitress left to fill it. I was nervous about my voice, but being scared did have its benefits as my voice was quite a bit higher. After our drinks were brought out and our orders taken the conversation turned to me and my feminine appearance. I explained what happened, several eyebrow reactions later, I think they believed me. When I remarked about being stuck like this unless I cut my hair off, Mom suddenly got the biggest smile on her face. I am sure it had nothing to do with the cutting of my curly locks.

After dinner we returned to my condo, Dad parked himself in front of my TV, knowing that I had cable and found a sports channel and he was happy. Mom dragged me to my bedroom and we discussed my predicament and what I was going to do about it. In between our conversations I checked my phone for messages and found one from Judy. She had talked to Brenda, there would be no problem with me coming to work as a female, I just had to be appropriately dressed and conform to the dress code for females.

That at least alleviated one worry of mine. I did call Sara to find out what the female dress code entailed, I thought I had a pretty good idea, the females wearing dresses or skirt/blouse combinations. I knew heels were mandatory, and of course stockings. Sara confirmed all of this, after finding out why I needed that information. I told her the whole story, even Paula’s involvement in getting me femmed up. She giggled often, but couldn’t wait until Monday to see my new female image.

More discussion with Mom, her next declaration was we needed to go shopping. So early the next morning I was shedding the nightie Mom had lent me the previous night, another visual evaluation occurred and Mom decided I needed breasts if this was going to be me for the next few months. She called the salon I used for my hair and was given another number to call. She called it, asking some questions, a smile coming to her face soon thereafter.

Apparently I had an appointment now for breasts, at the sister salon of where this all started. I tried to reason with Mom, a crew cut much easier to deal with and a lot less expensive. Finally, Mom made me look directly at her, a gesture I was used to, her way will prevail so get used to it.

“Then I will miss out on being with my daughter and doing all the fun things that mothers and daughters do together. You would not deprive your Mother of those things would you?”

How do I answer that and manage to live with the resulting situation. Well that was answered as I had to get dressed to head to the salon and obtain the needed breasts. It didn’t faze them when Mother told them I needed breasts. Some papers were pushed in front of me for my signature but Mother took over choosing for me what options she wanted for her daughter. The she told me to sign the forms. I never looked at what she chose, knowing that one way or the other I would end up with what she wanted. While I was being set up for my treatment. Mother shopped in their boutique for a new wardrobe for me. Unbeknownst to me Mom had called my apartment and had Dad pack up all of my male clothes and haul them to goodwill or a charity shop, which ever he could find.

The breasts that were to be sucked from my body would take six to seven hours, so Mom after buying out a considerable portion of their clothing selections decided I could stand a few more beauty treatments while my breasts were being developed. Several more salon technicians appeared and soon my nails were being lengthened and polish was being applied. A treatment to my lips making them plumper and more kissable was performed and earrings were added to my newly pierced ears. Then I was laid back in the chair and a towel was placed over my face. Mom held my hand tightly and a spray was administered to my groin area. Now there was no feeling down there, not a good sign for my long time friend. I knew when the towel was removed it would be no longer be there, at least no longer visible. I tried to plead with my Mother, but she just grabbed my other hand and held on tight to both.

I guess nothing will come between Mom and her new daughter. The time finally passed, my breasts were very apparent and feeling was returning to my groin area. Mom released one hand and slid the towel off my face. I was sitting up partially and the first sight I focused on was my breasts. I didn’t make it any further in my quest to see the new me, the size of my breasts and their constant movement taking all of my attention. The technician came in with a wispy little bra and Mom helped me put it on. It seemed that my tits were overflowing the cups, but Mom told me it was a perfect fit.

I had tits, and what does my mind do, it makes me look in the mirror and turn sideways to see how good they look. After a few glances I noticed my former male groin. I stared at the image, a cute slit devoid of hair and seemingly wet with moisture was all that I had left. I wavered a little in the chair then laid my head back hard against the back of the chair. So what does Mom do, she pulls me from the chair and hands me a pair of panties. Panties for my new body, my new female body. I got them up my leg, the feelings as they slid up my legs doing me in. Once they were in place I had to sit down again, too much to deal with, making me woozy and quite dizzy.

I was dressed in a shirtwaist dress, then had a pair of heels slid on my feet and we were off. Once in the car I looked at the back seat noticing the many bags of my new wardrobe. I was given the news that my ugly male clothes were history, now the life of a female would be my only choice. She told me she would stay with me for awhile to make sure I adapted to my new life, while sending Dad home to take care of things there. I just closed my eyes, the headache I was getting promising to be a corker.

It took about four hours to hang up and put away all of my new female clothing. Most of the items left my mouth agape, the word feminine not adequately describing their look. Then we have my lingerie, silky, lacy and very brief were the few words I managed to use to describe them. I paused in my thoughts, I did think my lingerie, then looked down at my body again. Yep it is indeed my lingerie, a necessity now with breasts, a feminine face and hairstyle.

Sunday was spent practicing walking in heels and repairing my makeup. Since I had to get up early for work Dad said goodbye to me that evening, a few tears coming to his eyes. I think he realized then that his son was gone, Carolyn now his daughter for the future. I was positive Mom would not allow any back sliding, then add in all the clothes she bought me and her stay with me to make sure I adapted to the new gender, Carolyn the only persona to emerge and live the new life.

Monday morning was hectic, so much to do now to be able to present myself at work and do my job. Mom was just as excited as me, but for different reasons. I wanted to see if I would be able to pass and keep my job, a definite unknown now. I know Brenda said it would be okay, but I also knew that if I was other than passable there would be a reason found to let me go. It was just how our company operated, too set in their ways to do anything else.

Mom sent me on my way with a huge hug, one that I tried to prolong, to head to work this morning. No breakfast since my stomach was doing flip flops as it was and I was not even out of the apartment. The drive was uneventful. Although I realized I would have to get my driver’s license changed if I kept this up. After that thought crossed my mind I was more than a little careful as I traveled the remaining way to work. I sat in the car for quite a while trying to get enough nerve to enter the building.

Sara came by the car as she was heading to the office door, saw me and squealed. I was yanked out of the car and held tightly as we walked quickly to the office. I was dragging my feet, not sure about any of this and scared to death. Through the door and right to our desks, as she helped me place my handbag in a drawer and dragged me to the break room for our morning coffee.

So who was already there, Paula. I tried to keep from giggling, but one or two slipped out anyway. Paula usually wore her hair straight, loosely laying on her shoulders. That is her signature hairstyle, one that she has had ever since she joined the company. Well now she sported loose barrel curls that made her look half her age. Of course, when she saw me she instantly looked down, ashamed at getting caught in her prank.

I tried to be non judgmental, walking over to her and pulling her into a hug. I told her I though her hairstyle looked unique, knowing that she would get lots of compliments today, I could feel her relax some fearing that she would get blamed for my new look. I told her I appreciated her intervention Friday, my mother quite happy with her new daughter. She stared at me, like she was not believing what I was saying. Then in a pathetic whisper asked if I could call the salon and give them permission to restore her old look.

I smiled I would do that for her, but suggested that maybe some ribbons in her hair to match her clothes might help her look a little more mature, besides who doesn’t want to look younger these days. I got a hug from her as she repeated I am sorry several times. Sara and I returned to our offices and started on our daily work. It wasn’t fifteen minutes later when Brenda came by took one look at me and smiled. She took off towards personnel, almost at a run. Back in a few minutes with a paper in her hand and laid it on my desk. I scanned it, it was a form used to notify the company of being trangendered and a place to put the name I preferred to be called. Just as quick as that I was female as far as the company is concerned. I didn’t see any problems so I filled it in and signed on the bottom.

Brenda smiled. “I don’t ever want to see you in anything that doesn’t scream female for as long as you work here. There that is settled, now how about going out with me tonight, a nice dinner and maybe a movie, my treat.?”

I just stared at her, where did that come from? She walked over to Sara who kept my appointments on her calendar and told Sara to put her down for six o’clock. She doesn’t need to change clothes, just refresh that lipstick. As she said that she licked her lips and ran her tongue over them. Sara did that and giggled. Brenda headed back to her office, a definite spring in her steps now.

It was lunch before Sara and I could talk about what has happened, since as soon as Brenda left this morning the phones started their incessant ringing. Several disasters were averted in that time span and then later things finally calmed down some. I found performing my duties is the same no matter how I am dressed. Going to the bathroom took far longer than when I was in male mode, just getting where I could pee was a major ordeal.

Thankfully I was kept busy all afternoon, so time passed quickly and I had little chance to fret over my femaleness and the dinner with Brenda. Sara did fill me in on Brenda, apparently she is a lesbian and according to some of the other females at work I am her ideal girlfriend. I was not ready for any more explorations into this female persona I am now a part of, so Sara helped me arrange an excuse for not being able to go to dinner with her. A previous engagement with my Mom was used, in fact Mom showed up at quitting time to take me home. She had brought Dad earlier and ferried my car home, not wanting for me to drive until I had my license straightened out.

On the way home she drove by the driver’s license office and led me inside where a new picture was taken and my new license was issued. Somehow she had handled all of this. Cutting through all the normal red tape associated with getting a new license. I am not complaining, the less I have to do the better. I did look at the gender box as I got back into her car, a large F now residing there. I swallowed hard, now everyone will only see me as a member of the female sex. My male persona dead and buried. I guess Mom’s daughter is here to stay. Lots of new clothes, makeup, heels, a female at my job and now seen by the state as female. Pretty conclusive, Carolyn is now a female and Mom’s new daughter.

© 2016 thru 2024 by Francesca

Taylor: A Surprising Reward

 Taylor: A Surprising Reward

I am a systems analyst for a large corporation, been one for fifteen years, anxiously looking forward to retirement in a few years. It is really the only job I have had since College, hired into this company when it first started and have grown with it. I worked my way up the ladder, handling many challenges thru the years. Now, I am head of the department and responsible for all computer maintenance and operations. Just two months ago, we were bought by a larger corporation, their home offices in Europe. They implemented a few changes immediately, but nothing too disruptive to us.

Our company was too well known and doing very good in the marketplace. The buyout had been talked about for years, a company ripe for the pickings, it was just that no one had enough capital to swing the deal in the economy as it is today. The European company, just coming out of their depression over there, was able to meet the challenge. Our CEO had talked with her counterpart over there, but other than that, no meaningful discussions until today’s email.

Of course, the rumors were numerous, from a wholesale firing of all top level positions, to the closing of the U.S. branch of the company. I remained neutral in all discussions of these rumors, knowing that a lot of them were just that, a rumor. Yesterday, I received an email, stating that a D. Sharp will be coming in to Phoenix to talk with me in the next few days about implementation of their systems software and their new approach to Personnel.

I suddenly didn’t feel good, this is what I feared the most, wholesale changes to our computer systems and our basic dealings with our personnel. I always have been a firm believer in the adage that a company is only as good as the people who work for it. In my opinion, our people were some of the best, the majority of them with the company from the start. I made sure all of my systems were fully functional and got ready for my visitor tomorrow. I even made sure all of my personnel files were up to date and all evaluations posted and filed.

I was surprised when I was requested to pick up my visitor tomorrow at the airport. In today’s business environment usually an executive would rent a car and be independent as they made their visit. I arranged to leave early in the morning, getting to Sky Harbor International Airport early so I would not miss the fight. The trek was always a harrowing experience, especially in the early morning hours. I awaited the flight, surprisingly there were quite a few passengers onboard on this early morning flight. I had made a small sign, giving our company name on it and waited at the gate. One of the last passengers to disembark is the most gorgeous female I have ever seen. I am suddenly in love, then in a totally unnerving maneuver, she walks right up to me and introduces herself as D. Sharp.

Quick, make up a new plan, engage mouth and welcome her to the U.S. She could tell that I am flustered, she pulled me away from the line at the departure gate and told me she likes to be called Danielle. Between us, she told me to call her Dani. She asked that we find a place to have some tea, and maybe talk for a while. I mentioned that the airport is too expensive, but there is a place not far from our headquarters that meets that criteria. We picked up her luggage, then made our way to my car. I asked if she wants to check in at the hotel first, but she declined. Forty minutes later, we pulled up to my little piece of heaven.

They listed themselves as a restaurant, but their specialty is beverages. Many different kinds of coffee, tea, some wine, beer, and a full line of ice cream concoctions. They stocked quite a few imported beers, catering to all tastes. They made one of the best chocolate malts I have ever had the privilege of drinking, although it is usually so thick you have to eat it with a spoon. She ordered some black tea and asked if they could add some honey to it. The waitress wanted to know what kind of honey would she like added to the tea. Dani giggled and after listening to the choices, made her selection.

She is easy to talk to, some comments on her flight, and her job back home. She is based out of their Danish headquarters and runs their entire IT program among other things. Those words used seemed a little unusual, but I soon forgot about them. That left my mouth wide open, she leaned over and asked me if that is unusual. I told her yes, for any female that looks so good and to be that smart, is beyond belief. I went instant red in the face, I just commented about her looks, a no-no in today’s business environments.

She asked me to bring her up to date on my background, if I am married, do I have any children, and what I wanted in the future? Boy, talking about being put on the spot, she just performed that with such ease that I never saw it coming. To give myself a little more time to get my thoughts together, I asked her what she already knew about me. I thought that might throw her off a little, giving me a chance to get my shit together. Boy, was I surprised.

She told me that, your name is Taylor Swift, no relation to the singer.” She recited my address perfectly, even correct to the zip code. “You started with the company fifteen years ago as of next week. Hired out of college as an employee for the IT department you have steadily climbed up to your present position. You are not married, have no children, your parents live in Florida, retired and spending your inheritance.

You take considerable pride in your systems, and your personnel departments’ integration with the overall company system. You feel that we are intruding on a smooth running ship, to use a metaphor. You fear widespread restructuring of the company, and are holding your breath that I am not here to accomplish that. You are five foot ten inches in height, weight one hundred thirty pounds, belong to a gym, attending once during the week and another time during the weekend. You love to read, consuming two to three novels a week. You have no one that you are seeing at the moment, mainly because you feel that you have never fit in with others, except in business dealings.

You have saved considerable money over the years, but have nothing to spend it on. You have no hobbies, no special interests other than your systems that have been designed to keep your company running smooth for the last ten years, the time that you have been in control of said systems. I almost forgot, you have a cat, your closest friend and confidant, whose name is Abby, a gray Tiger that is independent and has you twisted around her cute little paws.”

She looked me square in the eyes and asked if she had forgot anything? I didn’t know what to say, Dani is no regular executive, either in looks, or in her actions. She let me think for a couple of minutes while she sipped her tea, then asked if we could get down to business. I nodded my head, as she complimented me on my program that I have written and implemented over the years. They have a couple of modules that need to be worked into it, but other than that, they like what I have achieved.

Where I need to make some changes is in your personnel dealings. Over the years, they have developed a way to reward and encourage their employees by setting guidelines, but allowing the employee to proceed, as fast or slow, as they wanted to within the company. It is based on points, each level getting the employees further up the ladder. It has worked well for them, and they wanted it introduced over here. The program is totally computer monitored, the computer assigning the points and setting little rewards at each step.

I told her it sounds good, but right at the moment, I am still trying to figure out how and why you know so much about me. She giggled, telling me that her source did not tell her that I would take some convincing. She suggested that I take her to the office, she would like to see how it is set up and meet some of the employees. Then, maybe over dinner, we can discuss more about the project.

I asked her again, if she needed to check in at her hotel. She blushed a little, but finally stammering out, if she could stay in my guest room? I immediately turned red in the face, she told me that the Europeans are much more forward than the Americans, no implied actions other than her staying with me for the length of her visit. No sharing beds, strictly business, she would like to get to know me better, away from the office and on a more personal level. I told her it is okay with me, but isn’t she concerned about what other people will say?

She replied, “No, I have done my homework; you are interesting and I would like to know what makes you tick. I can’t do that without spending some time with you. I will, of course, compensate you what I would normally spend on a hotel room. I told her on one condition, we share in dinner preparation, in keeping up the house if your stay requires more time and there will be no exchange of funds over the lodging. She promptly agreed and kissed me on the cheek, before I could escalate that to an invitation to take her to bed, she said, “That is the customary greeting, or saying thanks in Europe, not by hand shaking.”

I walked with her through the company headquarters, who she chose to talk to and what is said, very interesting. Dani is very level headed and down to earth. She asked lots of questions, even a few that I had never thought about. Apparently, I answered them correctly because she never asked further questions after my answer. We spent four hours touring and meeting people, never once did she want to meet the CEO or any of the upper level management.

I asked her if she wanted lunch, but she asked if we could keep going and take an early dinner instead. She grew on me, so insightful, so knowledgeable, and so sincere. She can talk about any subject, even some of the computer programming that came up, and she asked how I handled the code to avoid a conflict with the basic underlying program. At five fifteen, we went to dinner, I asked if she wanted to freshen up at my house before we went to dinner, but she told me that just some fresh lipstick would do for her, unless we were going to a fancy restaurant. I told her it was a little Mexican place that served excellent food at bargain prices. I did learn earlier that she loved Mexican food and she hoped we could eat there one night, if there were any good places available. So my favorite south of the border restaurant got added to the fare tonight.

When we got there, she ordered some Mexican beer, my smile at her confirmed my happiness that someone other than me enjoyed their beer. She went off to freshen up and by the time she got back, we had our appetizers and some hot tortilla chips on the table. The dinner is enjoyable, tacos and tamales with a quesadilla as an appetizer. I found out that the new corporate hierarchy did very thorough searches on all of the major players in our company, Dani just being a little more thorough than the others.

I asked her where she got some of the personal info from, her reply, that several of my underlings were convinced to feed the info stream, all in the quest for something better for me, not themselves. They all felt that I was underutilized at this company, a CEO type of person doing department level work. Dani is so easy to talk to, half way through the evening, I probably had answered all the questions she might not have answers to yet. She paid the bill, telling me that she had a larger expense account than I did, and I drove us home. Somehow that sounded good to me.

I carried her luggage in, and quickly apologized for the mess of the room. Instead of making any remarks, she helped me straighten up things and hang up some of the clothes that were on the bed. I showed her where the fresh linens were and she changed the bed. All of this done as if it is a normal daily occurrence. She changed into some sweats and we made some tea in the kitchen together. With our cups in hand, we made our way to the living room and Abbey made her introduction, surprisingly she gave Dani one sniff and curled up on her lap. I got up to remove her, but Dani stopped me, the cat is fine where she is. We talked a little more about her program, something we would work on tomorrow at the office. She brought a copy of the program with her, but instead of just copying it to the drives, she wanted me to insert each portion myself, and then run a test of the software before unleashing it on the company.

She is so different than any computer program people I have worked with in the past. At eleven-thirty, we made it to bed, each of us in our separate beds. I did get a cheek kiss good night, then off she went. The next morning, I was still a little unsure of myself, she knew so much about me, apparently a lot smarter than me, but yet so easy going. It is very unnerving, making me suddenly, lack any confidence in what I am doing. I am usually up at six A.M. and she is dressed and making some tea when I got to the kitchen. A business suit with skirt, her hair in a pixie cut, styled perfectly. Not much makeup, but what she had on made her very attractive in my eyes.

We rode in together, chit chatting about my part of the company. She is interested in any facet of the operations, the day to day just as interesting to her as the big deals pending on the horizon. A lot of my employees are interested in our sudden friendship, but just smiling as Dani and I go about our work. I go over every module she hands me, check out the code and how it relates to other modules. Dani insists that I take no shortcuts, inspecting every line of code for its impact and its relation to the other parts of the program.

The program is well written, but I am not seeing the end result of the program yet. Three days later I am installing the last part and Dani asks me what employees I am going to use for the test part. I tell her that I want to be one of them, I want to see how the computer interprets my actions and what values (points) it assigns to them. Dani suggests some one totally opposite from me, with very different ideas and approaches to situations for the other participant. I tell her that I will probably add one more employee to the mix, but I want that identity kept from everyone till the end of the test. She smiled, knowing that I didn’t still trust her program and wanted a third variation to help make any conclusions from.

She told me that I still had to install rewards to the program, typically, basic gender different ones, that would appeal to a female or male. I asked what she used; for female she used beauty services and clothes, for males, she used sports related gear or tickets to sporting events. The next day, I entered a list of beauty services from a local beauty salon and a list of upcoming sporting events and gear from a sports superstore. Dani told me that all of the rewards would be paid from her corporate account, to see if the rewards spurred additional effort from the employee.

Since Dani knew that I still had many doubts, she told me to go ahead and expand the test to twenty subjects, gender split evenly and from as many different departments as possible. Initially, all details will be withheld from the participants, then after a reward had been earned, all will be explained and how to get their reward. Then, we could more accurately tell if the reward will make for more effort on their part.

One more day in making sure that everything is running smoothly and then I activate the program. Dani tells me that the program monitors activities of employees, all of their work related tasks monitored as to completion date, completeness of work, and original ideas that are utilized in their work. Points are assigned by the computer, then rewards, when necessary, based on the type of work done, whether it is a normally feminine or masculine type of response.

Dani used as an example that a female normally will show caring for other employees, while a male seeks to further himself before seeing to the needs of others. For instance, if a female, in an effort to gain a promotion, stresses her own ability in handling the job, she would get x points on the masculine side. If she stresses that her team is the reason for her success, the program would assign x points on the feminine side. At the end of a period, an employee might have points on both sides of the gender divide, the rewards determined by the majority point total. That way, female employees that act primarily in a way that males usually employ, would receive rewards more suited to her actions. We do not discriminate, we just want the best for the employee, at their desired level of progress. A go getter, although female, can end up CEO of the company if she pushes hard enough, while a male who is content in his present job, can maintain that status if he so desires.

The program just tries to reward good business dealings by employees, while allowing ones that are content in their position to remain where they are at. Dani told me it would take about a week for any definitive data to show up, but wanted me to allow the program about a month to show what it could accomplish.

Dani and I checked the results daily, getting a feel for how the program made its choices. She asked me to not look in on my data until the end of the test period. I agreed, although I am very curious at what it thought of my dealings. She roamed the offices, talking with everyone as I did my daily tune up of our department. I handled lots of different kinds of problems, everything from a computer not working, to loss of a report to the great unknown. In the past I have usually handled some personnel problems, along with my IT work, since we didn’t have a full time Human Resources employee on our payroll.

We did have a part time employee assigned to personnel from time to time, mainly for data entry, new employee entry, change of beneficiary, termination changes and assorted other paperwork. That person the only actual personnel employee. Since most of the employees have been here for years, my part in the scheme of things was mainly handling requests for time off, sickness in the family, or every once in a while, some employee conflict. I also set in on new applicant interviews, one of four who hired all new employees.

Dani was busy, keeping tabs on her program and meeting and talking with more of our employees. She is accepted by all, a genuinely friendly and interested person. I did what I normally do, we had hired some new employees, as a result of some of our present ones leaving due to their husbands being transferred. A couple of disputes among employees, one such confrontation, not the first between these two. I handled it the way I normally do, setting the two down in front of each other and made them solve their own problem. It took a while but things were finally settled between the two, the original problem being what one thought was said about the other.

Along with these situations, were a lot of minor flare ups, usually caused because some work was not completed on time. I simply asked them to stay and work a couple of extra hours, paid of course, and then the problem vanished by itself. Dani watched with interest whenever I am involved with personnel, but never made any comment or suggestion as to how I solved it, or what had transpired.

We got along fine at home, sharing in the household duties, going to a movie from time to time, but remaining just two work colleagues. Dani tried to make sure several times that she is not imposing on my life, offering to find accommodations elsewhere, if she was intruding. I knew I would miss her if she was not there, I already depended on her for some normal day to day interchange, if I didn’t have that, I would feel lost. We ate most of our lunches together, but took turns with preparing the evening meal at home.

During her time here, she never met with our CEO, but now knew almost every one of our employees by name. She felt like I did, the key to a successful company is the employees, not the executives. So she spent time with the employees, learning about them, their interests, and their families.

Her program surprised me, the points assigned were easily justified, but the reason stated by the computer for awarding the points, not the obvious reason seen by others. When you looked more closely to the situation that was evaluated, you can see the accurateness of the computer more clearly. I never saw that reflected in the code when I installed the original program. How it came up with those underlying reasons for rewards, I still have not figured out.

The end of the first test period is coming up and the computer has issued points and in several instances, issued rewards. I printed the results and evaluated the results with what I had seen that employee do. I could find no fault with its decision and conclusions. I called in each of the employees, explained what we had done, how they were evaluated, and how to claim the reward. I received firm handshakes from the males, hugs and a few kisses from the ladies, but everyone was thrilled that what they had done had been noticed and rewarded.

From their enthusiasm when they left my office, I figured that they would continue in their actions, now that someone had acknowledged their efforts. Finally, Dani pulled my evaluation down, let me read it, and then showed me the rewards sheet. I instantly turned bright red, there stated in black ink is my reward, a full day makeover at the Turnabout Gurl Salon. I stammered a little, surely there is a glitch in the program, the reward is all female and I am a male. Smiling, Dani had me read the reasons for the reward and why I was assigned this particular reward.

Of all the employees evaluated in this test, this one individual displays the most caring and feminine actions and reactions to problems and the ways that they are solved. Obviously, this employee needs to be rewarded in a manner that will reinforce future decisions and this makeover should accomplish these goals. I just sat there, numb to the world, trying to think of anything that I could respond with that would be appropriate. It is close to quitting time, so Dani led me out the door and drove us home.

I was quiet, nothing that tried to escape my mind made any sense, so I kept quiet. When we got home she started fixing dinner while I just stared at the walls of the living room, the sofa as far as I had got after entering the house. Dani came and dragged me to the dining room, where she had prepared an elegant meal. I nibbled at the food, it was delicious, but my mind is still on my evaluation and reward. I did help her clean up, but it is body only, my mind not present during any of this.

She went to her room to change clothes, then came back and sat with me. I tried to move away, but she cornered me on the sofa when she moved right next to me; I tried to get up, but she would have nothing to do with that notion. Finally, she broke the eerie silence that had prevailed since we got home.

“I think the computer has stumbled on something lying under the surface, I want you to experience the reward as intended, then work a couple of days as your alternate self. I am aware that it is out of your comfort zone, but your actions have pointed to this part of you, maybe you ought to try it out before you disregard it. I have scheduled the appointment for tomorrow before you can come up with a hundred reasons why you should not experience it. Please, for me, give this a try; the program has worked in Europe for almost ten years now, an unqualified success, so give it a chance to see if the computer might be right.”

I tried to protest, but her kiss and her words to ‘please try it for her’ won out. I nodded my head, then she led me into my bedroom, undressed me, and then scooted me off to the bathroom. When I returned she is gone, my pajamas laying on my bed. I slipped them on and I am soon deep in sleep, well maybe, more like deep in worry. Anyway, I was not coherent, whatever state I was in.

I woke earlier than my alarm, just lying in bed, trying to get enough nerve to go through with this; there has got to be some glitch in the coding, I am a male and not some female employee that would enjoy a makeover! How that stupid program could decide that I would like a makeover as a reward is totally ridiculous. I had almost made up my mind to cancel the appointment, until I walked out to the kitchen and saw Dani. One look and I swallowed my pride and decided to endure the appointment.

I found out she had planned to take me to the salon, then pick me up tonight after my day being pampered. Her words not mine. I am not sure a male could even enjoy being pampered. We made it out the door, not many words being exchanged this morning. The trip to the salon, also in an eerie silence. When she pulled up in front of the salon, she turned to face me. “Please relax and try to enjoy this. If you keep an open mind, I think that a part of you will come forward, something you have worked hard to keep captive inside you. Lots of people have got glimpses of this being, but only glimpses, maybe just for a while, let this person be out front, and do the things that you have forced back to the deepest recesses of your mind. Just for today, please Taylor, be the real you. Then tonight, we can talk about it, maybe change a few things.

I didn’t say anything, although I did nod assent to her pleas. I got out of the car and walked slowly to the front door of the salon, then entered. The imposing female that greeted me, somehow cleared my mind immediately. I had to think real hard to even remember my name. Eventually, I told her I had an appointment this morning for a makeover. I never did get out my name. I am taken to a room in the back of the busy salon, then shown to a sofa. I sat down, trying to relax a little, but in actuality, I was scared stiff. She sat right next to me, but from where I had sat, there was no place for me to move to allow some more space between us.

“Taylor you look nervous. I am going to tell you all that will transpire today, nothing that will be permanent, but I am sure there are a few things that will shake you up. Every once in a while, the human body needs a little change, forcing the mind to adapt to things differently. Hopefully this will happen to you today.

She started explaining. “First they will remove all of your body hair, then some lotion to help keep your body smooth and hair free. Then, a manicure with long elegant nails, of course some nail polish to make them pretty. A complimentary pedicure to make the feet pretty and comfortable. Then an ear piercing, so that you can wear some pretty dangle earrings.

“Next is some extensions for your hair, your hair is long enough to be styled in a feminine manner, but we are trying to get you from masculine to drop dead gorgeous, so the extensions are necessary. A female hairstyle cut into your locks, then a wet set to give it that curly bounce. Sometime spent under a dryer, you know we females must suffer some to look beautiful. Then, on to makeup after they have shaped you eyebrows. While they are doing your makeup, they will instruct you in its proper application and to the basics of skin care.

“Once that is all done, they will comb out your new hairstyle and take a few moments to shape your body appropriately for your new female image. The main thing will be some breasts to help your image, then a corset to trim your waist. The breasts will be glued on, you wouldn’t want to take a chance of losing one if you bent over and one slipped out.” She let a little giggle and continued, “Then dressing from the skin out, undergarments and a frock appropriate for your evening. A pair of heels, and a few moments in instruction, so you can walk properly.

“Then the big unveil, and your date for the evening, Dani will come by and pick you up. Now, I know this sounds worse than it is, so please, just relax and let things happen. I will bet you a hundred dollars, that by this evening you will be hardly touching the ground you are walking on, the feeling of being a female, lifting your spirits. At the unveil, have your wallet ready, I expect to win this bet.”

I never regained consciousness for most of the morning. I sat where they wanted me, laid down for the hair removal, moved from chair to chair, as I was transformed from my male image to something else. I caught glimpses of myself from time to time, shocked by my new appearance. By the time my hair had been removed, and some of the hair extensions added, Taylor the male, had disappeared. I never had tried to portray a female, even at Halloween, I was always a superhero, a male one. As I youngster, I never dressed in my Mom’s clothes, I loved what a female looks like dressed to the hilt, but always from a male’s perspective and viewpoint.

Now in only a few hours, I had been thrust into the female ranks, my male self-asuredness being battered heavily. Half way through, they got me a salad to nibble on while they worked on my toenails. At no time was I afraid, scared yes, but I managed to sit calmly through the different treatments, my male appearance slipping away with each procedure. I could think of no logical reason why I was allowing this to happen to me. Thirty-eight years as a member of the masculine gender, being wiped out dramatically in a few hours.

Around two in the afternoon, I noticed a difference in how I felt. I relaxed as they shaped my eyebrows, did my makeup, and then pierced my ears. The procedures didn’t seem foreign any more, I knew they were essential for my new look, a look that I was now anxious to embrace.

I couldn’t figure it out, other than some chit-chat, no one talked to me, no words of inspiration were given me, and no one made a fuss over me. To all concerned, I was just another female getting prettied up for a date or evening out. Since that kind of thinking was giving me a headache, I decided to stop it. I hoped Dani would be able to enlighten me some, I am lost in my thoughts, nothing making sense anymore.

When they got around to my body shaping, I paid a lot more attention to what they are doing. The corset was not what I had expected for my first attempt at shaping my body. I couldn’t get over how gorgeous it was, if only it wasn’t going on my body. All lacy, a creamy color, but gripped my body like a vise. It took them over thirty minutes to lace it closed, my fat resisting being moved to a more female type of configuration. There was a panel at the top of the corset that when undone, left access to my breasts if I had any.

When the quivering masses were laid on my chest, I knew that would be soon corrected. Both my chest and the back of the breast form were coated in an adhesive, then let air dry. The two were positioned on my chest and then pressed down hard. When she released the form, they were stuck securely to my body. The panel on the corset was secured again to the corset, the new appendages supported by the underwires of the panel. They were just sitting in the supported area, not really held by any other means.

I could see problems with their movements, and being able to keep them from popping out of my clothes. I was led to another room, the short walk making my titties bounce all around. The fact that I am moving differently because of the corset, not helping matters any. As I entered the room, I am looking at a gorgeous dress hanging in its protective cover on a rack. “Oh my Gawd, am I going to being wearing that?”

I could feel the blood rushing to my head, the bouncing of my breasts, and the different way I am moving because of the corset, was affecting me greatly. I found a seat and parked my body, not that easy to do since I could hardly bend at the waist. I tried to take deep breaths, never letting my eyes leave the dress. Finally, I stood, the thought of me in that dress taking over completely, I had to see what I would look like in this particular epitome of female clothing.

In the back of my mind, a voice was trying to get through, you are a male and males do not wear dresses. Needless to say, the dress was pulled up onto my body, the zipper made it snug from my breasts to my knees. The voice was never heard from again that evening. I was helped into some heels, a dainty pair that looked much higher than I would be able to handle. After the straps were fastened, I made a few tentative steps, watching in the mirror my image as I walked towards it. I shortened my steps, walking in a straight line like they suggested, the feeling of exhilaration sweeping through my body.

I loved this, the look, the clothes and the image reflecting back to me from any mirror! I walked around the salon, looking at what things were being done to others, but very content at what I had been able to experience myself. As I came back up to the front of the salon, Dani is standing there in a similar dress, looking awesome. I approached her, leaned in a little and gave her a cheek kiss, then backed off and let out a girly squeal. She broke out laughing, grabbed my hand, then led me to a waiting limo. I was almost bouncing as I walked to the limo, my breasts mimicking my bounce. The driver held my hand as I slipped into the limo, then helped Dani to follow suit. One of the technicians came running out to the limo, handing me my purse. I blushed red, then quickly took the offered item.

All of this is so unlike me. I never got excited about clothes, especially dresses, unless they were coming off of a well-built lady. The fact that I squealed, showed the extent of my change, from a male to a bubbly female, thrilled with her body and her looks. The limo took us to a restaurant on the other side of town, where we were met by two of our senior executives. We each were led to a corner table partially separated from the rest of the dining room.

The talk is cordial, never was my gender mentioned, we talked a little about the business and how Dani’s program is being integrated into the company. They had a small dance floor, so we each had a short dance with our escorts. The food was great and the service was exceptional. When the check came, Dani signed using her corporate credit card.

Our escorts excused themselves, and we made our way to the limo, then back to the house. I had lots of questions, Dani waited until I had asked them all, before responding to any of them.

The computer suggested a date like situation, so that you might feel what is like to be a female with a male. The two executives I selected to accompany us, have difficulty with different lifestyles, so the date might expose them to some other things that happen daily. They had a good time with two females, one of which has been living as a male for quite a long time. They enjoyed a meal with two lovely ladies and didn’t contract anything or suddenly turn gay. Later, they will work with these ladies in a business situation, now assured that their interaction will be cordial and totally business like.

The real plus tonight is the female Taylor that was unleashed on the world. I doubt she will ever return to her former life, this one much more exciting and appropriate. I got a huge hug as we retired for the evening, though I doubted I would sleep much this evening. After my clothes were slid off my body, I debated getting out of the corset, one look in the mirror and I left it on, what little discomfort it might provide more than made up by the feminine image my body was presently displaying.

I was up early, had fed Abbey and was in the process of fixing breakfast for Dani and I. My makeup was almost done, just some lipstick needed to finish it off. I had picked out one of the outfits they had sent home with me from the salon, a sweater dress that molded to my body. I did the best that I could with my hair, but knew I would need some professional help to look decent. I had already called the salon and arranged an early morning repair job, something that could be handled on the way into work.

We ate the meager things that I had managed to prepare then got ready to head to work. When I told Dani that I had an early morning salon appointment to get my hair looking decent she just giggled. One day and you are already totally immersed in the female you. Remember yesterday when you were fighting this tooth and nail, now all of a sudden it is full steam ahead.

I got my hair worked on, feeling much better at my appearance as we entered the office. I made the rounds like I usually do, checking in with some of the employees I had worked with recently concerning a problem. Especially with the female employees I am greeted with enthusiasm, most pleased with my new appearance, although I noticed a few holding off in their reaction to me. One employee that held back, told me she was jealous, when I confronted her on the subject. You look better than I do and you are a male. I gave her a hug, and whispered in her ear, maybe I am a male underneath all of this but I appreciate beauty in all forms and you have nothing to be ashamed of. Now put a smile on that face and lets figure out how we are going to get you looking as good as me.

I ended up making her an appointment at the salon, paying for it with my own money. Dani had been watching me from a distance so I am sure she had figured out what I was doing. Nothing was said to me though. Dani and I got called into the CEO’s office right before quitting time. Not an unusual occurrence but I wondered why Dani had been asked to accompany me. I was handed an email that would be circulated early the next morning and told to read it. I was totally at a loss for words, the email making me COO of the company. I told her I could not accept the promotion, I am fine and happy where I am and want it to stay that way. Dani leaned closer and told me you will accept the promotion, since it is from the owner of the company in Europe. I looked at her she smiled and asked if I had ever checked her out when she first arrived. To put it more bluntly, the owner of the company is D. Sharp, does that ring a bell with you.

Oh gawd, the owner of the company had been staying in my home, relegated to helping fix meals and clean the house. Dani stepped forward telling me to tell the CEO I accept. I looked at her, that smile again and nodded my head in acceptance. Dani hugged Bev the CEO and dragged me from the office, out of the building and to my car. I was placed in the passenger seat, then she drove us home.

Upon arriving I was led to my bedroom, stripped of my clothes and laid back on my bed. She did the same lying next to me with such a smirk on her face. I started to say something but she placed a finger on my lips and told me to zip it. “You are so adorable when you try and act like a male telling Bev you will not take the promotion. If you had listened instead of fantasizing about things you were not offered the job, the email said you will be taking over the position. I own the company and what I say goes. The position is not just here in the states, you will be COO of the entire company, in simple terms Bev’s boss. I am the CEO and the only one you will answer too. Now about a matter that has come to my attention.”

A certain employee of the company needs new accommodations, since she is being thrown out of the house she is renting at present. I have arranged adequate housing both here and in Europe. It is pet friendly and comes with maid service and cooks. I was trying to follow her, the pet friendly comment throwing me. She reached for her necklace around her neck and removed a ring that was hanging on it. She grabbed my hand and slid the ring on my finger. I stared at the ring finally the light came on upstairs and I dissolved into a puddle of tears. She pulled me close to her and kissed my eyes and ears making little noises as she did so.

“I have bought this house and am throwing you out as of tomorrow morning. My private jet will be here around noon, so Abbey and you need to be ready to accompany me. Your house here in the states is under construction and will be finished in three to four weeks. In the meantime you will live in your new home in Denmark. The company jet will be at your disposal for any trips you deem necessary. The wedding will be in a month, a bridal gown will have to be custom made for you, then of course the necessary bridal lingerie to complete the outfit. We are honeymooning in Alaska, actually a cruise lasting a month touring the Alaskan coast. Expect to be flat on your back for most of that time.

Now are you going to accept or am I going to have to dole out punishment to convince you? I squeaked what type of punishment? She turned me over and swatted my butt hard, I moaned then raised my butt higher so she would not have to strain to reach it. I received three more swats, then was turned back over and we kissed forever. I was indeed flat on my back for the reminder of the night.

It all started with a surprising reward, and ended with a new female, who is loved and cherished by her soulmate.

© 2016 thru 2024 by Francesca

My head hurt, my eyes felt they were hanging out in the air and my mouth felt like it was stuffed with cotton. I blinked several times, the ...