Monday, July 1, 2024

Marla: Suggestive Female Thoughts

 Marla: Suggestive Female Thoughts

Julie was ecstatic when she got home from classes. Her psychology professor had accepted her proposal for her PhD dissertation paper. Now all Sis had to do was research it and then write the probably three hundred page plus paper, then face a panel of professors to quiz her about it and her research. Sis had just two months ago got her Master’s degree, a proud moment for her and the family.

I was her older brother, separated in age by three years. Our family was not the richest, only able to send one of us through the college system at a time. Julie had worked while I was in college, both for funding her time in college and if I needed any more financial help. Her income came in handy many times, when Mom and Dad weren’t able to keep up with the spiraling costs of higher education. After getting my bachelor’s degree I decided that was enough higher education for me. Now it was my tune to find a job and help her get her college degrees.

It turns out she was much smarter than me, graduating in just two and a half years with her bachelor’s degree. Nine months later she turned in her Master’s thesis and it was accepted immediately. Her professor almost demanded that she get her PhD, since they thought so much of her. I was jealous in a way, where I had to struggle to get my degree, she blows it away in less than seven semesters.

It turns out even with her spending less time in getting her degrees it was all our parents and I could do to cover her expenses. The last semester she worked a part-time job also to help make ends meet. During our college years we both lived at home, even resorted to taking our lunches most of the time to keep expenses reasonable. Our parents insisted that we do everything in our power to get our degrees, so that we would not have to face what they did. Dad never made it above a manufacturing job, Mom a secretary for an insurance agent in town.

The job I had found was alright, but a relatively smart high school graduate could have performed the duties just as well as me. I did progress some, but just like most jobs these days I hit the glass ceiling where any further advancement was impossible. This was about the time of EEOC and companies were looking for minorities or females to meet their quotas. Because if this I constantly was on the lookout for something better, fearing I would be replaced by a female or minority. But any job whether better or the same as I had now never materialized.

Mom and Dad were proud of Julie, in fact they were proud of both of us. But they could tell she was a step above of most people, her accomplishments so far pointing that out. Thankfully the financial drain was winding down some, for her getting her PhD there was not the expense involved as in other years. All involved were very grateful.

Julie talked about her dissertation subject, it pretty much went over our parents heads, I understood some of it, but couldn’t see what she had picked as even being possible. That night we set in her room discussing the subject and her take on it. She has always leaned more toward the behavioral aspect of Psychology, than other approaches. She was certain she could take any individual and through suggestions and recurring reinforcement change them in most any way she desired.

For her Master’s thesis she did that with some lab rats, quite successfully using various foods as rewards when they did as she wanted. In her PhD paper she wanted to see if she could use visual suggestions and rewards to get the same effect. I thought she was heading down the wrong path and I told her so. She told me to think about it, maybe do a little research myself on the subject and tomorrow after she came home from school we could talk some more. I just blew her off, none of her hocus pocus could possibly work, just her wild idea that she was trying to push on others. I forgot about it, watched some TV then headed to bed.

Another horrible day at work, the feds coming in to do some spot checking on employees and get a gender count, something they have done twice recently. The employees think the company is manipulating the figures some to stay out of trouble, and the feds are on to them. I know I was moved twice during the day, to another department, not sure for the reason but I knew I had very little choice in the matter. At the end of the day, I had accomplished very little, now even further behind in my work, whatever that entailed now.

When I got home Julie wanted me to come to her room, she had something she wanted to show me. She closed the door as I entered, turned on some soft music and had me get comfortable in one of her chairs. This particular chair is very comfortable, Julie usually the one to hog it when we were in her room together.

She offered me some blueberries mixed with assorted nuts in a bowl. I took a handful to snack on as she wanted to do a little experiment with me. I was handed a pad and a pen. On the top was a phrase that she had already written across the top of the page. I was to take my time and rewrite that phrase until the page was full, then sign my name on the bottom. I gave her a funny look, are you sure you are still sane, luckily I just thought it and did not vocalize it. But I performed as she wished, it was a simple request. Exactly twenty-six times I wrote the phrase; long blonde hair is quite appealing. That was all the lines available to write on, my signature soon followed.

She placed the sheet in a folder and then we talked some more. The snack she had furnished tasted good, before long I had eaten the whole bowl of blueberries and nuts. The conversation continued, her mentioning about some females that were in the news, even about our local weather girl, who had just signed a big contract to be on a network program. She was a blonde, I always fantasied about her when I watched the late night news and weather. I was showing signs of fatigue, the yawns and me almost falling asleep, telltale signs. The mess at work had taken its toll on me, adding to my weary and tired feeling. I gave her a hug and headed off to bed.

I thought about what she had me do, to me it was a waste of time, me writing something is not going to make me believe it. Sleep soon consumed me, I was up early, planning on getting to work a little early to get caught up some on my duties. I did think about what I wrote last night several times, it just seemed to be there in my mind, but not front and center. Three times I got an email from her, all pictures of attractive females with long blonde hair. I looked at them carefully, but then got back to work. Later after lunch the EEOC returned this time with lawyers and injunctions. More than a few of our supervisors were removed from the building, new people were put in their place and we tried to resume normal operations. Well it was a thought, but chaos resulted, the new people in charge decided to shorten work days and sent everyone home two hours earlier. I had no idea what the reasoning was, I was already nearly a week behind in my work, now this.

I always took a bus to and from work, so I made my way to the stop and boarded. Part way home I decided to visit the mall before heading home. I needed to think about my future, it was not looking bright at the moment, and the likelihood of it getting better was very dismal. I walked around the mall some, even the small satellite center behind the mall. I ran into a beauty salon midway in the center. I suddenly felt an attraction to go there, no reason specifically, just a feeling that they could help. I had to wait in line, several people ahead of me. As I was waiting one of the customers that had some work done came up to check out and pay.

She looked very nice, but when she spoke her voice was similar to mine in tone. I watched as she paid, her clothes and hairstyle looked feminine, although her voice might be otherwise. She left as one of the technicians came up to me wanting to know how she could help. I pointed to the departing customer, and told her hair like that. I was taken by the hand and led back to the back, already my mind was trying to figure out why I had said that. I was male and didn’t want a head of feminine hair, especially that blonde color. The technician explained what she could do for me along the lines I had mentioned. She stood there waiting for an answer from me.

I simply replied long blonde hair, that sounded familiar to me but I could not connect where and when. Since I said no more, she gave me a possibility and I agreed. She would dye my hair a medium blonde, then trim it into a nice style that would be easy to upkeep. For some reason that sounded good, and I missed what that might entail regarding my looks. I laid back in the chair as my hair was washed and conditioned, then the dye was applied. A few thoughts were crisscrossing in my mind, one of the most prominent was long blonde hair is appealing. I wonder where I remembered that from.

Two hours later and a stint under the dryer to dry my curls, she finished my style and applied some hair spray. She turned me to face the mirror and I smiled, a face very similar to the local female broadcaster smiled back, so appealing. I paid up front and resumed my trip home. As I entered the house my Mother was the first to see me, quickly holding her hands over her mouth and running off to get sis. I presume she likes my new look and wants sis to see it to.

When Sis emerged a few minutes later, she was all smiles. She complimented me on my hair, the color and the curls. Mom just stood back and watched what was going on. We all helped finish dinner and I washed and cleared the dishes afterwards. I had a lot of thinking to do so I made my way to my room. I slipped my shoes off, undid my belt and got comfortable. I laid on my bed, staring at the ceiling as if the answers to my problems are written there.

Sis and I did talk some that night, mainly about my job and what was happening there. I gave up and went to bed after the third yawn in less than ten minutes. I brushed my hair a little pinning it in a curly bun like the stylist at the salon had instructed. Then slipped on a t-shirt and climbed under the covers.

The morning came all too soon, I did get a shower in being careful to keep my new hairstyle dry. When I got back to the bedroom some clothes were laid out on my bed. A pants blouse combo similar to what the news anchor wore on TV. Also some underwear to go with the outfit. I hesitated at the underwear, but after trying my boxers with the pants, I removed the pants and the boxers and slipped on the underwear. I did the same with the blouse, not realizing it was a blouse and cut differently to fit better with a female’s breasts. Blouse back off and I struggled to get the bra on, the clasp at the back quite a problem for me. When I slipped the blouse back on it looked and fit a lot better.

I played with my hair like the stylist showed me yesterday, getting it somewhat like it was when I left the salon yesterday. I picked up my keys and wallet looking for a pocket to put them in. Since the pants had none, I saw a small purse on the bed, that matched my clothing, so I put my items in it and headed for the kitchen. Again an astonished look from Mom, a smirk from Sis and with a piece of toast in my hand I hurried out the door to catch my bus. I was still a block away when I saw the bus pull up. I hurried, the shoes I had slipped on that morning a little harder to walk in. To my amazement the bus driver waited for me, I thanked him profusely, while he muttered anything for a pretty lady.

When I got to work, the EEOC were already there, interviewing every employee, my time with them coming up. When my new supervisor introduced me to the group I was referred to as Marla. The name sounded pleasant, much better than my previous name of Mark. I was asked a lot of questions, but only had answers for a few that were asked me. Quite often I lost focus on what was being asked, playing with my hair and thinking of my next time at the salon more important at the time. I just sighed, what did they expect I was a natural blonde.

They finished with my interview and by lunch they were gone. The employee that had introduced me as Marla thanked me profusely for me showing up female. They still were in trouble but my apparent female presence helped to lessen the overall impact of their actions against the company. I was told my personnel records had been changed to reflect my gender change and that I was now a female employee of the company. To reward me for my action I am being promoted to a supervisory position effective tomorrow morning. I was thrilled at the promotion but something deep in my memory still bothered me. I did manage to catch up some on my work, and left the office for the ride home with a small smile on my face. The ride home seemed quicker than usual then I walked the block to our house.

Sis met me at the door wanting to know how things went today. I told her about my promotion and that they finally recognized my worth as a female employee of the company. She swallowed hard, then led me to her room. She sat me down and explained what all she done to me to cause the changes in my mind. She played a video of out first meeting with me writing out the phrase and her numerous mentions of females with blonde hair. The she showed me the emails she had sent me, to finish setting the idea in my head. She had nothing to do with me going into the salon, but she was sure I was acting on her suggestions that she had implanted in my mind. She explained about the blueberries and nuts, how they help imprint things spoken or written on the mind when eaten during the suggestions. She had detailed all of this so she could use it for her Phd dissertation.

She was sorry for trying her experiment on me without my full knowledge, but wanted to see if her ideas might work in the real world. She told me that since things have changed at my work I might have to stay in the role for quite some time. The federal government does not take lightly to being lied to, and since I had been interviewed as a female employee known as Marla if I changed now I would essentially be caught in a lie to them.

I had no idea of what to do, this was all so foreign to me, even though she showed me proof of it happening, I was still dubious of the fact. Total realization never did come to me, I continued on with work now a supervisor with employees to watch over. My salon time was important to me, Friday afternoons after work set aside for me. I stayed a blonde, not sure why but any suggestion of me changing my hair color quickly dismissed.

The situation at work did stabilize, I have been promoted twice now, now head of this division. Sis does keep an eye on me, always interested in what I am doing and how things are at work. I do have an inordinate desire for blueberries and nuts, eating them whenever I can get my hands on them.

Sis did get her PhD, although I was never shown her dissertation paper. I guess she gave up on her crazy theory, finally realizing there was no chance of it working. To this day I have never got the phrase long blonde hair is quite appealing out of my mind, not sure quite why.

© 2016 thru 2024 by Francesca

Catherine: A Princess With Earrings

Catherine: A Princess With Earrings

I had the day off, promising to go with my sister and her daughter to the mall. It was her daughter’s birthday and she had been promised as a gift to get her ears pierced. According to Sis, Haley had been so excited, barely talking of anything else. Greg, her husband, had to use their car today for a business meeting so I was drafted to give them a ride and preserve peace in this part of the free world. Haley came running up to my car as soon as I drove up the driveway, then had to run back and get her Mom moving in my direction.

Laura was smiling as Haley tried everything in her power to get headed in the direction of the mall. I got a huge hug from Haley, thanking me for offering to take her to the mall. She was literally bouncing in the seat as I pulled out into traffic. The closer we got to the mall, though she seemed to quiet down. Laura looked my direction at the last stoplight and mouthed nervous. Now that the mall was getting closer her fear was escalating. When we got out at the mall and started the long walk to the jewelry store Haley was glued to my arm, both arms wrapped around my arm and squeezing it to death.

As we made it to the jewelry store she was now right next to me, still holding my arm in a death grip. Laura told the saleslady that Haley was here to get her ears pierced, and the lady tried to take Haley’s hand to lead her to the piercing chair they had set up in the front of the store. But Haley would not let go of me, so we both ended up next to the chair. I tried to lean down and whisper to Haley that it would only hurt for a couple of minutes and then pointed to all of the beautiful earrings she would now be able to wear.

Well that only made her grab me even tighter. The lady suggested that Haley sit in my lap and she could then pierce her ears and still be able to hug her security blanket. I realized that I indeed was her security blanket, I tried to get Laura to switch places, but Haley wanted nothing to do with that idea. I sat in the chair then rearranged Haley on my lap, both of her arms hanging on to something of mine. The saleslady set out her equipment and loaded the gun with Laura’s choice of earrings for Haley. Then Haley turned toward me and started crying, she was pressed as close as she could get to my chest, with her hands around my neck.

I didn’t want this to go on all day, so I mouthed help to Laura. Laura smirked and leaned closer suggesting that I get my ears pierced, to show Haley what it is all about. My jaw dropped, at first, but maybe it would work and we could move on. I nodded and Laura went off in search of the perfect set of earrings for me. Sis has always been a little devious in our dealings with each other, nothing serious but usually resulting in me getting the short end of the stick eventually.

Her biggest deception was when she asked me to be her Maid of Honor when she got married. Of course, I immediately balked at the idea, but she has a way of wearing you down, so for her wedding I was indeed her Maid of Honor. I was spared the ordeal of wearing a dress, but a pink tuxedo would come close to being just as humiliating as a dress. She did talk me into wearing silky undergarments, ladies shoes and a little makeup though. I received several compliments on my appearance and had to dance with several gentlemen that day at the reception. Other than that the fallout was minimal, although way too many pictures were now showing up among friends and family highlighting my appearance that day. I am sure most of them would end up in scrapbooks someday, immortalizing that fateful day.

She returned from her quest for my earrings, holding the pair in her hand so I could not see what she had picked. I closed my eyes, and got Haley to sit up so the saleslady could get to my ear lobes easier. A second gun was loaded with my earrings and after marking where they would go the saleslady held the gun up to my ear and pulled the trigger. I felt it, but other than a male now having earrings it was a not a big deal. The clasps were added to the back of the earring securing them in place. Then the other ear and I was now sporting earrings in both ears.

Haley had watched me getting pierced and soon straightened up so she could get her ears pierced. She did not loosen her hold on my body though, my poor arm will never be the same. Two clicks and soon the ordeal of getting her ears pierced was over. Haley had a huge smile on her face as the lady held up a mirror so Haley could see her new earrings. Then I felt the saleslady add something to my earrings, wondering what she had added. I glanced in the mirror, then gave Laura a scathing stare.

The usual stud that was used to pierce ears was there, but from a small ring at the bottom of the stud was a dangle, hooked to that ring and swaying to and fro against my neck. The dangle had small diamonds along loops of silver wire, mixed with amethyst stones, my birth stone.

Laura had paid for the ear piercing and the earrings, and she led us away farther down the mall. One of the anchor stores had a huge beauty salon, and that is where we ended up at. Laura told their receptionist that Haley was here for her appointment. I remembered now Laura mentioning that Haley’s birthday party was to be at the place where I worked later that evening.

I worked at a party store, where we specialized in doing elaborate birthday parties. I think Laura mentioned that Haley had selected a Princess party, one of our most popular. I was glad I was off today, Although I usually handled the male birthday parties, I was sure I would be roped into helping with Haley’s. The lady came up front to get Haley, but again she wouldn’t let go of me. One more sigh and I was seated in a chair next to Haley as she had her hair washed and conditioned. She never did let go of me entirely, at least one hand grabbing on to something of mine.

Laura was watching what was going on, that stupid smirk of hers evident now. Sure enough another tech came up, leaned my chair back and started washing my hair. The sighs kept coming, but both Haley’s and my hair were worked on by the techs. When they started putting curlers in Haley’s hair I felt the same being done to mine. I looked for Laura, she just smiled and mouthed go along with it. So after the curlers were all put in our hair, we were moved to a couple of dryers right next to each other. As the warm air dried our hair the same techs started working on our nails. I didn’t even look for Laura, I am sure she is having a ball at my expense, but at least Haley seems to be happy.

Yes, I ended up with long tapered nails painted in Princess Pink nail polish. My hair was removed from the curlers, then styled into an updo, something a princess might wear to a party. Haley and I were now a perfect match, only my male clothes spoiling the effect.

That was also soon handled as two fancy ball gowns were brought out and placed side by side. Haley only had to step into hers after slipping out of her dress. The buttons at the back of the dress were done up. A cute pair of kitten heels were added to her feet then some makeup, mainly for her eyes and lips. Meanwhile I was stripped out of my male clothes, then what little body hair I had managed to grow over my twenty-six years on this planet were creamed off. Breasts glued to my chest, then panties, a bra and slip were added before my dress was stepped into. Of course heels were needed, a princess can’t be seen wearing flats. I had no idea why I went along with everything, I guess in for a penny, in for a pound seemed somewhat relevant now.

Of course, Laura showed up at this time, her smirk now ear to ear. As she led us back to her car, she told me I could help at the party tonight. I had no wish to appear at work dressed like a princess, but since Laura was now driving I guess it is my apparent fate. When we got to the party store, I saw nothing but lots of princesses, all attired like Haley and me.

I noticed a careful scrutiny was given me from Ginny, my store manager, then a huge smile appeared on her face. This was not good for me, Ginny although quite a good boss, was all company orientated. If it benefited the company she endorsed it wholeheartedly.

I did help with setting up the party, as Laura and some of the other mothers tried to handle the mass of Princesses. Ginny appeared, walking up to me and fastened a name badge on my dress. It stated Resident Princess Catherine with a picture of me in the corner of the badge. I blushed but there was too many princesses around to argue with Ginny. If I had known that would be my only job from that day on I might have handled things differently.

It was a great success, every one in attendance seemed happy and pleased with the party. Three hours later the party wound down, the young girls playing with some of the gifts Haley received for her birthday while a few of us tried to tidy up the mayhem that was evident in the party room.

As we made our way to the door, Ginny caught me and told to come in tomorrow dressed in the same outfit, another Princess party scheduled for tomorrow. I tried to decline but had a feeling that the changes to my nails, hair and body would prevent a male presentation. For one thing the false breasts that had been shoved into the bra before I donned the Princess dress seemed attached to me now, a finger of mine trying to move it on my chest having no luck in doing so.

As we walked out to Laura’s car, Haley thanked me for making her day special, wanting to know if she could call me Aunt Jean since I made such a pretty female. Then she got closer to me, asking that I might forgive her for tricking me into getting my ears pierced, she was never nervous, but Laura wanted her to fake being nervous so I would get my ears pierced too. Another look in the direction of Laura, that same smirk even now more evident.

I had been manipulated by the best, but then I did have fun at Haley’s party this afternoon, something I seldom experienced at work these days. I never did get out of the Princess dresses, now I am the official reigning Princess of the party store, the most requested type of party we offer. Laura had fun throwing out all of my male clothes, although the type of dresses she replaces them with are so feminine. I even have went on a date with a fellow co-worker, he knows of my true gender but sees me only as a happy Princess.

I eventually replaced Ginny as store manager, she being promoted to district supervisor. We are currently the number one party store in the chain averaging three parties a day every day of the week. At thirty years of age I am also the youngest store manager in the chain. I never looked back, fate or karma, it doesn’t make any difference the reason. I am happy and it all started with getting my ears pierced. Just think wearing earrings and being a princess, what more could a gurl want.

© 2016 thru 2024 by Francesca

Sunday, June 30, 2024

Callista; Captive In A Harem

 Callista; Captive In A Harem

I was an assistant producer for a TV station, in Phoenix, Az. Deedra, my producer, and I were discussing a bit of information we had just learned about. It was still in the rumor stage, but if true might require us to delve into this mystery, since anything remotely connected to this would make for a great story locally, maybe even nationally.

A few miles out of town we have a resort that caters to rich and influential females. It has been around for years, is widely known about, at least, from its customers. No one has actually got inside to report on their treatments, or what is offered to their customers. The fees are outrageous, the only way to be able to obtain an appointment is by referral from a current customer. If a regular member of the female sex called and asked for an appointment, they would be turned down. Exclusivity to the hilt.

The resort is on two hundred acres of land, nestled in between some low hills about eighty miles north of the city. The acreage is fenced and regularly patrolled. The surrounding area is cactus and mesquite, with a few dry washes meandering through the property and a proportional amount of rattlesnakes. Except for a path directly alongside the fence it is undisturbed, just like it was before it was bought.

The resort is not the story, the fact that a sheikh supposedly bought the whole resort recently and ceased its operation as a beauty spa that is the story. Of course, rumors were numerous at times like these, but one figure quoted the sale price was one hundred seventy million dollars. We immediately started wondering why a sheik wanted a beauty spa in the middle of the Arizona desert, surely with that kind of money he could build one in his own country and still have money left over. We tried to contact some of the employees, but finding them was almost impossible now. Most of the ones we knew about had moved, to destinations unknown. As we checked the list we had obtained earlier when we were contemplating a story on the spa, most of the sudden relocating had happened in the last couple of weeks. It was like they just disappeared into thin air.

Every approach to find something about this purchase and his intended use of the spa turned up empty. Deedra hired a couple of private investigators to follow any lead they might turn up, hoping for some info to let us deduce what they might be doing. The one PI found out that every Wednesday a private jet arrived at Sky Harbor airport, pulling over to a secluded hanger to unload. A limo left soon thereafter from there and headed straight to the resort. The resort itself was nestled among a bunch of palm trees, probably planted when the resort was first built some thirty years ago. That little oasis of palm trees was right in the middle of the desert acreage. Consequently it was almost impossible to see who got out of the limo at the resort from their vantage point in the nearby hills.

The next Monday the same limo left the resort and headed back to the airport. Their passengers boarded the private jet and the jet took off. Through FAA records we did learn the jet belonged to the sheik, a three hundred million dollar custom built jet that could fly non-stop back to his country in the Arabian desert. No cars seemed to enter and leave the resort any more, there was a truck that off loaded items from the jet and transported them to the resort once a week but that was it. A real mystery for sure.

Our PI’s stayed vigilant, one of them catching another vehicle leaving the private hanger at the airport a couple of hours after the limo left. They stayed at a luxury hotel in town and visited some nightclubs over the next few evenings. Then the day the jet was due to fly back they returned to the private hanger. They seemed to dress as normal tourists, attending the clubs and watching what was going on. They drank very little, usually wine with a plate of appetizers to nibble on.

When we checked into who owned the private hanger we weren’t surprised to find out it was another of the sheikh’s holdings in this country. Everything he owned was listed under a corporate entity, the list of properties and companies many and varied when we checked out his many corporate holding companies.

This went on for several months, with no more information than what we have discerned after the first week. The PI’s were getting expensive and since they were not turning up anything new we ceased using them. Both Deedra and I knew there was a story here, but the brick wall was getting harder as we constantly ran up against it.

At least once a week I would visit the clubs they had visited hoping to catch them there, and observe what they were doing. I often talked to the bartenders, usually a good source of information about what is going on in the club. At one club I overheard a conversation about a regular customer that had disappeared about three weeks ago, his friends not hearing from him again. The bartender told me he was a transsexual, a frequent visitor, several of his fellow trans friends meeting here every Friday evening. That corresponded to the amateur drag show that the club put on the same evening. He/she was a regular not missing any Friday night for almost a year.

I decided to see if any of the other clubs were gay friendly or held a drag show some time during the month. There were three others, all on the list that the couple visited regularly. I concentrated on those clubs and finally after four weeks I caught the couple at one of the clubs. They did nothing overt, watched the coming and goings drinking some wine and nibbling on a snack. The female part of the couple made notes on her smart phone, the ones she seemed to keep an eye on were definitely cross dressers or transsexuals. They did make a phone call or two during the evening, but the calls were brief and to the point since few words were said from this end of the conversation. But other than making a notation on her phone nothing was done, when the gals they were watching left, they didn’t follow them or try to talk to their friends. When the club closed at two in the morning they finally left, got into their car and drove away. I shook my head, there has to be some more to this, otherwise why spend the time observing these individuals.

But if they were responsible for the missing people what were they doing with them and why. I filled Deedra in on what I had observed, but she didn’t have any ideas to add to the ever expanding puzzle. Another month went by with nothing new turning up. I was still visiting the nightclubs but had not run across the couple again. I did hear of another missing transsexual, one that I had seen at one of the clubs quite regularly.

After I had shared that information with Deedra, she asked if I was still interested in pursuing this. I could see great rewards if we could crack this story, the money and fame from exposing this nationwide meant a secure future for me. Deedra would share in this, but she insisted that I was the one to pursue this, and then when we go public, I would be the upfront spokesperson on air and in any interviews, a definite plus for me if I could solve the mystery.

We talked for days on how to get inside what was going on, Deedra several times suggesting that I dress and act like a transsexual and spend time at the clubs we knew the couple frequented. I tried to evade making a decision on this, that particular approach making me very uneasy. According to Deedra I would be passable if not downright pretty after my transformation. That statement alone making me quite nervous. When another of the transsexuals went missing a few days later I decided to bite the bullet and switch genders. I could smell success if I pursued this, something that has evaded me ever since I graduated university. The lack of common sense pervaded, and I walked into this situation with both eyes closed.

Deedra arranged for my transformation, a local salon specializing in this type of thing. In fact they were part of a national chain doing this exact type of thing for any males interested in the feminine life. As I parked outside of the salon she had sent me to, I had second and third thoughts about doing this. The salon was huge and from the look inside through their front windows they were packed. I swallowed hard several times before I found the nerve to enter. I told them my name and was escorted to a room near the far side of the salon. On the table were some permission slips I had to sign, the lady did explain them to me, but I was more concerned with what was likely to come then listening to her explanations. It turned out I had no idea of the procedures to be performed or the end result. I signed on the dotted line and shed my clothes as requested.

The next four hours were a blur, I do remember being relieved of my body hair and a set of breast forms glued to my chest. I don’t remember my penis being glued out of the way and a silicone vagina glued over it. Then when I realized what had happened I missed my hair being dyed blonde and set in curlers. The blonde color now indicative of my brain activity or lack thereof.

Like most young college students I had let my hair grow to the point that it was touching my shoulders. Getting the job at the TV station was not a reason to get it cut, in reality the job of assistant producer was just a glorified gofer. I got lunch for quite a few of the stations higher ups, then maybe once a week got to rewrite some copy for the late evening news anchors. Oh I did get to go with Deedra when she was researching a story, but when it came time to write up the story I was left out of the picture. Maybe if I can pull this off things will be different, a chance to step up a notch.

Now that my image was feminine, they taught me how to do my makeup and a few deportment lessons. Those were accomplished in four inch heels, after two more hours of lessons I was outfitted with a sizable feminine wardrobe and then back to the styling chair so my hair could be brushed out. Once that was done there was no male left in the image reflecting back from the mirror in front of me.

I felt different, so many new sensations and feelings coming from parts of my body. It was awkward to get up from the chair, the breasts on my chest swaying slightly in their bra and my feet perched in the high heels trying to find some stability in a position I could hold for a minute or two. I did finally manage to find my bearings and started to the front check out desk.

To my surprise Deedra was waiting with a huge smile on her face. I got a hug, an action I had seen her do with other females at work, it felt good, a little reassurance for my frazzled nerves. She signed the bill and I was led to her car. I mentioned that I had driven, she ignored that statement and opened the passenger door for me. She asked for my car keys, then handed them to an employee of the station and told him to take the car to the stations parking lot. I knew of him but had not seen him standing there behind Deedra.

I was lectured about being out alone as a female, especially visiting the type of clubs I was doing. So I would now be staying at her house and someone would be dropping me off at the club I chose for the evening. Then when I called I would be picked up and delivered back to her house. I was given a top of the line cell phone, that could do everything but print money. I knew it was costing the station a fortune, but I did feel a little better having it with me.

Over the next few days I got used to having breasts and no penis. I still missed my long time friend, but was way too embarrassed to play with my new equipment one on one. Having two quivering mounds on my chest that had a mind of their own was still being dealt with daily. On many occasions I felt very vulnerable, being a female is nothing like a man. I found myself being more docile, submissive if you want, especially around males. I still had the same ideas and intentions, but was very reluctant to voice them. Especially at the clubs when a well built male made a pass at me, I suddenly became reclusive, hoping that he would move on to someone else. Tongue tied, nervous and stuttering was usually the end result of his attempt to chat me up. In most cases he did move on, much to my delight.

The other t-girls took me in giving me pointers and coached me in proper feminine behavior. Like others before me we became friends, hugging each other when arriving at the club, then spending time telling each other of what had happened since our last gathering. Of course we talked about clothes, or a new lipstick or what transpired at their place of employment. I immediately became aware of how lucky I was to be working for the station, since some of their experiences I wouldn’t wish on my worse enemy.

My work at the TV station didn’t really change, Deedra and I got closer some how, but as soon as it involved others I was ignored, probably worse since I now looked and acted female. I did have to cater to others more, when getting lunch for Deedra I was often asked to get someone else something while I was there. My male name quickly changed into Callista, a definite separation from the former person known as Ross. After the first day dressed as a female I never heard the name Ross again. Kind of sad in a way, that Ross never made an impression as a male, one day and he is totally forgotten.

I think Deedra got a little carried away when she changed my HR files to Callista, a new ID was issued, and I was now an official employee of Walker Communications. A few days later a new social security card arrived, pretty much ending the life of Ross. I fretted over all of the changes for a day or two, but they were already done, so I quickly forgot about them figuring when I changed back to Ross I would sort them out then.

Work and visiting the clubs became a habit, in fact about the only things I did anymore. A few girls from work invited me to lunch when I wasn’t being a gofer, even a shopping trip to the mall every once in a while. I was included as a female, but maybe not as a friend. I think the fact that I used to be a male still was there in the background, affecting how they saw me as a person, although it was never actually mentioned.

Visiting the clubs became just a normal thing for me, I had almost forgot the real purpose in me donning female attire and portraying a T-girl. Then one Friday at the original club I came out as a T-girl, I saw them sitting across the room from me. Now the reality of this situation I found myself in came back to me in spades, my hands were wet with perspiration and I was having a hard time swallowing. I downed the last of my wine in one gulp and headed to the ladies room. I did my thing, but spent extra time fixing my makeup. It didn’t need fixing but I was so nervous. When I had first spotted them she was staring at me, then she would write on her phone then back to watching me. I decided to call it a night, way earlier than I normally did, but all of this was weighing heavy on me. Let’s face it I was scared to death.

I grabbed my phone and tried to call Deedra, her line was busy. I tried again fifteen minutes later same result still busy so I called Uber for a ride home. I waited a few minutes then headed outside to wait for my ride. This club had a bouncer so I hugged him and walked to the Uber vehicle I saw pulling up. The driver got the door for me, I entered and gave him Deedra’s address. He pulled away and I was soon lost in thought. I didn’t notice where we ended up at, but as I exited the car I paused a moment to see we were not at Deedra’s. I felt a sharp prick in my arm and I melted into the driver’s arms.

I woke several times, heard voices but any attempts at opening my eyes were met with a fuzzy image and a pounding head. I tried to focus on anything to keep me awake, but did not succeed as I drifted off again. I felt myself being lifted and then hauled on someone’s shoulder toward a plane the noise of the jet engines drowning out any attempt at rational thought. Well that and my still pounding head. I knew I was bound at my hands and feet, not able to do anything but wiggle my body. Whoever was carrying me swatted my butt real hard and that was it for me trying to escape. I closed my eyes to help with the pounding head and soon drifted off again.

I did feel another prick in my arm, at least I think I did then some movement of what I was lying on and the noise of the jet engines as we took off. I knew this was not good, but further thoughts just seemed to fade away as the latest drug entered my blood stream.

When I next was aware of being somewhat conscious I was in a huge room with lots of pretty girls all dressed in silks and scarves. I found myself on a stack of soft pillows. still bound hands and feet. It took my mind a little while to put all of this together to realize I was in a harem, the sheik’s harem, at least, that is the thought that seemed to be the most logical. I struggled trying to get loose, not wanting to be here, especially dressed as I was. I could wiggle around a little, but that was it for movement. I gave up, coming to the realization I was stuck until someone released me, something I doubted would happen any time soon.

Once the other girls saw I was awake they summoned this fairly large male, even though his features were soft and slightly feminine. He picked me up like I was a loaf of bread and took me into a side room of the harem. There I was deposited on a table and he secured my hands over my head to a ring at the top of the table. He removed my clothes gingerly, placing them in a garbage container near the door. I started to say something, but he leaned in closer and put his hand over my mouth. In a very feminine voice he told me to keep quiet, there is no talking allowed in the harem, if I persisted I would be gagged or my vocal chords cut stopping speech forever. That did the trick, I stayed quiet. After all of my clothes had been removed two females entered the room, dressed much differently that the rest of the girls.

They introduced themselves and started examining my body. They are called ustas and look after the members of the harem, both the sultan’s wifes and his concubines. I was reminded to stay quiet, no talking is allowed by any member of the harem. If caught doing so the punishment will be swift and permanent. I just laid there letting them examine my body, no choice really I was trussed up still and secured to the ends of the table. My false breasts were removed along with my fake vagina. My member was examined closely, stretched and pulled to check for its elasticity.

A horrible thought crept into my mind, almost causing me to cry out. I remembered a couple of the T-girls saying their doctor did the same these ladies were doing to see if there was enough elasticity to form a properly sized vagina. I did remember to keep quiet, a small smile when one of the ustas saw me catching myself with my mouth open wide but no words forthcoming. They were a couple of tears though sliding down my cheek at the time.

When they had finished their examination of me some of the other girls came in and started adding things to my body. A collar was fastened around my neck, the height of the collar and its stiffness keeping my neck rigid, I could no longer turn my head or look down. My feet were put in boots that laced all the way to my thighs. The material they were made from was apparently leather, supple but when the laces were cinched my foot was held in pointe and I could no longer bend my knees. The ties that held my feet together had been removed, but I imagined this was a far more effective restraint then having my feet tied together.

Then they worked on my hands, by fastening a tube around each finger from my palm to just shy of the nail. The tube had a hinge so that it would open allowing the finger to be inserted into the tube. Once clicked closed I could no longer move my finger to do anything. Now no need for my hands to be tied together, although I had free arm movement I was unable to perform even the simplest function.

Two of the girls came closer giggling away, it sounded like a typical female giggle but yet different. My penis was pulled up and one of the gals held an ice pack around it, causing me to twist and turn but to no avail. I opened my mouth several times to protest but remembered the threat, not letting any words escape my mouth. After my penis went numb, they fitted something around it that was tight, causing them to pull and tug to get my penis inside it. They used a little lube to help the situation, then I heard a click, whatever they had placed it in was tight and secure now.

My feet were raised above the table, then clicked to two rings hanging there. That left my butt exposed, the reason for me to be secured that way. One of the girls applied lube to her fingers and inserted first one then two methodically into my anus. I twisted and turned again but with my feet up in the air like this nothing helped. I felt an object being inserted into my anus a little at a time, wiggled then withdrawn,. Then again until it popped inside causing me to take in an inordinate amount of air all at once. I felt stuffed but eventually the feeling succumbed some. It felt like my ass went numb, not feeling anything from back there any more.

While I was worrying about what got put inside me, the huge guy approached just out of my vision and pried my mouth open, inserting some type of apparatus into my mouth. One of the harem girls used a pair of forceps to grab my tongue and pull it into the apparatus. I heard a click and my tongue was trapped. My mouth could still open but my tongue was useless. Before I could come to terms with my apparent gag, I felt the mechanism around my penis being pulled back between my legs. My feet were still attached to the rings above my head so there was no way I could prevent the action. Another damn click and it was apparently secured to the intruder in my butt.

That was all I could stand, I started sobbing and waving my arms around in frustration. My feet were let down, and I was helped off the table. There was a mirror in front of me, my new appearance quite disturbing. I had a smooth front just like a female, the boots made even standing difficult, one of the other girls on each arm to keep me in an upright position. Essentially I was walking on my toes, my foot severally arched and held in that position by the boots.

I was helped back over to my stack of pillows and laid down, the tears still cascading down my cheeks. For all intents I was helpless not able to even walk, no ability to talk and looking like a breast less female. One of the members of the harem laid down next to me and comforted me, I eventually quit crying, my pillow that I had my head on still wet from my tears. With the collar on I could hardly move my head, so I just laid there, the female comforting me rubbing my back to get me to relax as I eventually slipped into a restless sleep.

I awoke to several of the girls rubbing creams and lotion all over my body. They were heavily scented, some type of flowery scent, a scent a woman would wear when she was after a male. I knew I was trapped in this situation, unless somebody came to rescue me, I would be here until they no longer had any use for me. The worst part, I doubted anyone that might rescue me even knew where I was at. Oh gawd, can’t think that either, so helpless and so screwed.

I did eventually relax some, the massage I was getting making everything seem a little better. As I tried to look around my eyes were fixated on a couple of the girls. Those same girls were the ones that went missing in the last few months stateside. Now it all began to piece together, I wonder if all the girls here are former transsexuals. I realized too late that I had played right into their hands, but since I was not really a transsexual that meant trouble for me.

One of the eunuchs, I think that is what they call them brought in large plates of fruit and vegetables and put them on different low tables around the room. One of the ustas came to me and inserted a device into my mouth and released my tongue. My mouth could function some this way, probably enough to eat some of the food. I was warned, one word and I would be locked in a box and left there for days. I quickly nodded my head in understanding. My girl friend fed me small pieces of fruit, or a small tomato. She like all the others had the metal pieces on their fingers making them stiff, but was able to pick up things somewhat between two fingers. We were given water in a squeeze bottle, the only way to get any moisture in our mouths. Pressure from a thumb and a finger caused a few drops to leave the bottle.

It took forever to eat enough to feel full, but eventually it was accomplished. The usta came back by and captured my tongue again in the gag rendering any speech impossible. I did eventually notice that there was soft music in the background, just barely loud enough to be heard.

My fellow companion stayed next to me, touching me often and always smiling at me. It was an hour or two later when another member of the harem came and assisted her in getting me up on my toes. I was walked over to a device near the edge of the room. My companion showed me what to do as she straddled the device and squatted a little. After she finished peeing she stepped a little farther and a fan came on drying her pussy. I watched as she performed this action right there in front of everybody. We seemed to all be naked except for some members of the harem who had scarves wrapped around their chest and bosom. She looked at me, then pointed to the device. I hesitated but then thought of later if I didn’t do this now, would I pee in my bed of pillows? I teetered forward in the boots, then had to concentrate to manage to release my stored up pee. I didn’t even want to think of shitting and what that would involve. The warm air felt comforting then I realized it was slightly perfumed, making me smell even more like a woman.

Back to the pillows and soon I drifted off, too much happening today and apparently nothing I could do to reverse any of it. I sure hope someone can find me, wherever I am now, but the nagging thought persisted that I am on my own, and most likely this life is my future. Then the brain finally kicked in, dummy that is why you are here now, they seem to be taking transsexuals males and converting them to realistic females as least in looks. I looked like a transsexual male and now I am a member of the sheikh's harem, destined to have my body altered to that more closely resembling a natural born female.

It was not a restful sleep, several times I found myself staring at the ceiling wide awake fretting over what has happened to me and what most likely will come in the near future. The female that had befriended me cuddled me often during the night pulling me close to her, making me feel much better. At least, I felt that I was not totally alone.

Days turned into weeks, soon I lost track of how many days I had been kept here, just existing in my own little corner of the world. My friend in the harem tried to include me in her daily activities but I was so depressed I ended up just sitting there staring at the walls. I could tell you exactly how many pictures were on the walls and if they were landscapes or portraits of people. I did notice that once a month several girls like me were secured and taken away, then returned two weeks later. Their appearance was greatly enhanced, their bodies now nearly perfect in every way. Maybe a trip to the resort back in the states.

Lot of good that information might do me now, unable to use it, but now it was constantly on my mind waiting for my trip to the states and made to look even more like a female. That trip looked to be in my future, no way to avoid the trip and my future as a member of the harem, most likely a permanent member of the harem to be exact.

It wasn’t but a few days later when one of the ustas came and secured my hands to the belt around my waist. The belt had only been added a couple of days ago, probably in preparation for me being secured. I was carried by one of the eunuchs out of the harem to a waiting car. There along with another of the harem, we were fastened in the back seat by the seat belts and the car drove away. I was so scared now, imagining being taken away and surgically made to look female for real. I hadn’t eaten anything today, probably the only reason I didn’t throw up.

When the car pulled next to a jet on a landing strip, I knew it was going to be my time. Released from the back seat and carried on to the jet, then secured in a seat towards the middle of the plane. A few minutes later we took off, my anxiety was now so high I fainted. I did have a few lucid thoughts from time to time, but the entire flight seemed to be just a big blur in my mind. When I next woke I was being carried off the plane, placed in the limo we had seen come and go from the airport and driven away.

When the limo stopped an hour or so later, I was removed from it and upon seeing the palm trees all around me I figured I was at the resort. Several nurses came to help me inside, and I was taken to a hospital type of room right away. All of my restraints were removed including the tubes on my fingers, the gag and later my boots. Then the butt plug was taken out, I suddenly felt empty back there since I had worn it for so long, only having it removed when nature called.

Before I could do much I was helped on to a gurney and wheeled down a long corridor. We entered an operating room, at least it looked like one and the few tears I had been leaking became a torrent. I had my mouth open to plead with them, but never talking back at the harem was so ingrained in me that no words were uttered. As the gurney was positioned under the lights, a mask was placed over my mouth and nose and I soon lost consciousness.

The last thought I had was of the sheikh, my one time meeting with him a few weeks after being inserted into the harem, was pleasant, he was personable and wanted to know all about me. That meeting lasted for hours, although I knew eventually I would have to please him sexually somehow I no longer was dreading it. In fact the longer I was in the harem the less I was worried about my future. Maybe life in a harem would not be that bad, to be taken care of, pampered and waited on is not the worst thing to suffer through.

I woke later, my chest and groin hurting real bad. A nurse upon seeing me awake came to me, checked my vitals and put something into my drip. A few moments later I dozed off. That seemed to be the norm for several days, until one day I was given some jello to eat and was allowed some tea to drink. I was still hurting but if I closed my eyes for awhile it was livable with. I finally figured out the nurses were dilating me twice a day, that causing some of the increase in pain after they had performed the task. When they changed the dressings on my chest, I saw the size of my breasts now, my former friends back at the clubs would be envious if they could see me now.

I did lose track of the days, in and out of consciousness and my mind still quite fuzzy. Probably something they were giving me to keep me this way. I was examined very thoroughly one day, then later helped out of bed and taken to a waiting limo. Back to the plane and a long trip back to the harem. This time I did have a nurse with me to make sure I was alright on the trip.

Carried back into the harem after the trip from the landing strip, I was greeted by all of the other girls with tender hugs and kisses. I was helped to another side room and positioned on a bigger pile of pillows. I had seen the rooms off to the side of the large central area but had never been in one of them. This room had a view of the surrounding gardens, had a small closet and a vanity. The pillows here were twice as large and were much more colorful then the ones I had slept on before. They were so comfy and soft, that within minutes I was fast asleep cuddled in the middle of a pile of them.

It was several weeks later when I was taken to the sheikh’s quarters. We were served a delicious meal, mainly finger food, but oh so good. He talked with me at length, the hesitation on my part to engage in conversation took quite a bit of effort to overcome. He told me that he had looked into my past after I had been abducted, knowing that I was previously Ross and worked at the station. Several of my fellow captives all concurred that I was really a female at heart, just not aware of it. Since I never spoke out about my new life, they presumed that I was happier as my female self, so plans to correct the mistake were carried out. He wanted me to learn about the customs of his country, about harem life and possibly become one of the ustas later in life. I spent the night with him, just being cuddled and held closely. Many kisses were exchanged, some of them quite passionate.

The next morning I was asked if I wanted my freedom, my sudden quietness the answer he was expecting. I got up on my toes, to kiss him and convey my wish to stay with him and be a part of his harem forever. From a captive to a willing participant quite a change, my life now so much better, and so much richer. Maybe not in material things but now I felt loved and cared for, a feeling I had never experienced before. A life awaiting me filled with luxury and love, a life in a harem.

© 2016 thru 2024 by Francesca

Brianna; Sex As a Female

 Brianna; Sex As a Female

Deanna and I have been married for all of three years. At the start, our relationship was primarily the sex we had together. The several dates we had before I asked her to marry me were so hot, most of the time lasting till the early morning hours, that is the sex not particularly the date itself. In fact, seldom was there anything that would signify us being on a real date. No meals out, no dancing, no club scene, just meet up, find a spot to have sex and go at it.

We tried every position we could think of, and changed the locale of the sexual escapade as often as we thought up of a new place to engage in our sexual activities. We did it in a park nearing sunset, in the back of a van, on our porch overlooking the neighborhood, and of course every room in the house. We even indulged in frolicking on the beach, although it was a somewhat rainy day, so there were not many others there.

Eventually Deanna tired of the constant intercourse, now only wanting to do the deed once a week. However I was still gung ho, often thinking of some excuse on my way home from work to encourage her to agree to my wishes. I bought her flowers, candy, lingerie anything to make her feel guilty and wanting to indulge my desires. It worked for awhile then she saw through what I was doing and removed all of my credit cards except one that we used exclusively for the car. After a particularly rough week I almost pleaded with her to humor me, she just smiled and kissed me, then scurried off to bed. I hoped after I took my bath she might change her mind, but when I appeared at bedside, she was dressed in pajamas, her hands, face and legs covered in moisturizing cream.

Recently, I had ended up taking cool baths, hoping to ease some of the yearning my body was expressing with regards to sex. The chilled water obviously not working tonight.

It had been almost two weeks since we last had intercourse and I was getting desperate. I though about masturbating but it did not quiet my desires like sex did. I actually got down on my knees and begged for some relief. She smirked, but did think about it. Apparently she had come up with an idea, thought about it for a minute or two, then told me to be sure and come straight home from work tomorrow and she will take care of my needs. I should have been wary of her, the smile she was sporting was huge and I suspected something devious from her. My erection only heard the part about tomorrow and being taken care of, anything else was simply ignored.

I called her cell phone while at lunch, she was out shopping for me, words that were intermingled with a few giggles. I felt better, now most likely to actually make it till quitting time. I felt sure I would get some relief tonight, the long dry spell a thing of the past.

In my effort to get home quickly, I must have broke every land speed record on the way there, arriving exactly fifteen minutes and thirty two seconds after leaving work. I almost ran to the door, then fumbled with my keys to get it unlocked. I ran up the stairs, hoping Deanna was in our bedroom. As I entered the bedroom the image she presented almost causing me a heart attack. Her hair piled high on her head, makeup sultry and bold and a next to nothing baby doll nightie on her gorgeous body. She was in heels, but my focus was on her female sex. The baby doll nightie had no corresponding panties, her slit naked and seemingly dripping with moisture.

She walked over to me, swaying her butt seductively. I was undressed and then laid on the bed on my back. I didn’t care if I was on bottom or on top as long as I got a chance at the promised land. Junior was hard, very hard and pointing at the sky. She kissed my eyes, causing me to close them and moan in lust. I felt her hands on my arms as she moved them above my head. Then I heard a loud click and found I could not move them back.

I opened my eyes in surprise, we have played a time or two with some bondage games, but not recently. She was moving to my feet, securing them the same way. I was now trapped on the bed, naked as the day I was born, my little fella huge and still pointing skyward. She moved out of my sight for a few moments, then reappeared with a bag in her hands. She pressed the bag against my groin, the chilling cold felt all the way to my bones. She held it there as I tried to move away from her. This was not what I wanted, far from it. I tried to tell her that, but she just wadded up a pair of her panties and when I opened my mouth to protest again they were stuffed inside. I tried to push them out with my tongue, but the piece of tape she had placed over my mouth stopped that from happening.

She then laid a cloth over my eyes, and now I was in darkness, her hands still playing with my little fella. He was cold, and still shriveling, trying his best to avoid the cold sensations that were all around him. I felt he couldn’t get much smaller, the area now numb and the cold still just as bad. I tried to figure out why she was doing this to me, but now my mind was having difficulty processing anything, the cold numbness seeming to spread through my whole body now.

I felt her hands move the cold away from my little fella, but he was still shriveling trying to find a warm spot to be in. I think I felt her hands again, but I wasn’t sure since the whole area seemed numb and frozen. I heard a click, then a tight feeling around my male member. I was trying my best to communicate with her, my mmmph being ignored. Deanna was still moving things around and soon I felt something wet being spread over the area. She held something over the area then pressed against my shriveled organ, and then a warm current of air now flowing over the area. When the warm air quit, I still felt the tightness, but it seemed now further back in my groin. I was trying to figure out what she had done, but my mind was still not functioning properly, if at all.

She leaned in close to my face, telling me to be quiet and she will explain what she has done. The panties, which had filled my mouth were removed but I was left still secured to the bed. The cloth over my eyes was removed and I quickly looked down at my groin to see if I still had a male organ. The area was now flat and centered in the space my penis had been in a few minutes ago was a slit, with two puffy lips surrounding it. I then realized I was now exactly like Deanna down there. As soon as that thought made it to my conscious mind, I fainted. Deanna was laying next to me when I came around kissing me on the face and neck and giggling away. She made sure I stayed conscious, then explained what she had done, all the while her finger was probing my new sex organ.

We are going to trade places for the next month, I am going to be the male in the relationship and you will now be the female. I will be wanting to have sex with you as often as you wanted to have sex with me, but our positions will be reversed. I will show you what you have to do to prepare yourself and you will have to provide the place where I can insert my penis in you. Any complaint of any kind from you and I will add a week to your time as my wife and sex provider. There is no debate on this, you have come to the conclusion that sex is your privilege and that your partner should provide it when you desire it. We will see after a while if you still feel that way.

Before you ask, your penis has been secured in a chastity device and glued back between your legs to stay out of harm’s way. A silicone vagina has been glued over it to give the male what he desires to stick his member in. That male is now me, and as she turned to face me I saw a huge dildo protruding from her formerly flat groin. My mouth opened in awe, then I tried to back away from her, not remembering that I was still flat on my back and secured to the bed. She got closer to me laying by my side, her penis touching my bare leg. I felt like it was burning a hole in me, and I wiggled and struggled trying to put as much distance between the two of us.

She then swung her leg over me and now was holding herself over me, her penis just inches from my new pussy. I was frantically trying to avoid this, but she just leaned down and kissed me, a passionate kiss rivaling any that we have shared in the past. She lowered herself some, her penis touching my slit. With her weight now on me I found I was trapped, not able to move away from her. Then just as suddenly she stopped, stood up and released me from my bonds. I was dragged to the bathroom and sat on the toilet, then handed a bottle of douche and told how to use it to clean my pussy for sex. When it was handed to me I dropped it, but she persisted and soon it was inserted in my new pussy and she squeezed the bottle, my new pussy now bathed in the douche. It felt funny as some of it ran out of my new opening, but she continued with the douche until the bottle was empty.

I don’t think I could be any more embarrassed than I was now, but I soon found it was entirely possible. I was handed another bottle and had to repeat the procedure myself. I was red faced, embarrassed, and definitely not feeling very masculine right now. Once most of the liquid ran out of me she had me wipe and then dragged me back to the bedroom. I tried to resist, fearing what may come next. Sure enough I was laid on the bed and she climbed on top of me, her ever present erection way too close to my now sweet smelling douched pussy. She played with my nipples, just the same way I had played with hers in the past. Erotic kisses on my neck and face, then she lowered herself until her erection pushed up against my pussy lips.

I swallowed hard, but couldn’t get any leverage to avoid her intended action. All the time I was mouthing no, please no sex. She focused on getting her urges taken care of, like I had been in the past. I took a deep breath and she slid her erection deep into my pussy. I could feel her penis rubbing against my trapped male organ deep inside, and the pleasant feelings it was producing. She pumped up and down a few times then I felt something warm and sticky flood my new pussy. Did she just ejaculate in my pussy? Can’t be but the warm sticky liquid oozed out of my new slit some, and ran down my leg. Just like when I spurted in her when having sex.

At that instant I wished I could faint, I tried hard to but my body was not cooperating. With liquid oozing out of my slit, and her male organ still deep in my pussy, I felt so humiliated. The feelings it was creating attacking my poor mind, leaving it in shambles. Then just like I have done to her countless times she lays on me, keeping me from getting up and handling several problems. She kissed me passionately, played with my nipples, then probed my mouth with her tongue. All the time my frustration was mounting, I definitely was not liking where this was going. Instead of trying to see what she was trying to show me, I demanded she get off me and clean me up. I got a giggle, then she did get off me and raced for the bathroom, locking the door behind her. I made it to the bathroom door, dripping all the way. She opened the door for a second and handed me a tampon to use. I couldn’t push open the door, with my one hand over my pussy trying to slow down the dripping. I ran back to the bed, sat on the edge and tried to figure out how to insert the tampon. Eventually I managed, the feeling as it slid in to my pussy was weird, like being fucked by a much smaller penis. I actually felt it swell inside of me, another new experience.

She eventually left the bathroom as I hurried past her. I sat to relieve myself, but had to remove the tampon first. She pushed the door open and looked at me, wanting to see the expression on my face. With way too much enthusiasm she told me to wash the area well, then insert another tampon, to help contain the liquid till my shower in the morning. With a smirk she waltzed back to the bed and laid down, her penis still standing tall. I eventually came to bed walking a little funny and feeling humiliated. Then to make matters even more frustrating she rolled over facing me, her penis rubbing against my leg. Almost exactly like I have done to her many times in the past. I laid in the bed all night, but I really doubted I managed much sleep. I remember closing my eyes often, but the gender role switch never far from my thoughts. I would shudder when I thought of how long this reversal was for, hoping I could talk some sense into her tomorrow.

The next morning I got up out of bed and hurried to the bathroom, a shower was my goal. I looked at the shower stall seeing the handle for the door missing. I tried my best to pry it open but no such luck. I imagine I could fetch a tool from the garage and get it open, but that would require me to go to the garage. Dressed in a baby doll nightie I was not about to venture out of the house. I had no idea when the baby doll nightie was slipped on me, enough things going on last night to cloud any coherent thoughts.

So I turned around to the only other means of getting clean and turned on the water. I stood there trying to figure out how I was going to get the tampon out of me and then wash myself down there in the tub. I managed somehow, but had to drain the tub and refill it after washing my new female sex. I was not sure what was in the cum she deposited in me last night, but it was sure sticky and gooey. Finally clean and not dripping any more I made my way to the bedroom. I opened my closet door and groaned. All of my male clothes were missing, only one outfit to wear, a next to nothing sundress that would leave most of my body exposed. There were other nighties there, but I was still expecting to have to go to work. I turned and called out to Deanna as she appeared in the doorway. She giggled at my naked appearance wanting to know how she could help. I mouthed work, but she just shook her head at me. You are on vacation for a month, your only job is to be there when I want sex, and to provide a clean sweet smelling place for me to stick my penis. Of course, some kisses and a pair of breasts so that I can play before we have sex would be nice.

Speaking of that, I have noticed you are not equipped with the right equipment upstairs, the appointment this morning will take care of that. So either put on the sundress or a nightie and I will drop you off at the salon. I stood there, a dumb look on my face. She approached me, massaged my nipples then started leading me to the front door.

I protested, but she stopped and pointed to my closet. I got the hint and quickly retrieved the sundress. I had to have help in getting it on, then when she closed the zipper behind me I felt trapped. I was again led toward the front door, the only clothing on my body was the stupid sundress. I was given a pair of flip flops for my feet but that was all. I manged to hold on to the door frame for a few moments as she tried to drag me out of the house. Didn’t work as I was led to her car and deposited in the passenger seat.

On to the salon a twenty minute trip with me hyperventilating all the way. She did have to drag me inside, I was sure I didn’t want to have any part of this part of her plan, but dressed as I was there was little I could do to stop her. As we neared the back of the salon I put my brakes on trying to avoid going any further into the salon. She just stepped behind me and unzipped my sundress letting it fall off my arms to the floor.

Well naked or into one of the rooms required no further thought I dashed for the door to the room and hurried in. Several ladies were waiting for me, giggling up a storm as they grabbed my wrists and helped me onto a table specially reserved for me. I was strapped down and they started applying a cream to the front of my body, focusing on my chest. Several different breast forms were held up against my skin to see if the skin color matched. They were all huge in my opinion, but the size I would be given was not up to me to decide. After the cream was removed along with what little body hair I had managed to grow over the years, they were securely glued to my chest right above my nipples. The glue is semi-permanent, so I would not have to worry about them coming loose. A special solvent is the only way they will come off, requiring another visit to the salon. I was so wrapped up in the fact that I now had breasts I didn’t even listen to the semi-permanent part of the glue. That info relayed again to me later, a reminder of sorts.

The image in the mirror a few feet in front of me confirmed what I feared, a female in looks, with no masculine features left on my body. Even though my hair was short, the look was still feminine, even my face now resembled a young female. They did get around to removing the little hair on my backside, more of the cream and soon it was gone. I was then moved out into the salon, among the other customers, a brief sexy robe my only clothing. There they worked on my hair, added long extensions to my nails and did my makeup. Now my image was sexy female, my breasts peeking out of the robe particularly sexy and inviting.

I immediately thought of my wife with her erect penis, fearing my new looks will only make matters worse between us. I still could close my eyes and feel her penis going deeper into my vagina, filling me up and eventually leaving me with a deposit of sticky gooey cum.

When they had finished with me, I would easily qualify as the wife in the relationship. Deanna grabbed my hand and led me away, mumbling something about calling her Dean, and wanting to know if I was hungry. She made sure that I knew sex burned up calories, wanting me able to go the whole afternoon while she was having her way with me. I may have been a little hungry, but the thought of having Dean having his way with me all afternoon kept me a little nauseous. Back home I was sent to the bathroom, several bottles of douche in my hands. She checked on me often, wanting to make sure I was not delaying the intended sexual encounter. Each time she peeked in the door to check on me, her dildo was apparent, hard and maybe even bigger than last night.

Once out of the bathroom, I was placed on the bed, with her on top of me quickly. A knee on each side of my legs preventing an escape, her huge erection hovering right above my new slit. I tried to plead with her, but a finger placed on my lips stopped that. She did mention that if I persisted in complaining she had a pair of panties ready for my mouth, along with adding two extra weeks as her sex toy. Needless to say I kept quiet, a whole month of being her sex toy already more than I thought I could handle.

Her dildo never relaxed, unlike my penis after he got his jollies off. Four hours later I was still impaled on her dildo, with her laying on me to make sure I could not escape. Then to make matters worse she eased off me, suggesting that I make us some dinner, after I inserted a tampon, she did not want me dripping on the kitchen floor. I apparently did not move fast enough for her, a playful swat on the butt that I felt for quite some time was swiftly delivered. Then she followed me to the bathroom to make sure I inserted a tampon, before heading to the kitchen. During the afternoon I received several loads of the sticky goo, it was dripping out of me but at a much slower rate. Already, I can sympathize with a female’s point of view, although the sex is enjoyable, all of the secondary effects are a real pain in the ass to deal with. Just think a whole month of this, providing I don’t get time added to my penance.

Gawd, did I just admit to enjoying sex as a female. Well when she is in me all the way I fill so full, a little movement on my part and the dildo rubbing against junior adds to the sticky goo already there. I wonder if after a month it will even be possible to revert to our previous sex roles. From the smiles on her face when she is penetrating me, I doubt she will be happy to be on the receiving end again.

After the first week she did slow down some, now sex every other day is enough for her. I was given a name too, her calling me Brian will just not do when she is deep inside me and tugging on my nipples. From that day forward I was called Brianna. Now she was bringing me flowers or candy every night to make sure I would be in the mood. I did get into the role more, making dinner in the early afternoon after cleaning the house some and doing a couple loads of laundry. When it was time for her to get home all I had to do was warm the food, and serve it. Clean up always had to wait until the following morning, Dean had other plans for his wife, and they involved a bed and a wife getting fucked often and well.

On the days he wanted to rest some I still have to lay there as he probes my slit and plays with my nipples. For a breast form the nipples were quite realistic, with me feeling every touch of his fingers. Of course the dildo is ever present, when not in me it is usually rubbing my leg, keeping me distracted and dare I say horny.

Somewhere along the way, the four week time restraint was forgotten, and my job was done away with. Now I am a full time housewife and sex provider for my husband. I don’t miss my old job, lots to do in keeping up the house. I even got pretty good at taking care of the house, a schedule for each day to make sure during a week’s time all would be handled properly. In actuality the chores did keep my mind off of the constant sex and her playing with my breasts.

I do receive two salon appointments each week, to keep me pretty, a must for a stay at home wife. Junior never made it out of his camouflage, still there but only reachable with her dildo as she penetrates me. A more realistic breast was created, sucked from my body and so sensitive, the nipples always proud and standing out yearning to be touched.

Among other things my wardrobe expanded, mainly dresses suitable for a housewife. Lingerie included, lots of bras, panties, stockings and other assorted items to keep my hubby hard and willing to tend to my needs. Well maybe all of those things were not necessary to keep him interested in me, but I liked wearing them so there.

A more fundamental task was to be ready to please my hubby as soon as he gets home. A dress or a nightie is required, never with panties since they always get in the way. I am sure the tampon and douche sales have spiked recently in our area, he does like me sweet smelling, and insists that I not drip all over the floor afterwards. I may never get used to douching, but it is one requirement that he insists on.

With dinner ready and warm tonight, I dressed in one of my nighties, added a little perfume then waited at the door for his arrival. Sometimes we eat right away, other times it is right to the bedroom and my seeing to.

Looking back I am quite content in my role, wife, lover and whatever else that might be necessary. Brianna, a switch to the female gender that now seems just perfect for me. Anything for Dean, my loving hubby.

© 2016 thru 2024 by Francesca

Roberta: Sexy Kissable Lips

 Roberta: Sexy Kissable Lips

I was just getting back from a two week business trip, anxious to see my wife again. This trip was especially frustrating since my wife Greta has been texting me almost every day telling me what she was going to do to me sexually as soon as I got back. The few phone conversations were in the same vain, requiring me to jerk off in the bathroom of the hotel room as soon as she hung up. I swear she has been watching porn, sexy, seductive, erotic porn.

I have no idea what has got into her, her behavior in the past typical of a married woman, but not as sexy as her recent behavior. One particular text went on and on, describing how she was going to treat junior. Lots of cream using both hands to make sure all the cream got rubbed in a sufficient manner to make him able to slip into her waiting personal space. The tip of my penis drenched in her juices. God, talk about making me squirm.

We have been married for six years now, happily I might add. She has found employment recently, much happier since she has things to occupy her mind besides taking care of the house. The job seemed to mesh well with her, a week into the job they were talking of promoting her to a vacant position that had been left unfilled since no one has possessed the right qualifications so far.

Greta has those qualifications from her first job, before she met and married me. Once we were married she wanted to try the housewife part out, welcoming her husband home after a day at work and seeing that he had a nice meal waiting for him. She was good at it, her culinary skills particularly tasty. Bedroom time was also included, it was not all playing house with hubby.

Then she got bored, the lure of something new and challenging started to make her yearn for something else. Now she has her job providing the new and challenging part and still has the wife part to occupy her time at home.

My employment is as a salesman, selling equipment to process sales; cash registers, computers, retail software and secure modems to process charge purchases.

I have done reasonably well, earning a nice living but recently with the down turned economy things have been increasingly difficult to reach sales goals. I had some vacation time coming up, the constant traveling to sell more product getting to be a little too much. So a week to decompress, maybe just fool around the house for a week. Sales quotas and pushing product forgotten for a while.

I had entered the house, set my suitcase down in the hall, and suddenly I found my wife glued to me her one hand holding my head as she kissed me, her other hand on my male organ rubbing it up and down under my pants. The kiss was broke off so her other hand could assist in getting my pants off, shorts too. I was unable to move far, with my shorts and pants pooled around my ankles. She now had both of her hands on junior, rubbing and squeezing. I was as hard as a rock, almost to the point of being painful. She did help me step out of my pants, dragging me to the bathroom as quickly as she could. I lost my shirt as we entered the bathroom, way too many hands to deal with to prevent it.

Now naked she pushed me into the shower, the water already running and steamy. She quickly followed, a bottle of something in her hand. She would squeeze some of it on her hand then rub it in on an area of my body. She had me do her too, my hand shaking so bad I doubted that much of the liquid actually made it onto her skin. I was eventually spared more prune like skin since the hot water gave out. She insisted on drying me off, my nipples and junior receiving the most attention. Then hustled to the bedroom, where she slathered me in a moisturizer cream, at least that is what she called it. Promptly a silky nightie was slid down my body, causing all kinds of wonderful feelings to assault my mind. Well what little that was left of my mind.

I tried several times to protest the female nightwear, but a few rubs of junior or my nipples caused me to lose my train of thought. That is if I had any specific thoughts in mind. She stood right next to me as she did the same to her body, her body rubbing against my chest and erection. The smirk was there all the time, she was more than aware of what she was doing to me, her plan to seduce me coming along just fine. Once in her nightie, I was dragged to the bed, sheets already turned down, lights dimmed and the scent of perfume filling the air. She grabbed a lipstick, kneeling so she could use her vanity mirror to apply it. Then promptly used her hands to bring my lips to hers. The kiss I received was so hot, her tongue invading my mouth at times, her lips firmly pressed against mine. That did it for me, any thoughts that I might have were lost to the unknown.

She broke the kiss as she laid me on the bed moving to where she was on top of me. She lifted her nightie allowing me access to her pussy, her one hand leading junior to the promised land.

She paused for a minute, her attention on my face. She pointed to her vanity asking me to grab another lipstick, you need some color on your lips. I tried to decline, not wanting to have lipstick put on me. Too late her one hand on junior rubbing the tip of my penis over her moist pussy lips. I leaned over and quickly grabbed any lipstick off the vanity I could reach and handed it to her, wanting to get on with things. She looked at the lipstick I had grabbed and smiled, telling me to hold still as she applied a coat to my lips. She was extra careful where she applied it, while I was about to have a heart attack from the delay. I was afraid I was going to erupt before I made it into her warm inviting pussy. I lunged forward trying to get into the inviting slit, but her, hand on my organ prevented that. She wanted to tease me some more while all I desperately wanted was some release.

She finally eased my male organ into her warm pussy, her muscles squeezing me tightly. Then she started riding me like a horse, up and down with her pussy milking my male organ of every drop of cum I had. I had been moaning the whole time, just gibberish but oh so much of it. She finally wore herself down, laying on top of me, my penis still buried deep in her pussy. I was carefully kissed on the lips, her smile now from ear to ear. At one point she giggled a little. Raising my curiosity as to what she found amusing.

I dosed off for a while, the stress of being seduced and milked too much for my body to handle. Once awake I made my way to the bathroom, my bladder so full I was afraid I was leaking as I waddled to the bathroom. I looked in the mirror as I made my way to the toilet, my lipstick so red and my lips looking so sexy. I flooded the toilet, but felt much better after I had emptied my bladder.

Although my lips looked sexy, I really didn’t want to wear the lipstick all day. I used a washcloth to remove it, but the lipstick remained untouched. I remembered Greta using a makeup remover, so went to her vanity to find some of it. I tried to remove the lipstick again, the makeup remover slathered on thickly. I rubbed and rubbed, but the color still was so red, not even fading a little with the liberal use of the makeup remover. I used the washcloth to remove the cream, my lips now just as red as before, but now swollen a little from all of the attempts at getting the lipstick off.

I went in search of Greta, now a little panicky because of the failed attempts to get the lipstick off. I found her in the kitchen, her smirk as I entered a little puzzling. I was immediately kissed hard on the lips, but as she withdrew she failed in her attempts to suppress a giggle. She noticed my swollen lips, informing me that the lipstick is not removable, but will eventually wear off some after a year or two. Mouth suddenly open, but no words escaped. I just stared at her not wanting to believe what she just told me.

“You might consider a little more feminine name, I doubt any one will look at you and see a masculine individual. Even in a pair of pants and t-shirt you look so sexy and definitely female as far as gender goes. Flat chested maybe but still a female in the looks department. So maybe I can call you Reba, no that does not fit you. I know Roberta, a name that fits your looks perfectly. So Roberta do you want a little breakfast to start out your day?”

I did manage to find one of the kitchen chairs and plop my body on it. A year before the lipstick wore off, impossible. I touched my lips often, looking at my fingers to see if any color had transferred to my finger. Not one speck of color appearing on my fingers.

She did place a plate of food before me, my hunger temporarily controlling my actions. I guess the sex last night burned a lot of calories, the way that plate of food disappeared into my stomach. Meanwhile Greta just sat across from me, that smirk getting larger every minute.

I managed a coherent question after awhile, although the words were mixed in with a few tears, my life as a male in jeopardy. She held my hand, as she explained again about the lipstick. It is a stain, applied on the lips then absorbed into the skin. If removed within an hour the stain pretty much can be taken off. After that the skin absorbs the stain permanently to match the color of the lipstick. As the skin cells are replaced naturally the stain diminishes gradually, the process taking about a year to replace all the stained cells.

So Roberta, we now can make love like two females, although you will lack a girlish figure, that can be corrected shortly. Won’t that be fun? As I slumped in the chair she was on the phone, making appointments for me.

Over the next few days female body deficiencies were corrected, her beauty salon performing the changes. A few changes performed each day, the breasts and other female figure shortfalls first.

I had decided to take a short nap as my breasts were bring sucked from my body. A few hours later I had breasts just like her, they even reacted like hers does, getting hard and pointy if sucked on or pinched..

Upon awakening a brief look at my body showed the new breasts, the nipples erect and swollen. My eyes looked a little farther down, the slit surrounded by two swollen lips caught me by surprise. The vagina over junior though was not what I wanted. I tried to get out the words asking what happened to my penis, but found my mouth filled with a wad of something, a cupids bow of red lipstick the only thing visible.

Greta appeared, took a long lingering look at the changes then attacked. I was kissed hard as her hands went to my breasts, squeezing the nipples then rolling the nipple between her two fingers. I closed my eyes, my body reacting to her ministrations. I was in heaven, not knowing what to do now It felt like every nerve in my body was convulsing, my mind swamped with erotic feelings.

Then she stuck a finger in my new slit, as I tried to leave the bed. Gawd, that feels so good. It built on each passing moment, the feeling becoming more intense and erotic. I let out a loud moan, my makeshift gag leaving my mouth, as wave after wave of electric like shocks took hold of my body. I passed out, too much to deal with. I woke to Greta holding me closely, and nibbling on my ear and lips.

From that day on, I enjoyed my lipstick, redoing my lips several times a day, determined for it to never fade away, always keeping my lips sexy and kissable.

© 2016 thru 2024 by Francescatu

My head hurt, my eyes felt they were hanging out in the air and my mouth felt like it was stuffed with cotton. I blinked several times, the ...