Saturday, June 29, 2024

Teresa; Female With Some Help

Teresa; Female With Some Help

I have been a member of the community theater for six months now. This last year, it has grown considerably, starting off with no place to perform besides the local high school gym, now to the newly renovated movie theater with seating for seven hundred people. Most of this is due to our leader in this pursuit of building a place where all can contribute to something worthwhile and entertaining.

The simple truth is that most people in community theater want acknowledgment for their time and effort. If you have ever done anything on a stage, you know the feeling that you get when an audience claps their approval for your effort, a most rewarding feeling.

Janice Carmichael founded the theater group three years ago, scraping some business support together to allow their first production. It was a start, not widely received bit still it was there. It got a little press coverage, and they went from there. The few shows they managed were good, but obviously not very professional. Janice persevered doing the best she could with what talent she had to work with. The second year was a little better, but they managed only three shows. Not enough people or help to do much more.

This year she advertised for volunteers to make the theater group more complete, trying to get some more experience in some of the positions. She had put together a little more funding, several businesses wanting to help since the theater was now talked about among the community. She had a group of amateur actors to draw from; they seemed to volunteer first, it is the backstage people that seldom raised their hand.

My name is Terry Sutherland, recently divorced and feeling very isolated and depressed. My profession is engineering, but about as far from what most people think an engineer does as possible. Now consider the clothing industry and try to put the two fields together. I am an engineer that learned the clothing industry from my mother when just a young child. I take the basic design, make patterns and then adapt that to the manufacturing process.

Most of my fellow engineers would laugh at me referring to myself as an engineer. But in a sense, I do engineer the garment. We use ladies to do the sewing for us, their skill at using the industrial machines truly remarkable. The proper utilization of their skills is where the engineer in me comes to the fore.

Who sewed what piece and in what order is it put together to minimize any expense in the production of the garment. Now add in my love of computers and what they can do for us, and you get a glimpse of what I do. Most of my work I have adapted to a computer so that the guess work and problems of manufacturing ladies clothes are minimal. To keep cost on these garments reasonable, the cutting of the pattern from the fabric and minimizing any waste is quite essential to stay competitive. My computer and programming do this with very little wasted material.

I had seen the ad and showed up at the auditions, needing something to help keep my mind off my recent divorce. I am twenty-eight years old, a father of two little girls, and head engineer in the local manufacturing facility. I should point out that the head engineer is also the only engineer since the company is small. The plant has been here for years manufacturing ladies garments for several national chains. The competition in China had almost put us out of business, but we had managed to fine tune our clothing choices to items that were more difficult to make, giving us a slight edge.

In the process, we had to cut our margin of profit quite a bit to be able to compete, but in the end, we managed to keep most of our customers. We heavily relied on the advantage we had in not having to pay shipping from China to get our product to our customers. Incidentally, the mastermind of our business plan is the same Janice Carmichael that is the head of the theater group. Janice is the CEO of Silks, Satins, N Lace, a middle-sized manufacturer of a wide array of women’s underwear and dresses. The company specialized in the unusual, a full line of retro lingerie and custom made corsets just part of the line we produced.

With this product line, the volume of our orders was down, but we shipped a wider variety of items than before the streamlining. It was a struggle for a while with most of the company employees not knowing whether we would have jobs next week or not. That is when my wife decided that the grass was greener elsewhere and decided to leave me. She found a used car salesman that made three times what I made and went with him. She ended up with the custody of the girls, since my job situation was unstable, although I am sure she wished she hadn’t.

Anyway, I showed up for the auditions, wanting to do some kind of support work for the theater. The ones auditioning as actors were handled first, and several were selected. Then Janice worked through the off stage volunteers. She winked at me twice as she doled out the jobs of set designers, lighting, and sound people. I just sat there watching the goings on, getting a smile every so often at what people said and did to get their feet in the door.

She finally got done to wardrobe and costume design. There were three of us left that had not had anything assigned to do, so she asked us to take the responsibility on. One of the gals was an employee at the plant, an experienced seamstress for many years. The other female was an older woman also having some experience in sewing clothes but not as a job. She was a little headstrong thinking she should be the boss of the group. Bev was the employee at the plant and knew what my skills were and told the lady that I should be put in charge. Well, that didn’t set well with the lady, the remark that what did a male know about sewing anything.

Janice had been listening to all of this and told the lady that I was indeed the best qualified to supervise the department. Well, the lady went ballistic, screaming at the top of her lungs. “How can any male do what a female is born to do, especially him.” Well, that got my ire up, and I asked her if she would like to demonstrate her skill to us. Of course, her next remark was why should I have to prove my skills, you are the one that obviously needs to show us what you can do.

There was a sewing machine over in the corner with some material nearby so I asked what she would like me to do for her. She looked at the material and tried to come up with something to embarrass me. Her simple reply was to finish the garment. The material was apparently for a skirt; the zipper was not put in yet, and the hem was pinned but not sewn. I sat down at the machine and started sewing. The zipper took about three minutes to put in, and then I moved to the hem using a blind hem stitch to sew it. The lady quickly became quiet, evened backed up a few steps from the group. I finished the stitching then handed the garment to her. She looked it over closely but was quiet as a mouse.

I walked over to her, introduced myself to her, I am Terry Sutherland, I am the engineer in charge of production at the plant, supervising three hundred seamstresses and do all the take offs from the garment designs. I pointed to the sewing machine and asked her if she would like to show us her skills. She turned red in the face but declined. I got a little closer to her and whispered in her ear that I would like her help if she could stand to work for a member of the opposite sex. Nobody else could hear what I had said to her, so there would be no further embarrassment for her. She accepted, apologizing to me for her outburst and hoped that I could forgive her for her attitude.

I accepted, telling her that I am not like most males, my mother teaching me how to sew and design clothes while I was in high school. Yes, those lessons caused me a bunch of troubles and provided hours of humiliation as I was teased relentlessly during my high school education. I was even nominated for Prom Queen by the members of the football team. Their slogan for me was he can sew his own formal. Luckily a couple of the teachers stepped in, and I was spared the humiliation of being elected Prom Queen. Later I was told that I had gotten the votes to win, but the teachers picked the second best vote getter for the honor.

Since everybody now had a job in the theater group, they decided on a couple of plays to start the season and then broke up the meeting. Janice asked me to stay for a minute, wanting to talk about the costumes for the first play. It was a takeoff about the life of Marilyn Monroe; it involved some of her romances, also some of the behind the scenes of her movie career. Janice wanted the costumes to be special since the play is weak; the scenes are not that memorable, and the only redeeming quality is the fact that it was about Marilyn. The play was picked because everybody knows the character and remembers fondly some of the scenes in her movies. Janice suggested that maybe a lot of our underwear could be incorporated into some of the scenes adding a little sexiness to the play.

I agreed and started working on some of the designs for the dresses the next week. I usually just stayed at work after closing, using my office to do the designing in. In the production of several of our garments, we acquired a lot of scraps of material in fabrics that would be perfect for the dresses. I tried to figure out how to piece these together into a garment without it looking like it was put together from scrap. I found that if I pieced the pattern so that it fit the model precisely, the scraps of material looked like they were meant to be that way.

It would require extra sewing time but with volunteers to do the sewing that wouldn’t be a concern. I used a dress dummy and set up the measurements accordingly. I used my measurements, figuring on a corset and padded breasts. Most of the young ladies that had volunteered to be actresses’ were less than endowed. It took me quite a bit of time to carefully cut out the pattern, then use the pattern to cut the material needed for the dress. A dress like this would normally require four to five pattern pieces, but there were thirty-five in mine.

I sewed them up, making a couple of changes as I went along. The material that I was able to use for the dress was normally thirty dollars a yard and up, so the theater group saved quite a bit, and we utilized something we would have eventually thrown away. It turned out better than I thought it would, so I checked to see if Janice was still in her office. Like me she often worked late, the peace and quiet allowed us to get a lot of things done that would not normally be accomplished during normal working hours.

I walked into her office and laid the dress on her desk. She finished the sentence she was working on, then picked up the dress. She obviously liked it, taking her time to look over every detail. She asked how long it took to sew; I told her a little over an hour from start to finish. She asked if the material was our scrap, I nodded yes, then she surprised me by asking when I could get the dress into production. I quickly set down in the chair in front of her desk.

Then I told her this is for the play; she nodded that was what she figured, but this is so cute, it would make a great addition to our line. I told her it would not work; the measurements have to be precise to make it fit perfectly. Otherwise, we could not take advantage of the scrap pieces, so we could only do it for a custom order. She smiled, okay you have convinced me for custom orders only. What would we sell it for? I did a little figuring in my head and told her the cost would be about forty-two dollars each. That was discounting the fabric some from its thirty dollar regular price, it was scrap so not worth as much.

The only problem I saw with it would be a female’s fluctuating waistline. Through the month, a female’s waist goes through a cycle usually two to three inches variation depending on her period, her level of exercise, and what she eats. This dress is very unforgiving; it fits perfectly to a quarter of an inch. Janice smiled that is perfect; we just sell them a corset with every dress.

She walked back with me to my office, and I slipped the dress on the mannequin. I had put a zipper in the back, but after what I saw a row of fancy buttons would be more appropriate and help make the dress look fancier. She asked if I could have the computer cut the pattern pieces if a set of precise measurements were furnished. I told her it would be no problem. She snapped a couple of pictures of the dress to send to a customer or two. Then asked me to switch the zipper to the buttons tomorrow.

She asked me to use Bev for most of the work for the theater group, she will make allowances in my budget for her time. I asked her about Doris, our other volunteer, Janice giggled then said that decision is strictly up to you. If you can find something for her to help with, fine, if not use her for care and maintenance of the costumes.

The next morning I had Bev replace the zipper with a string of buttons when she returned the dress I asked her how she liked it. She loved it but wondered why we were working on something so labor intensive. I told her it was originally for the theater group, but Janice wanted it for production, custom orders only. I informed her that I would have her doing most of the sewing for the theater group, some of it here at work, and she was being taken off my budget so that the company would be picking up the expense. She was thrilled but told me not to worry she would still be available off the clock for any work I might want to be done.

I thanked her for the offer, then asked her what she thought of Doris. It turns out that she had talked to her quite a bit after the meeting, finding out that she loves to embroidery. That solved my problem for what to do with her. A custom embroidery on any costume will make it look fancy, another idea to make Janice happy with the costumes. I still had quite a bit of work to do for the first production. I figured about ten different dresses for the first production for Marilyn, and then several others for other cast members. Then there was the underwear for several of the scenes. I decided to use some scrap again, making the underwear fit perfectly. In the case of a corset, it would fit very tightly, then when the laces are cinched up the figure would be almost perfect.

During this time women mainly wore dresses, pants had not made their intrusion into a female’s wardrobe yet. The dresses ran the gamut from plain shirtwaist to skin tight with pencil skirts. I thought the best way to keep the audience involved would be to vary the styles, that way any female theatergoer might recognize what she wore during that time from the many different styles we were using.

It took me a week to make the custom patterns for the ten different styles of dresses I chose to use. One problem would be that there would be no way to change an actress once we measured her and made the dress fit her and her alone. Later in the week I got with Janice to talk about that problem, she told me that from what she saw the cast was set, and there should be no changes in the females playing the different roles. She did, however, suggest that one extra outfit is made in each costume for a fill in replacement if necessary. I asked her who that female would be; she responded that she didn’t have any idea now, but she would figure it out and give the measurements to Bev.

For the men’s costumes, we decided to use the thrift stores, where we could get a retro-looking suit for a minimal amount of money. Bev took that task on one weekend and found what we needed for less than a hundred dollars. After all the initial hard work, our part was pretty much done, so I attended the rehearsals, watched as the actresses learned their lines and marveled at Janice’s stage direction. Although there were fifteen different people involved on the stage, she easily handled the direction of getting them in the right spots and speaking their lines like they had been that character for their entire life.

I ended up helping the actors with their lines; I easily had memorized the script, and as I followed along, I was able to cue them when a temporary absence of memory struck. We were only a few days from the first production, the show opened on Friday night, then two shows on Saturday and one matinee on Sunday. Then the next weekend a repeat if sales of tickets warranted it.

The dress that Janice wanted for special orders was doing well, we had special orders of two to three per day, but those orders were only from four retailers that she had allowed to see the dress. Although the dress took much more time to produce, the price tag that Janice had assigned the dress is making us two hundred dollars profit per item. I had assigned two seamstresses to do only the custom orders, their proficiency improving each day, our profit also increasing with their skill. Janice also was able to sell a corset with each dress ordered, making it even more lucrative.

On Wednesday, before the show is to open, I got called into Janice’s office. She had a worried look on her face, and I had a feeling that one of the actresses was not going to be able to make the show. Janice confirmed that fact as I sat down in one of her chairs. I asked her who the stand-in was so that I could make sure the dress would fit them correctly. She told me to let Bev handle that, for the problem is twofold. Our lead female and another supporting female were involved in a car accident, both are in the hospital, both are going to be okay after at least two weeks in said establishment. I asked if she was going to cancel the show or move it forward a couple of weeks.

Since the local paper has run several articles about the show, ticket sales have been brisk, they are now selling tickets for the third weekend. I have a stand-in for the minor part, she is not that skilled but should be able to handle the smaller part. The problem is the part of Marilyn.

She looked me straight in the eye and told me she needs me to step into the lead female role for the play. I was quiet for a minute; she has got to be kidding about this. I can’t fill in for a female even if I know the lines. For one thing, my body shape is all wrong. The dresses are designed for another figure, can’t be worn by just anybody, besides the fact that I am not an actor, never claimed to be and have never even attempted to be one.

She managed to get me down on her couch, and then set next to me. The dresses will fit you; I had Bev make another set of costumes up that fit only you. Of all the actors you are the only one that knows all the lines, even if we found someone else to dress in the costumes there is no way that they could learn all the lines in two days. I have watched you for quite some time, your ability to handle stress, difficult situations, and excel in your accomplishment of those tasks is your best and strongest trait.

She told me to say Marilyn’s opening lines in the play, right now. I swallowed but repeated the lines perfectly, although my voice was deeper than a normal female. She asked me to get up and set in the chair behind the desk as if I was playing the character, Marilyn. I got up, straightened my clothes, then sashayed around the desk, backing up to the chair I smoothed my skirt and set down on the front part of the chair, keeping my knees together. Janice smiled saying that she rested her case. I put my head in my hands and shed a tear or two.

I pick up people mannerisms so easy, in fact, my favorite past time is just to watch people. How they move, their hand movements, their facial expressions, what they say to their friends. It is fun, giving me a glimpse into their lives and their personalities. Now that is be using against me to get me to do the play. Of all the favors to ask, to portray a female, an obviously sexy and attractive woman, me a male to take on the character of Marilyn Monroe.

I tried to convince her that it wouldn’t work; I have no years of experience as a female to fall back on in my portrayal. Janice’s solution was, then I will have to show you what femininity is all about. We have over fifty hours before the curtain goes up on Friday night, plenty of time to give you a crash course in femininity. Besides with the proper female appliances attached to your body, half of the battle is won before we even get started. She picked up her phone dialing her secretary, when she answered she told her to make an appointment for the works for Terry at the salon first thing tomorrow morning, The earlier, the better, then get Bev up here with the costumes for Teresa and the lingerie I had set aside in the warehouse. I sighed when I heard Teresa, a female name already assigned to me, I have a feeling this has been planned for quite some time.

I guess the planetary alignment for me that day was lousy, no make that horrible. Bev came walking into the office five minutes later, pulling a clothes rack behind her. On the top shelf of the rack was several boxes with the underwear we manufacture in them. I should, at least, give credit to Janice for having a backup plan in place, but why me. I was in the wrong place, doing the wrong thing, and going to suffer the worst long drawn out punishment ever devised by mankind. I was going to impersonate a female, not just any female, but a sex bombshell for the next few weeks, me a male who has never done anything bad to anybody.

Bev helped me get undressed, giggling her heart out. Her boss is going to be a female in a lot of ways very shortly; things couldn’t get much better than this. I gave her a stern look, but she just giggled that much more. The underwear was handed to me, and then they both asked if I needed assistance in putting it on. I declined, finally managing the panties and bra. For the show, I would be wearing an under bust corset, but since I presently had no breasts, a bra with forms would do the trick.

Then Bev attacked me with a waist training corset and soon was tugging on the laces with a vengeance. Maybe I should have been nicer to Bev; she is having a lot of fun at my expense. Thirty minutes later she had managed to get the corset closed, only having to put her knee on my back three times to get that little extra tightness. Of course, the panties deemed necessary for this type of dress had been slid up my legs earlier after my male underwear had been disposed of.

The dress is next, the one used for a boudoir scene. The best way to describe it was sex personified. If I had any kind of a bust, it would have been spilling out of the low cut neckline. The skirt flared out but swung freely around my legs as I tried to walk to the mirror to see my image. The sensations of the hem of the dress on my legs is most disturbing, but there was not much I could do about it. It is like everything was suddenly not in my control any longer, I had lost direction in my life.

Making the dress this way it fit me to a tee, not a quarter inch slack as it molded itself to my bodice. Janice opened her closet door, with a mirror on the back and asked me to describe the image that I saw. I was shocked, my male head withstanding I looked like a female, although my lack of breasts did spoil the illusion some. I dropped my head in defeat, telling Janice that I would give it a try, but if I fall flat, it is her responsibility.

Bev retrieved a box of shoes from the top of the rack and after pulling some knee highs up my legs slipped my feet into the heels. They were a basic pump with four-inch heels, with a decorative bow on the front. Then as Janice was admiring my shoes, she slipped a strap around the shoe, and my ankle and I heard a click. I tried to see what she had done, but the dress was hindering my sight. I felt the strap around my other ankle and another click.

I looked at Janice, but she just smiled, that will ensure that you get the needed practice in the heels before the curtain goes up. By the way, your corset also has a lock on it, in fact, we are adding them to custom orders for only a ten dollar surcharge. God, what a mess that I had gotten myself into, okay I wasn’t the only one that helped me get here, but obviously I was the one to have to suffer through it.

I had agreed to try to get through this, but the more I thought about it, the more I doubted the ability to pull it off. Janice kind of sensed me wavering on the decision and told me that I would be staying with her until the play ran its course. My mouth was open; my boss wanted me to move in with her until the play is wrapped up. I knew the end of the world would shortly follow. Janice is business orientated most of the time, only relaxing or letting her guard down after things are completed. For her to make that kind of offer is very unusual.

Janice is also divorced, her male lover caught cheating on her shortly after they married, and it was a messy divorce, her unfaithful lover trying to get his hands on some of her family’s wealth. He was at fault but tried to get some hush money to keep the divorce out of the papers and media. He seriously underestimated Janice; she announced it to all of their friends and families, making him look like the ass he was. Last she heard he was living in Australia, after giving her an uncontested divorce. He had bluffed, lost, and he paid the price tenfold.

I looked around the office looking for my clothes, but somehow they seemed to be missing. I looked at Bev, but the cat that ate the canary look answered my question. Bev handed me a suitcase, with clothes to wear for the next few weeks and told me she would see Teresa at work tomorrow. I had presumed that I would be in female mode until the play is completed but thought that I could still wear some of my male clothes from time to time. Apparently that was not to happen, anytime soon.

Then the mind processed Bev’s statement; they were planning to have me work as a female until the play was over. Now all of my employee’s would see the new me, I almost broke down in tears, the only thing saving that from happening was that I didn’t really know how to. Even after my divorce, when I lost custody of my two girls, I just couldn’t release all of my frustration and fears. Instead, I sucked it up, trying to overcompensate at work to fill the void.

Janice led me to her car with me carrying my small suitcase with me. I was numb, not knowing what to think or do, so I surrendered to her and just followed along, my heels making a clicking noise on the sidewalk. Her house is not far from work, with us arriving after a ten-minute drive. She pulled into her garage and got me out of the car. I am led upstairs to one of her guest rooms, with her taking my suitcase and laying it on the bed. She opened it and found a nightie, a toothbrush, and told me to head to the bathroom after she had unzipped the dress I was wearing.

I foolishly asked about the corset but am told that it stayed on until my waist achieved the right proportions. Once you have boobs the proper longer corset will be added to your figure. I managed the bathroom without much difficulty, but the image in the mirror is constantly mocking me. A very short time ago, I was a normal male, at least, I thought I was, but the image I saw in any mirror is that of a young female. The head spoiled the look, but I presumed they had something in mind to correct that fault too.

While I was in the bathroom, Janice had retrieved two cups of tea, offering me one as we set on the love seat next to the bedroom window. We sat in silence for several minutes, sipping the tea, and then I yawned. That was Janice’s clue to leave, so she set her cup down, took me in her arms, gave me a passionate kiss on the lips with tongue, and then told me to have sweet dreams. I climbed into bed, with the effects of the kiss still holding in my mind.

Where had that come from, Janice has never showed any interest in me other than a business relationship, at least if she had, I had totally missed the boat. I guess it would have been possible to miss some of the clues along the way, but I doubted it. With my keen interest in people and their actions, I surely would have noticed something romantic lurking in the wings.

All of the day’s activities soon caught up with me, that yawn earlier a precursor to many more followed by sleep soon after that. If I had dreams, I didn’t remember any of them, but the sleep is not as restful as most nights. I laid in bed the next morning for quite a while trying to make some sense of the recent events in my life. No conclusions were forthcoming.

Janice woke me up at seven A.M. telling me that I had to get in the shower, then dressed. My appointment is at nine, and you can’t show up at the salon in sweats or t-shirt and pants. I couldn’t see why not, but she is pushing me toward the bathroom slipping my nightie off as we made our way there. Inside the bathroom, she released the corset, and I visibly shook. The straps on my shoes were released too, a few moments respite felt good. That was until I tried to walk without the heels, pain radiated up from my calves, nothing major but a dull ache. I stood on my toes and the pain subsided some. This after only a day in the heels. After the shower it was back in the heels, although she did leave off the straps. I guess I could be trusted some now. I could now walk without some of the pain, my feet getting used to the extreme heel height too easily. It was weird sleeping in heels last night. Janice had suggested a pillow case to keep them from damaging the sheets. So with two pillow cases encasing my feet in heels I had finally made it under the sheets.

It felt so good to have the corset off for a while, but the feelings as it is being released seemed to mean something else. I had got used to the corset in that short amount of time, and as she released it, goose pimples popped up all over my body. Somehow taking it off seemed to symbolize the loss of something important to my image.

The shower is wonderful, but all too short. Janice is at the door, handing me a shift dress with a pair of panties. As I am slipping the panties up my legs, I notice the extra seams in the garment. Bev is more talented than I gave her credit for, she altered one of my patterns to make me a pair of panties using scrap. I look at Janice; there have to be more clothes for me than this. She smiles, the salon will handle you today, the less you wear the faster they can get your sex changed. That doesn’t sound good for me; I didn’t agree to a sex change or did I.

I am led from the house to her car, mumbling about anything and everything. Janice looks at me, typical female bitching about everything. The drive seemed forever, but that was probably because I was dreading what would happen. When she pulled up in front of the salon I swallowed hard. This place is huge, already packed with customers and so feminine. From the color of the walls to the myriad different décor items spread throughout the salon it dripped femininity. Janice had got out and came to the passenger side of the car, then she opened the door and extracted me from my seat. I tried to pull back, but she was on a mission, a mission she was going to succeed at.

I was dragged inside and Janice informed the receptionist that Teresa is here for her nine o’clock appointment. The receptionist called someone and soon I was being led away to my demise, at least, that is what it felt like. Janice did peck my cheek as I was being led away, my only thought is she is leaving me here all alone to try and cope with this. Soon I was led into a room and my dress and panties were removed. I tried to keep my panties on, but Heather the tech hugged me whispering that it would be alright. As she released the hug my panties fell to the floor. I was helped up onto a table and soon my front side is covered in a white cream. That included my male appendage, who wisely stayed flaccid trying to become invisible.

Thirty minutes later the cream was wiped off leaving soft bare hair free skin. During the treatment Heather engaged me in conversation, she was particularly interested in my part in the play. By the time my front side was finished we were friends, giggling at most anything like two silly school girls. My back side was next, finished the same way with identical results. This time during the treatment Heather worked on my nails, now I sported ten longish nails, the extra length due to some extensions she had glued on to my existing fingernails.

Next was my hair, washed and conditioned then set with curlers. I had kept my hair long and in a ponytail most of the time, that just made her job so much easier. With curls I am sure most of my masculine looking head would disappear. I did not have a strong chin and my eyebrows were never thick and grown together like some males had. My other features were modest, in the masculine range but not overtly so. The one disparaging feature was my nose, the only description that fit was cute. During my life I was reminded about it often, sometimes as an insult if delivered from a male but often as a compliment, the female wishing she had one as cute.

Heather told me they would cut in a style once I had picked out one suitable for the play. The current hairstyle was so that I would get accustomed to a feminine look, helping me get into the role of a sexy female. After the curlers were slathered in hairspray I was moved to a funny looking chair, helped to sit in it properly and then it was leaned back. As the chair leaned back my legs were spread quite wide, I thought I knew what was coming next. To my surprise she left me splayed like that and concentrated on my chest.

Clear cups were glued to my chest right above my nipples. They were plastic and quite good sized. A hose was hooked up to each and a pump turned on pulling some of my extraneous flesh into the cups. Like most males I had become a little flabby especially in regards to my torso. Exercise was so not my thing.

Then Heather moved to my lower extremity. A cool spray and I could feel nothing. It took her about forty minutes to readjust things, then glued my male appendage back between my legs, covering it with a too realistic looking vulva. I know most people refer to it as a vagina, but you have to remember I was trained as an engineer, detail and accuracy means a lot. I did let out several audible sighs, not that it did me any good. Meanwhile the pump was continuing in its quest to give me a sizable rack for my chest. Again another male thing, even in high school most males referred to a female’s breasts as a rack or boobies.

I did get a chance a look at my new appliance down below, I raised my head and dropped it immediately, the image now definitely that of a female’s sex. The slit with two puffy lips surrounding it would be welcome on a female, but not necessarily on me. I quickly wondered why junior had to be hid away just for a part in the play, but thinking when my mind is being assaulted by all kinds of new feelings and sensations it is not recommended. I had the start of a headache coming on, probably not the only one I will get today. I closed my eyes and concentrated on my work, even though I was not there it could help keep my thoughts on friendlier topics, ones that I could deal with.

With me still splayed uncomfortably Heather started putting polish on my new lengthened nails, a bright red although I would have much preferred a subtler shade of pink. I guess part of getting used to being a female means learning to be seen and appreciated. At first I thought my appearance would be comical, far from what a normal female should look like. But as my breasts developed and one look at my groin I now had serious doubts that I would turn out anything but pretty. I could picture myself in a corset, a slender waist finishing the look that my body needed to appear as an attractive female.

Speaking of which Heather soon returned with a very strict looking one, way longer that the ones we made. It was a pale ivory, with way too much lace sewn on. I was laced into it, Heather turned out to be much stronger than Bev, not having any trouble getting it snug. It came right up to the cups that had been secured to my chest and covered my new vulva but barely. If I thought I had problems last night dealing with the waist nipper this corset made that one look like a toy for a child. I tried several times trying to get a full breath into my lungs, a feat I soon learned would be impossible. Only short breaths worked, if I ever had to exert myself any, I am sure I would keel over from a lack of oxygen. I wondered about the clothes back at the plant, they might not fit me properly if I have lost more inches in my waist. This corset seemed to make me a lot smaller in the waist, while forcing any extra tissue either to my breasts or hips.

My hair was washed and conditioned, in fact several times Heather making the remark that I obviously knew nothing about taking care of my hair. Hey I washed it once every ten days whether it needed it or not. The stuff from the dollar store worked pretty good in my opinion. Then she cut it into a feminine style even wet it looked very feminine. Then came the curlers, lots of them with a healthy dose of setting gel used before my hair was wrapped around them. Looking in the mirror I presented quite a sight. A somewhat masculine looking face on top of a very feminine figure with my hair in a multitude of brightly colored curlers. What a sight.

Once my eyebrows were eliminated, my face lost most of its masculinity. Then when she penciled in the higher arch, Teresa was here to stay. Heather set me under a dryer, so my hair can be dried, the warm almost hot air making me a little uncomfortable. I giggled a little, breasts being sucked from my chest and I am complaining about the hot air from the dryer.

Once dry she removed the curlers, and lightly brushed my hair. The image in front of me now definitely a female, the long curly strands laying on my shoulders while the ones on top of my head were amassed framing my face. I received some basic makeup, mascara, some rouge on my cheeks and a right pink lipstick. I was quite a sight, standing there dressed to go out in a corset and panties.

Oh there were still the cups on my chest, now almost full to capacity. Heather turned off the pump, detached the hoses letting my new breasts settle into the cups of the corset. I reached one hand to touch them, the warmness and the mobility of them surprising me. She had told me the cups stay on, eventually dissolving, but what I was touching felt just like a real breast. Yes, I have felt a real breast or two during my life, these babies felt just like the ones I had fondled before.

I heard a squeal and turned to see who had made the noise. There stood Bev with a garment bag over her shoulder and her one hand over her mouth. She laid the bag over a chair and launched herself in my direction. I was hugged, groped, pinched and generally woman handled. I did get a kiss, as she whispered in my ear that Janice is going to go ballistic when she sees you. I doubt you will be standing when she finishes with you. My mouth was open, Janice seemed to have a thing for me, and it was pretty well known by all around me. I, however, was totally clueless in the matter.

Once my new look was absorbed she went to get the garment bag and unzipped it. Then pulled out another dress, she had made for me, I could see the many different parts used to assemble the dress. She held the dress open for me as I stepped into it, then she buttoned up the buttons at the back of the dress. I felt trapped now, I doubted I could reach half of them, now dependent on someone to help me undress. I thought of Janice helping me out of the dress and blushed a crimson red. I looked at the image in the mirror, the dress hugged every curve of my body like it had been painted on me. I can see that Bev has been very busy, probably giggling the whole time, making dresses for her formerly male boss. I said former male, I really doubted that all of this could just be taken off and I would instantly return to my male body, the breasts lying in the cups of the corset a prime example. Incidentally, the dress had a plunging neckline leaving at least half of my breast showing above the bodice top. My nipples barely covered, and trying to poke themselves out of their confines.

It was hard to get used to my breast just lying in the cup of the corset. Nothing keeping them there but gravity. Any leaning over or exaggerated motion most likely causing them to escape their confines. I presume a female gets used to this somewhat, but a new female with no previous experience not so much. So I walked and moved with care, not sure how I would react when one of my tits plopped out of my dress. I was gathered up, Bev signing for my services and taken to her car. She had been instructed to gather me up and take me directly to Janice, no stops, no dilly dallying but straight to Janice.

On the ride back I tried to talk to Bev about Janice. Even talking took a lot of effort, the corset making all things including breathing lots more difficult. I finally got out the words, Bev just smiling. Everybody in the plant knows about Janice’s infatuation with you. You may be smart, but what is right in front of you seems to evade your senses. Ever since she hired you a couple of years ago, she has had the hots for you, but you just cruised along impervious to everything happening around you. When the accident happened she instantly became engrossed in this mission. Taking away your masculinity, and into her bed she is going to make you over into her perfect lover. I suggest you go along, no matter how you feel, Janice on a mission never fails.

We parked at her townhouse and Bev got me to the door, rang the doorbell and turned and left. I just stood there not knowing what to expect. The door opened, she gave me a thorough look, not missing much, her eyes covering every inch of my feminized figure. She ran her tongue over her lips, in anticipation, then reached out and grabbed my hand yanking me inside. I was soon being kissed, a kiss like I have never experienced before. Pure lust is maybe the best description. Gawd, how could I have missed her feelings for me, I must have had my head up my ass the entire time I worked alongside of her.

She had a fun time for the next five hours as my new body was thoroughly explored. I was just going along for the ride, and what a ride it was. She finally gave out, I was thankful as she had me squirming, moaning, and screaming for the entire time. My former male body could not handle all that was happening to me, I am not complaining, but doubt I will ever embrace the male disguise ever again.

I was accepted as my new persona at the plant, getting hugs from the gals and polite handshakes from the few guys we employed. By the time of the play I was immersed in my portrayal of Marilyn, even my voice seemed to fit the character now.

Even though I was scared to death on opening night the play was an unqualified success playing for six weekends. I stayed as Teresa after the play finished six weeks of dressing and acting as a female pretty much making returning to the life of a male not possible or desired. I never did go back to my apartment, Janice saw to my things being done away with, and since that first evening I had never been anywhere but in her bed.

About six months later my ex-wife contacted me asking if I could take the girls to raise. Her newest conquest did not want the girls under any conditions so she was hoping I would take them back. I reluctantly told her of my changes, she giggled into the phone, she had me checked out and was already aware of my new looks, the girls anxious to see their new mommy. Janice was ecstatic when I told her, even went with me to pick up the girls. Kay my ex was speechless when she saw me for the first time, hugging me hard and tight. I think she now realized what she had and let get away. A few minutes later two squealing girls came and tackled me, not letting go when I tried to get them to our car. I saw a tear or two in Kay’s eyes as we left, but turned away. It was her decision and she is the one that has to live with it.

Janice helped me herd the girls into the back seat and she drove. The chatter from the two was infectious, they seemed so happy now. At the house we got them settled into their room, hanging their clothes in their closet. Both were in school, so I will stay working then leave early so that I can pick them up at school.

Life turned out to be good after that, Janice and I marrying about three months later, our girls by our sides. Bev is now handling most of my previous job, I just check in on her if she needs help. Almost every time I do she has a bag of clothes for me and the girls, each custom made to our measurements.

Janice’s true love the theater is doing well, lots of volunteers now and three corporate sponsors to boot. I get called in from time to time to play a small part, but nothing like the Marilyn part. If Janice has her way she is going to do the Marilyn play again on the anniversary of its original playing five years ago. Once she let it slip that she was considering the idea it was all over the papers and we had hundreds of request for tickets. When I saw Bev sewing the dresses for the play, I knew it would happen, the smirk on her face so evil.

I had some help in the beginning, well to be truthful lots of help. But what resulted from the help is so wonderful. I have the love of my life and my two girls and friends all over the community. Now that I am a female I am certain it is the right gender for me. The fact that Janice is my soul mate, all the better.

© 2016 thru 2024 by Francesca

Claire; Beauty Blog For Gurls

 Claire; Beauty Blog For Gurls

How I got into this beauty blog business is really a study in coincidence. I had been enrolled in beauty school, thinking that a career as a cosmetologist, was my ticket to fame and fortune. Picturing myself as a hairdresser to some Hollywood starlet, owning my own salon and never worrying about money. I never made it past the cosmetics portion of the schooling. I was alright at it, but far from a natural. Several of the other male students were better, even helping some of the female students with their makeup quite often.

I have been a member of the male sex for as long as I can remember, translation, I was born male. Reasonably handsome, mirrors don’t shatter when I look at my image in them, with a typical young male physique. Five foot nine, one hundred forty pounds, longish hair, a dirty blonde in color and a face that fits nicely between the genders. A lack of a square jaw, cheekbones not prominent, and a nondescript nose made me favor neither one gender nor the other.

I could picture myself as a hair stylist, maybe it was more of a dream than an actual possibility. It is something I had strived for, but recently it looked like my dream would never come true. I guess the main reason why I dropped out is the instructor. He is highly talented, a well-known hairstylist for several actresses in TV and Hollywood years ago, but also very opinionated. We never got along, even day one of the course he is separating me out from the rest of the students. When he needed a model for something he was instructing he would choose me, quite often I would be subjected to frequent very feminine hairstyles or extreme makeup. Simply stated he wanted me out of the class and the school.

The other students would not kid me as much as he did, but it still made me feel left out, not a member of the group. A couple of times I was left with pencil thin brows or curly hair that took quite some time to return to a more normal male appearance. One day I decided I had enough, and walked out, rather than spending any more money on the course. I guess I could have went to a different school, but knew that where you graduated from greatly influenced how you obtained employment in the field.

After a few weeks, searching for an alternative, I decided to try something in the computer field, ending up taking an eight week course in running a blog for profit. It was offered at a community college, fairly inexpensive and maybe a fun course. The lady professor was a blast, challenging us from day one. We had to pick what we were going to blog about, since I had been a beauty school dropout, I decided to do a blog about makeup and cosmetics. I got a raised eyebrow look from her when I stated my choice of blog topics, but after the third class, she seemed to think I might have a chance with my choice.

We met three times a week for four hours, most of it very practical instruction. She had us get a blogger account, set up the blog, and start daily posting as if we were doing it as a living. We learned as we did the daily posts, how to insert pictures, how to make the comment sections work for us, and how to write interesting posts that would capture attention.

I noticed that I was getting a few visits, each day a few more. The instructor suggested some pictures to back up my postings. I scanned several of the free picture sites looking for something that would work. No luck there. When one of my classmates and I were discussing it she suggested that I do my own makeup, come into class that way and she would take some pictures of me that way. She was a photography major and had the equipment and cameras necessary to take some professional pictures. We told the instructor our idea, she thought it was great and scheduled a special class about taking pictures and their use in a blog.

I practiced for several days trying to get the makeup just right. I had quite a bit left from the cosmetology course, so having something to work with was not a problem. I had decided after the first week with the blog, to be honest in my approach. I admitted I was a male who often wore makeup, dressing as a female or male as the mood strikes me. I don’t use the makeup to attract partners for sex or anything else. It is just me and what I enjoy.

The day of the pictures came, Juliette got some terrific pics, and we posted some of them right to my blog. I had written a post describing the steps in applying the makeup, and had it saved as a draft. I brought up the draft added the pictures and posted it to my blog. During the rest of the class we discussed other uses of the pictures, then adjourned. I checked my laptop before leaving the class, and set down hard in one of the classroom desks. Juliette stared at me for a few seconds then walked over to look over my shoulder at my screen.

It took her a few minutes to find what held my interest, then yelled for the teacher. Jenn came up, took a look at the screen and smiled. “Well, Claire I think your blog just went viral. I suggest you start planning your next posts, that way you can take advantage of the traffic to get more followers.” I looked at the screen again, the stats chart now showing three thousand visitors for today. When I looked at the audience the world map was almost all colored in, only a few countries in Southeast Asia and Africa were nor represented.

I just sat there, three separate pictures and now I have people from all over the world following what I say and do. I flipped back to the blog, to look at the pictures that caused it all. Except for the hair I looked like a runway model, a female runway model, maybe a little heavier makeup than for day use but still quite attractive. Taking the hair into consideration most would be able to see that I was male, although a very pretty one. I was flabbergasted, the blog I had been working on actually turning into something good.

I took the pictures that Juliette had taken and isolated the eyes, the mouth, the eyebrows, to make separate posts on those subjects. The web traffic slacked off some, but still in the thousands. I described how to get that look easily and the products I used. I had a couple of other ideas, but would need Juliette to take more pictures of me.

Two days later I received an email from one of the cosmetic manufactures wanting to know if I would take some advertising on my website. I told them it was in the works, just nothing yet in print for me to send them. I asked Jenn at the next class, she handing me some suggested rates for ads from newer upstart blogs. “Since you have such a following already, you might hike those prices some, plus ask for sample cosmetics, so that you can try them out and do an online evaluation for the blog.”

I sent them an email, and within an hour I had response from them. Two ads to start with, both ads attached to the email I just received. They just needed an address to send payment and also my cosmetics. I sat there totally numb to the world, they not only accepted the higher rates, for the ads, but are going to send me free cosmetics. I did pinch myself, just to be sure I wasn’t dreaming. It really hurt, so I presume that this is not a dream.

Juliette was eager to take more pictures, her only request was that she be able to use a couple of the pictures at her next gallery presentation. We agreed on a weekend, so there would be more time to go through the different makeup styles that I wanted to cover. When she came over I had to help her with all of her equipment. Lots of lights and some reflectors, plus several cameras and her laptop. She used digital cameras, uploading the discs to her laptop.

I had most everything set up, so I started doing my first face. When I first signed up for the beauty school I had bought a vanity with a lighted mirror planning to use it as I practiced for the class. She took pictures all during the application of the makeup, then lots more of the finished face. This went on for several hours as I did daytime makeup, evening makeup and even makeup for stage or TV. We called a break at one o’clock, ordered a pizza and consumed some diet coke for a beverage.

She wanted to do a video of an entire makeup application. A picture could be not used if it was bad or out of focus, but video is another thing entirely. I was nervous about it but she assured me she could edit out any mistakes or errors. She did, however, want to do it with sound, so we practiced some without the camera running.

My voice was somewhere in between the two genders, so when I had my makeup completed they saw and heard a female. Juliette got me to vary my voice a little, up and down as I made a point or pointed out something that was essential to a good makeup job.

I somehow got enough confidence to start the video, me doing the makeup and explaining what I was doing. She had three cameras running during the video, so she would check each one often to make sure I was centered in the picture. It was her idea to choose one of the three different angles that would best highlight what I was doing. I gradually lost my nervousness as the video progressed, I joked a little, blinked my long mascara laden eyelashes often, even made like a kiss a time or two. As I got into the video more, I noticed my voice naturally raising, now definitely in the female range. After the video it stayed there, not falling back into its normal range. When it was finished she sat at the kitchen table and edited the video. Then we posted it to YouTube, linking from the blog to the video.

We sat there talking about our blogs, about why I was doing makeup and if I dressed as a female too. I told her I haven’t dressed, the makeup just because I had the recent training in cosmetology, maybe a way to take some advantage of the tuition that I had paid for the course. Funny, in cosmetology school, I barely completed the assignments, but here I am doing a beauty blog and is attracting attention from all over the world. She suggested we try a few shots with me in female clothing.

I told her I had none, she looked at me for a minute or two, then told me to strip. As I was reluctantly taking off my shirt she was undressing right in front of me. She did turn away from me as she removed her panties, then asked for my shorts in return. I exchanged the items, her panties warm and slightly damp. I hurried getting them up my legs, not wanting her to see me naked. Soon all the rest of her clothes made it on my body, her just staring at me. “Gawd I wish I looked that good in those clothes.”

She immediately grabbed her camera, and took a zillion pictures of me from every angle she could figure out. It was comical to watch her take a picture, then fuss with my male clothes, since they were obviously irritating her. How do you stand these things, rough, itchy and well icky? Her breasts were straining to pop out of my shirt, without a bra, they looked a lot bigger than with one. When she had to reach inside my jeans to unwedge a part of my boxers from her crack I finally lost it. Well that was an excuse for an all-out assault on me, feeling me up, and popping my bra straps just a couple of her attempts to get me back.

As we undressed again to change back I watched her eyes settle on my groin. Most of the time there is not much there, I have to be really stimulated for it to amount to much. That did not happen often unfortunately. I have always been aware of my smallish appendage, it being pointed out to me all through high school. Every PE class another lesson in humiliation for me. Since we had open showers, there was no place to hide or even minimize the view. After a while the comments were less obtrusive, but still humiliating to me.

The most often comment was do I want to date one of them, they had never dated a female with such a large clit. About that time the name I was called changed, Clark now becoming Claire to my fellow classmates and soon to the rest of my high school class. In fact, it got so ingrained at the time of my high school graduation I was called Claire when the diplomas were handed out. That was such a shock, one that would stay with me for several years. Then when I looked at the actual diploma Claire Walker was the name printed on it.

I didn’t fight it, for the rest of my schooling I used the name Claire. Usually it was just a smirk, or cute name when I was introduced, then after that no more mention of my obviously female name. That might have been some of the problem with the cosmetology instructor, he did visibly react at the first class when he called my name and I stood up.

Life was about to become bizarre, the video took off like a rocket, then the blog suddenly had lots of new visitors as they visited after seeing the video. It was unreal, here I was a single male that had a viral video and blog about applying and wearing makeup. Juliette was a driving force, as soon as she saw what was happening she decided we need to shop for me. It was talked about for a couple of hours, then a quick trip out to some thrift stores, before it was time to go to our class.

The quick trip turned out to be almost four hours long, we just barely made it to class on time. Now faced with being late for class might have caused some concern on my part, but how I ended up attending class was far more of a concern. At the last shop we hit, Juliette found a huge pile of freshly donated female clothes all in my size. She was selective I guess, but we ended up buying all but three of the items, ten bags full of female clothes for Claire. I wore the last outfit I tried on, thinking we were going to stop at my place to change. Instead Juliette drove right to the school and dragged me inside. I still had on the makeup from the video, probably the reason I was not hassled at the store when I tried on some of the clothes.

As we walked in, sudden silence. Everybody’s eyes riveted to the new Claire. Juliette introduce me again, telling everyone this is my new look, so get used to it. Not exactly what I had in mind, but it was out there before I could say a word. Jenn walked up, carefully scrutinized me, and then hugged me. “Very pretty, Claire, it suits you.”

No other mention was made about how I was dressed, but several fellow students told me after class that I looked much prettier dressed in female clothes. For this particular day we had to report on our blog, traffic, comments and if we had gained any financial support. Of all the students I was far in the lead on all accounts.

Several of the students approached me after class asking for help in getting there blogs jump started. Jenn suggested that we exchange a post with each other, thereby getting some exposure to new readers. We would treat it like a guest post, like what my friend is doing now. It worked their blogs getting more hits and new visitors for mine.

I started writing reviews on the free cosmetics I had received, the company that supplied them so pleased that I got more ads to run in my blog. Several more suppliers approached me, wanting to do a couple of ads with me too. I made sure that there was no competing products, not wanting to piss off my present advertisers. Now I was starting to show a profit, not enough to get rich with, but more than enough to handle my basic expenses, rent, food, and utilities.

I was trying to figure out what topics I should cover next when I received several emails from male readers asking for help with makeup for them. They all wore makeup often, but never as good as what mine was. I asked them to send a picture, that way I could advise them on specific things to help them out. Well the next few weeks was like an avalanche. The three males I had originally asking for help turned into fifty-three, each one I helped referring me to others. My advertisers saw what was happening, deciding to introduce a line of cosmetics for Gurls, a male that is portraying a female.

It only took them three weeks to get the line produced, my ten ads morphed to twenty-five and my readership went off the charts. It was decided to market the line only through my blog, I agreed, not realizing what that would do to my readership and my financial status. I was getting around ten thousand hits a day, a few days later that amount nearly doubled. Juliette decided to help out, processing orders and helping me pack for shipping. I split the profit with her, for which I received many kisses and hugs. She still did her photography, but confined that to the evenings and weekends.

The class had ended several weeks ago, Jenn wanting me to help with her next class, for which I would get paid by the community college. She already had more students signed up than before, a fact that she was very excited about.

I am not really sure how I ended up dressing as a female full time, but the clothes seemed to be more comfortable and Juliette liked me dressed as her girly gurl. When I realized I was no longer wearing any of my male clothes, I decided to pack up what I was not using. Juliette did me one better and hauled them all to Goodwill. Not my intention, but I only found out what she had done when she returned giving me the donation slip so that I could take it off my taxes. I started to say something but her smirk and giggling convinced me to hold back. This was what she wanted and I was not going to deny her.

A couple of weeks later I was getting dressed in the morning and I was trying to find an outfit for the day. No shopping or time away from the house today, something casual and comfortable will do nice. As I opened the closet doors I noticed that the closet was full, maybe room for an outfit or two but that would be all that would fit. Just three weeks ago it was less than half full of female items once my male clothes had been purged.

I stood there and stared, the female side of Claire had totally taken over my life. Then with a shrug of my shoulders I turned and sat at my vanity. It also was covered in different cosmetics, the top of the vanity almost full, that not counting what was in the drawers. Yep, Claire and the beauty blog is firmly in control, a smile now appearing on my face. My face that is totally feminine, reflecting back from the mirror. A quite attractive gurls face I might add.

On the romantic side of things Juliette did move in with me a few week later, a two bride wedding in the plans for the fall, Claire, of course, wearing the fancier dress, her heels and makeup perfect as usual.

© 2016 thru 2024 by Francesca

Daisy: Female Or Sissy

Daisy: Female Or Sissy

I was in a quandary as to what I could do to escape the predicament I found myself in. I hated school so when I found out that I had failed to pass my sophomore year I just quit going to school. I was supposed to take my report card home, get it signed and then take it back to the school. I forged Mom’s signature, returned it to school and then made the decision to just ditch the rest of my classes for the year. It was only for a few days, as the teachers were wrapping things up and giving makeup tests for those that had missed the end of the year test.

Mom didn’t find out till three weeks later when a truant officer came to visit. I had spent my days holed up in an arcade at the local mall. I looked old enough for most people to ignore me, so was able to get by. Playing video games all day is not what it is cracked up to be, but school I hated and going home ran the chance of running into Mom. I knew I was playing a dangerous game, if caught I would be in so much trouble.

When I returned home that day I could tell Mom was pissed, but she didn’t enlighten me as to why. I made myself a couple of sandwiches and went to my room. I turned on my computer, then stuffed my face, eventually falling asleep on my bed, still fully clothed.

When I awoke the next morning my Aunt Laura was standing over me. She pulled me to my feet, told me to take a shower, then swatted my butt hard. Laura scared me, where my Mom was easy to get along with, her sister Laura was strictly no nonsense. They got along fairly good with each other, although we didn’t see Laura often. When she did show up, it was usually to straighten out a problem, a problem that Mom couldn’t handle. I was worried why she was here, hopefully not because of me and what I have done.

Mom was my only parent since Dad skipped out on us years ago. Other than getting Mom pregnant he was a non-entity, although when caught he paid some child support, that is until he vanished again. Mom’s lawyer spent countless hours tracking him down. This required Mom to work several part time jobs to keep a roof over our heads. I appreciated all Mom did for us, but life sucked and school in particular. I knew I was not going anywhere after high school, that is if I ever finished high school. At the moment, that decision was already made as far as I was concerned, school is just not worth it.

I did as she asked dropping my clothes on the bathroom floor as I stepped into the shower. I was worried why Aunt Laura was here, my usual shower activity got postponed, maybe I can correct the situation later. When I emerged my clothes were gone, not even a towel to cover myself up with. I peeked around the door, not seeing my aunt, then running to my bedroom, dripping water as I went. As I entered I noticed all of my drawers pulled out of the dresser and my closet doors wide open. Other than a few hangers the closet was empty, along with my dresser. I looked to my bed, figuring a sheet would do to hide my naked body to find it bare. Not a single item to cover myself up with, even the pillow cases were gone.

My aunt came through the bedroom door, stopped and looked at me. Her stare is unnerving, like I said before she terrifies me. I tried to cover myself, being naked in front of my aunt had me shaking and embarrassed. I was told to sit on the edge of the bed, as she pulled up a chair to face me. She did close my bedroom door before she got comfortable on the chair. I did my best to cover my penis, sitting naked in front of your aunt is not the best confidence builder. In fact, I was so sacred I was almost to the point of throwing up, my stomach doing the rumbling thing to the extreme.

“Well Mark, we seem to have a problem. A certain young man has decided that he no longer needs to go to high school. That has caused the school district to send someone to inquire about him since you were supposed to be in summer school because of your grades. Your Mom was here when they came, quite a surprise when she found out that you were skipping school. Then there is the problem of you flunking all of your classes, meaning that you will have to take the whole sophomore year over again. Then when I got involved I found numerous notes sent to your Mom about class disruption, defacing school property and bullying. The facts that those notes never arrived home, another serious problem, Then we have you forging your Mom’s signature on your last report card, I sometimes wonder about your intelligence.

“To keep from the state taking you from your Mother because it is obvious she can’t control you, I have been assigned as your guardian. That means you do what I say and when I say it. Now you are coming with me, to see if I can straighten you out.” I looked down at my naked body, asking her for some clothes. “I think I can help you with that. Turn around and raise your arms up.” I did and felt her slide something over my arms to settle over my body. She zipped up the back and I heard a click.

I looked down and screamed, she had put me in a dress. I tried to reach the zipper, to get it loose enough so that I could get it back over my head. The top of the zipper wouldn’t budge, the dress fitting tight against my chest and stomach wouldn’t let me grab it. I could not move it either up or down to get at the zipper. Laura took a paddle and started swatting my butt hard, there being nothing but the thin dress between my skin and the paddle. I never saw where she got the paddle or the dress, but she had obviously came prepared. I tried to evade her, but she ended up cornering me between the dresser and the bathroom door. I tried to use my hands to protect myself, but the paddle landing on them convinced me to not try that again. I cursed, then cried, then pleaded with her to stop. She did for a minute, telling me to stand still, with my hands at my sides.

She approached placing a collar around my neck, a leash dangling from the collar. The click as it fastened together sounded ominous. I started to protest, one swing of the paddle stopped that action instantly. I was led from the house to her car, blushing red but fearing what may happen if I disobeyed. As we passed the garbage can at the edge of the driveway, I saw most of my male clothes piled in it, not a good sign of things to come. I never saw Mom as I was put in Laura’s car, apparently I was on my own with her. That is not a comforting thought.

I was nearly naked, a thin lacy dress the only thing on my body. The collar had quite an impact on me, I somehow felt unable to fight back anymore. My butt was still hurting where she had swatted it as I sat on the back seat. Having no underwear on made it much worse. To think I was reduced to tears so fast, a young man of sixteen years of age put in his place by my Aunt, a female and much smaller than me.

It was about two hours to Laura’s house, I remained quiet the entire trip, my ego the most damaged part of my psyche right now. Within a few minutes I had been stripped, paddled and dressed as a girl my fighting back getting me absolutely nowhere. Laura was quite a bit smaller than me, at least six inches shorter, but something about her made me feel uneasy, lacking any confidence in my ability to stand up to her.

Once we got to her house I was led upstairs to her daughter’s bedroom, then she removed the dress leaving me there in front of her stark naked. The collar was left on, but the leash removed. As she stepped right in front of me, I was told you can take a nap, since your first appointment is not till tomorrow morning. All the clothes here should fit you, to leave this room you have to be dressed appropriately. That means for food, to get a drink or to use the bathroom. I have closed circuit TV throughout the house, so when you leave the room I will be able to see how you are dressed. I would suggest that you accept your fate for a few weeks, trying to leave the house or fighting this will only make things worse, much worse.

I have legally changed your name, Mark is no longer, we need something sissyish for your name now. If this type of behavior continues I will see to it that you are sent to school dressed in clothes appropriate for a ten year old girl and in the appropriate grade for that age. That means back to the fourth grade, not a place that I think you will like. Now think about all of this, then come downstairs later dressed as a young female and we will have dinner together. She turned and left, closing the door behind her. I stood there in shock, she can’t do this to me, there has to be some law that forbids it.

Then I remembered that she used to work for social services, actually a supervisor for half the state. I presume that is how she became my guardian, knowing enough people to make it happen. I loved Mom, but she was clueless about a young man, so I managed to get away with most everything. That is until now.

I looked around the room, while trying to figure out how I was going to escape. I saw the window and smiled. I went to see if it was locked but the window raised easily, so a possible escape route. I looked out to find a trellis to the side of the window going all the way down to the ground, maybe I can climb down it to safety. When I had my head out the window, I felt a tingling in the collar around my neck. I decided the collar needs to be checked out as I walked over to sit at her daughter’s vanity so I could get a closer look at it in the mirror.

There were no visible seams, just a somewhat thick metal band around my neck with way too many feminine decorations on it. There was jewels, some glitter a couple of ribbon bows and in script the word Sissy. I laid my head down on the vanity and cried. This can’t be happening to me, it just can’t. I tried the window again, not believing that I was trapped in her daughter’s room. As soon as my head was out the window, the tingling started again. I decided to see if it was something temporary or longer lasting. After a minute it became intense, somehow the collar was punishing me for trying to escape. Head back in and the tingling stopped.

I did go over and lay on the bed, naked, a sissy collar on me and nothing but frilly feminine clothes to wear. Even if I managed to escape, naked and a sissy collar around my neck sure to send me right back here. I shed a few tears that afternoon, a first for me. Once on the bed the tears turned to outright sobbing. Then as if things could not get worse I discovered I had to pee. Do I try and sneak to the bathroom, hoping Laura does not see that I am still naked or do I give in and put on some of these horrid clothes?

I was lying on my side, my butt still stinging from the paddling. Moving around to try and get comfortable only made my need to go to the bathroom worse. I walked over to the closet, hoping to find a robe, or maybe a jacket to wear so that I could relieve myself. No such luck and I was getting desperate. Finally I grabbed a dress from the closet, when I had it out so I could see it better I let out a low groan, it was covered in lace, and pink in color making the dress just that much more feminine. It looked like it would fit, but meant for a younger female that was super girly. Although the dress was light pink in color I doubted it could be more feminine. I managed to get it over my head, then had to almost dislocate my arm to get it zipped up. One look in the mirror and I was sick. The need to pee overcame everything and I made my way to the bathroom, looking in the hall for her cameras.

I managed to make it, but barely. I faced the toilet raising the dress so that I could pee. The dress kept slipping down, too much fabric in the skirt for me to hold with one hand. I turned and sat down, the male side of my brain groaning at my caving in so quickly. I was sitting like a female to use the bathroom, with my dress covering part of my legs, a dress that I had picked out and put on myself. Laura had not done a thing to make me do this other than threaten me if I came out of the bedroom without clothes, female ones my only choice. I even took some toilet paper to wipe with, not wanting to lift my skirt to take hold of my penis to shake it, like I usually do. I felt ashamed, a simple thing like using the bathroom and I had caved, donned a dress, then sat like a female would do for such a basic bodily function. All of this only hours after she had taken me from my home.

With my eyes staring at the floor, I walked to the bedroom, feeling a little better, one crisis I managed to live through. Once inside I saw a pair of panties laying on the bed, then the shoes to the side of the bed. I figured it out pretty quickly, any other trips out of the room would require panties and girls shoes. Again not a word said, but the implication concise and clear. I did shed the dress as soon as I got back into my room. I was naked again, after struggling for twenty minutes trying to get the zipper down so I could get out of that damn dress. It felt wrong to be wearing it, I couldn’t get it off soon enough after returning to the bedroom.

Lying there all afternoon I ran different scenarios through my mind, first deciding to go on a hunger strike, I was not putting that dress on again or any other female clothes. Then I started to notice some wonderful smells coming from downstairs. Laura was cooking dinner and it smelled so good. Another hour later I was still naked, but my stomach was growling telling my brain to give up, put on a dress and let’s eat. I took time to look through the entire closet, hoping to find something a little less feminine. Every piece I pulled out only got worse, shorter skirts, plunging necklines and the horrid pink color on most every piece of clothing. All the items were meant for a younger girl or a sissy, then I remembered her telling me that she was going to change my name to something a sissy would call herself. What am I going to do, then the knowledge that there was something to eat downstairs reappeared in my mind, but is it worth it.

There were no new smells, so I figured dinner was ready. If I didn’t show up on time I feared I would miss out entirely. My stomach won out, grabbing the first dress I saw and slipped it on. Again fighting with the zipper and then I noticed the panties still lying on the bed. I picked them up carefully, fearing that putting them on might suddenly turn me into a female for real.

I stepped into them, and started pulling them up my legs. I let out a very un-masculine moan, as they slid past my knees. Breathing became difficult and for a few seconds I actually held my breath. By the time I got them to my waist my penis was rock hard, making the panties stick out obscenely. I tried to think of something else, but the erection persisted. So I made my way back to the bathroom, lowered my panties and jerked off. Believe me it didn’t take long, a few touches of my hand and I was spewing all over the place. Then there was the problem of cleaning up, wet, gooey, and sticky it required more than a few pieces of toilet paper to get it under control and remove the evidence that it had happened.

Back to the bedroom, my face red as a beet, I am sure every drop of blood I had was crammed into the space between my ears. I made sure my male organ was tucked securely between my legs not wanting to have a repeat performance in front of Laura or for her to see what the panties did to me. Even as I did that my male organ started to betray me again, I reached down and grabbed it and squeezed hard, hoping to stop its swelling. I breathed a sigh of relief as I felt it shrink in my hands, so I put it back between my legs and pulled up the panties once again.

A distinct smell still permeated the air so I stopped at her daughter’s vanity and sprayed some perfume on the offending area. Now I smelled so girly, I take it I used too much perfume, since that was all I could smell now.

I started for the door, only to remember the shoes. I picked one up to look at it. Of course, it was a heel, though the heel height looked quite manageable. I slipped it on, somehow it was my exact size. I put the matching one on and started for the door. The heels were affecting how I was walking, they seemed to require me taking smaller steps, my ass swaying back and forth like a lot of the girls at school. I stopped, debating whether to take the shoes off or continue on to dinner. Laura’s calling me to dinner at that very moment, decided for me. I minced off to the stairs and then to the kitchen, for that was what it felt like I was doing. The stairs were a problem, I ended up holding on to the railing with both hands as I made my way down them. I pictured my swaying ass from behind, another surge of blood rushing to my head.

As I entered the kitchen Laura looked at me, scanning my body from head to toe. She came over, picked up my skirt, I presume to make sure I was wearing panties, then hugged me and showed me to the table. I was reluctant to break off the hug, it felt so good. A hug that I have seldom received in the past. It wasn’t because Mom didn’t want to hug me, it was because I never allowed it.

She did comment on my perfume, suggesting that in the future a light mist than walk though it would be more than enough to hide my objectionable odor. Another blush and lots of blood flowing upward. She had figured out what I was trying to cover up instantly, causing me even more embarrassment.

A most delicious plate of food was placed in front of me, waiting to be devoured. She showed me how to sit with a skirt, then made me redo it several times until I got it right. I was to eat with one hand, the other hand to be placed in my lap and left there. Finally I was able to taste some of the food.

There was a delicious roast, potatoes cooked in the juices of the roast, some green beans that she had heard I liked and a bowl of salad. Laura mentioned that the salad had to be eaten too, or there would be no more food for future meals. I screwed up my face and took the first bite, surprised at how good it tasted. The dressing was slightly sweet, making the lettuce and tomatoes slide down my throat a little easier. I actually finished the salad first before moving on to the rest of the meal.

Several times I was told to slow down, there was no hurry and we had plenty of time to eat before I was to help her do the dishes. Well the dishes comment stuck in my craw, but luckily before I made another fatal mistake I remembered how I was dressed and the collar, deciding that I would indeed help her do the dishes. I did think back to earlier today, other than the spanking with the paddle, everything I have done willingly. Her threats, her stupid rules and that damn collar the only pieces of persuasion that were necessary. I dressed in the clothes, took the hint about the panties and shoes and even jerked off while dressed to avoid the obvious reaction of my male organ to the silky panties. I can’t be much of a male if silky panties can turn me on that much.

Then she brings out dessert, my favorite cheesecake. I nearly swoon at the gorgeous site, canned cherries on top of each piece. It is placed in front of me with a caveat. To be able to eat it, I need to wear a nightie to bed tonight. A nightie that she had laid across the back of the chair next to me. I stared at the piece of clothing, up to now I was not even aware that it was lying there. Oh gawd, pink in color and frills adorning the hem of the nightie, so short it will probably only come down to just past my panties. I did catch myself referring to the panties as mine.

I used to visit some porn sites where the girls wore nighties like this, now I will be wearing the same. I looked at the cheesecake, told her I will wear it to bed and then took my first bite of the cheesecake. It was so delicious, melting in my mouth. Then stared back at the nightie, a sacrifice but is it worth the piece of cheesecake. My scheming mind figured I could slip into the nightie, than after she goes to bed I could remove it and sleep in the nude.

I savored the piece of cheesecake, hoping that if I stalled I might be excused the kitchen duties. When I took the last bite, Laura came over helping me to stand and slipped an apron on me. She tied it in a big bow behind my back, then handed me a stack of dishes and pointed to the kitchen. I decided to help her, so far this has not been that bad, the dinner and the dessert really hitting the spot. It went quicker than I had thought, forty minutes later the dishes were done and the kitchen cleaned up. She helped me with the apron, hanging it on hook right inside the kitchen door. I was taken to her den, which she used to use as her office with the nightie laying over my arm. The feel of the satin material and the lace at the hem doing a job on me as I followed her. A subtle remainder of things yet to come.

Shown to a chair and then she sat directly opposite, facing me. “I will tell you exactly what I am doing to you and why. Your behavior has been unsatisfactory, both in school and at home. Your Mom has bent over backwards to see that you had a nice home and a decent education. To this you deceived her, lied to her and failed in your education. Now I enter the picture, I see what you have done, and ended up having to intervene before you got taken from your Mom and put in foster care or juvenile hall. I assure you either of those are much worse than what you will endure with me. I have decided that your male ego is the problem here, so we are going to take away any masculine traits you might have, replacing them with the girliest ones we can find.”

“I am going to start you off as a sissy, a simpering effeminate male dressed in the girliest clothes, makeup and cutest juvenile hairstyles. The collar stays on and I am going to drag you everywhere I go dressed as a Sissy. You will have lots of things done to you to make you look more feminine, but never enough to disguise that you are really a male. None of your treatments are permanent at this time, but failure of you to cooperate with me and I will see you end up as a simpering effeminate female for the rest of your life. That is not a threat but a promise. You will not be allowed to waste your life and end up in prison or dead.

It all starts tomorrow morning so I suggest that you decide to cooperate, otherwise life might become very difficult for you. Take your nightie and get ready for bed, I will be up to tuck you in shortly.”

I made my way to my bedroom, struggled to get the zipper down on the dress, then slipped it off. I left it lying on the floor where it fell, then decided that might not set well with Laura, picked it up and put it back on a hanger. Then looked more closely at the nightie, swallowed hard and let it slide down over my shoulders. Again the feeling of the silky material causing all kinds of eruptions all over my body, the least of which was a ton of goose pimples.

I managed to slip under the covers, moaning again as I discovered they were satin sheets, feeling cool to the touch and awfully erotic. Laura entered the bedroom shortly after that, I got a hug and the covers were tucked in around me. Then she slid two mittens over my hands, locking them at my wrist. She smiled at me. “I saw that look on your face earlier, however I have had a lot of experience with young males, so I know what has to be done.” Pulling back my covers she then took a silky scarf, wrapped it around my penis and snugged it loosely but not loose enough to fall off. She replaced my covers, making sure the sheets were tucked under my body. I was kissed on the forehead as she left the room after turning off the lights.

Oh gawd, why did she have to do that, every movement caused the scarf to slide on my penis, keeping me erect and frustrated all night long. The nightie added the rest of the frustrations necessary to make me miserable, followed closely by the satin sheets. I was doomed, in a few simple steps she had made me that simpering sissy. Those damn mittens prevented me escaping my predicament, every time I tried to use the mittens to slide off the scarf, they just slid over the scarf, doing nothing to help me escape the silky feelings. My fingers were useless within the mittens, fused together and unable to do anything. I was to discover the mittens were also lined in silk, just moving my fingers a little sending more unwanted feelings to my overworked mind.

I was not rested the next morning, only gaining a few brief periods of sleep mixed in with the almost constant frustration I endured all night. I had to use the bathroom again, now an almost impossible task with the mittens secure on my hands. I had to find Laura to take off my scarf, then hurried to the toilet to pee. I did manage to get a wad of toilet paper to blot off the extra moisture, but it took forever with the mittens still on my hands. As I returned to the room, a leash was secured to my collar and I was led out of the house, in just the nightie and a pair of panties. I was going to protest the action, but maybe what she will come up with might be worse than what I am enduring now. I was humiliated, embarrassed, outside of the house in nothing but a nightie and being led by a leash attached to my collar. Put into the passenger seat of her car, the seat belt fastened securely and my leash wrapped around the head rest on the seat.

It was a short drive to my appointment, when we pulled up in front of the salon, I let out a groan. True to her word, I was being feminized, but not sure how much. From the look of the place, they were quite capable of almost anything, even at this ungodly hour the place was packed. I was released from the seat and led into this bastion of femininity. As we walked to the reception desk I was stared at, then came the giggling and laughter. Bright red again, I doubt my face will ever return to a normal color.

Laura told the receptionist that Daisy was here for her appointment, handed her the leash and left, walking right out to her car and then driving away. Apparently the name Daisy was my new sissy name. I was alone, scared and feeling quite vulnerable. The young girl took my leash and pulled on it, leading me to a room at the back of the salon. There I was deposited, her giggling a little then telling me that they will be in shortly to work on me. Of course, I was bright red, the embarrassment of being led around by a leash dressed in only a nightie. A few minutes later three ladies came in, looked me over then went to gather what they needed. They were back quickly and started working on me.

I started to say something, but the one lady held up a gag, implying that if I attempted to talk I would be gagged. The words I wanted to say died in my throat. A lady was working on my hands after removing my mittens. Since she was matching nail extensions to each fingernail I presumed that is my fate.

The other lady was working on my toenails, apparently I was to receive bright red polish applied to each and every toenail, a perfect match to my fingernails when finished.

The third lady leaned the chair back a little and started in on my eyebrows. The pain as she plucked out each hair was sharp, although after a few I was able to keep my groans to myself. Part of the incentive to keep quiet was the gag that was still visible on a table to the side of the chair I was in. One look is all that was needed to insure my continued silence. Once the three were done I appeared much more feminine, no doubt about my sissy looks now.

My hair was next, my allowing my hair to get so long not in my favor now. It was cut into a feminine style and then set in curlers. A stint under a dryer and then the curlers were removed and the style was brushed out. I now sported curly pigtails coming down to my shoulders, with bright pink ribbons around each bunch of hair. It was definitely juvenile in looks, maybe something an eight year old might wear.

Looking at my eyebrows I could see that I had very few hairs left, the high arched brow line now quite apparent. Some lipstick was added to my lips, then placed in a purse for me to carry with me. I did receive something to replace the nightie, so short it barely covered my panties. I did eventually came to realize that the panties matched the dress, so they were meant to be seen. I doubt my face will ever return to a normal coloration, the amount of blood now congregated there bound to keep it red forever. Each time I blush the color seems to get richer, never fading much with time.

So dressed and made up to resemble a young sissy, that is how I looked when my Aunt came to retrieve me. The damn leash was reattached to my collar and I was led from the salon. I hoped to be taken back to her home, but as luck would have it I ended up at the largest mall in town. I let out such a huge sigh, Laura giggling at my reaction to our destination. “Behave yourself and do as I say and this will be bearable, fight it and you will be here all day. They do have a daycare facility at the other end of the mall, I could always leave you there as I shop, the girls will love to have you to play with.”

Believe me I was good, her last statement never far from conscious thought. I tried on dresses, got my ears pierced and suffered the exposure to countless other customers and shop assistants. No one was mean to me, I did receive lots of giggles at my looks and actions. After awhile I was able to endure them, at least, I was not alone and Laura was always close by.

It was three long hours later when Laura dragged me from the mall. I kind of had got used to being laughed at, since almost anywhere I had been led there was someone there to appraise my looks and then snicker or laugh at me. Once back home Laura led me to my bedroom removed the leash and helped me get out of the dress. I was helped into a different dress, just as frilly and cute, but much shorter, the hem of the dress not even covering my panties. She grabbed my hand and led me to the kitchen where I had to help her prepare dinner.

The dinner was so good, even help fixing it was a dilemma. I wanted to sample things as we prepared the food, but Laura made sure I was focused on preparing it and not on an early snack of the goodies. Finally it was time to partake of the food, although I wanted to gobble it down, I had to sit like a proper young lady and nibble the food. She asked if I enjoyed the visit to the mall, telling me there will be many more such excursions in the coming weeks. That thought kind of lingered till Laura took off my apron, then pulled me to her and hugged me tenderly. I soon was nestled tighter to her, enjoying the hug and her presence.

The day’s events were repeated often. At least two trips out each week to a mall or large department store. Weekly trips to the beauty salon where my curls were refreshed and something new added each time to emphasize my femininity. My body hair was removed, although I had very little to start with, I now had none. My penis was glued to my groin and a silicone female vagina was glued over the top. As that was being done they did something to my penis keeping it from swelling up, now I had a slit like a female but no feelings there at all. Then on the last trip they glued small breast cups to my chest, then hooked hoses to them and started a pump. It was the pump’s job to suck loose tissue into the cups to form small breasts. Like Laura had said earlier enough to make me look like a sissy, but not enough to conceal the fact that I had been a male.

The dresses remained super short, exposing whatever panties I might be wearing and of course the majority of my legs. Always nail polish on my toes and fingernails and visible to all. Lipstick, some mascara, a little rouge for my cheeks but never enough to make me look like a natural born female. I had been with my Aunt for six weeks now, trying to do exactly as she wants and desires.

I had come to the realization that my approach to things in the past was the problem, so regretted my actions those many weeks ago. I asked Laura if there was maybe something else I could do to atone for my past actions. I was almost pleading for anything but what I was subjected to now. I knew I deserved to be treated like a sissy but was trying to think past the next few years. I really did not want to be a sissy for the rest of my life. I was told matter of factly that she would think it over and let me know her decision later. Just like that the subject was tabled till who knows when.

It was a week later and I had just finished the dishes after a delicious dinner that I had to help cook. I was taken to her office and sat in a chair right in front of her desk. I was caught slouching and she made me correct my posture. Then she told me what she had worked out. It was suggested that I listen first to everything before I commented. I was to have one chance at this possible solution to my request and one chance only. If I turned it down there will be no alternatives other than a life as a sissy. This was not what I had envisioned when I asked her for a life other than as a sissy. I had hopes of being returned back to a masculine persona and allowed to make my way in the world, but what she is hinting at is far from that dream.

First you will have to embrace this possible solution completely. That means you will have to do things willingly without being told and as appropriate for what you want. You will have to secure a job in this persona and excel in it so that I can feel confident you might be able to support yourself later in life. You will have to live the life 24/7 for the foreseeable future. No excuses, no shirking of responsibilities and no putting off to another day what needs to be done today. I expect you to buy your own clothes, shoes and any other items you might need for this persona. That includes interacting with society in general and me in particular.

Her next words left a permanent scar on my mind, my escape from sissydom was going to be as a female. Oh gawd, my one chance to escape this life of a sissy is to live the life of a female, 24/7 for the rest of my life. It took a few minutes for my mind to perceive all the different facets of this type of life, getting a job and dressing as a female the first two aspects to invade my mind. Then interacting with society as a female popped up, probably the hardest part of this. Once my mind got to the part of interacting with boys I promptly passed out.

I did come around eventually, the start of a headache making its presence known. Such a decision, keep being a sissy or embrace the female life as a young teenager. Believe me the headache got worse, much worse. Maybe being a sissy will not be that bad, I know I will like and treasure the hugs whenever they are given. But what of my future, an old and graying sissy not the most comforting image to pop into my mind.

I decided life as a female might be preferable, so made the commitment. It was rough for a couple of weeks, as I adapted to the female life style 24/7. I did get more wonderful hugs from Laura, but soon found myself employed as a sales assistant in a clothing store, saving up to replace all the juvenile dresses Laura had made me wear earlier in life. Until I managed that feat, I was kidded often about my attire when showing up for work.

I had to help Laura with meal preparation and cleaning of the house, but I actually looked forward to those times. I even dated some, while I enjoyed being pampered, I don’t think I will be seeking a mate from the male gender. Maybe a female that likes a softer more feminine persona, but that can be handled later in life.

Life as a female, initially terrifying but apparently the right choice for me. Definitely better than as a sissy.

© 2016 thru 2024 by Francesca

My head hurt, my eyes felt they were hanging out in the air and my mouth felt like it was stuffed with cotton. I blinked several times, the ...