Saturday, June 29, 2024

Daisy: Female Or Sissy

Daisy: Female Or Sissy

I was in a quandary as to what I could do to escape the predicament I found myself in. I hated school so when I found out that I had failed to pass my sophomore year I just quit going to school. I was supposed to take my report card home, get it signed and then take it back to the school. I forged Mom’s signature, returned it to school and then made the decision to just ditch the rest of my classes for the year. It was only for a few days, as the teachers were wrapping things up and giving makeup tests for those that had missed the end of the year test.

Mom didn’t find out till three weeks later when a truant officer came to visit. I had spent my days holed up in an arcade at the local mall. I looked old enough for most people to ignore me, so was able to get by. Playing video games all day is not what it is cracked up to be, but school I hated and going home ran the chance of running into Mom. I knew I was playing a dangerous game, if caught I would be in so much trouble.

When I returned home that day I could tell Mom was pissed, but she didn’t enlighten me as to why. I made myself a couple of sandwiches and went to my room. I turned on my computer, then stuffed my face, eventually falling asleep on my bed, still fully clothed.

When I awoke the next morning my Aunt Laura was standing over me. She pulled me to my feet, told me to take a shower, then swatted my butt hard. Laura scared me, where my Mom was easy to get along with, her sister Laura was strictly no nonsense. They got along fairly good with each other, although we didn’t see Laura often. When she did show up, it was usually to straighten out a problem, a problem that Mom couldn’t handle. I was worried why she was here, hopefully not because of me and what I have done.

Mom was my only parent since Dad skipped out on us years ago. Other than getting Mom pregnant he was a non-entity, although when caught he paid some child support, that is until he vanished again. Mom’s lawyer spent countless hours tracking him down. This required Mom to work several part time jobs to keep a roof over our heads. I appreciated all Mom did for us, but life sucked and school in particular. I knew I was not going anywhere after high school, that is if I ever finished high school. At the moment, that decision was already made as far as I was concerned, school is just not worth it.

I did as she asked dropping my clothes on the bathroom floor as I stepped into the shower. I was worried why Aunt Laura was here, my usual shower activity got postponed, maybe I can correct the situation later. When I emerged my clothes were gone, not even a towel to cover myself up with. I peeked around the door, not seeing my aunt, then running to my bedroom, dripping water as I went. As I entered I noticed all of my drawers pulled out of the dresser and my closet doors wide open. Other than a few hangers the closet was empty, along with my dresser. I looked to my bed, figuring a sheet would do to hide my naked body to find it bare. Not a single item to cover myself up with, even the pillow cases were gone.

My aunt came through the bedroom door, stopped and looked at me. Her stare is unnerving, like I said before she terrifies me. I tried to cover myself, being naked in front of my aunt had me shaking and embarrassed. I was told to sit on the edge of the bed, as she pulled up a chair to face me. She did close my bedroom door before she got comfortable on the chair. I did my best to cover my penis, sitting naked in front of your aunt is not the best confidence builder. In fact, I was so sacred I was almost to the point of throwing up, my stomach doing the rumbling thing to the extreme.

“Well Mark, we seem to have a problem. A certain young man has decided that he no longer needs to go to high school. That has caused the school district to send someone to inquire about him since you were supposed to be in summer school because of your grades. Your Mom was here when they came, quite a surprise when she found out that you were skipping school. Then there is the problem of you flunking all of your classes, meaning that you will have to take the whole sophomore year over again. Then when I got involved I found numerous notes sent to your Mom about class disruption, defacing school property and bullying. The facts that those notes never arrived home, another serious problem, Then we have you forging your Mom’s signature on your last report card, I sometimes wonder about your intelligence.

“To keep from the state taking you from your Mother because it is obvious she can’t control you, I have been assigned as your guardian. That means you do what I say and when I say it. Now you are coming with me, to see if I can straighten you out.” I looked down at my naked body, asking her for some clothes. “I think I can help you with that. Turn around and raise your arms up.” I did and felt her slide something over my arms to settle over my body. She zipped up the back and I heard a click.

I looked down and screamed, she had put me in a dress. I tried to reach the zipper, to get it loose enough so that I could get it back over my head. The top of the zipper wouldn’t budge, the dress fitting tight against my chest and stomach wouldn’t let me grab it. I could not move it either up or down to get at the zipper. Laura took a paddle and started swatting my butt hard, there being nothing but the thin dress between my skin and the paddle. I never saw where she got the paddle or the dress, but she had obviously came prepared. I tried to evade her, but she ended up cornering me between the dresser and the bathroom door. I tried to use my hands to protect myself, but the paddle landing on them convinced me to not try that again. I cursed, then cried, then pleaded with her to stop. She did for a minute, telling me to stand still, with my hands at my sides.

She approached placing a collar around my neck, a leash dangling from the collar. The click as it fastened together sounded ominous. I started to protest, one swing of the paddle stopped that action instantly. I was led from the house to her car, blushing red but fearing what may happen if I disobeyed. As we passed the garbage can at the edge of the driveway, I saw most of my male clothes piled in it, not a good sign of things to come. I never saw Mom as I was put in Laura’s car, apparently I was on my own with her. That is not a comforting thought.

I was nearly naked, a thin lacy dress the only thing on my body. The collar had quite an impact on me, I somehow felt unable to fight back anymore. My butt was still hurting where she had swatted it as I sat on the back seat. Having no underwear on made it much worse. To think I was reduced to tears so fast, a young man of sixteen years of age put in his place by my Aunt, a female and much smaller than me.

It was about two hours to Laura’s house, I remained quiet the entire trip, my ego the most damaged part of my psyche right now. Within a few minutes I had been stripped, paddled and dressed as a girl my fighting back getting me absolutely nowhere. Laura was quite a bit smaller than me, at least six inches shorter, but something about her made me feel uneasy, lacking any confidence in my ability to stand up to her.

Once we got to her house I was led upstairs to her daughter’s bedroom, then she removed the dress leaving me there in front of her stark naked. The collar was left on, but the leash removed. As she stepped right in front of me, I was told you can take a nap, since your first appointment is not till tomorrow morning. All the clothes here should fit you, to leave this room you have to be dressed appropriately. That means for food, to get a drink or to use the bathroom. I have closed circuit TV throughout the house, so when you leave the room I will be able to see how you are dressed. I would suggest that you accept your fate for a few weeks, trying to leave the house or fighting this will only make things worse, much worse.

I have legally changed your name, Mark is no longer, we need something sissyish for your name now. If this type of behavior continues I will see to it that you are sent to school dressed in clothes appropriate for a ten year old girl and in the appropriate grade for that age. That means back to the fourth grade, not a place that I think you will like. Now think about all of this, then come downstairs later dressed as a young female and we will have dinner together. She turned and left, closing the door behind her. I stood there in shock, she can’t do this to me, there has to be some law that forbids it.

Then I remembered that she used to work for social services, actually a supervisor for half the state. I presume that is how she became my guardian, knowing enough people to make it happen. I loved Mom, but she was clueless about a young man, so I managed to get away with most everything. That is until now.

I looked around the room, while trying to figure out how I was going to escape. I saw the window and smiled. I went to see if it was locked but the window raised easily, so a possible escape route. I looked out to find a trellis to the side of the window going all the way down to the ground, maybe I can climb down it to safety. When I had my head out the window, I felt a tingling in the collar around my neck. I decided the collar needs to be checked out as I walked over to sit at her daughter’s vanity so I could get a closer look at it in the mirror.

There were no visible seams, just a somewhat thick metal band around my neck with way too many feminine decorations on it. There was jewels, some glitter a couple of ribbon bows and in script the word Sissy. I laid my head down on the vanity and cried. This can’t be happening to me, it just can’t. I tried the window again, not believing that I was trapped in her daughter’s room. As soon as my head was out the window, the tingling started again. I decided to see if it was something temporary or longer lasting. After a minute it became intense, somehow the collar was punishing me for trying to escape. Head back in and the tingling stopped.

I did go over and lay on the bed, naked, a sissy collar on me and nothing but frilly feminine clothes to wear. Even if I managed to escape, naked and a sissy collar around my neck sure to send me right back here. I shed a few tears that afternoon, a first for me. Once on the bed the tears turned to outright sobbing. Then as if things could not get worse I discovered I had to pee. Do I try and sneak to the bathroom, hoping Laura does not see that I am still naked or do I give in and put on some of these horrid clothes?

I was lying on my side, my butt still stinging from the paddling. Moving around to try and get comfortable only made my need to go to the bathroom worse. I walked over to the closet, hoping to find a robe, or maybe a jacket to wear so that I could relieve myself. No such luck and I was getting desperate. Finally I grabbed a dress from the closet, when I had it out so I could see it better I let out a low groan, it was covered in lace, and pink in color making the dress just that much more feminine. It looked like it would fit, but meant for a younger female that was super girly. Although the dress was light pink in color I doubted it could be more feminine. I managed to get it over my head, then had to almost dislocate my arm to get it zipped up. One look in the mirror and I was sick. The need to pee overcame everything and I made my way to the bathroom, looking in the hall for her cameras.

I managed to make it, but barely. I faced the toilet raising the dress so that I could pee. The dress kept slipping down, too much fabric in the skirt for me to hold with one hand. I turned and sat down, the male side of my brain groaning at my caving in so quickly. I was sitting like a female to use the bathroom, with my dress covering part of my legs, a dress that I had picked out and put on myself. Laura had not done a thing to make me do this other than threaten me if I came out of the bedroom without clothes, female ones my only choice. I even took some toilet paper to wipe with, not wanting to lift my skirt to take hold of my penis to shake it, like I usually do. I felt ashamed, a simple thing like using the bathroom and I had caved, donned a dress, then sat like a female would do for such a basic bodily function. All of this only hours after she had taken me from my home.

With my eyes staring at the floor, I walked to the bedroom, feeling a little better, one crisis I managed to live through. Once inside I saw a pair of panties laying on the bed, then the shoes to the side of the bed. I figured it out pretty quickly, any other trips out of the room would require panties and girls shoes. Again not a word said, but the implication concise and clear. I did shed the dress as soon as I got back into my room. I was naked again, after struggling for twenty minutes trying to get the zipper down so I could get out of that damn dress. It felt wrong to be wearing it, I couldn’t get it off soon enough after returning to the bedroom.

Lying there all afternoon I ran different scenarios through my mind, first deciding to go on a hunger strike, I was not putting that dress on again or any other female clothes. Then I started to notice some wonderful smells coming from downstairs. Laura was cooking dinner and it smelled so good. Another hour later I was still naked, but my stomach was growling telling my brain to give up, put on a dress and let’s eat. I took time to look through the entire closet, hoping to find something a little less feminine. Every piece I pulled out only got worse, shorter skirts, plunging necklines and the horrid pink color on most every piece of clothing. All the items were meant for a younger girl or a sissy, then I remembered her telling me that she was going to change my name to something a sissy would call herself. What am I going to do, then the knowledge that there was something to eat downstairs reappeared in my mind, but is it worth it.

There were no new smells, so I figured dinner was ready. If I didn’t show up on time I feared I would miss out entirely. My stomach won out, grabbing the first dress I saw and slipped it on. Again fighting with the zipper and then I noticed the panties still lying on the bed. I picked them up carefully, fearing that putting them on might suddenly turn me into a female for real.

I stepped into them, and started pulling them up my legs. I let out a very un-masculine moan, as they slid past my knees. Breathing became difficult and for a few seconds I actually held my breath. By the time I got them to my waist my penis was rock hard, making the panties stick out obscenely. I tried to think of something else, but the erection persisted. So I made my way back to the bathroom, lowered my panties and jerked off. Believe me it didn’t take long, a few touches of my hand and I was spewing all over the place. Then there was the problem of cleaning up, wet, gooey, and sticky it required more than a few pieces of toilet paper to get it under control and remove the evidence that it had happened.

Back to the bedroom, my face red as a beet, I am sure every drop of blood I had was crammed into the space between my ears. I made sure my male organ was tucked securely between my legs not wanting to have a repeat performance in front of Laura or for her to see what the panties did to me. Even as I did that my male organ started to betray me again, I reached down and grabbed it and squeezed hard, hoping to stop its swelling. I breathed a sigh of relief as I felt it shrink in my hands, so I put it back between my legs and pulled up the panties once again.

A distinct smell still permeated the air so I stopped at her daughter’s vanity and sprayed some perfume on the offending area. Now I smelled so girly, I take it I used too much perfume, since that was all I could smell now.

I started for the door, only to remember the shoes. I picked one up to look at it. Of course, it was a heel, though the heel height looked quite manageable. I slipped it on, somehow it was my exact size. I put the matching one on and started for the door. The heels were affecting how I was walking, they seemed to require me taking smaller steps, my ass swaying back and forth like a lot of the girls at school. I stopped, debating whether to take the shoes off or continue on to dinner. Laura’s calling me to dinner at that very moment, decided for me. I minced off to the stairs and then to the kitchen, for that was what it felt like I was doing. The stairs were a problem, I ended up holding on to the railing with both hands as I made my way down them. I pictured my swaying ass from behind, another surge of blood rushing to my head.

As I entered the kitchen Laura looked at me, scanning my body from head to toe. She came over, picked up my skirt, I presume to make sure I was wearing panties, then hugged me and showed me to the table. I was reluctant to break off the hug, it felt so good. A hug that I have seldom received in the past. It wasn’t because Mom didn’t want to hug me, it was because I never allowed it.

She did comment on my perfume, suggesting that in the future a light mist than walk though it would be more than enough to hide my objectionable odor. Another blush and lots of blood flowing upward. She had figured out what I was trying to cover up instantly, causing me even more embarrassment.

A most delicious plate of food was placed in front of me, waiting to be devoured. She showed me how to sit with a skirt, then made me redo it several times until I got it right. I was to eat with one hand, the other hand to be placed in my lap and left there. Finally I was able to taste some of the food.

There was a delicious roast, potatoes cooked in the juices of the roast, some green beans that she had heard I liked and a bowl of salad. Laura mentioned that the salad had to be eaten too, or there would be no more food for future meals. I screwed up my face and took the first bite, surprised at how good it tasted. The dressing was slightly sweet, making the lettuce and tomatoes slide down my throat a little easier. I actually finished the salad first before moving on to the rest of the meal.

Several times I was told to slow down, there was no hurry and we had plenty of time to eat before I was to help her do the dishes. Well the dishes comment stuck in my craw, but luckily before I made another fatal mistake I remembered how I was dressed and the collar, deciding that I would indeed help her do the dishes. I did think back to earlier today, other than the spanking with the paddle, everything I have done willingly. Her threats, her stupid rules and that damn collar the only pieces of persuasion that were necessary. I dressed in the clothes, took the hint about the panties and shoes and even jerked off while dressed to avoid the obvious reaction of my male organ to the silky panties. I can’t be much of a male if silky panties can turn me on that much.

Then she brings out dessert, my favorite cheesecake. I nearly swoon at the gorgeous site, canned cherries on top of each piece. It is placed in front of me with a caveat. To be able to eat it, I need to wear a nightie to bed tonight. A nightie that she had laid across the back of the chair next to me. I stared at the piece of clothing, up to now I was not even aware that it was lying there. Oh gawd, pink in color and frills adorning the hem of the nightie, so short it will probably only come down to just past my panties. I did catch myself referring to the panties as mine.

I used to visit some porn sites where the girls wore nighties like this, now I will be wearing the same. I looked at the cheesecake, told her I will wear it to bed and then took my first bite of the cheesecake. It was so delicious, melting in my mouth. Then stared back at the nightie, a sacrifice but is it worth the piece of cheesecake. My scheming mind figured I could slip into the nightie, than after she goes to bed I could remove it and sleep in the nude.

I savored the piece of cheesecake, hoping that if I stalled I might be excused the kitchen duties. When I took the last bite, Laura came over helping me to stand and slipped an apron on me. She tied it in a big bow behind my back, then handed me a stack of dishes and pointed to the kitchen. I decided to help her, so far this has not been that bad, the dinner and the dessert really hitting the spot. It went quicker than I had thought, forty minutes later the dishes were done and the kitchen cleaned up. She helped me with the apron, hanging it on hook right inside the kitchen door. I was taken to her den, which she used to use as her office with the nightie laying over my arm. The feel of the satin material and the lace at the hem doing a job on me as I followed her. A subtle remainder of things yet to come.

Shown to a chair and then she sat directly opposite, facing me. “I will tell you exactly what I am doing to you and why. Your behavior has been unsatisfactory, both in school and at home. Your Mom has bent over backwards to see that you had a nice home and a decent education. To this you deceived her, lied to her and failed in your education. Now I enter the picture, I see what you have done, and ended up having to intervene before you got taken from your Mom and put in foster care or juvenile hall. I assure you either of those are much worse than what you will endure with me. I have decided that your male ego is the problem here, so we are going to take away any masculine traits you might have, replacing them with the girliest ones we can find.”

“I am going to start you off as a sissy, a simpering effeminate male dressed in the girliest clothes, makeup and cutest juvenile hairstyles. The collar stays on and I am going to drag you everywhere I go dressed as a Sissy. You will have lots of things done to you to make you look more feminine, but never enough to disguise that you are really a male. None of your treatments are permanent at this time, but failure of you to cooperate with me and I will see you end up as a simpering effeminate female for the rest of your life. That is not a threat but a promise. You will not be allowed to waste your life and end up in prison or dead.

It all starts tomorrow morning so I suggest that you decide to cooperate, otherwise life might become very difficult for you. Take your nightie and get ready for bed, I will be up to tuck you in shortly.”

I made my way to my bedroom, struggled to get the zipper down on the dress, then slipped it off. I left it lying on the floor where it fell, then decided that might not set well with Laura, picked it up and put it back on a hanger. Then looked more closely at the nightie, swallowed hard and let it slide down over my shoulders. Again the feeling of the silky material causing all kinds of eruptions all over my body, the least of which was a ton of goose pimples.

I managed to slip under the covers, moaning again as I discovered they were satin sheets, feeling cool to the touch and awfully erotic. Laura entered the bedroom shortly after that, I got a hug and the covers were tucked in around me. Then she slid two mittens over my hands, locking them at my wrist. She smiled at me. “I saw that look on your face earlier, however I have had a lot of experience with young males, so I know what has to be done.” Pulling back my covers she then took a silky scarf, wrapped it around my penis and snugged it loosely but not loose enough to fall off. She replaced my covers, making sure the sheets were tucked under my body. I was kissed on the forehead as she left the room after turning off the lights.

Oh gawd, why did she have to do that, every movement caused the scarf to slide on my penis, keeping me erect and frustrated all night long. The nightie added the rest of the frustrations necessary to make me miserable, followed closely by the satin sheets. I was doomed, in a few simple steps she had made me that simpering sissy. Those damn mittens prevented me escaping my predicament, every time I tried to use the mittens to slide off the scarf, they just slid over the scarf, doing nothing to help me escape the silky feelings. My fingers were useless within the mittens, fused together and unable to do anything. I was to discover the mittens were also lined in silk, just moving my fingers a little sending more unwanted feelings to my overworked mind.

I was not rested the next morning, only gaining a few brief periods of sleep mixed in with the almost constant frustration I endured all night. I had to use the bathroom again, now an almost impossible task with the mittens secure on my hands. I had to find Laura to take off my scarf, then hurried to the toilet to pee. I did manage to get a wad of toilet paper to blot off the extra moisture, but it took forever with the mittens still on my hands. As I returned to the room, a leash was secured to my collar and I was led out of the house, in just the nightie and a pair of panties. I was going to protest the action, but maybe what she will come up with might be worse than what I am enduring now. I was humiliated, embarrassed, outside of the house in nothing but a nightie and being led by a leash attached to my collar. Put into the passenger seat of her car, the seat belt fastened securely and my leash wrapped around the head rest on the seat.

It was a short drive to my appointment, when we pulled up in front of the salon, I let out a groan. True to her word, I was being feminized, but not sure how much. From the look of the place, they were quite capable of almost anything, even at this ungodly hour the place was packed. I was released from the seat and led into this bastion of femininity. As we walked to the reception desk I was stared at, then came the giggling and laughter. Bright red again, I doubt my face will ever return to a normal color.

Laura told the receptionist that Daisy was here for her appointment, handed her the leash and left, walking right out to her car and then driving away. Apparently the name Daisy was my new sissy name. I was alone, scared and feeling quite vulnerable. The young girl took my leash and pulled on it, leading me to a room at the back of the salon. There I was deposited, her giggling a little then telling me that they will be in shortly to work on me. Of course, I was bright red, the embarrassment of being led around by a leash dressed in only a nightie. A few minutes later three ladies came in, looked me over then went to gather what they needed. They were back quickly and started working on me.

I started to say something, but the one lady held up a gag, implying that if I attempted to talk I would be gagged. The words I wanted to say died in my throat. A lady was working on my hands after removing my mittens. Since she was matching nail extensions to each fingernail I presumed that is my fate.

The other lady was working on my toenails, apparently I was to receive bright red polish applied to each and every toenail, a perfect match to my fingernails when finished.

The third lady leaned the chair back a little and started in on my eyebrows. The pain as she plucked out each hair was sharp, although after a few I was able to keep my groans to myself. Part of the incentive to keep quiet was the gag that was still visible on a table to the side of the chair I was in. One look is all that was needed to insure my continued silence. Once the three were done I appeared much more feminine, no doubt about my sissy looks now.

My hair was next, my allowing my hair to get so long not in my favor now. It was cut into a feminine style and then set in curlers. A stint under a dryer and then the curlers were removed and the style was brushed out. I now sported curly pigtails coming down to my shoulders, with bright pink ribbons around each bunch of hair. It was definitely juvenile in looks, maybe something an eight year old might wear.

Looking at my eyebrows I could see that I had very few hairs left, the high arched brow line now quite apparent. Some lipstick was added to my lips, then placed in a purse for me to carry with me. I did receive something to replace the nightie, so short it barely covered my panties. I did eventually came to realize that the panties matched the dress, so they were meant to be seen. I doubt my face will ever return to a normal coloration, the amount of blood now congregated there bound to keep it red forever. Each time I blush the color seems to get richer, never fading much with time.

So dressed and made up to resemble a young sissy, that is how I looked when my Aunt came to retrieve me. The damn leash was reattached to my collar and I was led from the salon. I hoped to be taken back to her home, but as luck would have it I ended up at the largest mall in town. I let out such a huge sigh, Laura giggling at my reaction to our destination. “Behave yourself and do as I say and this will be bearable, fight it and you will be here all day. They do have a daycare facility at the other end of the mall, I could always leave you there as I shop, the girls will love to have you to play with.”

Believe me I was good, her last statement never far from conscious thought. I tried on dresses, got my ears pierced and suffered the exposure to countless other customers and shop assistants. No one was mean to me, I did receive lots of giggles at my looks and actions. After awhile I was able to endure them, at least, I was not alone and Laura was always close by.

It was three long hours later when Laura dragged me from the mall. I kind of had got used to being laughed at, since almost anywhere I had been led there was someone there to appraise my looks and then snicker or laugh at me. Once back home Laura led me to my bedroom removed the leash and helped me get out of the dress. I was helped into a different dress, just as frilly and cute, but much shorter, the hem of the dress not even covering my panties. She grabbed my hand and led me to the kitchen where I had to help her prepare dinner.

The dinner was so good, even help fixing it was a dilemma. I wanted to sample things as we prepared the food, but Laura made sure I was focused on preparing it and not on an early snack of the goodies. Finally it was time to partake of the food, although I wanted to gobble it down, I had to sit like a proper young lady and nibble the food. She asked if I enjoyed the visit to the mall, telling me there will be many more such excursions in the coming weeks. That thought kind of lingered till Laura took off my apron, then pulled me to her and hugged me tenderly. I soon was nestled tighter to her, enjoying the hug and her presence.

The day’s events were repeated often. At least two trips out each week to a mall or large department store. Weekly trips to the beauty salon where my curls were refreshed and something new added each time to emphasize my femininity. My body hair was removed, although I had very little to start with, I now had none. My penis was glued to my groin and a silicone female vagina was glued over the top. As that was being done they did something to my penis keeping it from swelling up, now I had a slit like a female but no feelings there at all. Then on the last trip they glued small breast cups to my chest, then hooked hoses to them and started a pump. It was the pump’s job to suck loose tissue into the cups to form small breasts. Like Laura had said earlier enough to make me look like a sissy, but not enough to conceal the fact that I had been a male.

The dresses remained super short, exposing whatever panties I might be wearing and of course the majority of my legs. Always nail polish on my toes and fingernails and visible to all. Lipstick, some mascara, a little rouge for my cheeks but never enough to make me look like a natural born female. I had been with my Aunt for six weeks now, trying to do exactly as she wants and desires.

I had come to the realization that my approach to things in the past was the problem, so regretted my actions those many weeks ago. I asked Laura if there was maybe something else I could do to atone for my past actions. I was almost pleading for anything but what I was subjected to now. I knew I deserved to be treated like a sissy but was trying to think past the next few years. I really did not want to be a sissy for the rest of my life. I was told matter of factly that she would think it over and let me know her decision later. Just like that the subject was tabled till who knows when.

It was a week later and I had just finished the dishes after a delicious dinner that I had to help cook. I was taken to her office and sat in a chair right in front of her desk. I was caught slouching and she made me correct my posture. Then she told me what she had worked out. It was suggested that I listen first to everything before I commented. I was to have one chance at this possible solution to my request and one chance only. If I turned it down there will be no alternatives other than a life as a sissy. This was not what I had envisioned when I asked her for a life other than as a sissy. I had hopes of being returned back to a masculine persona and allowed to make my way in the world, but what she is hinting at is far from that dream.

First you will have to embrace this possible solution completely. That means you will have to do things willingly without being told and as appropriate for what you want. You will have to secure a job in this persona and excel in it so that I can feel confident you might be able to support yourself later in life. You will have to live the life 24/7 for the foreseeable future. No excuses, no shirking of responsibilities and no putting off to another day what needs to be done today. I expect you to buy your own clothes, shoes and any other items you might need for this persona. That includes interacting with society in general and me in particular.

Her next words left a permanent scar on my mind, my escape from sissydom was going to be as a female. Oh gawd, my one chance to escape this life of a sissy is to live the life of a female, 24/7 for the rest of my life. It took a few minutes for my mind to perceive all the different facets of this type of life, getting a job and dressing as a female the first two aspects to invade my mind. Then interacting with society as a female popped up, probably the hardest part of this. Once my mind got to the part of interacting with boys I promptly passed out.

I did come around eventually, the start of a headache making its presence known. Such a decision, keep being a sissy or embrace the female life as a young teenager. Believe me the headache got worse, much worse. Maybe being a sissy will not be that bad, I know I will like and treasure the hugs whenever they are given. But what of my future, an old and graying sissy not the most comforting image to pop into my mind.

I decided life as a female might be preferable, so made the commitment. It was rough for a couple of weeks, as I adapted to the female life style 24/7. I did get more wonderful hugs from Laura, but soon found myself employed as a sales assistant in a clothing store, saving up to replace all the juvenile dresses Laura had made me wear earlier in life. Until I managed that feat, I was kidded often about my attire when showing up for work.

I had to help Laura with meal preparation and cleaning of the house, but I actually looked forward to those times. I even dated some, while I enjoyed being pampered, I don’t think I will be seeking a mate from the male gender. Maybe a female that likes a softer more feminine persona, but that can be handled later in life.

Life as a female, initially terrifying but apparently the right choice for me. Definitely better than as a sissy.

© 2016 thru 2024 by Francesca

Taffy: Cute Coed Cheerleader

Taffy: Cute Coed Cheerleader

After four years, I had a chance encounter with Christina, a friend from my past. We had been best friends and next door neighbors until her Mother got transferred to her company’s branch office in Texas. Now they were back, not next door, but in the same neighborhood a little over a half mile away. Her Mother was now the new CEO of the company, their corporate offices here in town. Christina was registering for college here, along with several of her girlfriends, when I ran into her.

I was greeted enthusiastically, maybe a little too much so. The kiss lasted for a couple of minutes, her girlfriends giggling away at the time. I knew a couple of them from before, Christina introducing the newest additions to me. It turns out they were all cheerleaders for the school, except Christina, and they were encouraging her to try out for the squad.

She locked arms with me and we spent the afternoon together. At first the girls seemed a little hostile towards me, a male interrupting their girl time. After a couple of hours, we were all having quite a good time, with me seeming to fit right into their female clique. We walked around the campus, the current students showing us where everything was located.

After registration and the tour, they wanted to go to the mall, so since I had a car, I ferried them all to the local mall. I say local mall, but it was more the size of one of the regional malls. Five anchors, and about one hundred and fifty boutique stores. I doubted the girls missed any stores that afternoon.

Christina started the teasing, holding up a dress to me in one of the anchor stores. “Oh this will look so good on you, why don’t you slip into the changing room and try it on.” My mouth was open clear to my knees, backing up and trying to retreat to a spot further away from her. Her girlfriends were right behind me, each grabbing an arm to stop any further retreat. I must have turned numerous shades of red, I seriously doubted any more blood could invade my upper torso. I felt my whole body was red, a deep red from the faint feeling that was beginning to overtake me.

They steered me to the ladies rest room, it had a large lounge with couches and I was laid there on one of them, and a cool cloth laid over my eyes. When someone started playing with my belt buckle I immediately woke up. I must have passed out, for I honestly don’t remember a thing until Christina kissed me on the lips.

I was coming around, but things still didn’t feel right somehow. I tried to sit up some, but Christina pushed me back down and leaned in to whisper something to me. “Lay there quietly while I explain what has happened. You are one of the girls now, you are wearing the cutest dress, and all of your male clothes have been thrown away. Your hair is in a ponytail, and you look totally female. When you stand up, you are wearing a pair of heels so you need to take it slow. The girls and I have bought you these clothes, and you are now one of us. Behave and I think you will have lots of fun.”

I looked first at my clothing, the dress fitting tight to my body, then suddenly flaring out into this huge skirt. I was helped up, two of them steadying me so I could see myself in the mirror. I closed my eyes and then re-opened them not believing the image I saw. I looked like a coed, similar to their looks, but in a dress and my hair in a ponytail. The situation was even worse since I had on heels, heels that I had never walked in before, heels that were threatening to put me face down on the bathroom floor at any minute.

I was handed a purse and led out into the mall. My head was swiveling around trying to see if I would be found out and laughed at. The female customers gave me a look, but then resumed shopping. The males I saw looked closely and then smiled, no laughter, only lust. Christina did have my arm tightly secured, for support, and also so I wouldn’t break loose and head for the car. Since I was still trying to stay upright I don’t think me running for the car was anything to be concerned about at the present time.

I kept pleading with her for us to go home now, but they still wanted to shop. Dragged from one store to another, but I had learned my lesson and I steadfastly refused to enter the stores. The keys to my car had been confiscated by Christina, to make sure I would not be able to make a getaway. So I sat on the benches outside the stores, watching as male after male came walking by and looking my way. After the fifth store, I went in with them, I had noticed several young males our age that had been following me, gathering outside, figuring they were working up the nerve to talk to me. Of the two choices I had, being with the girls suddenly seemed the safer choice for now.

Again the teasing from the girls, now their subject right next to them, I even had to try on a few dresses. When dragged to the changing rooms and undressed, there was no longer a choice for me. After way to many dress changes we finally headed to the car.

We left the mall and went to Christina’s house. Christina drove, since I was still a little unsteady in the heels. Gawd that sounds so weird, me in heels. I went in with them, figuring her Mother would not be there since there was no car in the drive. Well as you know, sometimes it just doesn’t pay to think; I was greeted in the kitchen and hugged tightly. Gawd, Trevor you look so good, how did Christina get you in a dress? Red again, tongue tied, and almost on the verge of fainting; Sherry and Tiff got me to a seat and Christina told her mother all about our day at the mall. Then I remembered they had thrown out all of my clothes, how am I going to get home and past my Mom?

I broke into tears, in a dress for a couple of hours and I am already acting like a distraught female. Jennifer, Christina’s Mom, came over and comforted me, I think she figured it out. She pulled my head onto her shoulder and let me cry it out. She was stroking the back of my head and whispering it will be alright. Finally, I had no more fuel for the tears, so Christina pulled me up and pushed me to the bathroom so I could wash my face. I used the facilities while I was there. I had been too scared to use one of the bathrooms at the mall. I could hear some talking in the kitchen as we headed back, and as I entered, my Mom grabbed me and hugged me so hard, I had a hard time trying to get my next breath.

Red faced again and the faint feelings exploding in my head once again; but before I could do the deed, a washcloth was handed me and the girls had me in one of the chairs at the kitchen table. Two of them had their hands on my shoulders, making sure that I was still with them, my Mom sitting right next to me. Christina’s Mom gave the explanation to my Mother, the smile never leaving her face. I was sure I would get in trouble for this, both of my parents are fairly strict and unforgiving. It was like my Mom had been replaced with an alien somehow, taking it all in and a few giggles at what had transpired.

After the explanation. The two mom’s talked as if this was an everyday occurrence. I was led off to Christina’s room to look over their other purchases. I hadn’t paid any attention to what they looked at or bought today, but now they wanted me to see it all. I just wanted the ground to open up and swallow me completely, my future didn’t look very bright. Even if my Mom has been replaced with an alien, there is still Dad and I know he would not condone this at all, in fact I have a feeling I would be probably be shipped off to a military school after today’s incident.

Back to the present, as one of the girls lowered the zipper on my dress. I know they had seen me naked when they dressed me at the store, but this was different, as I was not passed out. No such luck on avoiding the inevitable, since I had no experience with a dress before, everything I tried to hang on to was for naught, the dress ended up on the floor and I got my first peek at my underwear.

The bra was lacy, although they had put nothing in the cups, some of my flesh was pulled up into the cups making for a small breast like protrusion. Looking down, the very brief panties in pink, of course, seemed to scream female. I have never been hairy, in high school gym it was always a problem, the number of times I had been accused of shaving my body like a girl were too numerous to count. My male apparatus was average size I guess, I never compared it with others, in fact except for gym I had never seen another male organ and those were only peeks every once in a while when nobody was looking my way.

As for dating females, I was too shy and embarrassed to even ask. When the guys talked about their conquests, and I was asked about mine. I just told them the girl was not from around here and I didn’t want to embarrass her by talking about what we did together. I doubted they believed me, but since I was a nobody, school wise, no one seemed to care anyway.

I was helped into a camisole top and a pair of shorts were slid up my legs. The color in a light purple convinced me they were not male clothes. A pair of sneakers, and I was dragged back to the kitchen. Both of our Moms gave me an up and down look, Christina telling them I was going to practice some of their cheerleader routines with them. I just stared at Christina, this was news to me. My Mom hugged me then kissed my forehead. Her departing words were to have fun. I stood there sure I would be saved by her, but instead she wished me well and left for home.

I was dragged outside to their back yard, and the girls lined up, each one showing us a routine, then we would practice it till we could do it easily. It was four hours later before we came back inside the house. I was beat literally, that is more work and exercise than I have done in years. We grabbed some diet drinks and went out to her patio and collapsed in some loungers. We talked and sipped our drinks, then the girls had to get home in time for their family dinners. As they left, each girl told me when practice and tryouts were, I shook my head until Tiff showed me a picture on her smart phone of me. “Be at the tryouts in this outfit or I will send the picture to Facebook with an explanation. If you think I am bluffing you are in for a big surprise.”

Christina took my hand and led me over into a corner and started explaining. “All of the girls think you are awesome and want you on the squad; now you can cooperate, or the girls will apply some friendly pressure like outing you to the entire school. Since you have not had the experience of dealing with females much, they usually get what they want, one way or another. Wash the outfit you have on and bring it to school on your first day. I will pick you up after your last class and escort you to the tryouts so you don’t get lost.”

She gave me one of her thousand megawatt smiles and pushed me out the front door. I walked to my house, since Mom had driven my car home earlier. I was hoping that Dad would not be home yet, thus allowing me to change before he got a look at me. As I rounded the last turn, my hopes were dashed, his car was in the driveway. I slowed down my walk, but with nowhere else to go but home, there was nothing I could do. I swallowed hard several times but entered the house. I could hear Mom in the kitchen cooking and tried to make my way there. She had gone along with my change so far, maybe she could keep me from getting killed by my Father.

Two steps inside the house and Dad is standing right before me. He takes his time looking at me, puts his hand on my shoulder and turns me around so he can see my backside. Oh shit, I am going to get a spanking! I have received many from him before, believe me they made an impression on me! Then he scoots up behind me and wraps his arms around me tightly. I try to look over my shoulder to see what his facial expression is, as this is so unlike my Father in so many ways. He slides his head up close to my ear, then whispers to me in a low steady voice. “You look very pretty Taffy, I hear you are going to try out for the cheerleaders. Mom says you were very talented mastering some of their routines already.”

I twist out of his embrace, stare at him, and then screamed, “What have you done with my father?” He chuckles, grabbed me again and drags me into the kitchen. His next remark is very puzzling. “Can you call me Daddy, Father or dad is so blasé?” Mom is having a giggling fit in front of the stove, but she points to the sink. “Wash your hands Taffy, then you can help me with dinner.” I move towards the sink, I must have been zapped into another world, right through the twilight zone and way beyond. Neither of my parents are sane, both have been possessed somehow. I look at the sink and turn on the water to wash my hands. I notice both of them heading my way, so I grab a towel and try to dry my hands and make an escape. Too late, I am group hugged and squashed to death. I twist and turn but they hang on, giggling and hugging me. Mom resorts to kissing and soon my face is covered in her lipstick.

I finally accept my fate and relax, they hug me tighter and make soothing noises as they continue to try and squash me with hugs. After a few minutes, Mom pushed Dad out of the kitchen handing me some fixings for a salad and told me to get to work. Meanwhile, she finishes browning the Salisbury steaks (fancy name for hamburger), and the pot of gravy to smother them with, a steamer full of carrots is added to a bowl and we set the table and bring the food to it. I am still peeking at them often, this can’t be my parents, I never did believe in aliens before, but this is proof positive of their existence. We sit down at the table, Dad says a short prayer and we dig in. After the initial taste of everything, Mom approaches the elephant in the room.

“Contrary to your thoughts, we have expected some of the events played out today for quite a few years. I am sure Christina had a lot to do with you coming out today. Ever since you were knee high, you have acted more like a female than any normal male child. When we saw some of the signs, we sought out help, even got you to a doctor to have you checked out. You were never blatant, you were always reserved in your actions, unlike most of the other children. Like today, you went along with the girls, something any normal male would never do, a male caught shopping, is the ultimate humiliation. Then after getting you in a dress, you stayed with them all afternoon. Not a male reaction or behavior. I am sure the girls were leaning on you to stay, but if you just walked away I am sure it would have been over.”

“So now that we have that handled, let’s move on. We both think that you should explore this side of you, I know one of the officials at your school, and I am sure we can arrange it so you can attend as a female. I doubt any of your fellow students will even notice the change. Since you have been such a well behaved child, I think I can come up with a new wardrobe for you, even spring for a full makeover. We still expect the excellent grades, being a member of the cheerleaders would be a nice bonus to the mix. I am afraid you will now have a curfew, eleven o’clock most nights unless it is some special occasion. We will need to meet your date and approve before you go out, not afterwards. Of course, you will now have responsibilities around the house, doing your own laundry and helping with the cooking of meals just a part of what is in store for you that also includes some house cleaning young lady.”

That settles it my parents have been possessed, what am I going to do? They are treating me like I am their daughter, well seeing my image in the mirror, I guess I look like their female child. Curfews, getting my date approved, what is next, birth control pills? Don’t answer that especially in front of Mom.

I just sat there, not knowing what to say or do. Mom pipes up first. “You might take a washcloth to your face, or go to my room and use the cream on the vanity. You are pretty cute that way, but lipstick looks better on the lips. I go to her room after putting my dishes in the dishwasher, much to my Mom’s astonishment. I find the cream and look in the mirror. It is comical as there is lipstick marks all over my face and forehead. I use the cream and clean them all off, then on a whim take her tube of lipstick and coat my lips. I rub my lips together like she does, then prance back downstairs. Yeah prance, a female can prance if she wants to, so there.

I help her with the dishes and clean the counters for her, then move the leftovers that she has put in containers into the refrigerator. I look around to see if everything has been handled, then walk over to Mom and kiss her on the cheek, leaving her a set of lipstick prints, then ran to my room. I hear her footsteps behind me, both of us giggling away. She catches me before I can close my door, pushing me on to my bed, then starts tickling me. I beg for her to stop, at least, try to as, I am laughing and crying as she continues her assault on my body. She lays down beside me hugging me closely. If you want to try this for a while, I would love to have Taffy around, we can have so much fun spending your Dad’s money on clothes, shoes and makeup.

I was given a nightie to wear to bed, a most unsettling feeling as it slid down my body. It felt wonderful, but I knew a male should never succumb to such dainty and feminine things. The guilt lasted for maybe a minute, okay two minutes, then I hugged my body and slipped into dreamland. The next few days were spent obtaining clothes for the new female in the neighborhood. Christina took me shopping one day, she and Mom had talked and a budget was set up for my new wardrobe. Dad supplied the funds, a prepaid debit card for my purchases.

I never did think back on not choosing this route, it was as if the track I was on is my only choice. Christina was of course enthused, a new BFF to dress, to spend time with and maybe a fellow cheerleader to boot. The other girls came by often, as we practiced the routines. When they found out I was going to university as a female there were squeals of delight.

Mom had taken me to a salon for a hair styling, a professional makeover, getting my ears pierced and my eyebrows eliminated. That salon trip also was where my breasts came into existence. Some silicone breast forms were glued to my chest after all of my body hair disappeared. I never had much hair on my body anyway, but the feeling of having none was wonderful. The breast forms were like jello, bouncing around with every movement of my body. The bra that came next was kind of confining around my chest, but not having as much bouncing and wiggling was well worth the tightness around my chest. Down below was handled in a similar way, junior glued back between my legs and a silicone vagina added to make me look female. Way too realistic in my opinion.

Then she too got to take me shopping. We spent four hours hitting the stores downtown, the fancier dress shops had congregated there, less clothes were purchased, but five times the amount of money was spent as with shopping with Christina.

The first day of classes was now here, I was up at the crack of dawn going over my clothing choices, putting my hair up in a high ponytail, then taking it down and doing it over again. The same was done with my lipstick and mascara, as I attempted to find the right look. I decided on a skirt and blouse for my first day, the skirt an A line that came to four inches above my knees. The blouse was fairly conservative, but tight enough to emphasize my new boobs.

Christina had came up to my room, tired of waiting for me downstairs. A large smile on her face as she entered. She giggled as she watched me primp in the mirror, trying to find the perfect look. After redoing my ponytail once again she grabbed my hand and dragged me downstairs. I checked the contents of my purse again, keys, tissues, lipstick, lip gloss, mascara, and of course a tampon. Wait a minute who put that in my purse? As I was being dragged our the door I managed to snatch my backpack from behind the bedroom door, no chance to see if what I needed was in the backpack. I had packed it last night, I hope I remembered everything.

The first day of classes was anti-climatic in a way, strictly orientation with no mention of homework this first day. At my last class, as soon as I exited the classroom Christina grabbed a hold of me and we were off to the tryouts. As we entered the gym, I saw a sea of young females, all here to tryout for the squad. I saw my chance of joining the squad wither away. But first I had to change into the clothes I had brought for the tryouts. Christina helped me, since I was not handling the situation as well as she thought I should. Once dressed she added some lipstick and mascara and my male persona totally disappeared. Earlier in classes I looked female, but not cheerleader material, now there was no doubt of my fitting in if chosen.

The cheerleader coach lined everybody up in a single line around a circle marked in the gym floor. I counted fifty three females all wanting to become a cheerleader. The existing cheerleaders were in the center of the circle and would do a part of the routine and then the girls trying out would try to duplicate it. Christina and I had no trouble with the routine since that was what we had been practicing for the last few weeks. Several hours later the coach announced who made the squad, Christina squealing in delight. The last name was called, and I sighed. Then as I was walking away Christina and several of the girls attacked me. I didn’t even recognize my name when it was called, I was hugged and kissed, then the light came on upstairs. I had made the squad.

Life after that was not the same, I was included in everything, dated boys and went shopping whenever the time allowed. I managed to keep my grades up and abide my curfew. I did get a salon appointment every week, Mom’s gift to her daughter.

I was a cheerleader all four years of my time at University, even manged to snag me a boyfriend. He knows all about me, but to him I am just his girlfriend. We kiss and cuddle a lot, saving anything more till we graduate. I see a psychologist regularly, my SRS scheduled for after I graduate. Life has been good to me, a cute coed cheerleader and now a young woman in love.

© 2016 thru 2024 by Francesca

Friday, June 28, 2024

Katherine; Female Alterations

 Katherine; Female Alterations

I am on my way back home after a grueling thirteen-day road trip out west to handle some of my customers. I am a public relation specialist, getting regular people recognized and keeping them in the limelight. Most of my customers are authors, nobody famous, just good authors that write fiction that tells a story and is enjoyable to read. With the advent of digital publishing (kindle) it is easy to get a story published, but to get people to find that story and purchase it is where some skill and luck have to become part of the picture.

I promote my authors stories, mainly by word of mouth, a time-tested method of promotion. I don’t use press releases, press conferences, or any mainstream method of promotion. I promote from a different angle, using blogs, Facebook, and other social media to start getting the word of mouth out to the masses.

If an author writes about being a mother, raising children, I go to the blogs about parenting, being a new mother, and send a free book to them, or snippets of the story so they can read about it. Most of the time they then blog about how good it is, and it should be a must read. Then the ones to read their comments purchase the book and from there it mushrooms.

On the social media sites, I create the author a Facebook account and then post snippets of the book, the thought processes in writing the book, information about the author, his or her qualifications to write a book. Then list favorite blogs, the inspiration for the book, anything to lead them back around to a possible purchase. It has been quite successful, word of mouth from authors growing steadily and my customer base almost doubling.

I had made a trip to get additional info from my authors, to meet a couple of the blog authors that I use a lot, and to squeeze in a little vacation time between the meetings. I am driving the final leg, about fifty miles from home. Home these days is a small cabin and acreage outside of Payson Arizona. It is isolated, quiet, and the scenery is quite breathtaking.

As I rounded one of the curves of the road, I am suddenly confronted with a very large truck, trying to pass a slow motorist. Unfortunately for me, his attention is on the car he is trying to pass and does not see me at all. I try to stay out of the way, but the road is not that wide at this point, so I try and squeeze my car in between the truck and the side of the mountain. The last I remember is the impact of the bumper of the truck on the driver’s side of the car, pinning my car hard against the side of the mountain. Lots of noise and the sound of metal scraping the rocks along the side of the road.

Then nothing, absolutely nothing. I wake suddenly, the pain shooting through parts of my body, but it is short lived, and I am unconscious again. The next time I open my eyes, it is a bright light that is threatening to bore thru my skull. I close my eyes, but I can hear people talking about me, doing things to me, then again that peaceful quiet.

Again with the bright light, but this time it seems to be to my side and not directly overhead. I squint a couple of times, then try again to see where I am at. It seems that I am in a hospital room, with a machine to my right beeping incessantly and lots of tubes and hoses leading to my body. I try to ask for some water, but the nurse nearby changes the drip on one of the bottles that are connected to my body, and I again blank out.

In a semi-conscious state, I think I saw my Aunt Julia behind the nurse if that is so I must be in pretty bad shape. She is listed as my next of kin, someone to be notified if I am unable to make decisions for myself. My mind also shuts down, that short thought process giving me a major headache.

It is dark when I next wake up, trying to see where I am and to get somebody’s attention, I am so thirsty; I feel I can drink forever and still be thirsty. A hand places a wet washcloth over my eyes and another one in my mouth and squeezes placing a little moisture in my mouth. I hungrily lap it all up, licking my lips to get any remaining moisture down my throat. The hand then places a spout from a water bottle in my mouth and gently squeezes to add another few drops of water to my dry parched mouth.

I raise my head a little, after more water, but Aunt Julia’s voice tells me to take it easy, too much is not good for you. Another sip of the water and she tells me to relax, maybe some more in a while. I lay there, obviously, I have survived the crash somehow, but how will always be a mystery to me. The image of that truck in my windshield still burned into my mind, no place to go to avoid the crash, other than to go over the other edge and suffer a five hundred foot drop to the canyon floor.

I felt a little better, nothing seemed to be broken or missing, but I am seriously sore from my head to my toes. I look around the small room to see Aunt Julia staring at me. She is glad I have finally come around, the doctors fearing a possible coma due to the extent of my injuries. I look up at her, kind of in a questioning stare, wanting some more info about my injuries and accident.

She sits on the edge of the bed and tells me what she knows. The accident fairly serious, it took the paramedics half an hour to get you out of the car. Then another few minutes to get you stabilized enough to transport. Since it was quite far out from any major hospital, a medevac helicopter flew you to the hospital. You apparently stayed in the E.R. for quite some time as they feared a concussion or stroke. They finally managed to get your heartbeat settled down and most of your cuts bandaged. She was summoned when it passed the twenty-four-hour mark since I was brought in and I was still unconscious.

She talked to the doctors and asked if I could be transferred to her clinic. She is a doctor, a specialist in plastic surgery and one of the top ten doctors in the country in that field. They agreed as soon as the threat of a concussion or coma could be ruled out. Since I am now awake and fairly lucid, that threat should be behind me.

She has arranged an ambulance for transport, and they should be here in a few minutes to take you to my clinic. There she will see to my cuts and lacerations properly, and anything else I might need to effect a full recovery. She turns up the drip again, and I soon fall back into a restful sleep.

Once again I wake this time apparently in my aunt's clinic. The noise level is quite a bit less and the softer lights and décor more pleasing to the eye. A nurse is there almost instantly, checking my vital signs and helping me to sit up a little. I am given some juice, a welcome treat that really hits the spot. I ask about my Aunt, the nurse telling me that she went to collect my personal effects from my car at the junk yard.

Then I remembered my briefcase and laptop, not my normal public relation things, these two full of my stories that I write on the side. I have an interest in things feminine, I occasionally desire to dress as a female, but most of that interest and desire gets channeled into my writing. The writing allows me to experience my desires without the actual physical dressing up part. I sure hope Julia doesn’t get too nosy and discovers this particular feminine side of mine.

I feel a little better since I now have some hunger pains. The nurse told me I couldn't have solids, maybe a little soup and some jello, but those bland items even sound good, so she leaves to get me some. When she gets back, my aunt is with her and asks how I feel. “I feel pretty good right now, even a little hungry.” I nibble on the food that the nurse has brought me as Julia tells me about my car and the insurance settlement.

The car is a total loss; there wasn’t much left of it as the debris was spread over five hundred feet of that particular mountain. The police report and findings from the accident placed all the blame on the trucker. His insurance company wanted to settle right away to keep the losses minimal, but my insurance company sued for damages and medical costs. They offered to add any personal suit I wanted to their lawsuit since the blame is clearly the truckers.

Julia on my behalf asked for a half million in damages, loss of income, and mental anguish. Their insurance tried to deal that amount down, so Julia filed another separate lawsuit against them for one million dollars. Today they settled for one million dollars total and any medical costs now and in the future. They also replaced your car with a brand new one, albeit a fancier model with more equipment and add-ons.

She smiled at me, wanting to know if that is okay, she didn’t want me to have to deal with the problems until I am feeling better. I smiled and told her she did well; I am very happy. She told me that she would start to repair all of the cuts and lacerations tomorrow. Her techniques will ensure no scarring, something the other doctors couldn’t guarantee.

Then she wanted to know how far I wanted to go towards my dream desires. Damn, she found the files and stories. I blushed a bright red, how do you explain something like this to your family. Seeming to read my mind, she suggested that I start at the beginning and tell her everything. Nothing is going to change my opinion of you or cause me to treat you any different. Though if you will embrace this side of yourself we can have fun shopping and going out on dates. She is giggling as she said that.

Since my aunt was the youngest sister of my mother, and I was the oldest child of my mother’s there is only a few years difference between us. Seven years actually if the truth is known. Aunt Julia has always been the driven one in the family. Graduated high school in three years, college in three, and medical school in four years, but that is because she specialized in two different fields. Plastic surgery and Urology are her chosen fields of study, earning her board certification in both specialties within a year of her graduation from medical school. During her residency, she was advising her peers on how to do things and was operating on patients from all over the US before the completion of her residency.

She has since developed several surgical procedures that have minimized scarring from wounds and cuts drastically. One of her specialties is doing boob jobs that show no scar or suture marks. On the other end, if a female develops breast cancer her technique can minimize damage in the affected area allowing for reinsertion of breast implants that look quite realistic after the cancer has been dealt with.

For the last year, her clinic has been booked solid, a tribute to her skill and caring. A lot of her surgeries are done at no cost to patients that would have difficulty paying her fees normally. That part of her practice a given as she feels she owes something back in return for her skills and knowledge that she has learned through the years. If you take and take and never give a little back, one day there won’t be anything to take any more. It has been her motto for years, one she believes in and one that she will continue to indulge in for her remaining years of practice.

I am surprised to find out that I have been out of it for a lot longer than I thought. I learned this morning that I spent a week in the ER, then moved to the clinic and have been here for four days now. Later that evening Julia came in and told me she would start repairing my cuts and lacerations early tomorrow morning, performing her specialized techniques. She had the doctors put an antibiotic salve on them, keeping them under bandages at the ER until Julia could get me to her clinic.

She once again asked if my stories really reflected how I felt about my gender. I stammered a response, I am not sure how I feel, the stories did help me cope with life, a fantasy world that I could retreat to when I am feeling low and depressed. She gave me a kiss on the forehead, telling me that things will get better and soon.

I slipped into sleep quickly, and then it seemed only an hour later I am being given a shot to prepare me for surgery. I do remember going down a corridor, then nothing after that. When I next had a conscious thought, I am back in my room. From the angle of the sun through my window I am guessing that it is early afternoon. I surprisingly don’t hurt but notice quite a few new bandages in areas that I suffered cuts and lacerations.

Then when my eyes focus a little better, I notice that my nose is bandaged. Now in the crash, my nose had somehow survived intact, so this is something that Julia has chosen to do. My hands are secured to the side of the bed, so I can’t feel if there are any other new areas of interest on my face. As I move my body a little trying to get more comfortable, I notice that my lower legs are in a cast. I think I remember not having them broken because of the crash, so I figure more of Julia’s improvements. I can’t figure what she has done that would require a cast on my lower legs.

Several more hours passed with me in and out of consciousness, although otherwise, I felt rather good. There was some soreness still, both where the cuts had been, also where Julia had decided improvements needed to be made. When I finally came around the last time, I was more alert, the shots to put me out for the operation apparently wearing off now. Sitting in a chair next to the bed, Julia held my still restrained hand and asked how I felt. I told her a little better, but I was curious about my other surgery. She smiled, I just made some changes to ensure that you are happy in your life, for once.

I twitched my nose a little, moving the bandage that she had placed over her work. She noticed my movement and responded. You now have a cute little button nose, with a small upturn near the tip. Your waist has been liposuctioned, and the fat redistributed to your hips. Feeling will return down there in a day or two. I noticed when reading your stories that you always stressed wearing high heels. Now that will no longer be a problem since you will have to wear heels to be able to walk. I have shortened your tendons, the same as if you wore heels for years and they shortened naturally.

Your hands are still restrained because I don’t want you rubbing your cut areas. My technique heals the tissue without scarring, but there is considerable itching until the tissue finishes healing. In the next few days you and I will talk, about your soon to be breast augmentation surgery, and how well-endowed you wish to be.

I know that if I had asked you would have refused all treatments, but there is no need to live your life in misery because you can’t or won’t admit the truth. You are in my care, and when you leave it will be as the female, you should have been years ago. Your mother saw it many times as you were growing up, but you refused any help on her part to make the first step. I look at your accident as a wake-up call; you are so lucky to come out of it alive, and I will not allow you to waste another day in your life. Now, young lady, do you have any more questions?

I shook my head no, the tears streaming from my eyes making my face wet. She took a washcloth and blotted them all and kissed me on the forehead. I will see you later and walked to the door. Incidentally, your name now is Katherine, you records and licenses have been updated, your former male self no longer exists. We have sent out emails telling your customers of the accident and the changes, telling them that it will be a couple of weeks before you can resume your dealings with them.

Becky and Suzie are your nurses, and they will be teaching you how to be female and assisting in makeup and hair care until we can get you to a salon. Now be a good girl and get some sleep. Almost on command, I closed my eyes and was lost to dreamland.

The itching she talked about did occur, and I am glad my hands were restrained. It felt like my skin is crawling with little creatures, the resulting sensations almost driving me insane. When I fussed and writhed to get away from the intense feeling they did administer some pain relief, but it only lasted for three to four hours before the itching returned.

I somehow managed to get through this period, the cuts and lacerations miraculously disappeared down to the last little ridge or scratch. I guess the itching was alright considering that my body now was unblemished. I even noticed a few skin abrasions from when I was younger had disappeared totally. My aunt apparently is as gifted as the other doctors have said.

My calves did respond as she stated, I now had to have heels to walk anywhere, unless I wanted to walk the distance on my tip toes, a pain at first, finding a pair of shoes before I could go to the bathroom. I have worn heels before for short times, but with the surgery, I had no trouble anymore getting around in the three inch and higher heels.

Two weeks into the stay at her clinic she approached me about my breasts and other elective surgery. Point blank I am asked what sized breasts did I want. I hemmed and hawed, so Aunt Julia told me that the subject is closed, she would pick my breast size for me, and I would live with it for the rest of my life. I tried to back paddle on this, but she just tuned me out. That night I was given another shot, and as I drifted off, I am relatively sure I would soon be of the feminine gender at least with regards to mammary tissue.

Surprisingly I did awake still in my room, but there were lots of changes. A large machine was positioned above my bed, with two hoses leading to cups secured to my chest. The cups looked similar to good sized breasts, and a liquid was sloshing around inside the cup like form. The technician flipped on the machine and I could instantly feel a suction on the tissue inside the forms. The liquid stayed inside the forms, the loose tissue on my chest though being sucked into the cups. The pump went to a cyclic stage, pulling then relaxing then pulling again. The tissue that had been sucked from my body never returned to its origin, staying in the cups miraculously due to the vacuum.

Then two more ladies entered the room with a cart loaded down with cosmetics and nail polish. One went to work on my face and the other started on my nails. I could feel eyebrows being yanked out, as she shaped my new feminine eyebrows. Then she started applying different crèmes and lotions on my face. I must have been given something earlier to dull my senses some. It was like I was in a slight fog, aware of what was happening, but maybe unreal. The other tech had new long extensions on each of my fingernails and was getting ready to apply polish. Now with both of them supplying new sensations to my body and the blasted pump still making mountains out of molehills on my chest, it turned out to be too much to handle and I fainted.

I woke briefly several times, looked at the ever increasing size of my breasts, and then drifted back into dreamland. I doubted I really fainted the first time, more likely the medication they gave me kicking in some and me drifting off. On one of the excursions to being somewhat aware I had lifted my hand to look at it, planning to place it on my breast cup to stop the suction. I only got it a few inches off the bed before the restraint that was attached stopped any further movement. The brightly polished nails in a deep reddish color caught my attention immediately. The hand now was attractive, the long nails making it look more dainty and feminine. The deep color made it impossible to miss this new body feature.

When I awoke the last time, the fog seemed to have dissipated, my thinking was less confused and I could focus better. The machine was quiet, in fact it was not in the room any more. The cups were still on my chest, though now packed with tissue from my body. I moved one of my hands to the new breast, the red nails sparkling in the light of the overhead fluorescent fixture. The cups seemed stuck to the tissue, although somewhat flexible and pliable. I lifted my head a little further and noticed ten bright red toenails at the end of my bed. Then a mirror beyond that, with a gorgeous female image reflecting back at me. I moved my hand a little the image doing the same.

I took a deep breath, my heart raced a little and I plopped my head back down on the pillow hard. I was now ever inch a female, a pretty one no less. What am I going to do now, how will I make a living, although I have dressed often, this was real and scary. I had never achieved this realistic an image before, from a male in a dress to a gorgeous female, I managed a few thoughts then I did faint.

Another awakening, hopefully this will reveal my previous image. I raised my head slowly, peeking out over the two large mounds on my chest. Oh shit, this is not going to be a good day. I had closed my eyes tightly, what I can’t see I won’t have to face. Julia reached over and pinched my breast hard, my eyes shot open and I stared at her. Her big smile trying to encompass her entire face. Well Katherine, you need to stay with me this time or I will be forced to dole out a few more enhancements.

“Now let’s go over where we stand at this point. You are truly a gorgeous woman now, 38D breasts, a 28 inch waist at the moment and a 36 inch hip. All of your body hair has been permanently removed except the hair on top of your head and two delicate arches over your eyes. You are committed to heels for the rest of your life, with the junction of your body and legs now sporting a gorgeous cute female pussy to top off your lower torso. Your basic makeup is tattooed on, so you will not have trouble making yourself quite attractive to your spouse. You have one inch nail extensions, a bit much for most ladies, but appropriate for your persona. All of the lacerations have healed totally, leaving not a mark on your body anywhere. Your hair has been highlighted and cut into a female style, with a permanent to hold the cute curls.”

Since you are totally healed I am kicking you out of the clinic. We have taken the liberty of making appointments with all of your customers over the next week, some of them you will be visiting at their home others will come here to talk with you. For a while I have one of my people to go with you and drive, a companion of sorts till you adapt more. You will be out and socially functioning in the future, not holed up somewhere.

Welcome to your new life, sexy, popular, and charismatic. There is no other choice for you. The old male life you had is gone, we have redone your house, now dainty and feminine. With your new car, there is nothing left of your old existence. All of your customers have been fully informed of your new gender, anxious to meet you and continue their relationship with you. You have twice weekly salon appointments to help maintain your feminine image in the appropriate manner. Now give me a hug and get out of here. I need the bed for paying patients. Your clothes are in the closet, Dana is your companion and driver and she is finishing up your paperwork so that you can leave.

When Dana came to help me get dressed I was still in a daze. Bra and panties were first, also the hardest to justify in my mind. As the bra cupped my new chest enhancements I realized the need for it, but the feeling of it around my chest and my nipples rubbing the inside of the cups made life very interesting. Then you have the silky panties sliding up my smooth legs, sending reverberations to the rest of my body. How can you have goose pimples and shortness of breath at the same time. Dana did allow me a few minutes to calm down before the dress was slipped over my head. I started to say something about pants instead, Dana reminding me that I did not own any pants, only dresses and skirts. A big sigh and a wish to get even with Julia for what she has done to me appeared if only briefly. I know deep down that I owed her a lot, but why did she have to take it so far.

Finally dressed and some lip gloss on my lips Dana helped me out of the clinic and to my new life. I could walk okay, but the height of my heels did add some instability to my meanderings. When we stopped next to a car parked at the entrance to the clinic it took me a couple of minutes to realize the white Mustang was now my new car. Decked out with a leather interior and way too many rhinestones on the dash and console it was definitely a car for a feminine individual. It was about an hour to my house, not sure if I wanted to see the new décor, but yet curious to see what was done.

Dana parked in the garage, and helped me out of the car, the heels again my problem. Why Julia had to go to the extreme I will never figure her out. These were five inch heels, the base of the stiletto heel only a quarter inch across. Dana assured me I would adapt quickly since I will be on my feet for the majority of the day, everyday. As we cleared the kitchen, I stopped and took in a deep breath. Julia again and I vowed to get even somehow. There was lace everywhere from the curtains to the upholstery on the furniture. Lavender and pink the predominate colors, with a little apple green and light yellow for contrast. Even Dana giggled at the sight before us. The rest of the house was as bad as the living room if not worse. The huge canopy bed in my bedroom was a sight to behold, covered with miniature dolls all dressed in fancy negligees with hair in ringlets down to their waists. Dana broke out in laughter, with me soon following. I looked at her and told her I am not sleeping in that bed alone, you will be right next to me all through the night.

We did make it through the first night, giggling often at what Julia had done to my house, Dana told me we could change things back I had quite a hefty bank account now due to the settlement. I thought about it, but in a way it felt good to be immersed in this super feminine world. So no I will leave it the way it is, besides any guests to my house will have something to talk about for months.

My former customers were no problem all of them quite happy to have me in my new persona, most of them telling me they preferred me this way. A few telling me it was long overdue, now what they see is the real me. In fact I gained several new customers due to word of mouth.

When it was time for Dana to return to the clinic, her help not needed anymore in my care, I made her an offer. It was after a nice dinner out as a restaurant we both favored. I handed her a box that I kept in my purse. Inside was an envelope containing an application for a marriage license and a ring box. She gasped when she saw the ring box, so I lifted the lid of the box and slid the ring on her finger. I would like you to be my soulmate, to share my life with me and let me show you my love for you. Besides I need someone to cuddle in that huge canopy bed, and I have grown used to my partner so far. I will be the wife, take care of you, cook for you and love you for all eternity, please say yes. Well we never did finish our meals, more important things needed to be handled. I think the restaurant gave up on us the waitress picking up our unfinished meals and bringing back to go boxes in their place. We did finally leave finding out that the owner had picked up the tab for our dinner.

Dana did say yes, and we were married in Vegas a few weeks later. I am so lucky all of this because Julia figured I needed some female alterations. A decision to treasure forever.

© 2016 thru 2024 by Francesca

Felice: Cutest Sissy Ever

Felice: Cutest Sissy Ever

My wife was all excited as she entered the house. Bouncing up and down while eyeing me up. “Since you have been unemployed for so long this will get you back in the work force some, the job is super easy and you should have no difficulty with it.” She had a colored flier in her hands, pink in color with a picture of a juvenile looking female on the upper right hand corner of it. She handed it to me, watching me closely as I read what was printed on the flier. After getting half way down the sheet I quickly handed it back to her and retreated several feet, wanting nothing to do with this crazy idea of hers. As if backing away from her will save me from being sucked into her plan.

Well, time for her to unleash the big guns, her husband not having a chance to avoid this. I was dragged to the couch and pushed down on it, with her positioning herself right next to me. She now had both of my hands in hers and was leaning in to deliver a sizzling kiss. Not a quickie but a long tantalizing smooch with tongue.
I let out a huge sigh, once again I will probably be coerced into this, her assault on my senses always works. I might protest a little but in the end I am putty in her hands. After I was left a smoldering mess on the couch she smiled. Compliance was now assured, time to proceed to the rest of this scenario. Just like that I had unknowingly agreed to her wishes, even though not a single word had escaped my lips. I did get a heartfelt thanks for agreeing to become a sissy, a softer and more passionate kiss delivered along with several gropes of my little fella to help seal the deal.

She left me on the couch, since she needed to do some shopping for me, things to obtain so that I could qualify for the cutest sissy contest. I sat there for the longest time just staring at the wall, hoping that I will soon awake from this bizarre nightmare. After closing my eyes several times and re-opening them the nightmare was still here. I found the flier and read it over again, this time trying to figure out just what this job was and how a contest had anything to do with the job.

It was a contest for the cutest Sissy, the top ten contestants getting jobs promoting sissy clothes and makeup for a chain of stores supplying those items. That same company also has an internet presence and ships worldwide if required. The job was five days a week, eight hours a day modeling clothes and makeup at malls and at their stand alone stores. The pay is three hundred a week, once selected all beauty services, makeup and clothing furnished by the company. Each model will be accompanied by a company representative to assist in clothing changes and help with makeup and accessories. They will also furnish transportation to the venue and see to the care and feeding of the cute sissy.

It sounded pretty good on paper other than me having to portray a sissy. I no doubt will be able to look like one, my small stature and lack of anything looking like muscle sure to assist in my portrayal. Allowing my hair to grow out probably a big mistake now, but recently there have been precious little funds for a haircut. My figure was pretty much straight up and down, along with no muscles I didn’t have an ounce of fat on me. Arms and legs skinny very similar to my wife’s. I was pretty sure with some lipstick and a little makeup, I could easily be considered a female or in this particular case, a Sissy.

Libby, my wife had a good paying job, plus the flexibility to work pretty much when she wanted. It was a supervisory position with her riding herd on approximately three hundred employees. I meanwhile had been laid off five months ago, and despite doing everything in my power to find another job, was still without one. Not even a second interview with anyone, my skills if any were not desired by any company. A brief look at my resume and I was sent on my way, being told there were no positions available.

A while later Libby, came bouncing in again, her arms loaded with bags of shopping, I wondered if the store had anything left. I noticed the logo on the bag said Turnabout Sissy, where all of the pretty Sissies shop at. Crap all of these clothes are for me. I was hustled into the bathroom, all of the bags of clothing left in our bedroom. I found myself naked faster then I even realized was possible. While I was being undressed the tub was filling, the water smelling like perfume. I was helped into the tub and then told to stay, like you might tell a puppy when training them. The water felt good, so I was a good puppy and stayed.

I heard her in the bedroom, not sure what she was doing and probably not wanting to know. She came back a little later and washed me thoroughly, from my hair on the top of my head to my toes. Yes, even there got washed. She had never bathed me before, a new experience altogether. I tried to do it myself, but she would have nothing to do with that line of thinking. My few attempts met with a slap on my arm and a warning to just sit there. The warning was delivered in a voice she seldom used with me, one that I instantly obeyed. I was dried off, then dragged to the bedroom.

My closet door was open, the emptiness of it shocked me. All of my male clothes now gone somewhere. So my choices now were severally limited, cooperate to be dressed as a sissy or go naked.

She wanted to see how my new things fitted, so one piece after another was tried on me, most put back on the bed a couple of pieces placed back into a bag, probably to be returned. The few chances I got to see me in the article of clothing was depressing, my male image totally gone, a young female all there was to be seen. I use the words young female very loosely, I am not sure what you call a female that has just started school. Maybe in a couple of the dresses graduated from kindergarten might be a more appropriate analogy. Other than my size I looked like one of those young females.

After she went through all of her purchases, I was dressed in one of the frilliest dresses and taken to her car. No underwear, no shoes, just a pair of flip flops, nothing else. A short drive and we pulled up in front of her beauty salon. I had in the past dropped her off here for her appointment but I had never been in the salon itself. Well, there is a first time for everything and no matter how I protested or tried to delay her from getting me in there I found myself in front of their reception desk, blushing twenty different shades of red.

One of the other techs came up front to escort me back to a treatment room, while my wife signed the permission slips for my treatments today. I apparently was considered a young child by the salon, my apparent mother signing for me to have the treatments. Larger than any female child, but definitely not looking very adult like.

My dress was removed, as my whole body turned a bright shade of red, being naked in front of someone other than my wife quite embarrassing. Nothing was said about the male appendage in my groin, it was ignored like it didn’t exist.

First on the agenda was removing all of my body hair, a cream slathered over my body and left on for thirty minutes. Libby had returned to supervise my transformation smiling as my body is covered in the cream. Then I had to stand there as the cream did its job, naked and totally exposed. I willed my little fella to stay soft, the time or two I saw my reflection in the mirror he seemed to have shriveled up to nothing. Finally the cream is wiped off, my sparse body hair with it. The tech seeing my expression on my face told me not to worry, the cream removal is permanent, no need to repeat the treatment later. I stared at Libby, she just smiled and winked at me.

While the tech is preparing my next treatment I asked Libby about the money for the clothes and my treatments, wouldn’t it have been better to have saved that rather than take a chance on me winning the contest. Another larger than normal smile, the store and the salon have donated their services and clothing, since they are sure I will be among the top ten finalists. So none of this is coming out of our finances, you can rest easy there. Face it, you are going to be the cutest sissy ever and soon thereafter popular and famous.

When the tech came back into the room, she was carrying a tray of things, sitting it on the table next to where I was laying and then helping my feet into some stirrups she had pulled out from the end of the table. She used a strap to secure them in the stirrups, then spread them wide so she could work on my groin. I started pleading and begging right away, fearing where this was headed. Libby held up a gag, the implication clear and unavoidable. I shut up, maybe it will not be as bad as I feared.

For the next hour my little fella was handled and manipulated till he was secured to a spot on my groin. I had lost feeling down there, having to lift my head some to even be able to see what was being done. When I didn’t see him sticking out any more, I knew it was too late. Then when the tech glued a silicone vagina over the area, I knew my time as a male is over. What I now saw down there is the same thing Libby has, not even a little patch of hair, just two puffy lips surrounding a slit. I closed my eyes, a few tears emerging and sliding down my cheek. It might still be there somewhere, but anyone looking down there only seeing a female sex in its place.

The tech moved to my hair next washing and conditioning it then cutting it into a feminine style. The style left most of the length, but on my forehead I was now sporting bangs. The remaining hair was formed into two pigtails, one on each side of my head. The pigtails were secured with some ribbon, the ends of the ribbon hanging down with the pigtailed hair. She used a curling iron to add some curls to the bottom of the pigtail. The resulting image in the mirror across the room very juvenile looking. I looked like a larger than life little girl, maybe four or five years old. Not a desired look for a young male.

Some makeup was applied, just mascara for my eyelashes, rouge for my cheeks, and lipstick for my lips. Everything in a pale pink except for the lashes, those in a dark brown. The mascara mainly used to lengthen the lashes for that cute innocent sissy look.

When the tech told Libby it was semi-permanent I was shocked, but Libby explained it would wear off in two to three months. Since it had already been applied it was a mute point anyway. I hope I do get the job, otherwise job hunting is going to be even more difficult, the image in the mirror in front of me quite feminine, well once you get past the little girl look.

I did get a pair of panties to wear home, the snugness of them against my flat groin a little unsettling for me. The dress I wore to the salon was slipped back on me, the total look now very sissy like.

Then Libby had another surprise for me, a harness like you see on a lot of small kids, a way for a parent to help control her little child. It was fixed on me and the straps buckled up. My arms and hands were caught up in the harness, so I had no way to avoid being led away. She attached a leash to it and we were off. In her car I was secured, the seat belt and the harness making it impossible for me to get loose. Instead of heading back home she drove us to the local mall. I was shaking my head no as she helped me out of the car and then grabbed the leash and led me straight to the mall entrance. Once inside I tried to keep behind her, not wanting to be seen like this. She headed straight to a store on the upper level of the mall. I am sure I was stared at as she led me along, but I tried to ignore any looks or comments. As we entered the store I saw the sign in the front window, Turnabout Sissy. Oh gawd, now what. I was led to the back where they had set up a booth to take pictures and sign up the prospective sissies for the contest.

With her still holding the leash for my harness I couldn’t disappear. She filled out the entry form, then the photographer took a multitude of pictures of me. I was handed a lollipop for a few of the pictures, then a doll to hold for a few more. Libby was all smiles as several of the mothers of the other sissies made the remark that they were sure I would be among the finalists. Since we were in the sissy store, my dress was changed then I was paraded around in front of the store, a preview of my job if I am among the finalists. There were several of us modeling the dresses, although I seemed to draw the most attention from the small crowd watching the show. Back in the dress I wore to the mall and then headed to her car. The damn harness re-fastened around me before we left the store.

I was left in the living room still in the damn harness, my arms entangled in the straps. I heard her in our bedroom wondering what she was doing there. Since my male clothes were gone, I couldn’t think of anything more she could be doing. About thirty minutes later she reappeared and led me back there. I stopped at the door, seeing a crib now on the wall next to our bed. I had seen the crib before, her sister had used it for her last child, even though it was larger than a normal crib. I think the crib had been stored at her parent’s house, now her parent’s probably knowing about the sissy contest. It just seems to get worse with every passing moment.

I immediately started begging to end this scenario, not wanting to even think of being put in the crib for a nap. My guardian angels were on a break, as she led me over to the crib. She let down one side, had me sit on the edge of the crib mattress, then undid my harness. I started to get up, but a sensuous kiss stopped me in my tracks. The mittens from earlier were slipped on my hands, I was leaned back as she diapered me then fastened a strap over my chest to keep me from falling out of the crib. The crib was a little small for my body, so I ended up with my legs to the side of me and crunched up some, like I was being cuddled. A baby bottle of milk appeared from nowhere and she rubbed my throat to get me to start sucking it into my mouth. The last I remember of anything was when the bottle seemed empty and had fallen to the side of my face. She had turned on a mobile above my head and that along with the bottle of milk had put me to sleep.

When I awoke I realized I had wet my diaper, the wetness cold and thoroughly spread through out the diaper. I tried to call out to Libby, not wanting to be stuck in the wet diaper any longer. The first words out of my mouth were far from understandable, sounding like utterances from a baby. The pitch of my voice was higher, also weaker. I tried to swallow to get my normal voice back, but if anything it got higher and more garbled.

Libby did come and change my diaper, but left me pinned to the mattress of the crib. I now smelled like baby powder, and thankfully I was dry for awhile. As she left I received a kiss on the nose, even though I was waving my arms around trying to get her to release me. Apparently it was not to be. She did return a few minutes later with another baby bottle in her hands. I tried to refuse the bottle, but she had other ideas. It was held to my lips, then when I failed to open my mouth she pinched my nose causing me to open my mouth wide. The bottle was inserted, then a few strokes of her hand on my throat caused me to start sucking the milk into my mouth. I feared the contents of the bottle were causing my voice problems, and my failure to be able to control my bladder. Too late now to avoid the milk, much of the bottle now empty. Several minutes later I was sound asleep, dreaming of all things sissyish, wearing one of my new dresses. My teddy bear under my arms clutched tightly to my body.

When I awoke, I was released from the crib, then led to the living room. Right in the center of the room was a play pen. I put on the brakes, fearing that is where I will be put in shortly. Sure enough that is what happened, then the top of the playpen was swung into place. Secured in place I was now trapped. With the mittens on I couldn’t do anything to escape. I did get a teddy bear to play with, boredom eventually making me pick it up and started playing with it. I even talked to it, my voice now high and child like.

The following days were a repeat, crib at night, then a playpen during the day. A different dress everyday, and of course diapers all the time. By now I had lost any control of my bladder not even realizing I had wet the diaper until the liquid had spread through the diaper and was turning cold.

It was two days later when Libby received a phone call asking her to bring me to the sissy store.

Dressed in one of my new dresses, with Mary Jane shoes on my feet, my makeup refreshed and the damn harness secured to my body I was led to her car. In the back seat I noticed a child’s seat, something new. Sure enough, I was helped into it and fastened in. I just stared out the window, all of this just too much for my small mind to deal with. At the mall I was helped out of the seat, then led to the sissy store. There was quite a crowd gathered, but one of their managers saw us coming and we were led through the crowd right into the store. I noticed a bunch of fellow sissies on a stage set up at the back of the store. I joined them, the harness removed, and a badge stating my name and sissy age was hung around my neck. I was to be called Felice, five years old and not potty trained yet. When I read that I turned instantly red, My supposed need for a diaper made known to everyone. Of course, right on cue I felt a release and figured out I had just peed in my diaper. No control whatsoever, the warm moist liquid spreading through the diaper the first I knew of what I had just done.

I was one of the finalists, when it was announced I let out a huge sigh, the life of a sissy going to be with me forever.

© 2016 thru 2024 by Francesca

My head hurt, my eyes felt they were hanging out in the air and my mouth felt like it was stuffed with cotton. I blinked several times, the ...