Friday, June 28, 2024

Dana; Southern Belle College Coed

Dana; Southern Belle College Coed

This was my first year at a private college, although my sister has been going there for several years. I had attended a junior college for the last one and a half years, but my parents decided to send me to the private college after receiving my last report card. My grades were the reason for the change, they were less than what they anticipated, truth be known, they were atrocious.

I had passed, well barely passed was more appropriate. In fact, only one class saved my butt from being kicked out of school, that class being gymnastics where I managed a B. That lonely B kept me one-tenth of a percentage point above the minimum grade to stay in school. My sister had a 3.9-grade average, had been on the student council, a cheerleader, and a member of the school orchestra and choir.

Compared to her I was a total failure, thus the edict from my parents. Either go to the private school or pay your own way from now on. I wanted to get a better education since my prospects were less than ideal without it.

The depressed economy has made a believer out of a lot of young college students. It used to be if you had a college degree, you could get a decent job, now that same degree will get you nothing. The requirements for obtaining employment now depended on the choice of schools and the specific subjects studied. My sister's college had a long-standing record of placing graduates in well-paying jobs. At her college the emphasis was on participation, networking, communication and appearance.

Since I couldn't afford school without my parents help, I guess I will now be attending my sister's school, the Southern Belle Woman's College. The college had only recently, started accepting male students but kept the name it has had for over fifty years. I was one of those males, and now due to my poor performance, a student at a woman's college. When your friends ask where you are going to school at, the topic of conversation cannot change fast enough. Several times I had been forced to admit where I was going to school, the laughing continuing for quite some time.

I was christened Dana Jo Walker at birth while my sister had been given the name of Diane Jo Walker. We were named after two of our Mom’s closest friends since they had meant so much to her. Dana is not normally a boy's name, but I managed to get through life with only a minimal amount of teasing and bullying because of it.

One thing not helping the situation was that I was five foot nine inches tall, although I only weighed one hundred thirty pounds, clothes notwithstanding. I was not really tall for a male, but when most of your fellow students were shorter, it did give me an advantage. I got my father's blond hair, but my mother's softer features. No one in my family had much hair growth except on their head, due to some Indian heritage. Dad could never grow a beard although he tried often, and neither of us had any body hair to speak of. With my blond hair, that only accented my lack of follicular development. Blond hair and my light toned skin, and a sunburn in an instant was possible if I didn't slather on the sunscreen.

All of these characteristics plus the name Dana, then add in a women’s college, and I was suddenly knee deep in poop. Why couldn’t Diane have gone to a regular university with a normal name? I could see my next two years as a real challenge, not just improving my grades, but surviving the bigger goal.

My sister knew it was a make it or break it type of situation for me. She made a sincere effort to help me adjust to the school, knowing that it being a former woman's college would make it harder for me. She helped me pick classes that I could do well in, thus helping me get my GPA up to a more respectable level. My first semester was English Literature, Conversational French, Business Mathematics, Psychological Theories, and Female Studies. The last one was not my choice, but Sis managed to convince me that it was an easy course, with every student getting an A in it. Besides, she was sure that I might enjoy learning a little about the superior gender. That statement delivered with quite a smirk.

The first few weeks were not too bad, the subjects were not difficult, the teachers making the courses enjoyable. I thought I was on track to getting the kind of grades that Mom and Dad were expecting of me, but overconfidence had got me into trouble in the past. My last semester was a prime example of this overconfidence. I had foolishly told my parents that I was on track to obtain a C average in all of my courses. The actual results made the situation much worse, I barely managed a passing grade in those courses.

This school had always been known for the involvement of its student body in nonacademic activities. I was constantly approached by my counselor to get involved in extracurricular activities of some kind or another. The school pushed the students to get a well-rounded education, even reaching out to experience something different. I asked Sis what she thought might be of interest to me since it was obvious that my counselor was not going to let it drop.

She got this huge smile on her face, then told me she had something in mind, but she had to check on a couple of things first. She would let me know that evening. I wondered about her sometimes, usually when she smiles like that, it is not in my best interest. I do have to admit that she has not steered me wrong since I started here at Southern Belle.

The school gives out grades every six weeks, to ensure that each student knows where they stand in each class. Since today was that day, I stopped at the main office, to pick up my progress report. I was very wary of opening it since I had not convinced myself that I was doing as well as I thought I was. Sis found me at lunch in the student union, wanting to see how I was doing. I handed her the report and asked her to open it.

She giggled as she took it, opened it, and then straight-faced, told me it might be better if I found an excuse to stay away from our house until my parents had gone to bed. My facial expression went from anticipation to depression in a few seconds. She set by me at my table, rubbing my shoulders, telling me that it might not be as bad as I had envisioned it to be. Working in fast food is always a possibility.

Finally, she erupted in laughter, pointing to my face, and telling me that my expression was priceless. It turned out that I had got a 3.4 GPA for the first six weeks. She hugged me, kissed me on the cheek, telling me that I had finally found somewhere and something I could excel at. I was mad at her first, but finally saw the humor in her treatment of me. I was so uptight that I had readily bought into the fact that I had failed again. The good report lifted my spirits through the rest of the day. I was almost looking forward to going home tonight.

Both Sis and I still lived at home. Our parents were not poor by any means but insisted that we commute to keep the expenses down to a manageable level. In fact, this summer both of us got new cars. Unfortunately, they were both low-priced economy cars. Two cute little VW bugs in white, with burgundy interiors. I would have preferred something a little more masculine, but Dad got a really good deal on them. At least, it was a new car.

Sis beat me home since her last class ended an hour before mine did. When I walked in Dad had been waiting by the door. I was not allowed to go any further until he saw my grades. I slowly handed over my report, then took off for the kitchen. I guess he figured I had messed up again as he glanced at the report. Finally, he connected with the fact that I had made considerable progress in the first six weeks and complimented me on it.

That is a first for Dad, but I had managed to take any ammunition away from him. I got a big hug from Mom, her telling me that she was so proud of me. We had a nice dinner, with Mom fixing her vegetable lasagna for us, a favorite of mine. The sauce was so good; it made you want to declare yourself an Italian citizen to be able to experience it again. Diane and I cleaned up the kitchen, washing the dishes and putting the leftovers away. Then Diane asked me to come to her room.

I followed her up the stairs, then into her room. We had our bedrooms upstairs, with the master bedroom for the parents downstairs. It made it a little more private for us. We sat on her bed after she had found some music for us to listen to. Some oldies, although we were not raised in the fifties and sixties, we loved that music. As the Beach Boys serenaded us, she told me of the activities that she thought I might be interested in doing.

We had both studied music since early childhood, Diane and I both playing guitar. Since Diane played more than me she was much better, but I knew all the basics, and my fingering was flawless. That was her first suggestion that I join the orchestra. I was never a fan of orchestras, for one thing, the music they played was not my cup of tea. I started to object, but Diane told me that she had joined a small group of musicians that were playing pop music mostly. They could use another guitar, and they would love for me to join them. Apparently the orchestra encouraged these groups, as it taught the students more versatility in their musical endeavors.

Her next suggestion caught me flat footed. The school was expanding their cheerleader squad to include a few males, mainly for some of the more intricate lifts done in competition. Diane was a member of the squad, in fact, she has been on the varsity squad since she started here. She had suggested me to their coach, and I had been asked to try out for the squad. I was very reluctant to tackle this one since cheerleaders tend to be females, add a male named Dana, with an androgynous figure and face, and I could see a lot of trouble with this one.

She wanted me to do this since the girls were fairly good and had their sights set on competition, both state and national. I told her that I would have to think about it, but not to get her hopes up. I really couldn't see myself doing this.

Since I had enrolled at Southern Belle during midterm, technically a sophomore, her next idea was that I run for class council. The elections were held in the spring, with the winners serving their terms the next school year. The Council had six members from each class, a total of twenty-four individuals. From that twenty-four a council president was elected by the students, namely the council candidate with the most votes.

It is basically a popularity contest for the position of President. Since hardly anyone ran for the student council, it was usually easy to secure a seat in the body. The council handled all the student functions at the college. Homecoming, Prom, student dances, graduation activities, and all other student functions. They also helped with fundraising for several of the charities that the student council supported. Last year over thirty-six thousand dollars was raised to operate the clinic on campus for women that desired help with their pregnancy. No abortions, just help with the baby, both financial and emotional.

While we were listening to the California beach songs, I tried to reason in my mind what activities would be worth doing and what ones would interest me enough to stay enthused. Diane's musical group interested me, but to join I would also have to participate in the orchestra. I guess that could be put up with since I really liked to play the guitar. Her ensemble was playing for all the dances that the students participated in, a favorite of the attendees. I agreed to her suggestion that I join her group, with her telling me when rehearsals were for both the group and the orchestra.

On the student council involvement I left it up to her, if she wanted to run my campaign, I would participate. If it was up to me to get elected, I wanted no part of it. I thought that comment would get the idea dropped very quickly, but Diane just smiled telling me that next year I would be a part of student council. She has always been very good at organizing things, given a task she manages to find a way to get it done satisfactorily.

We talked about the cheer leading gig, with me still not wanting to participate. Sis managed to get me to come at least to the tryouts, hoping I would reconsider. That big smile of hers reappeared, announcing that the tryouts were tomorrow at four P.M. How convenient for her to bring it up, the night before the tryouts. I told her that I would indeed come to the tryouts, after my last class, but not likely to participate in them.

She went to her dresser and retrieved a lightweight pair of sweats, in a shade of green for me to wear tomorrow. My regular school clothes of jeans and a t-shirt would not allow me to move as required. I stared at the green sweats but decided just to put up with it, since I was sure that I would not make the squad, I even doubted I would try out for the group.

As I attended classes the next day, my proposed new activities were occupying all of my mental capacity. It was fortunate that a quiz or test was not on the agenda since my mind had checked out. Finally, my last class was over, and I headed for the gym, trying to remember how Diane had talked me into this.

Sis met me at the area used for their practice. I was shown to a room where I could change. Looking back at the events of the last twelve hours, I realized where I had made a mistake. I had not tried on the sweats. They fit, just a little too well. The expression that they were painted on applied. I was extremely fortunate that I had decided to wear a nylon brief, instead of boxers. Every curve of my body was on display.

When I looked in the mirror, there was no Dana in the room, at least not the masculine version. On second thought maybe just change back into my male clothes and pass on the tryouts. I looked for my male clothes, both them and Diane now missing. I gave a heavy sigh and walked out to the gym. Unfortunately, our parents had always stressed doing what we had promised, no matter the consequences.

About twenty young women greeted me, plus three males that were waiting to try out for the squad. I tried to stay in the background away from the main group. The men were told to go with one of the girls while the coach told the girls to line up. I started to head in the direction of the males but was called back by the coach. Reluctantly I joined the girls in line. I wanted to point out their mistake but was so embarrassed to be perceived as a female; I decided just to keep quiet.

The coach told a couple of the existing members of the squad to run through a couple of the routines. Of course, Diane was one of these women. I got a big Cheshire cat type of smile from her but chose to ignore her. They would show us the routine, and then we would try to copy it.

After running through twenty routines, the coach called us all together, telling us that we had all made the first cut. She wanted an individual picture of each of us, and then we could take a break while they compared notes on our performance. After our pictures had been taken, I noticed that another teacher was loading them on a laptop. Then apparently running them through a program.

Every once in a while, the coach would be called over to look at the results. Several times, they both looked over at me after one of these conversations. Even Diane was included in one of the conferences. As Diane walked over to some of her friends, a huge smile appeared on her face. This couldn't be good for me. My hopes of being rejected for the squad were looking feeble.

About twenty minutes later the coach started meeting with each individual trying out for the team. There was a lot of squealing as the girls and guys were told of their evaluation. As always, not everybody made the squad. Some of them were told they would be accepted to the JV squad, and if a position on the varsity squad became open, they would be eligible.

I ended up being last, making my nerves just that much worse. Diane was called over too, as I was being evaluated. She sat next to me and held my hand as the coach told me of her evaluation. I was told that I was more than pretty enough for the squad. My movements were fluid, and my timing was right on. Then she stopped to show me an image that was on the laptop screen. It was my head on a woman dressed as a Southern Belle. This image is what we would like to talk to you about, though.

For several years, the college has wanted to adopt an image as a mascot. Since the name of the college is Southern Belle, what better mascot than a real Southern Belle. When the student council came to Coach Jameson with their request, it was envisioned as a lady from the old south, dressed as a Southern Belle, dancing along with the cheerleaders encouraging the students to join the game, and support the school.

They have had no one that might be able to bring this mascot to life until now. Coach Jameson was looking me directly in the eyes, as she finished that statement. I quietly informed her of her mistake in presuming that I was a female. She smiled, informing me that Diane had told her of my true gender yesterday. Now I was lost, they know I am a male, yet they want me to portray a female mascot. Since a few of the other cheerleaders were hanging around near our conversation, it was decided to move to the coach's office. Once there, I reminded them of the obvious fact that I am not a female.

Diane asked the coach if she could explain it to me. The coach agreed with Diane, as she stated the obvious to me. You are eminently qualified to portray our mascot, you have the moves, you are the right height, and you have the strength to dance the routines wearing a much heavier costume than the typical cheerleaders outfit.

My mind finally started adding one and one and getting two. I guess it would require someone with a bit more energy to dance the routines wearing a large voluminous dress. The dress in the altered picture had a huge skirt, maybe five feet across, being held out with lots of petticoats. It has been the intention of everyone involved in this to keep the identity of the mascot a true secret. Diane, Coach Jameson, and I, if I accept, the only ones to share in the identity of the Southern Belle.

I stupidly asked if I accept what will I have to do, besides wearing the costume at functions. Diane again pointed to the image on the laptop. The dress, of this era, typically showed a lot of cleavage. So titties would be required, also, since the underwear would be on display a lot of the time, as the skirt is maneuvered during the routines, a feminine lower torso would have to be portrayed. The fact that other than a laptop image, no actual work through has been accomplished, it would be a learning experience as I get into the role.

She imagined that living the role 24/7 would probably be required to keep in character. Now I began to squirm a little. The idea of being the mascot had been fascinating, maybe something I might enjoy. To live as a woman 24/7 to be that mascot, not so much. I told the coach I doubted that I would be interested, but I would think about it. I would let her know in a couple of days my decision.

I gathered up my clothes, as they suddenly re-appeared next to my backpack and headed to my car. Diane caught up with me as I entered the parking lot, asking me to come with her to dinner. She wanted to talk to me and not at our home. I was a little hungry but told Diane that I would not change my mind. She insisted that she just wanted to talk about it so that I had all the information to make an informed decision. I eventually gave in, with us leaving my car in the parking lot and took her car to a little diner several blocks from the campus. Although it was the student’s favorite hangout, busy at lunch, but in the evenings the crowd was sparse. She found a cozy booth in the front corner, near the window, but not conspicuous.

Drinks were ordered while we decided what we were having to eat. After ordering our meals, Diana started the conversation. She wanted to know why I was so dead set against the idea. My reply was duh, living as a woman 24/7 just might have a little to do with it. Her reply, if you haven't tried it, how can you discard the idea. Diane, I am a male, at least in name and body.

After seventeen years of living as a member of the male sex, then change over to the female lifestyle scares me to death. I know nothing about living as a female, just the idea frightens me. We paused as our drinks are delivered, then resumed with Diane trying to get me to see that it would not be that much different, then the life I am presently living. I tell her that is absurd. I don't dress as a female, wear makeup, or get the attention that men give females.

We are interrupted again as our food is brought to us. We paused our conversation as we ate our meal. The food here is real good, not the typical fare. Diane ordered the Chicken Mushroom Swiss Burger while the Avocado Monterey Jack Burger was my choice. I know neither of the burgers was good for a feminine figure, but they were so good, besides I had not agreed to join the cheerleaders. After the waitress had removed our plates, our discussion resumed.

I asked her point blank why she was so determined in getting me to live as a female. There was silence for several moments as she debated what her response was going to be. Finally, she blurted out because you are a woman at heart, and you need to finally face the situation. That left me speechless. I was getting ready to protest the accusation, when the part of my mind that keeps all of my deepest secrets, decided at that moment to interject its two cents with, but not with my approval.

All of a sudden, I was not sure that all of this was wrong. Doubt can be a mighty force to be reckoned with and always at the most inconvenient times. The fear was still there, believe me, but I was no longer sure that this was as wrong of a choice as I had envisioned it to be. Being a female and my sister, Diane could smell victory and just smiled. I wasn't ready to give in yet, but I was very aware that I was wavering.

I finally conceded that I would try the idea out, but if I looked ridiculous or couldn't handle the costume it was over with. I was shocked at how fast Diane moved, as she attacked me giving me a kiss and hugging me until I was nearly out of breath. Her first words were tomorrow; we will find out how convincing Dana can be as a female. Your appointment is at eight A.M. in the morning to be feminized, and we will know whether you passed by lunch. Great, something more to dread, but in a way I was looking forward to it, I just didn't know why.

Apparently, that is what she and Coach had determined to be the next logical step in making the mascot, namely me a part of the squad. The task of turning me into a more believable female had been given to Diane since the identity of the Southern Belle was supposed to be a secret. The fewer people involved, the better.

Eight A.M. came way too early, in fact, is was more around seven when she dragged me out of bed. I was told to put on sweats, tennis shoes, and nothing else. I was handed a glass of OJ by Mom as Diane, and I left the house. As the door closed, I did hear Mom say, have fun girls. I gave Diane the evil eye but have never been able to do it as well as the true females of the family. We got in her VW and took off for a destination unknown, at least, to me.

About forty minutes later, we pulled into a private drive leading up to a Victorian house that rivaled many a movie mansion. There was a valet, a lovely petite woman to get our doors, and then park the car. We walked up to the two large doors, adorned with intricate scroll work, and then into a lobby that was just fabulous. Diane told the receptionist that I had an eight o'clock appointment. She checked her computer, then told us to go up the stairs, and our stylist would meet us there.

What I noticed on the wall was a sign touting the name of the salon. It read Turnabout Gurl, where we bring out the feminine in you. As we passed a couple of the rooms where the doors were open, I saw several customers getting hair styled, nails done, or makeup. A very beautiful woman met us, a few more feet down the hall. She led us to another room and opened the door for us. There was a beauty equipment scattered along the walls of the room, and a padded table in the center.

The table was what you would expect to see at a doctor's office. I was asked to remove all of my clothes and set on the table. I waited to see if she or my sister was going to leave the room, apparently that was not in the cards, so I began to strip. Now down to my birthday suit, I set on the table. Gloria introduced herself, then asked me to lay back on the table. First on the schedule was removing all of the hair from my body.

I was asked what method I preferred, waxing or chemical. Before I could respond, Diane told her that chemical would be the one I would chose. Gloria looked at me with a puzzled expression, then got the necessary supplies to perform the task. Gloria started with my back after she got me to turn over. The cream was rubbed into my skin, not missing a single spot on my backside. I was informed of the need for me to lay perfectly still until the cream could perform its task. After about thirty minutes, she started removing the cream using small towels.

When she finished, she took a washcloth and wiped any excess off, then rubbed a soothing lotion all over my posterior. Next I was asked to turn over, and my front was subjected to the same treatment. After finishing my front, I was able to see the results. The simple act of removing all of my hair changed the appearance of my body drastically. I looked softer and curvier, definitely not what a male was supposed to look like. I never had much body hair, but when what little you do have is removed the difference is quite noticeable.

If it had stopped there, it might have been bearable. The smooth skin all over my body was feminine, a touch to my skin sent shivers all over my body. There seemed to be a lot more than hair removal on the agenda for today as Gloria made preparations for the next procedure.

Gloria told me to relax for a while as she finished setting up for the next treatment. Several boxes were removed from the cabinets and a light on a stand was moved over to the side of the table. She marked several spots on my chest with a marker and also along my male appendage. Then a spray was applied to each area,also applying the spray on several items she removed from the boxes, on the counter. She excused herself and told me to relax; she would be right back.

I tried to get Diane to tell me what she was doing, but my sister was being coy, not telling me anything that I hadn't already observed. Several minutes later she returned and lifted two of the items off the counter, then placed them on my chest where she had made the marks. She lifted my hands and placed one each on the breasts now adorning my chest. I was told to hold them until the adhesive set. I was shocked, I had boobs, breasts, whatever you wanted to call them and they were being attached to my body.

Part of my mind was yelling and screaming, you’re a male, and males do not have breasts. The rest of my mind was apparently absent without permission. I just laid there with my hands on my breasts, in a totally different world from a few minutes ago.

Gloria meanwhile had split the table at my crotch, creating two halves. She pushed the halves apart until it formed a V. She stepped in between the two halves and started attaching something to my groin. My mind was still glued to my hands on my titties, only faintly realizing that something was now covering my penis. Finally, things started to come together, and I raised my head to look at my groin. Then I promptlyfainted.

When I came to, Gloria had one hand, and Diane had the other, and they were trying to calm me down. It took several minutes for my mind to get back to the place where I was when I fainted. I lifted my head again, trying to see if what I saw before was an aberration. Nope, it wasn't, I now had a very feminine slit, which was very obvious since all of my body hair had been removed. I started to panic again, but Diane managed to get me to focus on her, as she told me everything was going to be alright.

She told me that I still had my equipment, but now it was concealed by my vagina. My vagina, now that was a statement to consider. To all who now viewed my body, I was female that brought out the tears in buckets. Diane held me as I bawled, rubbing my back as she tried to comfort me. Twenty minutes later, I managed to stop the tears and looked her in the eyes. I wanted to know why I had to do all of this to be a stupid mascot for the school. Gloria slipped out for a minute or two while Diane tried to explain things to me.

You can't just show up dressed as a female, especially if they can see you are not a real female. I am sure you remember back in high school when several of the football team decided to pick on you because they thought you were gay. Now fast forward to now. You show up half female, half male, and you are going to pay a severe price. If you look like a genetic girl, you will be the focus of many a male, but it will be manageable. Would you rather fight off romantic interest, or fight for your life. That is your choice.

I managed to compose myself somewhat, and shortly after that Gloria returned to the room. I was asked to sit at one of the tables along the wall. It had bottles of fingernail polish on it and all of the other tools for doing manicures. Gloria took my fingers, inserting them into a bowl to soak. Diane and her discussed shades of polish as my fingers soaked in the liquid. Gloria lifted my right hand out of the bowl, drying it off, then started filing the nails.

She shaped them into nice ovals, after removing the cuticles around the edges. Then she went through a box of fake fingernails, finding the right size for each of my fingernails. She applied superglue to the nail and the extension, then fitted them to my fingers. They extended, at least, a half inch past my fingertips. Then the light was moved over to the table and turned on. It was an ultraviolet light casting a purplish glow to my hand. My left hand was next, her doing the same thing to those fingers. The left hand was inserted under the light, joining my other hand.

Gloria asked if the accessories were just temporary or long term. Diane responded long term, as the situation stands now. I wondered what they were talking about. What accessories were they referring to, and what was long term. I looked directly at Gloria and asked her what she was talking about. She glanced at Diane, then responded to me. Your hair removal is semi-permanent. The chemical kills off the hair follicles, only a few hairs will regrow. After a few months, they will also die.

Your breasts and false vagina are removable if the right glue is used. I had instructions to use the better glue. With no hair, there is no reason to remove the forms, what we also refer to as accessories. Since the better glue was used, it will keep them secure for at least six months. The forms use a synthetic skin that breathes just like real skin would. It also transmits touch to the underlining tissue. You will feel when someone touches your breasts just like a woman would.

To my horror, I was told that my new vagina can be used for sex, with me being able to feel everything inside of it. With regards to your new nails, they are permanent with the gel glue we used. The UV light sets the gel, making the nails bond with your fingernails permanently. The pale pink polish is semi-permanent, but you can use other colors, and change them as needed to match your clothes.

Way too much information for me to process. First thoughts indicate that I will be living as a female for quite some time. I started to get mad at Diane for pushing this on me, but sitting here at the table; I feel good about things. I look down at my new breasts, yes, my new breasts. They look good, and as I move a little to look at them, they move with me.

Having my male equipment tucked away feels a little different, but for some reason, I don't miss it. I never was a male that lived only for his male appendage. The fact that I never got into the masturbation thing was an indication that I just wasn't interested in sex that much. I won't have to worry about it now since everything is neatly tucked away and inaccessible.

Diane was staring at me the whole time that I was running all this information through my mind. We have been always close, too close in some instances, but able to know what our counterpart is thinking. Her smile was infectious as we all moved to Gloria's styling station. As we exited the room, Diane moved next to me and reached over to pinch my newly acquired nipple.

I was shocked when I felt it, but the real shock was the sensation that moved through my entire body. I felt faint, weak in the knees, and the sensation seemed to go on and on. Diane ended up supporting me until I could regain my bearings. I looked up to her, trying to see her expression. She mouthed the words; you haven't felt anything yet, then smiled that Cheshire cat smile of hers.

Gloria's styling area was a small room attached to the first, but with different equipment. I was seated in a typical salon chair, then covered with a smock to cover me up and keep any cut hair from sticking to me. She proceeded to comb through my hair and make small sections, clipping each section separately. Then working from the back, she would undo each section, cutting the hair to even its length, then move on to the next section.

After she had done each section, the chair back was lowered, and my hair was shampooed and conditioned. A towel was placed around my hair and the chair was returned to the upright position. Gloria next combed my hair to remove any tangles, then proceeded to put my hair in curlers. The curlers were quite large, my hair wrapped around each curler three times. The hair around the nape of my neck was put into a little smaller curler, but the curler was placed up and down instead of sideways. I had a bad feeling that I would soon look a lot like a famous child movie star.

The dryer was scooted over behind my chair and then lowered over my curlers. Gloria handed me a magazine, it was the latest edition of Glamour, then turned on the dryer. The heat was comfortable, but not obtrusive. Of course, I couldn't hear anything other than the sounds of the air assaulting my hair in the curlers. I tried to read the magazine, but the things happening to me were more of a concern.

Why I hadn't tried to stop Diane was puzzling me. I had just went along with what she had suggested, now sitting under a hair dryer, with titties and a vagina. Not to mention the nail polish and lengthy nails. Trying to turn the page of the magazine, my hand had brushed up against my breast, the problem was I felt the touch. It was like the breasts were real, impossible you say, but the feeling was there. Gloria checked the dryness of my hair several times, finally decided that my hair was dry enough. The dryer was turned off and pushed back to the wall.

She removed the curlers, but the curl stayed intact, actually the curl was tighter than it was on the curler. With a pick, she began to loosen the curls, pulling them out a little. If the curl persisted she used a little heat to persuade it to obey. She went through all of the curls each getting attention, then she started back again going through all of them again. When she finished I was covered in hairspray as my entire head was doused in the cloud of mist. I managed to catch glimpses of my image in the mirrors when I was turned in the chair. I knew they were trying to keep my look from being seen until they had finished, but from what I caught small glimpses of I looked like a grown up Shirley Temple.

Next Gloria worked on my makeup, adding layer after layer of foundation, blush, eye liner, mascara, eye shadow, lip pencil, and finally lipstick. It felt funny in a way, but not that unusual. I did key in on the lipstick, my lips were slippery and had a distinct taste to them. Diane told me to thank Gloria, which I did, and I was led to another part of the salon.

The area which we entered was more luxurious than the rest, carpeted with exquisite furniture in groupings scattered around the room. Wallpaper and framed paintings adorned the wall. There was racks of clothes next to several of the groupings, and to one of these I was led. I remind you that I was still naked, since the cape that had hid my lack of clothes was left with Gloria.

A rather tall woman approached us and Diane introduced us. Her name was Karen, she would be my fashion consultant for today. She went right to work, measuring me with my enhancements. She then went to the rack and started selecting garments for me to put on. The first was a ruffled panty, and I do mean ruffled. My whole rear end was covered in layer and layer of lace. Next was what I would call a slip, but only covering my chest down to my waist. I was told that was called a chemise.

Diane grabbed my hand and led me to a rail running along the wall of the room. I was told to steady myself and raise my right foot. As I did so a shoe was slid on to my foot and a buckle was fastened around my ankle. Soon my other foot sported the match. I knew it was heels since when I put my foot down I suddenly became taller. Diane supported me a little and I was led back to the middle of the room.

Then Karen pulled out several very large slips. I stepped into each and they pulled them up to my waist. I could not see any of my lower extremities with all the layers of fabric. The final piece of clothing was the dress. It was not on the rack that Karen had been pulling from, the reason being it was too large to fit there. The top of the dress was a tight fitting bodice that just barely covered my assets. From the waist down, there seemed to be yards and yards of material gathered to the narrow waistline.

They had to drop it over my head to get it on my body. It took both of them to manage that, since my hair and newly made up face had to be avoided. Diane straightened the dress and Karen pulled up the zipper at the back of the dress. I thought they were done, but Karen then started buttoning the sixty-five little buttons up the back, apparently covering up the zipper. My first thought was how I would ever get in and out of this dress by myself.

Karen and Diane conferred for a few minutes and then I was led over to a grouping of three mirrors. As I approached the mirrors I noticed a gorgeous woman approaching the same mirror. It took me a few minute to realize that the image in the mirror was me. I stuttered, I gasped, a feminine squeal suddenly erupted from my lips, and then I fainted.

When I returned to the now and present Diane was comforting me as I laid on the floor. When she saw I was waking up she smiled, at me then in her best I told you so voice commented, that I turned out far prettier than any of the girls had thought. They helped me up to a couch near where I was sitting, but I found with that much skirt and slip I could only gently lean against the couch. I knew that I was supported some, but I could only feel the slips against my buttocks and legs. We talked for a while with several sales associates commenting on how pretty I was.

Finally things seemed to return to normal, whatever that was, and Diane suggested that we see what type of movements I could handle. We tried dancing a little and I was able to handle the skirts in a ballroom type of dance. Anything else didn't show since the skirts covered everything up. Next we tried some of the cheerleaders routines, but again with the huge skirts, nothing was seen other than some upper body movement on my part, but hand movements were seen.

About that time, the cheerleader coach came in. Her mouth came open as if she was trying to say something, but no words were heard. She did manage to regain speech eventually, complimenting me on my appearance, then asked Diane if I could perform any of the moves that had been planned for the mascot. Diane and I showed her what we had tried, with her agreeing that would not be an option. She and Diane sat talking for a while on the couch that I wished I could set on, but since I was stuck in the upright position I walked around the room a little.

My heels were alright, but just standing made them hurt far more than walking around. I was daydreaming like I usually do, swaying to the music that the dress salon had piped into the room. For some odd reason I started pretending that I was a real girl in a beautiful dress at a grand ball. I pretended that I was dancing with my partner and he was swinging me around as we moved around the dance floor. Then when the music stopped before starting on the next track, I pretended to reach up to my partners face and kissed him. My lips were puckered for the kiss, my eyes closed, then I felt his lips on mine.

I swooned and then twirled around a couple of times, then to my horror Diane started laughing. I opened my eyes and both her and coach were giggling at me. Diane had jumped up and was the one who had kissed me. Diane told Coach that I often did that, the daydream part at least, that was how crazy I was. Then both her and Coach seemed to think of something and were soon huddled in conversation. I heard bits and pieces, but did not understand what they were saying.

Coach went to retrieve her digital camera, wanting to take pictures of me as the Southern Belle. They had me pose in every way imaginable, even taking a few as I danced around the floor. After reviewing the pictures taken it was decided that they had enough to show the rest of the college people. I was helped in changing into a more traditional female costume, a pair of black pants, matched with a black and gray sweater.

I know for one thing, it was considerably lighter, the belle dress with all the slips was extremely heavy. I touched up my lipstick and they dragged me off to the mall after they toned down my hairstyle. The mall was to test if I could pass as a female without detection, a fete that I didn't think would happen. After three hours at the mall, countless changing rooms, and a multitude of different outfits, the verdict was in. No one even hinted, that I was anything other than a genetic female.

I guess that sealed my fate, unless the college didn’t approve of the image for their mascot, I was assured the role. We headed home, then it hit me, I had to face Mom and Dad looking like a female coed. I am sure that will not go down well with Dad, although he has never openly pushed me to be a typical male, I know my reluctance at participating in any sports has left him slightly disappointed in me. As we got closer to the house, my fear became more real, getting out of her car, I was sweating and my stomach is doing flip-flops.

I entered the house, Diane pulling me along. Since she yelled we are home as she entered the house, there is no chance for me to escape to my room. Then I thought with the permanence of some of the things done to me, it wouldn’t do me any good anyway. What I postponed tonight I would have to face in the morning. Dad came out of the living room, looked me over from head to toe, then approached me and to my shock hugged me.

I stood there, mouth open, and let myself be hugged. It was done tenderly, holding me gently and pulling me closer to him. Then Mom came out of the kitchen and attacked me. She oohed and awed as she carefully scrutinized my appearance, pushing Dad farther away so she could take in all of my appearance. I was also hugged by her, with her whispering in my ear that I am so pretty. Never once in all of that time did my mouth find its way closed. I was in awe, my parents were not shocked, accepting that their son of eighteen years was now apparently their daughter.

Mom dragged me over to the couch and set with me, still looking at my changes and smiling that big smile that Mothers often sport with regards to their children. My mouth finally closed, but ten million questions seemed to spring to life. How did this happen, are these my real parents or did they get replaced somehow?

Diane had set in one of the side chairs in the living room, smiling at the actions taking place, apparently she had a lot more to do with this change than I ever thought possible. I guess I had been manipulated, by the master, not even seeing where any of this was possible several days ago. Now I am firmly entrenched as a college coed, quite a nice feeling I might add.

I did become the Southern Belle mascot, dancing away at every game. They found a male dancer to accompany me, we mainly did waltzes at breaks and halftime. Then I would join the crowds after the game. In a way I enjoyed the attention, getting hugs and sneaky kisses all evening. When the school had a dance or at homecoming and prom I was there, my dance card more than full for the entire evening. Eventually my identity leaked out, the male attention now even more than before I was the mascot.

Although she won’t admit it I am sure Diane is jealous of me, her brother prettier than her and can pick any boyfriend she wants from among her many male suitors. We are still very close, I had assured her I will speak to a couple of my male admirers and get her a dreamy date for prom. Now as soon as the bruise on my arm fades away I can wear sleeveless tops again. Sisters can be so moody at times, just because her former brother is prettier than her. I can’t help it if I am gorgeous.

© 2016 thru 2024 by Francesca

Thursday, June 27, 2024

Danielle; Coming Out To Sis

Danielle; Coming Out To Sis

I had finally worked up the courage to submit to one of my fondest fantasies. Now two years out of college, employed as a real estate agent for a local company, I had a little stability in my life. The fantasies I had earlier in life were calling, wanting to be experienced before much longer. The college degree didn’t help much, yeah it looked good on my resume, but that was about it.

The real estate agent job was a bit of luck, a former professor of mine started it two years ago, found the right people to make it viable, and soon quit her job at the university. I was invited to join the group, helping what I could while taking a class to get my real estate license. Six months later I became an agent and started selling properties. I had reasonable success, selling my first property a month later.

Her business has grown exponentially, now the leading real estate broker in town. Since the other agents preferred to not work the weekends, I volunteered to do so leaving me several days during the week to indulge my fantasies. Up to now it was mainly dressing up in my ever expanding wardrobe of feminine clothes and spending some time in my back yard paradise.

I had a sister in town, her job at a beauty salon requiring most of her time. She had quite a following, built up over the years, able to command quite a fee for her services. She often worked weekends, having many special requests for hair and makeup for weddings and special occasions. I envied her in more ways than usual, if only I could take advantage of her services. So close to the help I needed yet so far away. She would never understand my need for the feminine things in life, so our limited interaction as brother/sister probably the best I would get in life.

We talked by phone once a week or so, just about what was happening in our lives but nothing more. Maybe once a month one of us would invite the other to a luncheon out on the town, but even that was tending to fall by the wayside. Over the last six months, we had only three luncheons, one or the other of us having something else to do and couldn’t make our schedules cooperate.

I had decided I need help with my hair, it was now to my shoulder blades, always worn in a low ponytail for any dealings with customers of the real estate company I worked for. Most of the time I was accepted as someone to help them, a rare occasion when one of the customers would ask for someone else to represent them. I kept the ponytail tucked in my shirt, so it was never very visible, thus not an issue with most customers.

There had been a new salon opened in town several months ago. The Turnabout Gurl Salon advertised that they performed most any beauty treatment on most anybody. The ads showed various people with cute feminine hairstyles, gorgeous makeup and absolutely perfect bodies. The logo at the top of the ad showed a male walking into a salon, and a female walking out. I guess that could be interpreted several different ways, but I assumed that they were just referring to their skills at what they did.

I wanted to experience a female hairstyle once in my life, figuring that at the worst I could have it cut short again if it was too feminine and or would interfere in my work. Kimberly, the lady I worked for is easy going, since she pays by commission only, if an agent does something to affect their sales, the agency doesn’t suffer, just the agent. I had made two fairly large sales recently, my bank account comfortable, at least, for now. So if it turned out to be a disaster, I could lay low for a while.

I chose the salon because their advertisements touted a computer that would scan you, suggesting styles that would complement your features best. They also offered a hair analysis, what products you should use to keep your hair in tip top shape. When I called to make an appointment I talked with one of their advisors as she answered all my questions and then some. The appointment was for later today, my nerves on edge, something like this way out of my comfort zone.

I did manage the courage to actually go to the salon, enter and wait to meet my advisor. I was taken back to a room in the back, where she told me what they could do for me. Her name was Stephanie, a regional advisor for Turnabout Gurl.

“I suggest the full body scan, then the computer can advise on other things besides your hair. There is no charge for the service and you do receive a full color picture of your body as it would be as a female. It takes about twenty minutes to do the scan, then the computer will show your available options. After you have decided on your options, the computer will print your picture as a female. Can I do that for you today?”

I nodded my head, since the thought of getting a picture of me as a female was a very enticing treat. Stephanie suggested that I undress and stand in front of the screen to my right. I blushed several shades of red but did do as I was instructed. She told me to relax and the computer would soon have my image in its memory.

She stepped out, the computer came to life and a beam of light moved over my body starting at my toes and ending up at the top of my head. After the computer shut down, Stephanie showed back up handing me a gown to slip over my head. Another blush, but it did make me feel a little better to have some kind of a cover-up on my body. The gown was silky, now I had goosebumps to deal with along with a male organ that was really enjoying the silky gown.

She went through all the options, having me select the ones I liked the most. There were about forty options available for me, after a while I kind of lost track of what I was choosing. Then the computer whirred to life and a picture of me as a female appeared on the screen. I instantly had tears appear at the corners of my eyes, a lifelong desire looking back at me from the screen. If only it was the real me. What services do you want today? You were originally scheduled for a deluxe hair styling, is that all you want or would you like to add more to the list?”

I stuttered a while, not really knowing what to say. I was tempted to ask for it all, but that might be more than I could handle mentally. I finally settled just for the hairstyle, then if I liked it and didn’t die in the next day or two I could come back and take advantage of some of their other services. I pictured all of this in my mind, the die part was not that far fetched. With the hairstyle that the computer had shown me I would definitely not be the same person when I left the salon. A radical change indeed.

“A shampoo tech will be in shortly to wash and condition your hair adding the necessary treatments to keep it looking shiny and healthy. Then a stylist will come in and give you the style you picked out. Plan on being here about three hours, the stylist will take your picture, a remembrance of today for you before you leave.”

I enjoyed the shampoo and treatments used on me in the next hour. At least five different conditioners were applied, some were left on for fifteen to twenty minutes to deep soak into the hair. The massage she gave as she worked the treatments into my hair was heavenly. I was almost asleep when the stylist entered the room.

“Danny my name is Gwen and I will be your stylist today.” As she saw who I was, a larger than life smile appeared on her face. I was looking at my sister. Of all the people to do my hair and I ended up with my sister. I started to get up to leave, but she pushed me back down. I knew I would never hear the end of it, so the sooner I got away the easier my life might be.

She leaned forward, looking directly into my eyes. “Sit still, I have a job to do and I will make sure you look as good as your picture. She put a cape around me and started to comb and section my hair. We talked about everything but me, what I was doing in the salon and why I was getting a feminine hair style never was a part of our conversation. The weather was discussed, the latest styles to hit the fashion runways and the price of groceries. She did touch on why she was working here now, their technology and treatments, plus their advertising second to none in the industry.

Once she expressed interest in joining the salon, she was actively recruited. “If I had known that my sis comes to this salon I would have come here sooner.” That statement delivered with no malice and a large smile on her face. Now I was worried this is not the sister that I was raised up with, nope no way. Maybe a clone but my sister has never been nice to me other than for a few seconds in her life. We are talking a major earth shattering event here, stop the presses, and call up the TV stations for a late breaking story.

She cut my hair in the desired manner, then started wrapping the hair on curlers. The style would be layered, keeping all of the available length, but it would frame my face softening my masculine looks. Forty minutes under the dryer, sis checking my hair often to see if it was dry enough. Back to her styling chair, the curlers were removed, as she coated my hair with hairspray. It took her over an hour to get the curls positioned the way she wanted them. Several more applications of hairspray were added, making sure the hairstyle would stay as she wanted. She left for a minute, then returned with a digital camera. Several pictures were taken of me, appearing on one of the screens at the front of the salon.

I had tears leaking from my eyes, a lifelong desire finally realized. Sis leaned in and hugged me, asking me to stay in the front of the salon and wait for her. She had one more customer then she was off. “You are coming to my apartment tonight, we have so much to catch up on.”

I tried to decline, but she would not hear any excuses. She reached into my back pocket, removed my wallet and keys placing them in her jacket pocket. “There, now you have no choice.” I was led to the front of the salon and seated in one of the chairs in the front window. I was facing the salon, but my head was visible to anybody walking by. She giggled as she told me to stay, like you would to a child or dog. I have seldom seen her this happy, so I took a chance and stayed in my seat like a child waiting for my parent.

The next hour passed quickly, as I watched many males transform into gorgeous females. I was brought to my senses as Sis leaned in and applied a coat of lipstick to my lips then led me from the salon. She stopped at a drive thru to pick up something to eat, a Chinese place that we both frequented often. Then on to her apartment, as she was pulling into her parking spot I realized that I had left my car at the salon. Oh well, I can pick it up tomorrow. I carried in the food as she got the mail and her door.

I got some plates and silverware to the kitchen bar, then set out the little cartons of food. Sis returned after changing her clothes, walking right up to me and hugging me tightly. She held the embrace for quite some time, I did not protest, if felt so good. We chatted as we ate the goodies, her wanting to know all about this side of me. I was kind of tight lipped to start with, but soon my tongue loosened up and before I knew it I had told her everything.

No comments from her, which surprised me greatly. “So are you coming in with me tomorrow so we can finish the transformation or are you going back into hiding?” I looked at her, waiting for the normal reaction that I came to expect from her, it never materialized.

I tried to beg off, I did have my job, and doing it with an extremely feminine hairstyle was probably not the smartest idea. She told me then to just do the job as a female. I started to argue the point, but maybe I could. The image I see in the mirror is definitely female, my voice is somewhere in between the two sexes, so theoretically it could be done. But it is a big maybe and I am not a risk taker. A female hairstyle and cut maybe could be dealt with, combing it into a somewhat masculine style, but to appear in female clothes as a woman to work might be beyond my assessment of a reasonable risk.

When I didn’t respond she picked up her cell phone and made a call. Once they answered she went into the kitchen out of my range of hearing. I could hear some talking but not what was being said. Then some silence and another call, although the conversation was much briefer.

When she re-appeared she had a smile on her face. Tomorrow at eight AM Danielle has an appointment, by noon there will be no male image left. At one-thirty you have a luncheon date with your boss as Danielle. Daniel is dead as of this moment, while you are at your luncheon appointment I will be at your apartment getting rid of your male clothes. Don’t thank me, just live your life as your true self and forget the rest. Then we can spend the rest of the day shopping for your new wardrobe.

We talked well into the night, finally when I was caught yawning for the tenth time I was dragged to her spare bedroom, undressed and given a nightie to wear. I used her bathroom, brushed my teeth and admired my feminine hairdo. With a big sigh I plodded back to the bed, crawled under the covers and was instantly asleep. I felt someone join me during the night, her warm body cuddled up close to me. It felt so good, a pleasant feeling that sis and I have never shared in our lives.

I got dumped out of bed when the alarm went off, her telling me to get a move on, or she would leave me here. I took a shower, using a shower cap to keep my new hairdo perfect. Sis poked her head in, giving me an appraisal of my body, then handed me a stack of clothes to wear. I almost squealed when I saw the lacy panties and bra, they looked so delicious. With them on the next item was a cute skirt, followed by a sleeveless blouse. Both were aqua in color, a shade that no male would ever wear. Again the lipstick and I was dragged out her door.

No breakfast this morning, she was so anxious to get me to the salon. As soon as I got there she led me to the back and into the same room as yesterday afternoon. Another lady was waiting for me, plastic gloves on her hands and a large jar of cream on the edge of the table. Sis made sure I was naked, my attempts to slow her down were met with determination and resolve. Then when I kept my arms together to keep any more clothes from being removed, my hands were swatted to keep them out of her way.

I was flipped over and she paddled my fanny. She hits hard and soon I was screaming for her to stop. She got in front of me, looked me in the face and I received her message loud and clear. I laid there as my few remaining clothes were removed, then the cream was smoothed all over my front side. It was left on for twenty minutes, then she used a towel to remove the hair from my body. Sis had left me alone for a few minutes, but she did check up on me regularly, poking her head in the room to make sure I was behaving. My butt was still sore from the spanking, so I dutifully behaved myself. I was flipped over, the backside handled the same way.

It felt so different, my skin seemed more sensitive, any air movement felt and reacted to. When the tech rubbed in some cream to moisturize my skin I about lost it. It was all I could do to not explode, my male organ hard as a rock and very obvious. Of course, sis took that moment to appear, a huge smirk appeared on her face as she grabbed a towel and took care of the eruption. I was red in the face as junior quickly deflated, the embarrassment of my sister jerking me off probably affecting me for life.

Nobody else seemed to care, another tech coming in to start working on my nails. I had always dreamed of having long polished nails, now that was happening. I felt my feet being worked on, I guess I will have polish down there too. My nails were filed into ovals, extensions were added and then treated under a UV light. The polish was next, a base coat, two coats of polish and then a clear topcoat that sealed all of that in. Each layer treated with a UV light. Regular polish remover would not work, a special acetone was needed, and the polish had to be soaked off.

They were indeed gorgeous, but also very obvious. I thought of my luncheon date with my boss, fearing that I would soon be unemployed. I can’t see her agreeing to allow me to dress as a female just because I wanted to. I did alright in my job, but was far from a whiz at what I did. I guess that is all a mute subject now, since my hair is already super feminine, I have long elegant nails and not a hair on my body except what is on top of my head.

The time was flying, so once some breast forms were glued to my chest, some basic makeup was applied and I was dressed in lingerie, a sundress and heels I was whisked away to my luncheon date. I was nervous, extremely so as I was dragged into the restaurant. Sis did not think I would follow through, so she delivered me in person. Then she had the nerve to leave me there alone to face my fears and my boss.

I got a hug from Natalie, a surprise big time. I managed to find my chair and sat down. We ordered my voice cracking often as I tried to keep my voice sounding feminine. Finally my voice sounded feminine, and I was able to answer her questions. She was polite, but I sensed she was not going to allow me to work in my old job dressed as a female. Our food appeared and we stopped to enjoy our meal. I was so nervous, I only ate part of my meal, fearing if I ate any more it would not stay down.

Our empty plates were removed, and she cleared her throat. “I am afraid we cannot use you in your old position, it just would not work out. There might be another position available, but several concessions would have to be made before I could offer that to you. Are you interested?”

I nodded my head in the affirmative, tears quickly appearing at the corners of my eyes. I am going to be unemployed and probably homeless soon thereafter. Why couldn’t I be normal like everyone else?

You need to present as a female to get this job that means all the time I want to see your cute butt in a dress or short skirt. Makeup a necessity and of course your hair styled appropriate for a female. The position is our loan closer, wrapping up the details for any purchase and handling all of the documents to close the deal. A weekly salary since I am sure you will need a steady income to afford clothes, jewelry and your salon appointments to maintain your looks. If that is alright you start as soon as I get you back to the office. I nodded my head, anything more complicated than that way beyond my ability at the moment. We visited the ladies room, fixed our makeup and I was escorted to her car.

I felt like someone who had been sucked into a tornado, no choice but to go where the storm carried me. Back at the office I was shown to my desk and the office manager showed me the procedures for closing a deal or purchase. I managed a little time to straighten my desk some, then was introduced to my first customers. They had just bought their dream house, both of them excited beyond belief. I walked then through the documents, had them sign their life away and handed them copies of their agreements. I was thanked for my time, the gal hugging me close and whispering thank you over and over.

As I sat back down at my desk Natalie was looking at me from across the room and smiling. She returned to her office and I filed our copies of the papers away, leaving a stack to be recorded and another stack for the loan company. The couple had already been pre-approved for the loan so no concern there. At closing time Natalie appeared before me, asking me if I liked the job. I jumped up and went to hug her, thanking her for allowing me to work as my female self. She was giggling as she returned to her office, well then I will see you in the morning then, wear something cute.

That was three years ago, I am now her office manager, overseeing this branch of her realty business. I make good money, have a huge wardrobe, as befitting a successful business woman. Weekly appointments with Sis to keep my hair looking gorgeous, the length now down to my waist, the other gals in the office quite jealous of its length and beauty. I have upgraded my female secondary characteristics, my breasts now all me and my lower anatomy quite female looking, junior now hid away for the foreseeable future.

I feel privileged now living the life I always dreamed of, am extremely happy and content. All due to my coming out to Sis. Fate maybe, but whatever the reason I am so happy it chose me that day.

© 2016 thru 2024 by Francesca

Darcy; Staying In The Bridal Suite

Darcy; Staying In The Bridal Suite

It was an unusual arrangement, especially for a male and a female that had just met a few months ago. There was definitely attraction there between us, something that in my case seldom happened in my first twenty-three years as a male. I dated quite a bit during high school and college, had some fun, but never really found someone that I was attracted to. Most of my dates were beautiful, but it was just a date, with little expectation that it would progress to a second encounter. I guess I was looking for that someone that would cause the bells to ring and the fireworks to explode.

There was one gal in high school, that I was almost sure of her being the one, but after an hour with her, I doubted my ability to discern anything with regards to a life partner. I was average looking, but not the athletic type. Five foot ten inches in height and about a hundred and forty pounds, I had blue eyes and dark blonde hair that I wore in a ponytail. Academically I was more a nerd than a jock, getting good grades and taking advanced courses in math and languages. I graduated in three years, with my BA degree, with several job offers from here in the US and a couple in Europe.

I came from a family that had adequate financial funds, so paying for college and deciding to spend a year traveling before taking a job was not a problem for me. I met her when making my way through the desert southwest, a stop in Flagstaff Arizona at a truck stop was where I first laid my eyes on her. She was also stopping there for a meal, the restaurant there advertised on the billboards for miles in each direction. Their advertising must have worked because they were crowded. I had already found a table and had just ordered my meal when she walked by looking for an empty table. I offered to share my table, she looked around to see if there was some other option, her stomach growling answered for her and she accepted my invitation.

The waitress returned to take her order, then left to get our drinks. “In way of an introduction I am Duane Harper, originally from southern Georgia, taking a year to see the country before I start a job. I am very glad you took advantage of my invitation, you are quite pretty and add much to the restaurant décor.”

She blushed a little, but her smile was what melted my heart. “I am Katy Haviland, and live down the road a piece. You are quite a smooth talker, but thanks for the compliment anyway.”

We talked all the way through dinner and even dessert. She was very interesting, not sure what set her apart from all the others, but I found myself infatuated with her right from the start. After we had finished our meals I decided to stay in the area for a day or two, hoping to see her again before I traveled further down the way. I asked for a motel suggestion, hoping I could get one from her and maybe a little more information about her somehow.

I guess she felt sorry for me, telling me to follow her down the road, she worked for one of the larger chains and would see to it that I got a nice room. I did follow her, then into the motel office. She told the guy on the counter to put me into room 312, but charge me the basic rate. He did and I paid, she handed me the key card telling me that she would treat me to breakfast at the truck stop if I could get up by seven. I agreed and headed to my room as she went further back into the offices.

When I swiped the key card and entered the room I was astounded at the décor. She had put me in the bridal suite, a very feminine bridal suite. It was a nice room but I felt funny staying there. I had driven for ten straight hours, now ready for some rest and relaxation. The bed was awesome, a queen size with lots of fluffy pillows, silk sheets and even a vibrating option. I got under the satin sheets, but refrained from trying the option. I imagine Katy was having a giggle at my expense, but if she will spend some time with me tomorrow it would be well worth suffering with all the femininity. I did not want to take a chance on upsetting her, so I settled in and soon was sound asleep.

I had to hurry since I overslept, just barely making it to the restaurant a few minutes after seven. Katy was smiling as I hurried over to her table. I pulled out a chair and sat down.

“How is the bride this morning, I know those first few nights can be so demanding?” I returned her smile I expected to be kidded and she did so with such ease.

I tried to joke back with her. “Yeah I didn’t get to sleep till three A.M. men are just so relentless.” Katy kind of gave me a smirk, I didn’t know what to make of it though. We had a nice breakfast, talking about our lives up to now. She was one of their accountants, doing the books for this whole region, forty-six motels and hotels. I envied her, she is so young to be this involved and responsible. As the meal was ending I asked her if I could see her again. With another one of her smirks she wanted to know what I was going to do about my husband. I dryly told her I just married him for his money, a couple of months with him and then a quickie divorce.

Her next statement surprised me even more. Well if you are sure, I am bisexual, but we can have a nice simple date to see if we are compatible. I will send some clothes up to your room, take a relaxing bath and slip on the things I will send up. I will pick you up at seven tonight. Nothing fancy but a little nicer than the truck stop. I was surprised about her sending clothes up, but whatever I had to do to get a date with her is alright with me. Back to the motel, with me trying to get another room besides the bridal suite. Nope the desk clerk told me that Katy wanted me in this room, no excuses and no way. I wondered about her reasons for me in the bridal suite, but quickly my thoughts returned to her and actually going on a date with her.

About three in the afternoon, a fairly good sized package was delivered to me in the room. I even had to sign for it. I laid it on the bed, and unwrapped it. The things inside sent shivers through me. Every item was feminine and soft and lacy. I saw the note nestled in among the underwear, the feminine and lacy underwear and opened it.

Duane/Darcy I know this is not what you have in mind, but to be seen with me on a date it is the minimum I will accept. All of the clothes will fit you, the heels are modest so you will not have a lot of difficulty. If you are sure of yourself, a onetime experience might open your eyes to another world, a world that I would like to share with you. To make me even happier the salon across the street will be able to do wonders with you, they will take you at five, and I will pick you up there at seven. Think about it very carefully, and I hope to see you at the salon.

Love Katy

I fingered the clothes, they even smelled good, like they had been doused in perfume. I had already taken a bath, the water in the bridal suite had been fragrant, the same smell as was emitting from the clothes in the box. The first item I removed was a lacey pair of panties. I stepped into them to see if they would indeed fit me. They did, the sensation as they came up my leg causing all kinds of feelings to spring forth. Then when they settled around my hips I thought I had died and gone to heaven. The silk caressed my body, hugging every curve and bump. My male thingy stirred, but quickly just settled into the silky material quite content to reside there in his sweet smelling silken nest.

Looking at the other clothes another shiver made its way through my body. I picked up the bra, a lacy number with lots of padding. It took me awhile to figure how to get into it, but eventually it encircled my chest, sending waves of pleasure to my mind. The pants were baggy, swirling around my legs as I walked, Ivory in color with lace trim making them very feminine looking. The blouse was next, in a peach color with lots more of the lace trim adorning the cuffs and the neckline. It hugged my new curves, my image now in the mirror very un-masculine. I slipped on the heels, almost falling flat on my face. The dresser that I grabbed onto the only thing keeping me standing upright. I took a few steps eventually able to walk across the room un-aided.

I looked at the note again, then at the clock on the nightstand. I had a few minutes if I was to get there by five, so I swallowed hard and gathered my things and the room key card and ventured across the street. I must have looked comical as I wondered across the street, almost falling twice as I made it to the salon. Dressed so feminine, hair in a ponytail and no makeup. Definitely somebody in between the sexes.

As I entered the salon, I was greeted by a friendly female and taken right to the back of the salon, a private room awaiting me. She addressed me as Darcy, a large smile appearing on her face. She listed some options for now, nothing permanent but guaranteed to make Katy receptive to me. I was going to ask what all they entailed, but decided to just bite the bullet and see what happens. Nina, introduced herself and started working on me after I gave her the go ahead. I did ask that my little fella be spared any drastic changes. I never did find out how they knew the name Katy was using for me.

The clothes I had just put on twenty minutes ago were removed, and Nina checked to see what I might need done. Body hair was removed, a cream applied, then left on for a while then wiped off, taking what little body hair I possessed with it. A few minutes later breast forms were glued to my chest, the size surprising me. They were far from petite, I would guess quite a hand full if they were cradled in someone’s hands. Oh gawd, I have to stop thinking like that.

Next was my hair, removed from my ponytail and washed and conditioned. I often washed my hair, but had never applied any conditioner to it. As she towel dried it, it shined, the light from the overhead fixtures seeming to make it sparkle. Then she started winding the hair on curlers. That definitely got my attention. I stared at her, hoping to get across to her my shock at what she was doing. She just continued, soon having all my hair wound tightly on way too many curlers. I was positioned under a dryer, then she set a timer on the dryer and it started blowing hot air over my curlers.

I could see my image somewhat in a mirror across the room, very female looking with my mouth wide open in shock. She left for a few minutes, coming back with a tray of nail polishes and files. I tried to keep my hands near me, but she just gently grabbed one and pulled it to her. My nails were filed, rounded at the tip into an oval shape. A clear polish was first, then three coats of a color. In between every coat my hands were put under a purple UV light that made the polish become hard within minutes.

The timer went off on the dryer, the heat turning cool and after ten minutes it stopped. The chair I was in was laid back, and she started on my makeup. It seemed to not take her long, I could feel the stuff on my lashes, also the lipstick she had applied to my lips. Then the chair was setup and she took out the curlers. A few strokes with a brush and any maleness I had was gone. When I got through ogling my appearance I looked to the side and there stood Katy, a huge smile on her face. I tried to cover myself, suddenly realizing I was stark naked under the cape Nina had placed over me earlier.

Well Katy would have none of that, she took off the cape, then methodically re-dressed me in the clothes she had sent over earlier, not the pants and blouse I had chosen but a very brief dress in a pastel pink color. It was done slowly, which only seemed to make matters worse. I think my thingy was in shock, but the shivers and goose bumps popping up all over my body were having a field day. Finally dressed I was taken from the salon to her car and helped into the passenger seat. I was lost wearing clothes I had never even dreamed of wearing before, hair curled, makeup done and wobbling around in shoes with a three inch heel. Then we have the two weights on my chest, even in a bra they had a mind of their own moving here and there causing quite a bit of distress on my part.

I sat there trying to figure out how to act and what to do. Heck I was still trying to figure out why I dressed in the clothes Katy sent in the first place. She made me get my seat belt fastened, quite a task with my boobs constantly in the way. Finally securely belted in she headed to the restaurant. At every stop light I was appraised, a bigger smile appearing soon thereafter.

I was helped out of her car, then escorted into the restaurant. This was far from the truck stop we had eaten at before, a candlelight atmosphere, with many secluded tables scattered around the room. We were seated in one to the back of the room, some artificial trees and a partial partition giving the table some privacy. The waiter took our drink orders, then when he brought them to the table he took our food order. I was addressed as a female the whole time, while Katy giggled at my reaction to the situation.

I finally worked up the nerve to ask Katy about my clothing and how she wanted me to appear in her presence. I was shocked at her bluntness in reply. “Simple I like females over males, you are definitely a female, just haven’t figured it out for yourself yet. You did go along with all of this, I didn’t force you to dress in the clothes or go to the salon. That alone confirms my theory, you are a female through and through.”

“Now finish eating, we have some hanky panky to indulge in tonight and you will need all the energy you can muster to make it through the night.” Katy paid the bill, then escorted me back to her car. Driving back to my motel, and then right to my room. She had a key card and let us into the room. I noticed things were quite different then when I left it, flowers everywhere, different sheets and bedspread, and my closet door wide open. She had me stand next to the bed, undressing me slowly and carefully. Then she went to my closet and came back with a nightie, when it was slid over my head it swallowed my body in the delicate fabric and lace. I was sure it was not there when I ventured to the salon just before five.

I was lost in the feelings of the nightie and the attention Katy was showering me with. I had a brief moment of clarity and looked again at the open closet door. None of my male clothes were hanging there, only brightly colored clothing suitable for a female. I swallowed hard, then promptly sat my butt on the bed. Apparently I was now Katy’s female romantic interest, gone now the male persona that first met her at the truck stop a few days ago.

Katy was definitely infatuated with me, every inch of my body was explored intimately. Anything that responded was spent extra time with, my nipples after her close examination were so sore, their swollen state didn’t seem to be going down any. I do remember the breast forms being glued to my chest, how can two blobs of silicone transmit touch and act this way, just like real breasts might react.

I was out to the world way before she slowed down, when some consciousness returned to my being I was being held in a death grip by Katy. She was quietly snoring, although I am sure she would deny any such action vehemently. I twisted a little, then slipped back into dreamland when I found I was not going anywhere anytime soon.

The next morning I felt some movement behind me, then Katy rushing off to the bathroom. My mind decided that was an excellent idea, as soon as she emerged I was in like a flash. For some reason I decided to sit to use the bathroom, with two large breasts on my chest it seemed the logical option. I wiped then cradled my breasts in my manicured hands. I felt the touch of my hands, the nipples even responding some to my hands holding them. I quickly let go of them, this was just utterly impossible.

Then I remembered some of the hanky panky we indulged in last night. I say we, but to be truthful it was mainly Katy. I was groped, licked, rubbed, hugged, kissed and generally mauled for most of the night. Junior did get his fair share of attention, constantly at attention but never allowed to make like a volcano. A couple of times I attempted to take the lead, positioning Katy below me and trying to make her happy. A few minutes later I was flat on my back, her on top and making me pay for trying to turn the tables on her. Several times my back was arched high off the bed as I did everything in my power to get her to stimulate the right spot. I gave up, laid there moaning and trying to get her to finish me off. No such luck, tease, excite, and frustrate were the sole actions of the evening.

When I came back from the bathroom Katy was nearly dressed, kissed me passionately then headed out the door to do her eight hours of work. I sported a sad puppy dog face, not knowing what to do or how to accomplish it if I did figure it out. I walked to the closet, not a stitch of male clothes anywhere to be found, then back to the bed to see if by some chance the clothes from yesterday were laying around somewhere. I did find a note on the night stand telling me that breakfast is paid for at the truck stop, I just need to put on some clothes and head on over.

If I wanted something to do today, all services at the salon are free to me, I just need to show up and they will see that anything I wanted is provided. So I had choices, but all of them involved appearing as a female or becoming more feminine. I remembered my wallet, that I had put in a purse when I walked over to the salon last night, my credit cards and some cash were in it. I found the purse, my drivers license was there, but that is it. Another note from Katy, yep that avenue is closed, go eat breakfast then go to the salon and get yourself made beautiful. I will be at your room tonight at six, be prompt.

I debated what to do, but breakfast followed by the salon seemed to be my only choice. I looked through the closet finding a pair of shorts and a t-shirt top. Once on and a look in the mirror I almost took them off again. Definitely too sexy to appear in public. I found a pair of pants, although they were nothing like regular pants. The cuffs were huge, almost like I was wearing a skirt. The top of the pants fit like a glove, I was planning to wear them over the shorts, but ended up taking them off, removing the shorts and putting the pants back on. Even though they were pants one look in the mirror confirmed that everyone would assume I was wearing a skirt.

I ate my breakfast, a feat in itself since every male in the place seemed to have eyes only for me. I was only able to eat some of my breakfast, my appetite now seemed to be not there. Back at the salon I picked a few things that I thought would make Katy happy and not commit me to the female gender for life. I relaxed since I really had no worries now. Then I realized I was being treated just like a true female, taken care of, all things paid for or handled by my lover. In a few simple words I was a kept woman. I decided I needed a serious talk with her tonight, with my money and credit cards missing I was essentially a captive of hers. Then the thought being her captive is not that bad materialized. I took a brief nap, refreshed my lipstick and waited for Katy.

It was a few minutes after six when my door opened and she entered. I was appraised, then she handed me a bouquet of flowers. I took them then stared at the flowers, then Katy. What do I do with them? I was kissed and she took them to the bathroom and placed them in a vase with water and set them on my nightstand. I had never received flowers from anyone, much less given them to any of my dates in the past. I was dragged over to a sofa. Placed on it and then she scooted up on my lap, while twisting and turning her butt into my groin. I started to say something to her, but her finger on my lips stopped that.

“You need to listen to me very carefully. Shake your head yes if you understand what I just said.”

I shook my head up and down then I received another kiss.

“You have exceeded all of my wishes, what started out as me trying to figure you out has turned into me falling in love with you. Make no mistake, I want the Darcy part of you for the rest of your life. I make good money and can afford to keep you in dresses and lingerie forever. Make sure you understand the part of keeping you in dresses and lingerie forever. I have a nice house in mind, a little way out of town with a view of the San Francisco Peaks to the north. You can work if you want, but you need to be there for me when I get off work and on the weekends. Your task will to take care of me, feed me, love me and then love me some more. Maybe bring me lunch at work every once in a while, dressed in something provocative so that I can dream about you for the rest of the day. If it is sexy enough I have a large desk where I can see to your sexual needs before you head back home.”

She paused taking something out of her purse, suddenly I was having a hard time getting enough air to breathe. She pulled my reluctant hand to her and slid the ring on my finger. I looked at the ring, then at her and leaned in to give her my answer. Well Katy is not one to wait, withing twenty minutes I was in her car heading for Vegas. Two hours later we were married. She had arranged for a room at one of her chain’s motels there, where we ended up in the bridal suite. Other than using the bathroom I was flat on my back for the next twelve hours, while every part of my female body was explored and utilized. On the way back I slept the whole time knowing once we got back to my suite it will be another long night.

The forces that aligned that day to get Katy and me together are awesome, I pinch myself every day hoping never to wake from that dream. Staying in the bridal suite and becoming Katy’s soulmate was the best thing that ever happened to me.

© 2016 thru 2024 by Francesca

My head hurt, my eyes felt they were hanging out in the air and my mouth felt like it was stuffed with cotton. I blinked several times, the ...