Friday, May 31, 2024

Jan; A Loving Sacrifice

Jan; A Loving Sacrifice

Paula was just getting home from classes, this being Wednesday her last class of the day was not until four P.M. Although an essential part of her curriculum for her degree it had developed into a class that she detested. By the time she caught the bus and suffered through the forty minute ride she was usually fit to be tied.

I managed to get out of class early on Wednesday, hustling home to make something for dinner. If I guessed right her mood would slowly change and by the time dinner was consumed she would be back to her lovable self. I had already dodged the bullet for two months, three more months and she would be done with the class and maybe things could return to a more normal existence.

The dreaded class was business management. Now that by itself would not be that bad, it was the teacher that made Paula hate the class. Unfortunately, the teacher was my ex-girlfriends father. I use the word girlfriend reluctantly. We were never boyfriend and girlfriend, just a date between a male and a female, one lousy date. The relationship never had a chance to start with, after fifteen minutes of our one and only date there was no doubt in my mind as to anything being compatible between us.

Julie, the girlfriend in question, though was desperate and hung on trying to make something of nothing. I had arranged to take her to dinner, which I did and then a movie, then took her straight home. I received a kiss on the lips, but I pushed her away and left soon thereafter. I never called her back and for a week there was no communication from her. During that time Paula and I had our second date, a much more amicable arrangement actually one that I looked forward to continuing.

Well, Julie blamed Paula for the breakup between us, geez there was only one date and never a relationship. Never the less Paula received all the blame. Then suddenly we found out that Julie was pregnant. Not directly, but from a mutual acquaintance. A few days later, Julie called telling me that I was the father of her yet to be born child. Kind of hard to get a female pregnant without touching her, but the accusation was still there.

I wanted to let the whole situation fade away, I knew Julie could not prove anything so I just ignored her. At no time during our one and only date were we alone, the restaurant and the movie theater had lots of people, so sex was definitely not possible. I used Uber, so even on the ride to the restaurant and back to her apartment there was always someone else present.

Her Father came to my apartment one day, wanting to talk to me. I did talk to him, but never let him past the apartment door. He asked if I had intercourse with Julie, of which I strongly denied. If he didn’t want to believe me I offered to take a paternity test, but if I did I wanted the truth to be told to everyone and made public. I told him what happened on our one time date, and he left shortly thereafter. Once Paula heard of his visit she went bonkers. The nerve of Julie to lie to her father accusing me of being the baby’s father.

It did die a slow death, Julie ended up getting an abortion a few weeks later and we heard no more from the father or Julie. Then when Paula signed up for her next semester classes she found out that her business management professor was Julie’s father.

The first class went okay, introductions being made and a schedule of topics to be discussed in the next few weeks. On the second class, things changed. Paula was called up in front of the class and ridiculed for not being prepared for class. She was being ridiculed for things she didn’t even know were assigned. This happened three times more in the next few class meetings.

Paula tried the obvious, trying to switch classes to get away from him. No luck there he was the only one teaching that class this semester. She went to the admission office and spoke to one of the counselors mentioning what was happening in the class.

Unfortunately, the professor had tenure, and it would take more than what he was doing to her to get him removed. A record of the complaint was placed in his file, there it would remain until something more could be added to it. As far as Paula knew she was the only one being picked on, so there seemed to be little hope of anything changing in the near future. To take the next classes in her curriculum Paula had to have passed this class first, so she was stuck.

I decided to intervene, but privately knowing that Paula would be livid if she knew that I had got in the middle of it. I approached the professor after his last class on Tuesday, wanting to talk to him. He refused at first, but I persisted and he finally set down and I confronted him with what he was doing to Paula. I got a smile from him, that letting me know that he was doing this on purpose to hurt us. I was never given a reason for his behavior, just that Paula needs to be better prepared for class.

Finally I asked him what I had to do to get him to treat Paula like a regular student. He hemmed and hawed, but finally told me that would be up to Julie. It would be something to humiliate me like Julie was humiliated when she had to have an abortion.

I was ready to unleash on him when I came to the realization that nothing I would say would be taken seriously or even listened to. He was believing his daughter’s lies without question, nothing anybody else said would change what he was being told by his daughter.

I asked him to confront Julie and find out what I would have to do to get him to back off. I wanted any agreement between us to be in writing and notarized. That way if he reneged on the deal I could sue his butt off. Thinking back that was a poor choice of words since I had not been told what I had to do yet. We agreed to meet on Thursday after his last class and we could discuss what Julie wanted me to do.

Those were the longest two days in history, I am sure he was extra mean to Paula on Wednesday to make sure I understood what he could do if I didn’t agree. Paula did come home with tears in her eyes, but refused to tell me what had happened.

Finally, Thursday arrived and I was waiting in his office when he returned from class. He had a large smile on his face as he sat behind his desk. He started the conversation with what Julie wanted from me.

I was to obtain a set of fake fingernails for myself, at least an inch past my fingertips. They were to be kept polished in a deep red or burgundy color at all times and never covered up. To make sure I complied fully to this arrangement I was to transfer to one of his classes each day so that he could check on my compliance. The nails were not to be the stick on ones but permanent ones that could not be taken off easily. If I was ever caught without them, the deal was off and he would make sure Paula failed the class.

Julie was to come with me to get them applied, to make sure they were the proper kind and the polish was sufficiently bright and showy. After that there would be no further contact between Julie and I since Julie was transferring to another college out of state where she was not known.

I took my laptop out and typed the agreement that we had just discussed into it then sent it to my lawyer. She made a couple of changes then sent it back to me. I noticed the professor take a couple of hard swallows, this maybe not quite how he thought today would proceed. I looked over the changes then showed the agreement to the professor. He approved and I sent it to his printer having three copies made.

I stepped out to his secretary, actually a secretary for several of the professors to ask her to witness the signatures. I had already checked and she was a notary, so I had her notarize the copies after we both signed the agreement. Once that was done I handed the professor a copy, put one in my wallet and forwarded the other to my lawyer. The professor stood there open mouthed as I scanned the document in and hit send.

I turned to him and asked him when and where I was to get the nails. They had decided to leave the choice up to me, I would have to make the arrangements myself, and then let Julie know when to show up. In the time prior to this I had thought long and hard, making me do something feminine might be the only way for her to humiliate me some. I was well liked around campus and had quite a few friends.

They thought I would be embarrassed having to make the appointment myself. I had heard of a salon I wanted to use, and today seemed to be as good a time as any. The salon was recommended by a fellow classmate, it was one she used often, and had told me about their other clientele.

I had him call Julie and ask if she was available. She was and I told her where to come to, I would be waiting for her. I am sure this is not what they visualized when this was thought up, but if I have to do this to give Paula some peace then it will be on my terms, at least a few of them.

I called Paula telling her I would be late tonight, I was getting my nails done, but I would bring some take out with me when I returned. Silence on the other end of the phone so I told her I loved her and hung up. She now knows what is going on, no secrets and that I love her. I did receive a text a few minutes later. Nails done? I didn’t respond, now she has something to occupy her mind till I get home.

I arrived at the salon early wanting to get everything set up before Julie got here. The sooner she left and got out of my life the happier I would be. Everything was signed and agreed to, my signature on the salon agreements already. As I was waiting for Julie I knew I had missed the easiest and most effective method to handle Julie’s father.

All I had to do was record the conversation and then give it to the schools administration, but no, stupid me did everything the hard way. I wonder now if a IQ score I was given back in high school was real or just a random number written on a piece of paper. Of course, having a high IQ was one thing but actually using it was another matter altogether.

Julie showed up, extremely nervous but with that smug look on her face. I had the tech explain what was available and let Julie pick what she wanted. Of course, she picked the most feminine colors even some nail art to be added to each fingernail. She wanted the longest extensions used and they had to be permanent.

What she chose was indeed permanent, staying on until the original nail grows out. I was aware of that choice, and assumed she would pick that one. Gel polish was to be used, each coat set under UV lights to make it bond with the nail. It would take soaking in acetone to get the polish off, a several hour ordeal. She sat across from me as the nails were applied, then the polish and finally the dainty nail art. She used her phone to take a picture of my nails to be given to her father so that he could check on my compliance to the deal. Then she walked out, not saying a thing to me.

I am sure I didn’t suffer enough for her, so she was not that happy. Never the less I had long feminine nails for at least the next year. I paid the bill and made my first appointment for a week later to make sure they would always be picture perfect. On the way to the apartment I wondered why I had made an appointment to keep them perfect, not really necessary to keep the deal in tact.

Since it was early in the semester I still could transfer to other classes, so I looked up the other classes the professor taught and made the transfer to one of his classes each day. It fouled up what I wanted to achieve for the semester. I would essentially have to take the semester over again to get any requirements out of the way for me to advance in my chosen career choice.

I stopped by the mall, to a little Chinese place we frequently used and got a few of our favorites, then made my way home. I did receive some curious glances, the cashier who we knew from previous visits complimented me on the beautiful nails. Incidentally home is my apartment, now our apartment since Paula moved in a couple of weeks ago. I took a big breath and entered the apartment.

I managed to get to the kitchen before I was accosted. Of course, she grabbed my hand, then quickly the other to see if it was the same. She was quiet for a minute, then leaned into to me pressing her lips firmly against mine. We stayed lip locked for several minutes, her tongue making little excursions in my mouth as we kissed.

Then like nothing was unusual she grabbed the food and started setting out the containers on the kitchen bar, where we usually ate at. She got the iced tea from the refrigerator and poured us two glasses. She sat on her bar stool, took a bite and savored the taste before she dropped her bombshell. “Is this what you have to do to get Julie’s father to back off?”

My mouth suddenly opened wide, how did she figure this all out. I never did get an audible answer out, just nodded my head in the affirmative. Her next statement also was surprising. “Well then I will have to thank Julie in person before she leaves.” She had also heard through one of her girlfriends that Julie was transferring to an out of state school.

My one word response. Huh. Paula turned my way and told me to eat the food it is getting cold. That was it for the discussion on my nails, at least for now. One frustrated and confused male who tried to do the right thing to make things better for my loved one, now totally lost in this world.

On the next bite I looked at my nails, they were already making life difficult, everything I did will have to be re-learned since nails this long are not easy to adapt to. At this moment they were making life difficult as I tried to grab my fork and get some of the food into my mouth. They did look pretty, the bright red polish making them stand out, I am sure no one will miss seeing them, absolutely no one.

It took me twice as long to feed myself, Paula at the end came over and fed me bites of food, a kiss in between every bite. She felt sorry for me, watching as I struggled with such a simple task. Then she tied an apron around my waist and told me to get busy washing the dishes. Since it was take out, there were only a few dishes.

I wondered why I had been appointed dish washer, but due to my look of puzzlement she informed me that long nails are female related, since I am identifying as female now I get to wash the dishes. That also means you can help with the laundry, the vacuuming and the grocery shopping. I was facing her staring at her, with my hands on my hips trying to pout some to get some sympathy.

All I got was some giggling from her. She suggested I work on my pout, although barely adequate it needs some fine tuning to be effective. That said as she put the left over food in the refrigerator ignoring my behavior totally.

I was helped off with the apron, then dragged to the bedroom. My clothes were removed, then one of her nighties was slid over my head. I took a deep breath as it slid down my body, the effect it was having on me was so erotic.

Then she took one of my hands and sucked on each finger, each finger ending up wet and slurpy as she performed the task. By the time she got to my pinkie, I was about to explode. She pulled back, looked at the tent under the nightie, then threw back the nightie and took all of my male organ into her mouth in one huge gulp. I came so hard I passed out.

She was lying next to me as I re-entered the world, a smirk on her face that was so evil. She did lick her lips often, while making sure I was not lacking in the kiss department.

To my surprise there was nothing more said about my long feminine nails. The next day I started attending the professor’s classes, one each day of the week. I ended up in the same class as Paula, not by choice, but never the less I was there. The professor didn’t pick on me as he had Paula, but every day I was up in front of the class reading something or part of a discussion.

That way my nails were constantly on display. I was kidded a lot, but after everyone saw that the nails were an everyday occurrence, talk about them tapered off. At least, he held to the agreement and Paula was no longer ridiculed.

Then the professor upped the stakes in the game he was playing with me. Somehow he got my records changed to show that I was now a female, as far as the university was concerned. It had started on the next Monday when he called role and I was referred to as Ms. Walker. He called out the name twice, than came up next to me and asked if I was Jan Walker.

I nodded my head, then announced to the class that I was to be referred to as Ms. Walker since my school records showed I am a female. None of that was necessary to say in class, he was making sure that everyone knew I was now a female in the eyes of the university.

Immediately after class, I went to registration to speak with them. When they pulled my file I was indeed enrolled as a female, I asked when the change was made, they looked and said my original enrollment was that of a female, my scholarship was one given to female students and my first year classes were mainly female oriented classes.

Sure enough the classes I had taken were missing off my transcript, but in their place were mainly female only classes. How he managed to get these changes made I will never know, but my attempts to get the office to reverse those changes were stone walled. Their records showed I had attended the female only classes, and my test scores supported that exact premise.

Then the registrar mentioned that my first year deferment of any P.E. classes did not apply to my sophomore year. Since I had missed signing up for a class this semester, I would have to add one female P.E. class now. I mentioned the obvious fact that I was a male, he looked at my feminine nails, then gave me a smirk. He showed me what was available in P.E, classes and had me choose the two I wanted, one for now and the other for next semester.

I tried to put it off, but to keep my scholarship in force he needed to get me enrolled now. This scholarship I wanted no part of, but unfortunately the one that was paying for some of my schooling. My old scholarship now history apparently.

I looked at the choices, then let out a groan. I had four to choose from: beginner’s ballet, ladies gymnastics, advance aerobics, and female figure development. He had a huge smile on his face as I turned every shade of red possible.

I threw up my arms and told him to just pick two, not the smartest move on my part, but I hadn’t a clue which to pick. I ended up with female figure development now and ladies gymnastics for next semester. I left the office very depressed, Julie was getting her revenge and she was miles away in another state. Probably laughing, after her father told her what he had arranged.

I also realized that the different courses I supposedly took fouled up my schooling, now all of the pre-requisite classes I had taken meant nothing. Back at the start with five courses in female studies, just as far from my major as can be arranged. It would also affect what courses I could take next semester, now what I had in mind no longer possible since in my records I did not have the pre-requisite classes handled.

The hardest part was telling Paula what had changed later after dinner. She took it all in, then got up, took her phone with her and walked out to our patio after calling a number. She talked for about thirty minutes, then returned to the living room. You have an appointment tomorrow morning at eight, I will write the address down for you. Since it is Saturday plan on being there all day. I will pick you up after they are done and we will go out to eat.

Now go take a shower and get naked, I will be there in a few minutes to take care of you. She swatted my butt hard and pushed me towards the bathroom my hand rubbing where she had swatted me,

I did as she requested, when I walked naked into the bedroom I was thrown onto the bed and she was on top of me in no time. There I stayed as she spent three hours manipulating every part of my body that she could get to. My nipples were sore and tingling among other things. After she wore herself down I raised my head to look at my male apparatus. It was lying there limp and unable to respond in any way, after she had finished with him. We did fall asleep cuddled next to each other.

I was kissed and groped way too early the next morning, Paula wanted me up and heading to my appointment. I had second thoughts when I pulled up in front of a huge beauty salon. I feared Paula’s reaction if I didn’t go to the appointment more than what they might do to me in the salon. Of course, I had no idea what was discussed or what I would look like when I leave the salon. Had I known I might have done things differently, very differently.

As I walked in I was escorted to a private room in the back and asked to remove all my clothes. That done, my tech in this endeavor looked me over than shuffled through some papers on the counter. She took the biggest stack and went through them with me, explaining every part of the treatments I would receive. I was at a disadvantage since I was totally naked, junior was at half mast, I guess some of the things I was told appealed to him as he betrayed me by swelling up some.

I was asked to sign the permission slips, then she would start work. She did confide in me that since I was already registered as a female in college, this will just add authenticity to the records. Now I knew what Paula was thinking, if I am a female in looks, the feminine appearance and what he might do to me would now be of little consequence. Ridiculed in front of the class would be just that not humiliation when I was dressed as a male.

If he oversteps his authority, I can file harassment charges against him, being a female in looks and in the eyes of the university my accusations most likely to be believed, since it would now be the second complaint in his personnel file.

It might be the best approach, but why do I have to be totally female to do this. From what I was told I would appear as a natural female in all aspects, breasts and groin included. Becky, my tech, gave me a hug, then pushed me back on the table and applied a cream to my front side. Removing my body hair was first on the schedule for the day.

I let out a huge sigh, while a tear or two tried to escape from my eyes. The whole thing had me confused and nervous. Will Paula still have anything to do with me, when I look almost like her? I do love her and will do anything I can to support her, but this is maybe a little over the top.

Again I complied, never complaining or just stopping the treatments. I was on the train and it was gaining speed as it left the station. As I had looked before boarding I realized I was on the express, no stops just straight through to the destination. Another big sigh escaped, so I just accepted my apparent fate.

Over the next seven hours I experienced many different treatments ranging from having breasts sucked from my chest to having junior glued back between my legs and covered with a very realistic vagina. Also included in the package was pierced ears, arched eyebrows, polish on my toes. Now my fingernails and toes matched. I got hair extensions added to my shoulder length hair, and highlights to make it ultra-feminine. I kind of think Paula went a little overboard, but I was not going to broach the subject with her or the salon.

Then her comment that she needed to thank Julie for picking what she did came back to mind. I wonder what she meant by that. No it couldn’t be that Paula has lesbian tendencies, surely she wouldn’t agree to change me to a female just so that she can indulge her hidden desires. For some reason those thoughts stayed with me during the rest of the treatments. A source of doubt and lots of contemplation in my remaining time at the salon.

I got lessons in applying makeup, and styling my hair in simple feminine styles. Some of the makeup was stains, to make the job of getting my face on every day a little easier. Lipstick, mascara and rouge would be my responsibility though.

Then came the worst part at least in my mind, clothes. I was dragged to their boutique and dressed from the skin out. Fourteen different outfits, when mix and matched would give me numerous different options. I received many pairs of heels, all of them too high in my opinion, but that was the only choices given to me. I was loaded down with the many bags of my new attire when Paula showed up, squealed and then attacked me. I had to drop the bags to try and protect myself, somehow I did not have enough hands to fend off her fiendish attack.

She would take in my appearance then kiss me, turn me around so she could see my back then hug me hard. Her hands were going through my hair, twisting it in her fingers. I tried to protest that she is messing up my new hairdo, but she just ruffled it up some more. Finally after some twenty minutes I was helped to my car, I guess the female me was incapable of getting in my car by myself. Then she followed me home and helped me get out of my car. Again I am apparently the helpless female. Once in the apartment I went to the kitchen to make something for dinner that was after I carried all my bags into the bedroom.

Paula came with me but not to help, sitting on a bar stool and watching every move I make. When I walked by her I was kissed, all the more reason for me to walk by her many more times before I had the meal ready. Right before I put the food on the table I used the bathroom, followed shortly by Paula. She giggled as she entered the bathroom, with me standing in front of the mirror trying to get some lipstick back on my lips. So what does she do after she uses the bathroom, kisses me again making me apply yet another coat, after I had wiped off what she had smeared all over my face. She went to the kitchen giggling away, quite content with her recent behavior.

In the next few days I was trying to cope with all the changes, having breasts does take some getting used to. I think I was doing pretty good, now getting ready in the morning only taking me about an hour. Paula was having fun with my dressing, making sure I only had tight and restrictive clothing to wear. She even resorted to getting me a weekly appointment at the salon so that my hair was always curly and perfect.

I will have to admit that I grew accustomed to the looks and clothes, now I was doing it more for my benefit than anybody else. In the evening Paula always saw to my care and handling, quite often I would have to plead with her to let me do my homework before the next day.

For the next few weeks classes seemed to be normal, Julie’s father backed off leaving Paula alone and me pretty much the same. I was up in front of the class often, but no ridicule or humiliation. That changed a couple of weeks later, when I was called up in front of the class, his face stern and unforgiving. He berated me in front of the class, telling everybody that I was a male, and that I had gotten his daughter pregnant. I smiled at him, which only made him madder. I did notice that Paula and a couple of the other students were recording it on their phones. That would be all I needed. After he dismissed the class I walked out, heading to the Dean’s office.

I was shown in fairly quickly and told my side of the story. She sent another employee to get the professor and soon he appeared in the office. The dean confronted him and of course he denied everything. During that time one of the other students showed up with the recording of the incident. It was shown to the dean and she suspended him on the spot. I knew Paula was contacting my lawer sending him a copy of the recording.

I had an idea of what happened, and after a lot of questioning from the dean as to why he had made the statements it came out that Julie was pregnant again, accusing another young male of taking advantage of her. I looked at the professor, suggesting that he go to her and find out what really happened. He needs to start disciplining his daughter and stop believing everything she tells him. Otherwise Julie will end up a poor excuse for an adult.

I think he finally realized that what she had been telling him was all lies, to make her look good and innocent. He did break down in tears, a truly broken father with a totally unrepentant daughter. I left him to his misery and headed back to the apartment.

Later that day I talked to my attorney, telling him if Julie’s father called him and apologized for his behavior he should drop the law suit he was preparing to file. No use making the situation worse. The professor did contact my lawyer and the lawsuit was forgotten.

Paula and I continued as we were, she wanted the feminine me around, nails, breasts and vagina. Like I said I was already enjoying the life of a female, so to continue it would be just fine with me. The other concession I had to live with was a curriculum based on female orientated classes. Since Paula wanted the female me, I decided to pursue the current curriculum which will prepare me for a life of a housewife, schooled in cooking, child rearing and household management.

The female figure class was a hoot, as if my new figure was not feminine enough, the exercises in the class helped develop it further.

It started out as a sacrifice, something I could do to make Paula’s life easier. A loving sacrifice that has taken on a life of its own. Regrets, absolutely not, probably one of the smartest things I have ever done. Being able to take care of Paula as a wife a reality that I could get enthused about, and later to help raise a family, based on love the ultimate gift.

© 2016 thru 2024 by Francesca

Hannah; Nanny And Housewife

Hannah; Nanny And Housewife

Connie had this huge smile on her face as she escorted me to our front door. I was dressed as she would normally, because of a holiday ball that we were to attend later that evening. She had a garment bag with her, since she would be leaving soon after I did. Her garment bag contained her costume for this evening, one of my fancy suits, although I think she cheated and had it altered to fit her better. The ball was a costume affair, held every year at this time, sponsored by the local realtors in the area. In years past we had dressed as super heroes, pirates, even construction workers, but this year we had been pretty busy showing houses, so there was no time to shop for a costume. Connie decided that we would dress as each other, the fact that we were almost the same size making it quite feasible.

Connie would change at one of the houses she was showing today, but since my costume involved much more preparation she decided to fix me up at home and have me stay in the office to handle phone calls and what few walk in customers we sometimes got. It sounded fine when she told me about her plans, but still I was not thrilled to be dressed as a female for the entire day.

Connie and I were sister and brother, hired when we graduated college. Connie first then me a year later. Nancy the owner of the realty firm was a long time friend of the family, watching us grow up and attend college. We got along well for a brother and sister, Connie pretty much watching after me during college, even helped me pass several classes that I was having trouble with.

Connie had a couple of houses to show early today, so she took her car so she could meet the customers at the house she was going to show them. That left me alone for the day as I drove to work. After arriving I opened the office, and made a pot of coffee, a necessity for myself and when Connie made it back to the office. It wasn’t but a few minutes later when the phone rang and I answered it. It was one of our previous customers, a well to do lady that had bought a house from Connie a couple of years ago. She had seen an advertisement we had run in the local paper about a house for sale, inquiring about the details and the asking price. I filled her in on the details, then was surprised when she asked me if someone could show her the house later today. I told her it would be no problem, and we arranged a time to meet at the house. I gave her the address and directions on how to get there. Since she doesn’t drive I ended up giving the directions to her chauffeur. I thanked her for calling us, I am sure she will like the house after she sees it. She did explain that she might have her children with her, depending on whether she can find someone to baby sit them. I told her no problem, her kids are always welcome.

After I hung up I texted Connie letting her know who called and the time of the appointment. I did not receive a reply, so I imagined she was busy with her customers. I got the coffee finished and took a cup for myself when in walked the owner of the agency. I almost choked on the gulp of coffee that I had just taken but quickly stood to greet her. Nancy greeted me as Connie and asked how her brother was doing. That was done after a hug, something that she and Connie did all the time. Now red in the face and stuttering she took a closer look at me then giggled.

“I presume the dress is for the costume ball tonight, although you look quite fetching. Your blush adds immensely to the look. I just stopped by, I have a meeting downtown but wanted to see if anything new had occurred.”

I told her about Mrs. Vanderhort calling about the house we had just advertised and about Connie showing two houses this morning. She would stop by later, with some news, maybe some good news and fill us in. Just like that she was gone, but still sporting a smirk on her face. I am sure the smirk was directly related to how I was dressed.

Several more phone calls, then a quiet period for the next couple of hours. I had still not heard back from Connie so I texted her again asking if she was alright. Twenty minutes later she sent a text that she had made a sale, currently with the buyer’s lawyers working up a proposal on the property in question. She will not be back for several hours. She did get my previous message, wanting to make sure that I will handle Mrs. Vanderhort for her. After reading her message I let out a huge sigh, now faced with meeting her client dressed as a female. I walked to the bathroom and took in my image in the mirror, I presume I will be alright, what I remember about her client she was easy to get along with, Connie loved to work with her as she bought her first house from us.

I locked up the office, planning to get to the property early and make sure it was presentable. The last time I was there it was, but it is always better to be safe then sorry. On the way to the property I remembered that the utilities were still on in the house, an idea popping into my head in case she brought her children with her. I stopped at a local grocery store and bought ingredients for some peanut butter cookies and a quart of milk. I swung back by the office and filled a thermos with coffee and grabbed several plastic cups for the drinks. Back at the property I had plenty of time so I mixed up the cookies and placed them on the cookie sheet I had purchased. The power was on just like I thought so I had the oven warming while I accomplished that task. Fifteen minutes before she was expected to arrive I popped the cookies into the oven and set the timer.

I walked the house making sure everything was as it was supposed to be, getting back to the kitchen just in time to pull the cookie sheet from the oven. On the way to the kitchen I had opened the front door, now I was hearing children’s voices yelling cookies.

I made my way to the front door and was hugged by Mrs. Vanderhort. She did give me a second glance, but nothing was said to me at that time. I grabbed the children’s hands and led them to the kitchen pointing to some stools at the kitchen bar. I had to help the young boy up on the stool, while the young girl managed to climb up herself. I placed a couple of cookies on each of their plates and poured them a cup of milk. They were well behaved waiting for me to finish both tasks then looked at their Mother to see if it was alright to consume the goodies. She nodded her head then withdrew from the table dragging me with her. She smiled at me mouthing Gary, I blushed red then nodded in the affirmative. I told her we had a costume ball tonight, so there was no time for me to change and still work a full day.

She dropped the subject and starting looking around the house. I stayed with the children not wanting them left alone in a strange house. They finished and I picked up their plates and cups and threw them away. I lifted the young boy up to carry him in my arms, then took the girls hand telling them we needed to find their Mother. The girl was older and seemed to quickly grab my hand as I led them up the stairs. We found their Mother in one of the bedrooms as the young girl ran to her. I was going to hand the boy over to his Mother, but he grabbed me around my neck not wanting to leave my embrace. Mrs. Vanderhort smiled but asked if I minded carrying James. I told her no problem, so we toured the house with the young girl holding Mom’s hand and James glued to my chest. I answered questions, as well as I could, Connie the one to get the listing originally so she was the expert on this property. We ended up in the back yard, the kids spotting the swing set immediately looking at their Mother for approval to use it. She nodded her head and I took James over to the swing that had a harness on it and buckled him in. The girl Donna already in one of the swings. I pushed them a little getting them going then stepped to the side. Donna was able to propel herself but James did not have enough coordination yet to do the same.

Mrs. Vanderhort came over and stood next to me watching me with her kids. Her only remark to me is that I would make an excellent Mother someday. We talked about the house, she liked it, almost everything she was wanting in another home. She was expecting again, wanting a bigger house for her family. I congratulated her, asking if she knew if it was a girl or boy. She smiled telling me a girl I think, another couple of weeks and she will know for sure. I asked if her husband was happy about the baby, she frowned, telling me that he most likely will not be around for the birth of this child. I looked at her with a puzzled expression, she mouthing that he had a mistress on the side, her lawyer delivering the divorce papers later today to him.

I stepped back to push James swing again, a few tears in my eyes. The kids are so precious, how can anyone be so immune to their presence and cheat on their Mother. Not much was said for awhile, then I gathered them up and took them back to the kitchen. A cookie each to take with them and a hug for their Mother. Mrs. Vanderhort wanted me to come to her house tomorrow for dinner, the kids will be in bed and her husband will not be allowed on the premises after tonight. She did ask if I could come as I was, a much more natural persona in her opinion. I tried to decline but she would not listen to me, telling me that her chauffeur will pick me up at my home at seven P.M. so be ready. I got a cheek kiss and another tender hug and she left. Her car waiting for her just outside on the driveway. I made it back to the office, much later than I anticipated, to be greeted by Connie and Nancy.

They had huge smiles on both of their faces, watching me as I made my way to my desk. I asked Connie if she made the sale, but she just smirked, then in turn asked if I liked Mrs. Vanderhort. I gave her a puzzled look, but eventually replied yes, she is quite nice, her kids are just so cute, and utterly adorable.

Connie told me that we had to go dress shopping tomorrow A.M. so that I would have something nice to wear to dinner tomorrow. Another bewildered look then I asked if Mrs. Vanderhort had called them. Nancy smiled and said yes she did as soon as she left the house. She complimented you on your behavior and your professionalism. She mentioned that she had invited you to dinner tomorrow night, and the reason for it. We talked for quite a bit, the conversation only ending about twenty minutes ago.

Now for my news, I have just recently bought another real estate company, Connie to be the manager for both agencies. Of course, Gary will be still employed here, but I have another idea for him eventually, the recent phone conversation fitting in perfectly with what I have in mind. Now lets wrap things up and head to the ball, fun to be had for all. I made a few notes about what I had quoted Mrs. Vanderhort and then grabbed my purse that Connie had supplied me with this morning. Gawd, did I just call the purse mine, maybe I am too involved here.

We made our way to the auditorium where the ball was being held, and entered. The place was packed, so we found where they were serving some food and each of us grabbed a plate of goodies. They had a separate quieter area to eat at, quaint tables nestled in among lots of plants in a side room of the main auditorium. I tried to pry some info from them, Connie never answering me if she made the sale. I decided to see if I could get Nancy to tell me what she had in mind for me, but after an hour I had made no progress with either of them. We had quite a bit of fun that evening, but not with each other. I did get to dance with Connie a couple of times, she looking quite handsome in one of my business suits. Unfortunately, I also got asked to dance by almost every male at the ball. I was hoping Connie would save me from some of them but she just stood to the side and watched me being sashayed around the dance floor.

We left the ball at a little after two A.M., Nancy dropping us off at the office so we could grab our cars. I did get undressed once we made it home, and then cuddled Connie the rest of the night. Even though we were brother and sister I missed her and cuddling her was my way to cope with life.

Too early the next morning my butt was swatted hard, Connie telling me that I needed a shower so we could get dressed to go shopping. I did my best to convince her that one of her dresses would be okay for dinner but she would have nothing to do with that line of reasoning. I tried to get her to come with me to the dinner, but she begged off when Mrs. Vanerhort had asked her to accompany me. She was having dinner with the sellers of the house she had just sold, to make sure that they still wanted to conclude the deal.

As I was dragged through several stores looking for the perfect dress that afternoon we talked about a lot of things but still nothing being divulged about Nancy’s plan for me. She did admit to concluding the sale, as long as the sellers went along with the proposed offer. That was one of the reasons for the dinner with them, to make sure they understood the offer and that they still wanted to sell.

At the fifth place we stopped and looked Connie found the perfect dress for me. I may never get used to this, a perfect dress for me, a male and brother to a beautiful sister. I had to try it on, then model it for Connie. The smile she sported said that this one was the perfect dress for me. Of course, I had to pay for it, seven hundred dollars of my hard earned money. With me carrying it in a garment bag we headed to the mall entrance and then to our car. Connie was driving so I laid the garment bag in the back seat, then sat next to her in the passenger seat. I wasn’t paying attention to where we were headed, but once Connie pulled up in front of her beauty salon I had a bad feeling for what might come next.

Before I could open my mouth I was told to get out, and tell the receptionist that Hannah was here for her appointment. I was to keep my thoughts to myself and put up with what they are going to do to you. Once they finish working their magic, you are to put on the new dress and then wait for me out front. She will pick me up there and take me directly to Mrs. Vanderhort’s house for dinner. I started to say something but her finger on my lips stopped any words emerging. I was hugged then kissed as she unlocked the car doors telling me to grab the garment bag and get inside.

I warily headed inside, telling the receptionist Hannah was here for her appointment just as I was instructed. I was taken to a private room, my garment bag hung to the side and the tech helping me to undress. I was helped onto a table and soon covered in a white cream. Twenty minutes later it was wiped off, my few remaining strands of hair that Connie had not shaved off yesterday now missing. Turned over and the back side treated the same way.

My hair washed and conditioned then set in curlers, the tech telling me that the setting lotion she used guaranteed to keep me curly and gorgeous for many months. I opened my mouth to protest this, but remembered what Connie had told me and shut it. Maybe I need to listen to what Connie had told me and see what happens in the long run. Eyebrows arched, ears pierced and makeup applied it was several hours later when they finished with me. Indeed I was finished, my looks so feminine, not a trace of masculinity showing anywhere.

Getting into the dress was another matter altogether. It seemed to fit much tighter than when I tried it on at the dress shop, conforming to my body like a second skin. I was sure that was due to the enhancements added to my body at the salon. Breasts and hips now womanly, both enhancements glued to my body securely.

Connie was on time as soon as I stepped out of the salon she pulled up in front of me. I parked my fanny in the passenger seat and she drove off. I tried to get her to reconsider, telling her that I could call Mrs. Vanderhort and make excuses for not coming to dinner. I had just completed the last plea to her when she pulled up in front of the ladies house. The chauffeur exited from the house to get my door for me, with him offering his hand to assist me in getting out of the car. Connie wished me luck then drove off, I am sure I heard her giggling as she pulled away. I was escorted into the house, then shown to the library where I was greeted by Mrs. Vanderhort. I was told to use her first name, the name Vanderhort now short lived due to the divorce. Her name is Cynthia, as she hugged me and held me close.

We sat on the love seat over in the corner of the room, as she explained about what has happened this evening. Her husband was served the divorce papers by her attorney a little while ago, offering him a quick way our of the marriage, at a substantial saving of money. He chose the easy way out, signing the uncontested divorce papers and signing the agreement giving her the house free and clear. Custody of the children would remain with her, with no visitation rights now or later. Since that is now handled I need a big favor from you.

I have purchased several businesses in recent years, using money left me from my parents estate. I need to see to their operation now. My income to live on coming from these businesses now. I do not want to leave the kids with someone I am not familiar with and trust. I want to hire you as my nanny, full time seven days a week. I have told Connie about this, suggesting that you two come to live in the new house. The third floor of the house will be all yours. With Connie’s new job and you as my nanny you will be able to save quite a bit of money. Since you will not have any housing expenses all of it could be put aside for your future. The difficult part might be that I insist you dress as a female, I do not want the kids exposed to any male influence, what little my husband has already done to them I hope will fade in time. Not all males are bad, but some of the things that the kids have picked up from him are deplorable.

Today you acted just like a mother, treating the kids as if they were your children, exactly what I am looking for. I do hope you will join me, please take time while we eat to think about it. Now dinner is ready so lets eat. I followed her to the dining room where there were two place settings and lots of wonderful smelling goodies to chose from.

I did think as we ate and chatted. I know Cynthia was puzzled when my remarks had nothing to do with what we were talking about now. She didn’t say anything about my befuddled conversation, just continued the chit chat we were having. After dinner we returned to the library, with me telling her that I would like to sleep on the decision, although I am leaning toward accepting her proposal. She had no problem with that, but wanted to have me help her with her offer to buy the house she had seen today.

I was shown to my room for the evening, Cynthia insisting I stay with her tonight. The bedroom was nice, a nightie laying on the bed, somehow I think she had planned on me staying the night before I even arrived. I did undress and slip on the nightie, the bed so comfortable I was soon dreaming of her children and their Mother.

The next morning I made several phone calls talking with the sellers telling them of the offer I had received on their house. By the end of the day I had a signed agreement on the house, ready to be scrutinized by their lawyers.

Later that evening I was taken back home by her chauffeur, lunch and dinner having been furnished by Cynthia. Before leaving her house I did tell Cynthia that I would take the job as her nanny, providing Connie has not got something else planned for me.

Back at home Connie was already asleep in her bed. I got ready for bed, donning the nightie that she had laid out for me on my bed. Everywhere I end up there seems to be a nightie waiting for me. Once in the nightie, slipped into her bed, snuggling up to her and soon was sound asleep cuddling her in my arms.

Talking with Connie once we were both up and had our coffee the next morning, she told me that if I didn’t accept she would personally see to that I did. Incidentally you are no longer an employee of the real estate company, that goes for both companies. I fired you last night before I came home. You will find paperwork laying on the desk in the den to back up that statement.

I presume I made the right decision in taking the job with Cynthia. Otherwise, I would be unemployed now. Connie decided I needed a wardrobe to go with the new job, so we spent the rest of the day and way too much money in obtaining one for me. Not a single item that resembled a pair of pants was purchased, dresses and skirts only, feminine in style and color. Back to the salon for the finishing touches, now my body was as females as Connie’s. The next day her chauffeur came to pick me up, my clothing and personal items included. Connie would move in later in the week so she could go through her things to pick what was to be taken and what was to be sent to a thrift shop.

When I arrived at Cynthia’s I was attacked by her two kids, the young boy wanting to be held by me. Meanwhile, Cynthia was out the door heading to one of her businesses. The girl had my hand in a death grip, not relenting in the least. They stayed with me as I unpacked my things in my new bedroom, then we went down to the kitchen to see what I could fix for dinner. I found a note that we would all go out to dinner later as soon as Cynthia could make it. I vetoed that thought, the kids and I making dinner to eat here. They were a lot of help, well they did want to help, but James was more interested in being held and hugged. When Cynthia arrived she saw the dining room set and smiled. The kids ran to her telling her about how they helped me make dinner than showed her to her place at the table. I kept James near me, his skills with a fork and spoon still needing some practice. After dinner I took the kids to their bedroom and got them baths and dressed for bed. Cynthia looked in often, a huge smile on her face most of the time. After the kids got hugs and kisses from each of us, I turned off the lights and Cynthia dragged me back downstairs.

I got a huge hug from Cynthia, the hug lasting for quite some time. She was thrilled at how I handled things today, glad she had made the decision to hire me as a nanny. I was asked if my accommodations were adequate, she would correct the situation if needed. I was given credit cards to use for things I needed for the house and kids, the chauffeur now exclusively mine to use. My first weeks pay was handed to me in cash, a whopping fifteen hundred dollars. I protested the amount but was told to shut up.

I heard James whimper from upstairs and quickly left to see what was wrong. He was sitting up in bed, tears running down his cheeks. As soon as he saw me he flew into my arms, problem solved A few moments later Donna snuck into the room, cuddling James and I as close as she could manage. I laid there holding them tightly until they were both asleep, then got them tucked in. As I went out into the hall Cynthia was standing there a huge smile on her face. I got another hug from her then she took me to my room and helped me get into bed. A kiss on the forehead and she turned out the light.

She was already gone the next morning, the kids watching cartoons in their bedroom. I gathered them up, made them some breakfast then sent them out into the back yard for some exercise. While I was keeping an eye on them I planned out what we could do for the rest of the day. I thought about a trip to the zoo, something different and maybe a little educational.

Each day was spent in a similar manner, trips to different places two to three times a week. The beach, a large playground owned by the city just a few of the places we visited. The kids and I grew closer, I was already apprehensive when they will start school, I know I will be lost without them.

Cynthia to the rescue, hiring a full time teacher to come and give them their lessons each week day. Donna at kindergarten age, James just not wanting to be left out. The teacher included him in her lessons, even though he would not be able to retain much of the material.

The house deal did go through, with Connie able to sell her old house for her. It took three weeks before Connie was able to go through all of her things and make the move to Cynthia’s. That is Cynthia’s new house, a moving company used to get all of Cynthia’s things to the new house. During the move my job was to keep track of the kids and their things, hectic but I was able to accomplish it with ease.

I was desperate for cuddle time, that first night she was here I had a death grip on her, not letting her out of my sight. Even though we had separate rooms on the third floor I was having nothing to do with that arrangement, whatever bed Connie was in, that is where you will find me.

I do enjoy the responsibilities, cooking for everyone, caring for the kids and keeping up the house. I do have a maid come in once a week to handle a few things, it wasn’t that I couldn’t perform the tasks, but it would cut into my time with the kids.

Can’t have that.

I ended up in the perfect job for me, some luck involved but the end result so satisfying. Female, nanny, and housewife.

© 2016 thru 2024 by Francesca

Tess; Focus On The Nails

Tess; Focus On The Nails

I was staying with my Aunt over the summer since my parents were off in Europe somewhere. I was included in their plans initially, but I begged off since touring museums and landmarks was not really my thing. Aunt Reba lived not too far from our home, that meant I could still take a couple of courses at the local junior college during the summer. I was trying to get all of my prerequisite courses handled, thus allowing me more time to devote to the courses I knew I would have more trouble with.

At the moment I saw myself being a business owner, hoping to find a niche market somewhere that I could exploit. In fact Reba, my aunt. was my inspiration since she had started her own internet business a few years ago and was doing quite well. She had stressed that I needed a well rounded education, since she had had to fall back on her schooling quite often as she struggled to get her business producing a profit. I knew I would have the most problem with anything in the math category, since me and math did not get along at all.

I had signed up for my classes I wanted and had a week to go before the classes actually started. My Aunt was trying to show me a few things on her website that afternoon, as she walked me through how to process an order. I had way too many questions, as she giggled often on some of the things I asked her about. Finally in desperation she suggested that I take a couple of her orders and process them as I saw fit. If I managed to get them handled in a satisfactory manner, she will let me help her the rest of the summer. If I fouled things up or made the customer upset I would have to apologize to the customer and refund their purchase, while still shipping their order to them.

Three foul-ups without learning the proper way to do things and she gets to dole out a penance for me, one that will help me focus on the proper way to handle a customer. I agreed way too fast, my youthful enthusiasm ready to conquer the world, her business just the first step in that regard.

My Aunt sells beauty products, mainly cosmetics and nail polish. The brands she carries are not the usual you find locally, all premium brands from out of the country. The prices reflect this but once her customers try the product they keep coming back.

I selected my first order to process that afternoon, gathered up the items the customer ordered and prepared the order to ship. I did remember to send the order confirmation but I had already sent an email stating that the order had shipped, so although it was handled, just not in the proper order. I did get an email back from the customer wanting to know if the computer had fouled up or was it an employee problem. I debated replying to her email and admitting guilt, but still was unsure so I did nothing.

The second order I tried to handle had more problems that needed to be solved. The color of nail polish she had ordered was not available at the moment, so I picked the next closest color and packed it in the shipping carton. The same for a moisturizer cream from France. In this case I picked a replacement, the price more than the original one ordered but from a different manufacturer. Sent the proper emails, but not anything about the changes that I had made to the order. Then the email saying it was shipped. In this case the order was to be sent next day air, so the customer would get it tomorrow.

I did two more orders that afternoon, everything was in stock and I remembered to send the appropriate emails in the proper order. The next morning when I came to her offices to help with the orders, she handed me an email complaining about the substitutions that I had made and asking for a total refund on her order. I debated on what to do but decided to call the customer, apologizing for my actions, telling her to keep all of the merchandise and as soon as the items she wanted returned to stock I would send her the items free of charge. In the mean time I would refund her entire purchase price immediately. This apparently appeased her, so I had not loss my Aunt a customer. My Aunt never said a word to me about my foul-ups although I am sure she was aware of both.

I did manage to get through the rest of the day without incident. Still unsure of remembering the proper way to handle things, maybe more a matter of luck than a knowledge of what to do. Then we come to my disastrous day. I had to answer the phone that morning since my Aunt was on the other line. The customer was upset because an item she had used in the past is no longer available. I made sure to look it up to make sure it is not available then suggested that the customer find another item to substitute. I was probably a little to sharp with her, telling her it is not my fault if the item is no longer made. Well that was not what she wanted to hear and hung up on me.

I knew when we had another phone call a few minutes later it was the same lady wanting to talk to the owner. I stayed to the side as my Aunt talked to her for over thirty minutes. My Aunt suggested some things to replace the item, then told the lady she used them herself and was quite pleased. It was a couple of hours later when things calmed down enough for my Aunt to mention the phone call and how she had handled it. I could not look at her, I knew she was right, but at the time this was the only way I thought of handling the problem.

Not surprisingly I was told I have an appointment in the morning at her beauty salon for my penance, so plan on attending and accepting your fate. I helped around the place for the rest of the afternoon, straightening and sweeping up, but did not touch any more orders. I wonder what is in store for me tomorrow, somehow I couldn’t see how a beauty salon would have anything to do with my penance for not paying attention. I now realize that my problem was not paying attention. I remembered my Aunt talking about most of this when she was going over things, but I just assumed that I knew better and acted without thinking.

The salon was only a few blocks away, so I could walk there after I got dressed and ready for work. I did manage to get to the salon for my nine A.M. appointment and was taken to a room at the back of the salon. Jennifer would be my technician today, and she told me I would be here for about two hours. She left to get her things and returned setting a large tray on the table between us. My right hand was placed in a bowl of water, that probably had something added to it, since it was slightly oily. Seeing the nail polish on the tray, I now knew what I would be receiving as my penance. She dug some pieces of nails out of a container on her tray, matching each to one of my fingers. Then I remembered my Mom getting extensions on her nails before her trip to Europe, apparently I was going to share in that fate.

I was mesmerized as Jennifer worked on my nails, first removing the cuticle, then filing the nail into a neat oval. I had let my nails grow recently, now each nail a quarter of an inch past my fingertip. Jennifer said that was good, more nail for the adhesive to attach to, guaranteeing a longer lasting nail extension. I am not sure that was the effect I had desired when I let my nails grow out. The extensions changed the look of my nails from plain to exotic. The length of the extensions made my fingers look more feminine as they now seemed to be thinner and delicate. The extension now extending my nails three quarters of an inch past my finger tip. Numerous coats of nail polish were applied, including a base coat, three coats of color and a sealer to protect the nail polish and add extra shine to the nails.

I wondered about how I was going to handle having long exotic nails, since I seldom left my Aunt’s place I should receive very little attention or ridicule. Jennifer made sure I knew all about my nails. They were almost indestructible, the color set under the sealer so that another visit to the salon would be necessary to remove the color. The nails couldn’t be cut by any scissors or clippers so I needn’t worry about them getting damaged.

She suggested that I let out my ponytail giving me a more androgynous look. She was doing so as she made the suggestion. The scrunchie I had used to make the ponytail now placed on my wrist. I doubted with the long nails I would be able to get it back into a ponytail. I think most of this was due to my Aunt’s intervention, so I kept quiet.

The bill had already been paid so I left the salon and made my way back to the house. Well the trip back was nothing like the trip to the salon, as I had all kinds of interest in me and especially my hands. It seemed they were coming out of everywhere as I tried to make my way home. One young man that was walking into town stopped, complimenting me on my nails wanting to know my name and if I was new around here. I ignored him and kept going hoping he would leave me alone. As I walked on he yelled his name was Brent and he hoped to see me again soon.

When I got to my Aunt’s she met me on the porch, handed me twenty dollars and asked me to walk down to the burger barn and get us some fries and burgers for lunch. I was kind of hungry so I started that way until I figured out what she was doing. Away from the house, with attention getting nails I was sure to be talked to and chatted up. I managed to make it to the burger barn, but once inside their lobby I was chatted up four times, each male wanting to know if I was new around here and if I had a name. Up at the cashier the gal expressed her love for my nails wanting to know where I had them done at and how much they cost. Never once was I perceived as anything but a female.

When my Aunt had given me the money for the food I just kept it in the palm of my hand. Once I had paid for the burgers I had a handful of change and two bags of food to carry, so I tried to get the change into my jeans pocket. Easier said then done, as some of the change dropped out of my hand as I tried to get it into my pocket, the nails making life very difficult. Of course, I now had male help, both guys trying to help me pick up the change. I tried to pick up the coins myself, but the nails prevented that action. Then I had the guys handing me the coins, their touch of my hands as they gave me the coins, lingering more than I would have liked.

I thanked them for their help and made a quick exit, having to step around the corner of the building to lose them since they both came out into the parking lot to see where I had gone. All of this because of these damn nails. I walked back home as fast as my feet would carry me, wanting to escape all the attention I was receiving. So as I approach my Aunt’s home who do I see sitting on the front porch, yep there she was a bigger smirk not possible on her face. Her first words did you have any trouble dear. I shot her a nasty look, but my hunger won out, so I carried the food to the kitchen and laid it out on her serving counter.

After we had eaten I did accuse her of being so wicked, knowing full well how the nails are going to affect me, both now and into the future. A huge smile appeared on her face, but I doubt you will forget or ignore me when I am trying to teach you something. I started to ask how long the nails had to be on my fingers, but I already knew the answer so I swallowed and ignored the thought.

Classes started a few days later, and yes I attended them with the long nails, although I did find some more androgynous looking clothes to wear and kept my hair loose on my back and shoulders. I also had quite a bit of male attention for the first week or two. Eventually they left me somewhat alone figuring I was a lezzy since I showed no interest in them.

My Aunt didn’t say much about my clothes or what I was doing but when I started borrowing some of her sample cosmetics and showed up for meals with lipstick or mascara on she asked if I was joining the winning side. I had to think for a minute or two as to what she was asking, but instead of answering her I just smiled and walked off my butt wiggling due to my new high heels that I bought just yesterday.

I did pay attention and was now helping her with her orders when I was not in class. I got paid for the effort, all of that money going for new clothes for me. Several weeks later I packed up all of my male clothes, calling Goodwill to come and pick them up. I also had a better idea of what type of business I wanted to start, even doing the preliminary research on sources for the product and selling prices.

I managed to get my student ID changed, the name Tess the name I wanted to use. No need for a driver’s license yet, since any place I might have to visit or buy from was within walking distance or a short bus ride. It was nearing the end of summer and the supposed arrival of my parents back from Europe. I had talked to Mom a couple of times by phone but nothing was discussed about their plans once back home.

On the last day of summer term my Aunt cornered me and wanted to know what I was going to do next. I looked at her not understanding what she was asking, I presumed with my parents back home I will be living with them providing they can accept me as a daughter. She asked if I had done all my research and was ready to start my business. I stared at her, I had not told her anything about what I was planning wondering how she found out and how much she knows.

“Don’t look so surprised, I have my ways, so answer my question.”

“Yes as soon as I can come up with the money I am ready to stick my foot in the water.”

“They say it is always wise to pay your fortune forward, so I am loaning you the money to start your business. One big stipulation though, the money is for Tess and she has to maintain her long elegant nails for the entire time she is developing her business. No excuses allowed.

Incidentally your Mother can’t wait to meet her daughter, the pictures I have sent her only making her more anxious to meet you. Now here is a check for what you need, and I will take you to the bank to open a business account. Fix your lipstick and lets go. You have lots of work to do.

Just remember to keep your focus on the nails, they got you this far I am sure they will help you the rest of the way. I am pleased at what you have accomplished and learned. Now give me a hug we have things to do and places to go.

© 2016 thru 2024 by Francesca

Fawn; A Sexy, Flirtatious, Cocktail Waitress

Fawn; A Sexy, Flirtatious, Cocktail Waitress

It was sheer bedlam in the casino, some group had booked the whole casino and hotel for seven days straight, we are talking major money here. No info on the group was shared down at our level yet, but it was rumored they were major high rollers. The problem was quite a few employees were on vacation, something the casino allowed, in fact encouraged, right after the Christmas holiday. So the powers to be were down interviewing everybody to see who could work extra shifts to fill in the gaps.

I was an assistant supervisor of the waiters and waitresses, having served here the longest and being the most experienced of the group. In fact, I started as a waiter at the casino many years ago. My boss was doing the interviews, making sure anyone that had any free time was scheduled somewhere. Towards the end of the day we met to plan out a schedule to see how many positions we still had vacant. Three hours later we had a tentative plan, based on the fact of everybody showing up at the scheduled time.

Several maids got shifted to waitress duties, especially for the times the buffets would be offered. Some of the more experienced waitresses were chosen to be cocktail waitresses, just not in the main gaming areas where most of the special guests were expected to be.

We were still short in the main gaming areas, a situation that we could not allow. The cocktail waitress in this area often did more than just serve drinks. She consoled the losers, and hung on the arms of the winners encouraging them to play a little more, giving the casino time to win back what it had lost. Kind of a social butterfly, flitting from one guest to the other to keep everyone happy and content.

Their job was to do everything possible to keep the customer playing the games of chance, those duties ranged from giving a massage to the shoulders and neck of a guest to a kiss for luck or to soothe a substantial loss. The position required a keen sense of who to help and where they could be of the most benefit. To be skilled in flirting a prime prerequisite of the position.

If the casino guest was female a waiter would be called upon to perform the same tasks, but in those cases it was usually the female guest that noticed a certain waiter and motioned them over. Where as with the male guests any attractive cocktail waitress would usually suffice. When I say attractive I am implying gals that would be an eleven on a scale of ten in normal society. Heavy in the breast area, nice rounded hips and long hair either loose and framing the face or piled high up on their heads in curls.

One of our best cocktail waitress examples is Vicky, a blonde with hair to her waist, a 42/32/40 figure with killer breasts. She always sported long polished nails with nail art while her makeup was sultry and sexy all the time. With the standard cocktail waitress costume and the six inch heels there isn’t any male that could resist a look of lust at what she represented. The rest of the girls were similar, at least a high ten if you had to rate them. Blondes the preferred hair color of most of them. It was a much sought after job by the gals, the tips they received often exceeding their wages most shifts.

Unfortunately for us Vicky was one of the ones on vacation, in Yucatan of all places. Cynthia was the next most experienced, but being a brunette, not the most popular of the cocktail waitresses with the guests. I did find out that Cynthia was scheduled to become a blonde, a sacrifice she was making for the good of the casino. Everybody seemed to be cooperating, realizing what a golden opportunity this was for themselves and the casino.

Mary my boss kept me after the meeting broke up, wanting to discuss some things with me. I stayed but deep down in my inner being there were alarms going off. She had me get a couple of soft drinks from her refrigerator over in the corner of her office and we got comfortable on her sofa.

She started the conversation mentioning the booking of the rooms alone was worth a third of a million dollars in revenue. One of the principal guests was listed on the official Las Vegas high roller list, an estimate of his gambling losses and wins totaling almost a million dollars a year. He owned several major shipping companies, both sea and trucking and depending on who estimated his total worth a billionaire at worse.

Several others in his immediate party also in that Fortune 100 grouping. The group as a whole was organized by one of his buddies, a week of luxury, shows and lots of gambling. There was so many people interested in joining the group they ended up turning down some, the hotel not having any more rooms available. Since the hotel had a little over three hundred rooms, a major feat. Of course, all members of the elusive group were of the male sex, for some reason the male of the species more likely to gamble than the female.

Mary asked how far my loyalty to the casino extended. I smiled and told her that I looked at my job as a career, not wanting to go somewhere else for more money or a better lifestyle. She had a proposition for me. One that would insure my future with the casino.

She slid over a picture of a female, very similar in looks to Vicky and asked if I recognized the female. I picked up the picture and knew immediately I was in deep do do. They had taken one of my pictures and photo shopped it, the male image changed to that of a female. Hair color now blonde, makeup and long hair flowing over my shoulders along with significant breasts.

The only way that I recognized it as a picture of me is the birthmark right below my right ear. This particular picture had the hair swept to one side allowing my ear and my tell tale birthmark to show. Most of the time I keep it covered up with some makeup, but whoever did the alterations to the photo missed it. I tried to play dumb, I am sure I will get roped into this somehow, but I was not going to make it easy for Mary. Hey she is my boss and the smart one so let her earn her wages.

“I see you have found a new girl, does she have any experience at all or is she still green behind the ears.” Mary smiled. Now that we have that handled, I need you in female mode and in heels so that by the time you are needed you will be just the sexiest cocktail waitress supervisor we have ever had. I looked at her, wait a minute you haven’t even asked if I will do it, this is obvious harassment. She just smiled, if you are going to play games with me than I will assume you are on board, just wanting to wind me up.

You have an appointment in the salon in precisely fifteen minutes, so be on time. That is the Turnabout Gurl salon in the west annex, I am sure you can find it. Then after your transformation you are in female mode till the guests leave ten days from now. Everything is paid for so all you have to do is show up. You can thank me later, if you excel in your new position I might even be persuaded to leave you as a cocktail waitress, with your new looks I am sure you will clean up financially, maybe even give Vicky a challenge as sexiest cocktail waitress.

Oh, I forgot to mention you are now known as Fawn, a buxom transfer from our casino on the east coast. Give me a hug, your future awaits. As I stood up I was in a daze, Mary had somehow turned this all around on me presuming I had agreed to this idiotic scenario and was just winding her up. She had half of it right, but got carried away with the other half. I did get the hug and she assisted me to the door, well shoved me out the door to be more precise, pointing me in the direction of the west annex.

I stumbled along in that general direction, not realizing until I was standing in front of the salon that I had made it to my salon appointment. Still on autopilot I walked in and gave them my name, a puzzled look from the receptionist then I remembered that I was now to be called Fawn. Well that was the magic word as several of their stylists came forward, helping me back to a treatment room. Before I could figure out what to do or ask about I was naked and permission slips were slid in front of me to sign.

I have no idea why I signed them, my mind was still back at Mary’s office and her telling me that I needed to convert to the female sex and become a cocktail waitress. I presume any logical thoughts were impossible so I signed and was soon up on a table being stripped of any body hair. From there things seem to escalate, ears pierced, with my nails now extended and polished.

Then an intimidating machine was wheeled in and large cups were glued on my chest right above my nipples. Hoses hooked up to the cups and the pump turned on pulling any excess flesh into the cups, the start of my soon to be breasts. From the size of the cups I will be giving Vicky some serious competition in the breast department.

With the pump on the machine humming away my chair was leaned back and my hair was worked on. First task seemed to be coloring my hair, as a paste was spread over my roots, then worked into the rest of the hair. While the coloring was processing several bundles of long blonde hair were brought in and hung on a small table next to my chair. From the light blonde color of the extensions I will definitely be classified as a blonde, even maybe a little ditzy since blondes of that lighter color tend to be at a disadvantage IQ wise.

Since I am sitting in the salon allowing them to convert me to the female sex, I might have to agree with the low IQ premise associated with that hair color. To think I had allowed myself to get roped into this when my hair was brunette in color. My IQ must be pretty low initially, now being turned into a blonde I am sure it will fail to register anything on the IQ scale now.

Once the hair coloring was finished and my hair again dry they started adding in the extensions. I had stupidly let my hair grow the last year, its length now to my shoulder blades, frequently worn in a low ponytail when working. Now with the extensions there would be little doubt of my gender, since very few males had hair below their shoulder blades. From what some of the other waitresses had said extensions tied in like they were doing to my hair were almost permanent until the hair they were tied to fell out naturally. Maybe Mary was serious about me staying as a cocktail waitress after this current scenario plays out.

It took them five hours to get all the extensions tied in to my hair, a look at the image reflecting in the mirror in front of me was surreal. It seemed like my hair was twice as big as before, the volume of it much more than I had previously possessed. Then we have the length, the tips of my extensions coming down to my waist.

Other than how I look now with the extensions I knew taking care of this new hair would be quite a feat, in my case I can see myself in the salon quite often. A better way to deal with my new mass of intimidating hair.

With the breast machine still sucking my soon to be breasts from my chest, they started applying makeup to my face. The tech explaining it was semi-permanent lasting for up to six months, with only a touch up needed to keep the color fresh and kissable. Not sure that is what I wanted to hear. It is sounding more and more like this masquerade was going to be for the long term, not just for the present group of high rollers. I need to confront Mary on this and find out why I am being prepared for the job like it was to be my long term career with the casino.

Stopping and thinking about all of this I might have waited too long already, breasts, hair, makeup and no telling what else already making me appear as a member of the female sex. A member that can’t just take everything off and return to the male gender that easily.

After the makeup was finished it was another hour before the breast machine was finished with its task. As the cups were unhooked from the machine they quivered some, acting just like real breasts would. I closed my eyes, hoping that when I opened them again things would be like they were before, but the hair laying on my back and shoulders, the taste of the lipstick on my lips and the quivering masses on my chest were sure to keep that from happening. The mirror that had been covered in front of me, now reflected my new image. An image of the new cocktail waitress working for the casino, Fawn is now amazingly real.

They were not through with me body wise, the proper feminine look was administered to my groin, my male member glued back between my legs and covered with a most realistic female looking appliance. It was explained to me that I needed to sit to pee now, just like a female, and of course apply the proper sanitary items when it was my time of the month.

That last statement got one of my you have got to be kidding looks, but the tech performing the procedure simply handed me a tampon and showed me how to use it. It felt more than a little weird as it slid inside of me, but the hardest part was getting used to seeing a string hanging from my new slit, a definite indication of the new body I now occupied.

Some clothes were next, brief and sexy as befitting a cocktail waitress. I swear that most of my body was on display, the cute cropped tee and the barely visible short shorts the only clothes I was allowed other than a pair of sky high heels. It was as I was heading up to the front of the salon I realized I was not given panties or a bra. Still in a daze I made it up to the front of the salon, to only come face to face with Mary, her megawatt smile from ear to ear. I was dragged from the salon, then down to the casino, our apparent destination.

I received a short review in flirting, then Mary and I wandered the floor, making our presence known and interacting with a lot of the customers trying their luck at the tables. We were not employees of the casino tonight, just two friendly ladies out for some fun and maybe meet up with someone special. That thought kept entering my mind as I flirted and kissed some of my admirers. Was I doing this for real? Surely what little common sense I might have possessed had left me some time ago.

Several hours later Mary suggested that we take a break, I agreed immediately, my feet sorely in need of some rest. Mary treated me to a nice meal in one of our better restaurants, my stomach and feet most appreciative for the nourishment and being able to sit down for awhile.

Then the next revelation, I will be staying in one of the casino’s apartments so that I can maintain the role, leaving no chance to escape to my own apartment and my former male existence. As if that would change anything.

The casino had purchased an apartment building nearby a few years ago, allowing the female employees a place to stay close to work and at a reduced rental. Quite a few of the cocktail waitresses took advantage of the offer, since the more time they worked the floor, the more money they made in tips. Living close to work allowed them to spend a few more hours at work, eliminating the daily commute.

Mary had seen to my accommodation, taking away any chance I might have had to slip back into my previous male existence. Of course the breasts, and my lack of anything resembling a male penis had pretty much accomplished that already.

She went with me to see my new apartment, I am sure she just wanted to be sure I was settled in before she left for home. She did gather up my keys for my old apartment and my ID, credit cards and cash before she left. I was told I could eat at any of their restaurants and buy whatever else I needed at one of their boutiques just by signing my name. I quickly thought of how thorough she was, the boutiques at the casino only offered clothes for the female. Of course, any beauty needs would be handled at the salon.

She made sure I was not mad at her for all she had done, then I got a passionate kiss and she left, making sure I knew my first shift started at one in the afternoon. Since it was now two in the morning, that did not leave much time for sleep. I really could not be mad at her, she has been a great boss and we have become quite good friends, maybe a little more than that judging by the kiss I received as she left. That kiss definitely left me in a quandary.

I tried out the bed, it was pure heaven, making me not want to get out of bed to get undressed. I did manage to shed my clothes, then peeked into my closet. I saw only the uniforms for our cocktail waitresses in our standard array of colors. At the bottom of the closet, way too many pairs of heels, none with a heel height less than four inches. The six inch heels were the majority though, a requirement for a cocktail waitress. No other dresses, skirts, or blouses hung on the closet rod, not even a single pair of pants. In the dresser I found a nightie, although it felt better to have it on than naked, there was not much difference.

A note hanging on the bathroom mirror reminded me to use a moisturizer cream all over my body before I went to sleep, and a special moisturizer in the gold bottle on my face. What they had told me about my makeup was true, the cream did moisturize my skin but not one fleck of makeup was removed from my skin. That being completed I sunk back into the bed and was soon sound asleep.

The alarm was persistent, although I do not remember setting it before I crawled into bed. The breasts did cause a change in my sleep configuration, my old way of sleeping on my stomach no longer feasible, much less comfortable. I slid out of bed, staggering to the bathroom, my nipples getting rock hard in the process since it was cool in the room. I used the facilities, flushed, then stood in front of the bathroom mirror and stared at the image before me.

I decided to skip any shower this morning, my mind probably not able to handle soaping up my breasts or vagina, gawd even thinking about it made me sprout a million goose pimples.

I shed the nightie, then dressed in the uniform of my new job, trying my best to get the uniform to cover more than it was doing. The stockings were probably the worst, as they slid up my legs I could swear I was becoming wet down there. The bra was a joke, two small patches of fabric and three pieces of lacy elastic was all there was to it. The rest of the uniform was a gauze/lace concoction that covered up just enough to keep us from being classified as strippers, but left absolutely nothing from being seen. Even though I was dressed my nipples were standing out a mile, and hard, so hard I could feel them ache to be touched.

I debated grabbing something to eat, but decided against it, my nerves already on edge, I didn’t need a queasy stomach on top of everything else. The salon was next on my schedule, way too much hair to deal with and not the slightest idea of what to do with it. I did manage to get a brush through it, so I didn’t look like death warmed over as I made my way to the salon.

The gals at the salon were waiting for me, huge smiles greeted me as I entered the salon. My hair was handled promptly and they made a few adjustments to my clothes, then glossed up the appropriate areas of my makeup. New earrings this afternoon, a bracelet that kept sliding up and down my wrist, and a necklace that settled comfortably in the cleavage of my uniform. As I made my way up front to check out who did I find waiting for me?

Yep, Mary was all smiles as she grabbed my hand and we made our way to the casino. Incidentally she was dressed as a cocktail waitress too, doing her part to fill in. She informed me that a few of the honored guests had showed up early, so we had our work cut out for us. As we entered the main casino, there seemed to be wall to wall people. I glanced at Mary, she just smirked then stepped up to a couple of the gamblers playing twenty-one.

So I guess my new job has already started. I found another table of enthused gamblers playing poker and squeezed in between a couple of them. When one of them looked up at me I leaned over and gave him a kiss on the cheek, then a shoulder rub. He grabbed me when I kissed his cheek, but I twisted loose pointing to his cards, and he resumed his interest in the game. I did pretty well for the first hour, then realized I had become pretty popular. Several of the gamblers that I had flirted with were calling my name wanting me to join them again, since when I was around they seemed to be winning.

I did get grabbed often, with a few drinks in them they wanted more than just a shoulder massage or a peck on the cheek. I did experience several passionate kisses, tongue included and had more than my fair share of breast fondling. I tried to minimize the contact and passionate kisses, but couldn’t just slap them and walk away. So a lot of twisting and turning, then my finger waving about telling them no no. Five hours later the second shift of waitresses came in and we got a break for awhile.

This time I was the one to grab a hold of Mary and drag her to one of the restaurants. As we entered we were led to one of their banquet rooms where they had set up a buffet, for the employees. I did grab something to eat, mostly food that might replace some of the energy I had expelled earlier. I did watch what I drank, knowing that the more I drank the more I would be making visits to the little girls room.

I nibbled on my food, Mary sitting across from me watching me carefully. I had lots of questions for her, but not sure where to start. After several minutes of silence she decided to take the lead, explaining what she had planned with regards to me.

Let’s face it you turned out much better than I expected. Vickie has lost her title of sexiest cocktail waitress, that honor solely yours. The way you handled yourself the last few hours just proves that you were wasted in your old job. As far as the casino and myself is concerned you will be a cocktail waitress from now on.

I will see to the disposal of your old apartment, you can stay at your company apartment rent free as long as you work here. Now to add to all these revelations after the high rollers leave I am being promoted to head of personnel for the entire company, this leaves my current job vacant. I have already turned in the paperwork for you to replace me at this casino. You can still work your shifts as a cocktail waitress, then in your spare time handle any personnel problems as needed.

I don’t want you swayed by any sweet talking high rollers, as they try and seduce you or drag you away from us. I have purchased a chastity belt especially for you and placed it in your room. I will be by later to help you into it, and to make sure it fits you properly. I intend to keep the key, since I have a personal interest in preserving your virginity.

Other than when I am on the other coast I have the adjoining room to yours, so I will be able to make sure you remember who loves you and who will see to your sexual needs. No need to thank me, but I would like to exercise my stake in you, so close your eyes and pucker up.

I felt her lips on mine and her tongue entering my mouth. Her hands were playing with my nipples and I quickly started moaning as her body pressed up against mine. The fondling lasted forever, when she finally backed away I was out of breath and panting.

The chastity belt fit way too snugly, it taking Mary almost an hour to get me into it properly. When the lock clicked I swallowed hard, but soon was moaning as her lips attacked mine and my nipples became rock hard. After I was assaulted for the second time today, we lay on my bed holding each other tightly.

I thought of what I had become, happy to be a sexy flirtatious cocktail waitress now. A life so special and diverse and a lover who simply adores me.

© 2016 thru 2024 by Francesca

My head hurt, my eyes felt they were hanging out in the air and my mouth felt like it was stuffed with cotton. I blinked several times, the ...